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13 spending time with others

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Spending time with others
1. to fill up time
2. to keep myself busy
3. to keep myself occupied
4. to reboot my brain
5. to unwind
6. to restore energy
7. to boost happiness
1. Would you prefer to stay alone or with others?
❖ Ideas
➔ alone:
➢ I like being by myself
➢ when I'm stressed out, I need something like a system reboot as I grump at
everyone and turn into everyone's favourite person to avoid
➔ I like spending time alone because it's a good chance for me to:
➢ do exactly what I want when I want it
➢ engage in deep thought
➢ relax
➢ clear my mind
➢ prevent burnout
➢ prevent emotional and mental exhaustion
➢ relieve the stress
➢ reduce stress
➢ recover from the stresses of daily living
➢ stop thinking about work
➢ reboot my brain and unwind
➢ have a good rest
➢ recharge my 'batteries'
➢ revitalize my mind and body

➢ help both the brain and the body rejuvenate
➢ restore my energy
➢ increase/enhance my productivity
➢ gain a better understanding of what I desire in life
➔ with others:
➢ I like spending time with my friends
➢ reasons to spend time with my friends:
➢ to have fun
➢ to increase my sense of belonging and purpose
➢ to boost my happiness
➢ to share my joy and grief
➢ to laugh together
➢ to experience something new together
❖ Answers
Do you prefer to spend time with friends or alone?

➢ Well, it depends! When I am exhausted, I always opt for spending time alone
in order to recover from the stresses of daily living and revitalize my mind and
body. I also like to stay on my own when I need to engage in deep thought,
improve concentration and increase productivity. But I definitely give my
preference to spending time with friends when I want to have fun, laugh,
experience something new together with them. Spending time with close
friends always boosts my happiness and increases my sense of belonging
and purpose, which I value a lot.
Do you like spending time by yourself?
➢ Oh yeah, I definitely like being by myself, especially when I'm stressed out as
it lets me recover from the stresses of daily living and prevents emotional and
mental exhaustion. It also clears my mind, reboots my brain and restores
energy, which is very important for recharging my 'batteries' and increasing

Are you happy when you are alone?
➢ Well, I can't say I'm not but I’m definitely much happier when I spend time
with my friends as being with close friends increases my sense of belonging
and purpose and, as a result, boosts my happiness. Though, from time to
time I really enjoy spending time by myself, especially when I'm stressed out
and need something like a system reboot.

2. Do you like to spend time with friends?
❖ Ideas
➔ reasons to spend time with my friends:
➢ to have fun
➢ to increase my sense of belonging and purpose
➢ to boost my happiness
➢ to share my joy and grief
➢ to laugh together
➢ to experience something new together
➢ reasons to spend time on my own:
➢ to reboot my brain and unwind
➢ to recuperate and recharge
➢ to recover from the stresses of daily living
➢ to clear my mind
➢ to revitalize my mind and body
➢ to improve concentration
➢ to increase productivity
➢ to discover myself and find my own voice
➢ to discover what I am truly capable of
➢ to do exactly what I want when I want it
➢ to engage in deep thought
➢ to gain a better understanding of what I desire in life

➢ to enhance the quality of my relationships with others
❖ Answers
Do you like to spend time with friends?
➢ Oh yeah! A lot! I really like to have fun, laugh and experience something new

together with my friends. Spending time with them always boosts my
happiness and increases my sense of belonging and purpose, which I value a
3. What do you and your friends do together?
❖ Ideas
➔ We usually:
➢ exercise together
➢ we go to the gym
➢ we go for a swim
➢ we go on a bike ride
➢ we go on a hike
➢ play table and card games together
➢ prepare and enjoy the tasty meal together
➢ sing karaoke
➢ have a picnic or outdoor party
➢ travel
➢ go to questrooms
➢ go to live sporting events
➢ go to restaurants
➢ go to cinemas
➢ go to concerts
➢ go to parks
➢ go to zoos
➢ go to skating-rinks

➢ go to bowling clubs
➢ have fun in amusement parks
➔ When we are together:
➢ it doesn't really matter what we do
❖ Answers
What do you and your friends do together?
➢ Oh, lots of stuff. We often go to questrooms, cinemas, live sporting events
and restaurants to have a pleasant experience together. We also like to have
fun in amusement parks riding roller-coasters and laughing a lot. In spring
and summer we often have picnics or outdoor parties enjoying barbecue and
backyard games. At weekends we sometimes exercise together going either
on a bike ride or for a swim. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that we also enjoy
singing karaoke both at home and in some karaoke clubs.

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