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Major: English of Tourism

: K23.702


: 2017 – 2021

Da Nang, December, 2021.

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


After going through six weeks of internship, although the time is not too long,
but thanks to the enthusiastic help of the brothers and sisters in the travel joint stock
company Fiditour Da Nang branch, I have completed the actual report. internship
and graduation project smoothly. Although Da Nang is being affected by the Covid19 epidemic, the brothers and sisters in the company also tried their best to create
conditions for me to practice in the sales tour department, and I have learned a lot of
experience. valuable experience and lessons in this internship. This is a very
valuable experience for a final year student like me.
I myself feel very fortunate to have received so much help from people, to
whom I would like to express my gratitude:
First of all, I would like to thank all the teachers at Duy Tan University who
wholeheartedly taught me and all the students. Especially, Ms. Mai Lan Thi has
wholeheartedly helped me during this graduation. And hereafter I would like to
thank the Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company, all members of the company for
their help and always creating comfortable conditions for me to learn, exchange
experiences and knowledge.
Last but not least, I would like to express my immense gratitude to my family,
especially my parents, for their support, encouragement and motivation when I
write this report.
Wishing you all good health and success!

Le Thi My Hoa

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


I here by declare that I am the sole author of this diploma project and I have
not used any sources other than those listed in the bibliography and I clarified as
reference. I further declare that I have not submitted this graduation paper at any
other in situation in order to obtain a degree.

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


Tourism is considered a spearhead industry of Vietnam's economy. Studying
marketing activities at the company will have a deeper look at the actual
implementation of activities in a Vietnamese travel agency from which lessons can
be drawn for other businesses. Due to the long-term impact of the Covid-19

epidemic on Vietnam's economic activities, and especially the tourism industry is
suffering the heaviest losses, after working at Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company,
Da Nang branch From the thoughts and knowledge gained in the process of
studying and actually working in the travel business of the company, I chose the
topic " An Investigation Into The Real Situation And Some Solutions For Improving
Marketing Activities At Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company ". Marketing activities
at Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company, Da Nang branch as the thesis of the
graduation project.

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


Figure 1: The Organizational Structure of Fiditor Company Danang Brand..........21
Figure 2: Sales Tour Department Chart..................................................................21
Figure 3: Organized marketing department............................................................25
Figure 4: Direct distribution channel map..............................................................27

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


Table 1: Package price of a tour program of Fiditour Travel..................................26
Table 2: Revenue growth(Calculation Unit: Million dong)......................................29
Table 3: Sample of customer classification survey...................................................32
Table 4: Total arrivals of FDT from 2018-2020.......................................................33
Table 5: Central Vietnam tours................................................................................38
Chart 1: Business results from 2018-2020...............................................................29

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

FDT: Fiditour Travel

VND: Vietnam Dong

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP.....................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................v
LIST OF ABBREVIATION...............................................................................................vi
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1



Aims and Objects......................................................................................................2


Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................2


Method of the study..................................................................................................2

1.5.Organization of the Study.............................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...........................................................4
2.1. Travel business trade and travel business...................................................................4
2.1.1. Definition of travel trade and travel business..........................................................4 Definition of travel trade...........................................................................................4 Definition of a travel business...................................................................................5
2.1.2. Tourism product definition and classification.........................................................5 Tour program and package tour program.................................................................6 Intermediary service..................................................................................................7 General travel business activities.............................................................................7
2.2. Marketing theory..........................................................................................................8
2.2.1. Marketing and tourism marketing definitions........................................................8 Definitions of marketing............................................................................................8 Definitions of Tourism Marketing.............................................................................8
2.2.2. Basic role and function of marketing.....................................................................10 The role of Marketing in business...........................................................................10 The basic function of marketing..............................................................................11
2.2.3 Marketing activities in the travel business..............................................................13 Products....................................................................................................................13 Price.........................................................................................................................13 Place.........................................................................................................................14 Promotion................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 3: CASE DESCRIPTION.............................................................................16

