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-to be between jobs ( to be unemployed )
-to work one’s fingers to the bone (to work very hard)
-to go the extra mile (to go beyond what is necessary)
-to learn the ropes (to learn how to do a particular job or task)
-to be a change of pace (to be a variation in routine)
-to miss the boat (to lose an oppoturnity to do something by being slow to act)
example: I’ve missed the boat for the fall semester, so…
-compulsory subjects
-optional subjects
-an assignment
-to sound nerdy
-passing grades
-the school curriculum
-a salary-boosting factor
-to excel at
-an enterprise
-to downsize
-a lifelong learner
-a solid IT educational background
1.Do you work or are you a student ?
What work do you do ? What subjects are you studying ?

CATEGORY 1: neither work nor study
good sentence starters:
➢ At the moment I neither work nor study as...
➢ Currently, I'm unemployed as...
➢ I'm looking for a job now
➢ I have been looking for a job for X months
why unemployed:
➢ I'm on maternity leave
➢ I'm a housewife
➢ I have recently graduated from high school
➢ I have just graduated from university
➢ I have an X degree and planning to apply for a Z degree
➢ My salary expectations are in line with my qualifications and education, but there are
few companies that can offer adequate remuneration
➢ I expect my experience to reflect on my remuneration package
➢ I was made redundant recently as:

1. The company experienced pecuniary problems
2. I was fired
➢ I resigned from work some time ago
➢ I decided to quit as:
1. I want to start a career in the X industry
2. I decided to upskill and pursue a career in Z, having worked for many years in X
3. I want to pursue a career in X (definition: to start a career)
4. I'm planning to start my own business in the near future
CATEGORY 2: work
➢ I'm an entrepreneur
➢ I'm self-employed

➢ I work for myself
➢ I run a business
➢ I work for a large or small company
➢ I further my career in sales
popular jobs:
➢ an IT specialist: a software developer, a programmer
➢ an accountant
➢ a teacher
➢ a doctor: a dentist, a surgeon
➢ a driver
➢ a marketologist, an advertising manager, a sales manager
➢ a musician
➢ a lawyer
➢ a salesperson
➢ a human resources manager
➢ an engineer
➢ an analyst
➢ a nurse
responsibilities of a nurse:
➢ providing care to patients
➢ preparing patients for examinations
➢ observing and recording patients' conditions
➢ measuring and recording patients' vital signs and weight
➢ maintaining reports of patients' medical histories, and monitoring changes in their
➢ providing emotional support to patients and their families
➢ administering medications
➢ preparing rooms, cleaning and disinfecting equipment and instruments
➢ providing necessary guidance on health maintenance and disease prevention
➢ assisting doctors during surgery

➢ resolving patients' problems
➢ threading and removing a catheter
➢ applying and changing wraps and bandages
➢ feeding patients who cannot feed themselves
➢ dressing patients with physical challenges

➢ helping ambulatory patients walk
➢ turning bedridden patients to prevent pressure sores
➢ transporting patients
CATEGORY 3: study
➢ I'm a senior in high school
➢ currently, I'm in my senior year of high school
➢ I'm in my last year of high school now
➢ it's my last year of high school now
➢ I'm in year 12
➢ I'm in grade 12
➢ I'm in the 12th grade
➢ I'm a high school student

I'm an undergraduate student
I'm a postgraduate student
I plan to enter college
I study at school or college or university
I major in Engineering
my major is Economics:
- with a minor in Film Studies (or something else)
I enrolled for a Bachelor’s degree in 2003
I enrolled for a Master’s degree
I'm doing an MBA degree
I completed an MBA program
I'm doing a PhD
I'm doing a doctorate

popular subjects and majors:
Economics, Accounting , Financial Planning
Sales, Marketing, Advertising
Biotechnology, Physics, Maths, Biology, Chemistry
Human Resources Management, Supply Management, Hospitality Operations
➢ Computer Programming, Graphic Design
➢ Psychology, Sociology
➢ Business, Entrepreneurship
➢ Law
➢ History
➢ Civil Engineering
➢ Journalism
➢ Geography

➢ Literature
➢ Aviation
➢ Physical Education
Do you work or are you a student?
-I've been working as an English teacher for about 15 years now, and for the last 10 years

