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11 weather

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I) Vocabulary
1. hot
2. warm
3. pleasantly warm
4. searing heat
5. sunny
6. a drought
7. sunshine
II) Questions
1. What's the weather usually like in your hometown?
What's your favourite weather?
Do you like the weather in your hometown?
❖ Ideas
➢ it is hot year-round
➢ it is sunny all the year round (in summer)
➢ it is very hot during the day in summer
➢ in summer the temperatures soar up to X
➢ the summer months enjoy dry weather with sunny spells most of the time
➢ it is discomfortingly humid
➢ there are infrequent spells of rainfall during the months of X and Y
➢ most rain occurs in X and Y
➢ most rain occurs in X and Y
➢ rainfall levels don’t change much throughout the year
➢ The weather in my hometown is characterised by:
➢ relatively high temperature
➢ high humidity
➢ abundant rainfall
➢ warm dry summers and fairly severe snowy winters
❖ Answers
What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

➢ Oh, the weather in my hometown is characterised by warm dry summers and
fairly severe snowy winters. It is very sunny and relatively hot in summertime
with the temperatures soaring up to 30 - 35 degrees Celsius as maximum.
Most rain occurs in early spring and late autumn making the second half of
April, May, September and the first half of October the most comfortable and
pleasant months of the year. The lowest temperatures in wintertime are minus
20 - 25 degrees Celsius but they never last longer than a couple of days.
2. Do you like wet weather?
Do you prefer wet or dry weather?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:

I like wet weather because:
rain gives a much-needed breather
it's a great time to recharge, refresh and revitalize
it's a perfect time for reflection


I appreciate the after-rain scent
I love the sound of raindrops hitting my roof and windows
I love the moisture in the air
I find comfort in the rain
I like feeling the water on my skin
it makes me feel alive
the sound of rain is music to my ears

➔ no:
➢ I dislike wet weather because:
➢ everything around gets so messy
➢ it ruins my plans to go out
➢ it causes terrible traffic jams
➢ it disrupts my plans
➢ it makes me extremely tired and sleepy
➢ it worsens my mood
➢ it makes me more irritable
❖ Answer
➢ Do you like wet weather?
Oh yes, I really like rainy days as it's a great time to recharge, refresh and
revitalize. I find comfort in the rain. I love the raindrops hitting my roof and
windows, I love the moisture in the air, I appreciate the after-rain scent. Rain
makes me feel alive, so, of course, I like it a lot.
➢ Do you like wet weather?
Oh no, I can even say I hate it. Rain makes me extremely tired and sleepy,
which disrupts a lot of my plans. It also worsens my mood and makes me
more irritable. So, unfortunately, wet weather is not my weather at all.
3. Do you like hot and dry weather?
What do you do in hot weather?

❖ Ideas
➔ yes:
➢ I adore sunshine
➢ I would rather sweat than get cold
➢ I get tons of vitamin D in hot weather which positively affects my mood
➢ I am a warm blooded animal for sure
➔ no:
➢ I am too lazy in such weather
➢ I can't stand high temperatures
➢ I feel grumpy, sweaty and uncomfortable
➢ hot weather bothers me
➔ things to do in hot weather:
➢ cool off near the river, sea or ocean
➢ visit a waterpark
➢ go to the beach
➢ eat a lot of ice-cream
➢ have a glass of some cold drink and just relax
➢ drink plenty of fluids

➢ spend time in a cool shady place
➢ stay indoors with an air-conditioner on
➢ take a cool shower several times a day
❖ Answer
Do you like hot weather?
➢ Well, I do actually. I adore sunshine and enjoy getting tons of vitamin D
‘cause it always positively affects my mood. So, yes, I would rather sweat
than get cold for sure.
Do you like hot weather?

➢ Or no. Hot weather bothers me. I feel grumpy, sweaty and uncomfortable in
such weather. Oh, and I become too lazy to do anything. So, no, it's definitely
not my type of weather.
What do you do in hot weather?
➢ Well, if I am on vacation, I cool off near the sea or visit a waterpark. But if not,
I try to stay indoors with an air-conditioner on. In case I have to get outside, I
look for ways to spend time in cool shady places, drink plenty of fluids and eat
a lot of ice-cream.

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