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

3.1. General Information about Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company........................16


3.1.2. The Organizational Structure of Fiditor Company Danang Brand....................21
Figure 1: The Organizational Structure of Fiditor Company Danang Brand.................21
3.1.3. Sales Tour Department Chart.................................................................................21
Figure 2: Sales Tour Department Chart.............................................................................21
3.1.4. Duties of Departments.............................................................................................22
3.1.5. Introducing the marketing department.................................................................23
Figure 3: Organized marketing department......................................................................25
3.2. The Real Situation of Fiditour Travel in recent years.............................................25
3.2.1. Product......................................................................................................................25
3.2.2. Price...........................................................................................................................26
Table 1: Package price of a tour program of Fiditour Travel...........................................26
3.2.3. Place...........................................................................................................................26
Figure 4: Direct distribution channel map........................................................................27

CHAPTER 4. ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION.............................................................29
4.1. Analysis business situation of Fiditour Travel from 2018 to 2020..........................29
Table 2: Revenue growth(Calculation Unit: Million dong)..............................................29
Chart 1: Business results from 2018-2020.........................................................................29
4.2. Actual situation of sales at Fiditour Travel Company Da Nang branch................30
4.2.1. Actual identification of the source of customers....................................................30
Table 3: Sample of customer classification survey.............................................................32
Table 4: Total arrivals of FDT from 2018-2020.................................................................33
4.2.2. Actual collection of customer information.............................................................35
4.2.3. Actually bid and receive customer comments........................................................37
Table 5: Central Vietnam tours...........................................................................................38
4.2.4. Actual agreement on payment terms......................................................................40
4.2.5. Actual tracking and evaluation of sales results.....................................................42
4.3. Analysis and evaluation the company's marketing strategy...................................43
4.3.1. Strengths...................................................................................................................43
4.3.2. Weaknesses................................................................................................................44
4.3.3. Opportunities............................................................................................................45
4.3.4. Threatens...................................................................................................................46
CHAPTER 5: DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS.......................................................48
5.1. Difficulties....................................................................................................................48

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

5.2. Solutions.......................................................................................................................48
5.2.1. The recovery and development of Vietnamese tourism........................................48
5.2.2. The recovery and development of Da Nang tourism............................................50
5.2.3. The recovery and development of Fiditour Travel................................................51
5.3. Some marketing solutions to improve competitive benefits of tourism products at
Fiditour Travel....................................................................................................................52
5.3.1. Completion of Price Policy........................................................................................55
5.3.2. Complete of Place (distribution) Policy.....................................................................55
5.3.3. Complete of Place (distribution) Policy…………...…………………….......…. .….57
5.3.4. Completion Promotion Policy………………………………………………............57
5.3.5. Some outstanding tourism marketing methods to attract customers to buy tourism
5.3.6. Other marketing solutions..........................................................................................61
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................................63
6.1. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………..63
6.2. Suggestions…………………………………………………………………..……….63
6.2.1. For teaching methods.................................................................................................63
6.2.2. For the curriculum content.........................................................................................64
6.2.3.Create more practical experience programs for students............................................64

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A


Since ancient times in human history, travel has been recognized as a hobby,

an active rest activity of people. Nowadays, tourism has become an indispensable
need in the social and cultural life of countries. In economic terms, tourism has
become one of the most important economic sectors of many countries in the world,
especially developed countries including Vietnam. Vietnam's tourism industry has
experienced many difficulties and is gradually maturing.
Since the VI Congress until now, Vietnam's tourism industry has continuously
grown and become an attractive business field, bringing high economic efficiency
and a lever to promote the development of all countries. Economic sectors in the
national economy. In that business system, the travel business occupies a
particularly important position.
In order for the travel business to be effective, the businessmen must have
tourism knowledge in general and knowledge of travel business in particular.
Therefore, in the knowledge system that tourism students need to be equipped with,
knowledge of travel business is indispensable.
Fiditour Travel Joint Stock company is a travel company which is located
right in the city center. At Fiditour Travel, visitors can book tours to tourist
destinations in Da Nang. Besides, Fiditour Travel also plays an important role in
selling products from suppliers of tourism services (resort, hotels, restaurants and so
on). Moreover, the company always ensures the best service to its visitors during

their journey, which makes most people want to come back to the company when
they have a chance.
Today, although Da Nang tourism develops strongly, the number of tourists
has decreased, especially during the Covid-19 season, tourism programs are
organized. The number of tourists is increasingly limited and the tour repeating to
familiar destinations such as Hoi An, Da Nang and so on. Lead to visitors not very
interested because when visitors visit activities and entertainment, essential needs
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