I've specialized exclusively in teaching IELTS. I absolutely love what I do. Of course,
sometimes I feel tired and emotionally drained, especially when I have to mark my students'
essays until midnight... but I just don't see myself doing anything else.
Do you work or are you a student?
-It's been a few years now since I started working full time. I work in Experiential Marketing
and I absolutely love it because it's the type of job that really lets you utilize all of your
talents. One day you can be making a budget, and the next day you can be learning to use a
drill because you need to drill holes in the floor. It's very versatile. It's for people who don't
want to be the same as the day before. (by Elena Korobskaya, a band 9 scorer, watch a
video on our Instagram)
Do you work or are you a student?
-Well, when I left school, I got a degree in nursing, and I've been working as a nurse at X
hospital for almost 10 years now. Being a nurse is really hard. I'm responsible for lots of
different things such as preparing patients for examinations, observing and recording
patients' conditions, measuring and recording their vital signs and weight, providing
emotional support to patients and their families, administering medications, preparing rooms,
cleaning and disinfecting equipment and instruments, or assisting doctors during surgery.
This list is endless. Also, every day I perform a really wide range of tasks to provide care to

my patients and resolve their problems. For instance, I thread and remove catheters, apply
and change wraps and bandages, feed patients who cannot feed themselves, dress patients
with physical challenges, help ambulatory patients walk, turn bedridden patients to prevent
pressure sores, and transport patients. There's no such thing as a routine day in a hospital,
and you never know what to expect. That's why it's very tough job.

2.Why did you choose that job ?
Why did you choose to study that subject ?
good sentence starters:
➢ it was the obvious choice, but not the easy one
➢ it was a bit of a dilemma for me
➢ it was a tough decision
➢ I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life
➢ when I left school, I had no intention of studying for a degree, I just wanted to start
➢ I didn't realize what I wanted to be
➢ I had an idea that I might like to do something related to Entrepreneurship
reasons to choose that job or subject:
➢ my parents insisted on my choosing it
➢ it was a good match for my talents and skills
➢ I was good at some subject
➢ I was adept at some subject
➢ I was a whiz at something (definition: good at)
➢ I loved Maths at school

➢ Maths was my favourite subject
➢ I was keen on doing something
➢ it was in line with my qualifications

➢ I knew I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life
➢ I knew I would pursue a career in Marketing
Why did you choose that job?
-Well, I guess the primary reason why I decided to pursue a career in Finance was that I
really loved Maths at school as I was always good at numbers. And because of this, I
thought it was the only possible choice I could make. So it wasn't a tough decision. And,
thank God, I have never regretted it.
Why did you choose to study that subject?
-Back in the day when I was a high school student, I had an idea that I might like to do
something related to fashion, but my parents insisted on my choosing Accounting. Frankly, I
wish I hadn't listened to them as I don't really enjoy being an accountant.
3.Do you like your job?
Is there anything you dislike about your job?
CATEGORY 1: Ideas for those who like their job:
good sentence starters:
➢ What I like best about my job is...
➢ I enjoy doing something
➢ I really appreciate an opportunity to do something
I like my job as it:
➢ is a good match for my talents and skills
➢ is in line with my qualifications
➢ isn't stressful
➢ is never boring
➢ provides a satisfying work-life balance
➢ allows me to work flexible hours
➢ allows me to work remotely
➢ allows me to work from home

➢ gives me a sense of satisfaction
➢ gives me a sense of accomplishment due to excellent performance
➢ pays well
➢ provides me with a competitive salary
➢ provides me with a decent salary
➢ allows me to make a decent living
I like my job as:
➢ my remuneration is adequate
➢ I have worked my way up to a solid position
➢ I feel trusted and recognised
➢ I have freedom to make decisions

➢ I have perks and fringe benefits
➢ I like challenges
➢ I like working with people or documents
reasons to like being a nurse:
➢ what I do is really valuable and important
➢ I find real satisfaction in helping people recover more quickly
➢ helping patients and their families through what is often a difficult time for them is
extremely satisfying for me
CATEGORY 2: ideas for those who don't like their job
good sentence starters:
➢ the only thing that I don’t like is...
➢ what I particularly dislike is...
➢ my pet hate is...
I don't like my job as I:
➢ have a jampacked schedule
➢ have a fast-paced work environment