that make visitors bored, don't create elements of surprise for them. This is one of
the biggest problems that Fiditour Travel has encountered this season. This is the
reason why I decided to choose the topic "An Investigation Into The Real Situation
And Some Solutions For Improving Marketing Activities At Fiditour Travel Joint
Stock Company" for my graduation thesis.
1.2. Aims and Objects
 Overview of the theoretical system of marketing and marketing in travel
business activities to see the role and importance of marketing activities for travel
 Assess the current status of activities and marketing implementation of
Fiditour Travel Joint Stock Company in Da Nang.
 On the basis of theory combined with practical analysis to find solutions to

improve marketing activities at the company, thereby improving business efficiency.
1.3. Scope of the Study
Scope of research is marketing activities aimed at attracting tourists Fiditour
Travel Joint Stock Company in recent years. Activities and implementation of the
company's marketing. Marketing activities of the company and proposing solutions
to improve the competitiveness of tourism products at the company.

Method of the study
During the course of my project, the methods I used included:
- Theoretical research
- Observing reality
- Collect and process data: Directly observe the activities and work of

marketing staff to collect data. These data are processed and analyzed for inclusion
in the thesis.
- Evaluate and draw from practical experience
- Use internet to search for information
Finally, I apply the theory learned in travel industry combined with the actual
situation of the tour company where I myself have been practicing, from the
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

observations and experiences during my work. Directly at the company, giving
some suggestions and solutions.
1.5.Organization of the Study
The structure of my research is divided into 6 parts:
 Chapter 1 is the opening, including: the rationale, the aims and objectives, the
scope of the study, the methods of the study, and the organization of the study.
 Chapter 2 is the theoretical background
 Chapter 3 is the case description
 Chapter 4 is the analysis and evalution
 Chapter 5 is difficulties and solutions
 Chapter 6 is conclusions and suggestions.

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

2.1. Travel business trade and travel business
2.1.1. Definition of travel trade and travel business Definition of travel trade
Stemming from the basic contents of tourism activities, the definition of travel
activities as well as distinguishing travel from tourism is a necessary job. Travel

business is the conduct of market research activities, the establishment of the
package or partial travel programs, advertising and selling of these programs
directly or indirectly through intermediaries or public offices. Organize and
organize the implementation of the program and tour guide. However, there are two
approaches to travel and tourism.
The first approach of filial piety in the broadest sense of travel includes all
activities of human traveling from one place to another as well as activities related
to that travel. With such a scope, tourism includes the element of travel, but not all
travel activities are tourism.
The first approach of filial piety in the broadest sense of travel includes all
human activities traveling from place to place as well as activities related to that
travel. With such a scope, tourism includes the element of travel, but not all travel
activities are tourism.
The second approach, the travel approach in a narrow scope. To distinguish
travel business from other tourism activities such as hotels, restaurants, and
entertainment, it is limited to the travel business to only organize activities of travel
schedule. An example of this approach is the definition of travel in the Law on
Tourism of Vietnam.
“Travel is the construction, sale or organization of a part or the whole
implementation tourism program for tourists ".
Travel business includes domestic travel business, international travel business.
Domestic travel business is the construction, sale, and organization of the
implementation of tourism programs for domestic tourists and must have 3
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper



Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A






implementation of tourism programs for international tourists and must meet all five
conditions. Thus, according to this definition, travel business in Vietnam is
understood in a narrow sense and clearly defined as the product of travel business is
a tourism program. Definition of a travel business.
“Travel enterprise means an economic organization with its own name, assets,
stable head office, business registration in accordance with the law for the purpose
of making profits through the organization of construction, sale and realization
show travel programs for tourists”. In addition, travel businesses can also conduct
intermediary activities to sell products of travel suppliers or other meeting business
activities to ensure to serve the tourism needs of visitors from the stage first to last.

In general, travel businesses differ mainly in the following aspects: Scale and
area of operation, Audience, Level of contact with travel product suppliers, Level of
contact with tourists.
Thus, depending on the size, scope of activities and nature of products, forms of
organization, legal status, the travel business has different names: travel agency,
travel company, Travel agency, international travel agency, domestic travel agency.
Particularly in Vietnam, most of the businesses operating in travel are commonly
known as international and domestic travel centers located in travel companies.
2.1.2. Tourism product definition and classification
According to the definition of the 2005 Law on Tourism of Vietnam:
“Tourism product is a collection of services necessary to satisfy the needs of
tourists during a travel trip. Tourism service is the provision of travel services,
transportation, accommodation, dining, entertainment, information, guidance and
other services to meet the needs of tourists. Any tourism product is also intended to
satisfy the needs of tourists. The tourism product can be a single product or a
combination supplied by a package or by many business units”

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

Single Products: Products are used only for supply to satisfy a specific need of a
customer. For example: Self-drive car rental service, freight service,….

Synthetic product: A product that must satisfy a group of tourists' needs and
desires at the same time. For example: Package tour services with many other single
services such as transportation, accommodation, dining, entertainment,…. Tour program and package tour program
Package tours are very diverse in types, depending on the different
classification criteria. This is the most typical, compulsory by law and most basic
product in the product system of travel enterprises
"A package tour program is a travel program that integrates and adds value to
all major services of different providers at pre-determined prices. It is sold to
customers to satisfy all three main needs in the process of making the trip "
Transportation service: This is a service identified as the most important
component of the package travel program. In the travel program, however,
depending on the specific conditions, use the facilities to suit the requirements of
the trip. Characteristics of means of transport such as type, rank, terminal, port,
airport, and prestige of carriers are also important bases for tour operators to choose
the means of transport for your program
Accommodation services: This service meets the needs of guests sleeping and
resting, helping guests regain strength after long trips. This is also an indispensable
component in the package travel program. Depending on the specific conditions, the
choice of accommodation for the program, types of accommodation, type of bed
Food service: includes different meals, meals, menus, drinks.
Itinerary: includes stop book, stop time at each point, time and distance
between origin and destination, specific activities of each day with predetermined
time and space.
Sightseeing services, entertainment: this is an important factor to meet the
expectations of tourists at the destination. Depending on the specific conditions that
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

travel businesses choose to visit objects, types of entertainment in the program.
Operator and guide: this is the participant involved in the development of a
tourism program, implementing the program to satisfy the needs of tourists and
increase the value of individual services. It includes the organization, information,
inspection ...
Expenses: include expenses before, during and after the tour program
implementation. These amounts are included in the price of the pre-designed travel
Thus, the elements that make up a package tour program are the supplier's
products and some additional products and services of the travel company itself,
which is linked by the travel company to form one finished products sold to tourists. Intermediary service
Companies and travel agents become an important part of the product and
service distribution channel of suppliers. Travel agencies sell these suppliers'
products. In order to do this, travel businesses must have extensive relationships
with suppliers to create a link between selling services on the one hand and
brokerage for guests and commissions on the other directly or indirectly to tourists.
Intermediate products include:
- Car rental brokerage
- Book hotel room
- Make a visa, pick up and see off guests at the border…. General travel business activities

This business is quite complicated. It requires businesses with a wealth of
experience, strong financial resources, because businesses participate in most of the
fields in the service industry such as:
- Business hotels and restaurants
- Business entertainment services
- Aviation and road services business ...
- Banking services for tourists.
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

In the future, travel businesses operating in this form will be more and more
popular. It marks a big step in the development of the global tourism industry.
2.2. Marketing theory
2.2.1. Marketing and tourism marketing definitions Definitions of marketing
Everything you need to know about the definitions of marketing. Marketing is a
very broad term that is difficult to conceptualize and define.
The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process of
planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas,
goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational
In the words of Cundiff and Still – “Marketing is the term used to describe

collectively those business functions most directly concerned with the demand
stimulating and demand-fulfilling activities of the business enterprise”
Philip Kotler’s definition of Marketing is – “Marketing is a social and
managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and
want through creating and exchanging products and value with other”.
Marketing is the process of working with the market to carry out discussions to
satisfy people's needs and wants. Also understand, Marketing is a form of human
activity (including organization) to satisfy needs and wants through exchange
(Basic Marketing Curriculum - National Economics University, National
Economics University Publishing House, 2009). Definitions of Tourism Marketing
Tourism is a complex, diversified and integrated service economy. Tourism
products are highly integrated and synchronous by the characteristics of tourism
consumption. Therefore, the tourism industry also includes all the concepts and
categories of marketing that other industries are using successfully in the market.
Tourism marketing means applying the marketing theory in the tourism field.