➢ have to work against the clock to meet deadlines
➢ have to work under time pressure
➢ work my heart out for someone else
➢ work long hours
➢ work overtime
➢ am not paid for overtime
➢ work antisocial hours
➢ want to take on more responsibility
➢ have too much responsibility
➢ am tired of the rat race
➢ realise that working under pressure is robbing me of my life
➢ find it difficult to move initiatives forward
➢ don't feel recognised and respected
➢ feel I'm not kept informed
I don't like my job because of:
➢ poorly organized and unproductive meetings
➢ a necessity to liaise with other departments that don’t want to cooperate
➢ a lack of team spirit
I don't like my job because:
➢ my colleagues aren’t helpful
disadvantages of being a nurse:
As a nurse:
➢ you have to work long hours
➢ you have to work on weekends, holidays and during night shifts
➢ you never know what to expect
➢ you have to deal with life and death
➢ you have to handle varying shifts, heavy workloads, and paperwork
➢ you may have to deal with compassion fatigue
➢ you have to get along with challenging personalities that may try to test the limits of
your patience

➢ you spend most of your time walking, standing, lifting and bending
➢ you work closely with the patients suffering from infectious diseases
➢ sometimes you get berated by a doctor for the one thing you forgot, but you are
never thanked for the 1001 things you manage to hold in your head throughout a
➢ you have to know all there is to know about thousands of medications
Do you like your job?
-I do. Mainly because it’s never boring. I've got lots of challenging tasks every day, which I
really like. In fact, the more challenging, the better. Of course, I usually spend a lot of time
and energy, put a lot of effort in order to complete such tasks successfully, but job
satisfaction that it gives me significantly outweighs the hours, the stress and the hard work.
Among other things, my remuneration is more than adequate, let alone all the perks that my
employer provides. So, there’s nothing to complain about, actually.
What do you dislike about your job?
-Well, I hate that I often have to work against the clock to meet deadlines and it seems that
I’ll never be able to escape this constant rat race. I feel this jampacked schedule is robbing
me of my life.
Do you like your job? (FOR NURSE)
-Absolutely. You know, I have always wanted to do something that makes a difference in
people’s lives. And this is what I do every day. I find real satisfaction in helping people
recover more quickly by providing good care to patients. This is not just my opinion, it has
been proved that nurse care affects patient recovery. Plus, being a nurse means providing
emotional support to patients and oftentimes to their relatives. And I find helping patients and
their families through what is often a difficult time for them extremely rewarding. So I really
like that what I do is really valuable and important for people.
Is there anything you dislike about your job? (FOR NURSE)
-I'd rather say there are things that are really hard to manage or cope with. The hardest thing

is that as a nurse, you have to deal with life and death. And you never know what to expect.
Also, you have to work long hours, work on weekends, holidays and during night shifts,
which is stressful. You have to handle heavy workloads and paperwork. What's more, you
spend most of the time walking, standing, lifting and bending, sometimes moving heavy
equipment. And it seems there is always someone who is complaining about something,
trying to test the limits of your patience. But despite all this, I don't think I could do anything
but nursing now.
4. What do you like about your study ?
I like that my studies:
➢ provide in-depth training in a specialised field
➢ provide an opportunity to acquire profound knowledge

➢ provide a raft of information
➢ provide an opportunity to communicate with fellow students
I like that:
➢ students are engaged in extensive extra-curricular activities
➢ I receive a reward or positive feedback for my effort
➢ I read a lot
➢ we have knowledgeable teachers
➢ we have friendly and approachable teachers
➢ we learn what will help us to succeed in the future
➢ we study subjects that are essential for our future
➢ we have team projects that teach us to collaborate
What do you like about your studies?
-I will probably sound a bit nerdy, but I’m happy that school provides me with an opportunity
to acquire knowledge about things I didn’t know before. I guess that most subjects, we are
taught, will help us to succeed in the future. So I never miss lessons and complete all the