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

Therefore, tourism marketing also includes and adheres to the general
principles, the basic content of the marketing theory. However, the application of

the principles, the basic contents of marketing activities must be consistent with the
characteristics of tourism production and consumption. So far, there is no unified
definition of tourism marketing. Here are some definitions of travel marketing:
According to World Tourism Organizations - UNWTO: “Tourism marketing is a
management philosophy by which the tourism organization researches, predicts and
chooses based on the wishes of visitors to That brings the product to the market to
suit the wants of the target market, to bring a lot of profits to that tourism
Definition of Michael Colman: “Tourism marketing is a system of research and
planning to create for tourism organizations a complete management philosophy
with appropriate strategies and strategies to achieve their goals. ".
Definition of JC Hallway: “Travel marketing is an administrative function, to
organize and guide all business activities involved in the awareness of consumer
needs and awareness of customer purchasing power, thereby forming a demand for
a specific product or service, transferring the product or service to the end consumer
to achieve the target profit or target set by the tourism business”.
Inheriting from the above definitions, from the tourism management
perspective and the tourism business perspective, tourism marketing can be
understood as follows:
- From the perspective of tourism management: Tourism marketing is the
application of marketing in the tourism field. Tourism destination marketing is the
integration of travel providers in order to satisfy the wishes of travel consumers on
each target market segment, towards the sustainable development of the destination
- From the origin of tourism business: Tourism marketing is an administrative
function of a tourism business. All activities of a tourism business must be directed
to the desire of the target market, ensuring that the business market a better and
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

earlier type of tourism product than a competitors in order to achieve the goal.
Travel marketing is the job of everyone in the tourism business, in which the
marketing department plays a key role.
- In addition, tourism marketing is also defined: it is the process of analyzing
customer needs, tourism products and services and modes of supply and support to
bring customers to products satisfy their needs, while at the same time to achieve
the organization’s goals
+It is an analytical research process:
+The needs of customers
+ Tourism products and services
+ Modes of product supply and support of the organization
+To bring customers to products to:
+ Satisfying the needs of customers
+ Achieve the goal of the organization (profit).
2.2.2. Basic role and function of marketing The role of Marketing in business
Marketing helps businesses improve the level of their brand awareness to
customers. Especially through online marketing tools that are low-cost and more
accessible than traditional marketing.
Marketing helps create customers for the business. Through unique product
design, quality, reasonable prices, strong promotion, marketing not only helps to
attract new customers, but also contributes to retain old customers and create

customer loyalty. goods for businesses.
Marketing as a means of information about products, services, outstanding
points of the business to customers. Or as a means for businesses to solve business
crisis situations, helping customers to better understand and have confidence in the
Good marketing activities help businesses maintain their position in the market.
Because when there are a large number of customers supporting, the sales of the
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

business are increasing, these are the best conditions for businesses to continue to
develop through new product research activities, expanding. scale, investment in
infrastructure,... to always bring the best quality to customers. The basic function of marketing
Adaptive function
- Implement the adaptive function to help the business to bring out products that
are suitable and suitable for the market. Marketing activities always have to be one
step ahead with other activities of the business, in order to identify needs, change of
needs, changes of environmental factors, then advise administrators products, target
markets, technology application in the marketing process, when and the number of
new product launches ...
- Marketing must study advanced consumer trends in the world to take the

initiative to bring products to market, persuade customers to consume new products,
and contribute to changing consumption habits and spending structure of people
follow the trend of being rational, advanced, modern and highly efficient.
Distribution function:
- Performing the distribution function is all marketing activities to promote the
highly efficient distribution process, the product arrives at the right place, quality
assurance time ...
+ Find out and select suitable distribution intermediaries, including wholesalers,
retailers, agents ...
+ Guide customers to sign contracts, customs procedures, delivery procedures
to shorten the distribution process, determine the relationship with customers.
+ Selecting the right means of transport: the means of transport must be suitable
to the value of the goods, to ensure the quality of the customer during the
transportation process at the lowest cost in order to reduce transit time and reduce
costs. shipping the goods to the right time the market needs, high profits.

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

+ Arranging a reasonable warehouse system: rationality of location, safety of
goods ... to ensure the quality of the goods in the storage process with the lowest
cost and best service …

+ Operate and supervise the entire distribution system, be ready to take timely
measures, the circulation network is smooth.
Consumption function:
+ All marketing activities to promote high efficiency in consumption through
the establishment of fluctuations in product prices, discount policies and payment
conditions between the seller and the buyer. market and time given.
+ Tracking the price change of the same type of product, of the replaceable
product and of the supplementary products in order to choose a reasonable selling
+ Diversify sales methods and payment methods to satisfy different types of
+ Determine the appropriate discount, price adjustment and promotion regimes
+ Stipulate payment conditions and delivery conditions
Support function:
Choosing the means and methods of information to propagate and support food
products and especially the impact on the psychology of customers to change their
demand, including:
+ Advertising products
+ Promoting sale, stimulating product consumption
+ Public Relationship Building (PR): includes activities to identify and maintain
good quality networks with the public in order to take advantage of the advocacy to
improve the reputation of the business in the market.
The above functions, although having different content and roles in the business
activities of each enterprise, cannot be separated and operated individually. These
functions are deployed in a relationship, bound and governing each other. In
particular, the adaptive function always holds the central position, has the role of
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

linking and coordinating with the functions of distribution, consumption and
support according to a unified goal to help businesses achieve profits on the basis of
Department of satisfaction of customers' needs.

2.2.3 Marketing activities in the travel business
Marketing - mix in travel business
The marketing mix is the process of managing the quality of the market. To
manage the market of an organization should be used in different types of materials
tools and product which is called marketing mix. “Marketing-mix is the
coordination or arrangement of marketing components to suit the actual business
situation of each business in order to consolidate the firm's position in the
There are many different tools used in marketing-mix, but according to J.Mc
Carthy, who created the 4P model in the 1960s, it is possible to include 4 elements
called 4P: product, price, place, promotion. Products
Products are often understood as goods and services with certain attributes, with
specific tools to satisfy the needs and requirements of customers. brand for their
product floors, must do packaging to protect, advertise and transport products.
Products also need to have external labels to know who makes, where, when, how
to use. Companies must perform customer services that are in line with customers'
requirements and be efficient enough to compete.

The manual services,

maintenance, warranty, delivery according to customers ... have important meaning.
Each product has a certain life cycle of product introduction, growth, maturity and
decline. For each stage, there should be appropriate marketing strategies. When
customer tastes change due to requirements of competition and new technologies
and techniques appear, companies need to develop new products. Price
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

Price is the amount of money that customers pay to get the product. Pricing
goals include increasing sales, market share, maximizing profits, and ensuring
company survival. The price should cover the full costs of making and selling the
product plus a decent salary. The consumer weighs the price against the perceived
value of the product. If the price surpasses the amount of value, the consumer will
not buy the product. Place
Place is the different activities of the company to bring products to consumers
that the company wants to target. Each company must define its distribution options
to reach the market. They can use direct selling or use one, two or three levels of
intermediaries. Designing a channel requires defining the main channel choices

according to the types of intermediaries, the number of intermediaries, the terms
and responsibilities in the channel. Each channel selection should be assessed
against economic, adaptable and controllable criteria. Retail includes all activities
that involve bringing goods and services directly to consumers for them.


personal use, not for business. The type of retail is very diversified, including small
retail outlets, auto retailers, door-to-door retailers, department stores, supermarkets
etc. both activities related to the sale of goods and services to buyers for resale or
for business. The wholesaler helps the manufacturer effectively distribute goods to
retailers and business customers throughout the country. In goods distribution,
transportation, warehousing, storage, import and export ... are of great significance.
It can be said that the overall mission of distribution is to deliver the right items, at
the right place, at the right time, at minimal cost. Promotion
Promotion is activities including advertising, promotion, offering and
propaganda to provide convincing information with the purpose of stimulating
target customers to buy products of the company. Interaction between different
promotional activities requires organized coordination for maximum effectiveness.
In promotional activities, it is necessary to clearly define what to say. How to say,
Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: MAI LAN THI. M.A

when, where and to whom. Promotion activities must make customers Know,
Understand, Like, Believe and Buy.

To implement an effective advertising

program, it is necessary to clarify the advertising objectives, have a reasonable
budget, with a unique, reliable and convincing advertisement, and choose the right
advertising medium. In order to stimulate consumers to buy more, respond more
strongly and faster to gifts, coupons, lock prices, sample gifts, lottery
participation ... Promotion is most effective when combined with advertising,
offering and propaganda. The combination of synchronous and coherent marketing
formula. Marketing Mix is aimed at targeted customers, in order to achieve the
highest efficiency for the company

Student: LE THI MY HOA

Code: 2320315688