assignments on time.
5. What do you dislike about your study ?
I don't like:
➢ to wake up early
➢ to sit grueling exams
➢ too many subjects
➢ too much theory and too little practical experience
➢ so many assignments that no one can do all of them thoroughly
➢ obsolete teaching methods
I don't like that:
➢ school restricts my freedom
➢ I feel like I’m in prison
➢ the teachers don’t motivate us to study
➢ the teachers are too strict
➢ the teachers get angry for no obvious reason
➢ the teachers pile too much work onto students
➢ our lessons are boring
➢ we are taught subjects that are of no practical utility in our career
➢ we memorize enormous amounts of information which is mainly irrelevant to our
future lives
➢ we are taught subjects that are irrelevant to my future career
➢ we are supposed to study at the same pace
➢ all students are supposed to process information at the same speed
➢ the school curriculum doesn’t take into account individual differences and capabilities
of students
I don't like to study as:
➢ I struggle to complete assignments
➢ the workload causes a lot of stress

➢ reasons to dislike team projects:
I dislike team projects because of:
➢ unequal involvement and participation of different members
➢ irresponsible team members
➢ I dislike team projects as:
➢ everyone gets the same grade irrespective of how much each person has done
What do you dislike about your studies?
-As a high school student, I can safely say that I dislike school very strongly mainly because
the teachers pile so much work onto us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a night during an
average school week. You see, no matter when I go to bed, I have to wake up early because
my classes usually start at 8 am. To top it off, most subjects are boring and irrelevant to our
future careers. So it causes a lot of stress, making me and my fellow students reluctant to
What do you dislike about your studies?
-Well, my pet hate is that the school curriculum doesn’t take into account individual
differences and capabilities of students. All of us are different, but we are supposed to study
the same subjects at the same pace. Also, I don’t like the fact that our educational system
relies heavily on teamwork. Of course, I realise they’re trying to teach us to collaborate, but I
think it’s unfair that everyone gets the same grade irrespective of how much each person
has done.
6. What was your dream job when you were young ?
Have you changed your mind on your dream job ?
When I was young my dream was to:
➢ become self-employed
➢ launch a startup
➢ work for a large international company
➢ pursue a career in Marketing

➢ become a doctor
➢ become a CEO of a big company
➢ become an IT specialist
➢ become a scientist
➢ become a teacher
➢ become a cosmonaut
➢ become a football player
➢ to make a killing in it (earn a lot of money)
➢ to have a competitive salary
➢ to have an adequate remuneration
➢ to use my skills and talents
➢ to get a sense of satisfaction
➢ to have travel opportunities
➢ to have a work-life balance

➢ to work regular hours
➢ to have a nice working environment
➢ I like being independent
➢ I am able to make decisions
➢ I like taking on responsibility
➢ I enjoy teamwork
➢ I like dealing with people
➢ I am good at managing people
➢ I am good at problem-solving
➢ I am good at research
➢ I am good at organizing information
➢ I like being creative
➢ I like using technology

➢ I like doing routine activities
➢ I like doing repetitive work
➢ I don’t like working under pressure
I have changed my mind on my dream job as I understood that I’m not ready to:
➢ have a jampacked schedule
➢ have a fast-paced work environment
➢ work against the clock to meet deadlines
➢ work under time pressure
➢ work my heart out for someone else
➢ work long hours
➢ work overtime
➢ work antisocial hours
➢ take on a lot of responsibility
➢ have too much responsibility
I haven’t changed my mind on my dream job as it:
➢ is what I really dreamed about
➢ is a good match for my talents and skills
➢ is in line with my qualifications
➢ isn’t stressful
➢ is never boring
➢ provides a satisfying work-life balance
➢ satisfies all my needs
➢ gives me a sense of satisfaction
➢ pays well
➢ allows me to make a decent living
What was your dream job when you were young?
-Oh, when I was younger, I wanted to either become a CEO of a big company or be selfemployed. I was really sure that this would bring me an adequate remuneration and, as a
result, a sense of satisfaction. What is more, I understood that I was good at problem-solving
and managing people, could take on responsibility and work under pressure, which was very

important for pursuing such careers.
Have you changed your mind on your dream job?

-Well, on the whole, ‘no’ as this is what I still dream about. However, now I realize that there
are quite a lot of things in this career which I didn’t think about at a younger age, for
example, the fact that working under pressure is robbing people of their life, taking them
from their families and pushing them to participate in the rat race in order to get recognition
and good money.

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