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17 mirror

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I) Vocabulary
➢ to look in a mirror
➢ to glance in a mirror
➢ to stare in a mirror
➢ to see your reflection
➢ to gaze at your reflection
➢ to glance frequently in a mirror
➢ to give a quick glance in the mirror to check my hair and makeup
➢ a rear view mirror
➢ a side mirror
➢ to check a rear view mirror
➢ a wall mirror
➢ a dressing mirror
➢ a full length mirror
➢ a standing mirror
➢ a table mirror
➢ a small purse mirror
➢ a compact mirror
➢ to place a mirror on the floor
➢ to hang a mirror on the wall
➢ for a regular or magnified view
II) Questions
1. How often do you use a mirror?
Do you like looking at yourself in a mirror?
❖ Ideas
➔ how often
➢ every single day
➢ almost every other minute
➢ several times a day
➢ at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening

➢ every time I see a mirror
➢ almost every day
➢ time and again
➢ quite often
➢ regularly
➢ occasionally
➢ from time to time
➢ hardly ever
➢ quite seldom
➢ seldom
➢ not a lot
➢ sometimes
➢ very rarely, if ever
➢ never
➢ at no time
➢ almost never
➔ when
➢ while brushing my teeth and washing my face


while brushing my hair
while I'm doing my hair
while I'm shaving
while I'm doing makeup
while I'm trying on clothes
while I'm driving a car
while I'm working out in the gym
during my dancing classes
when I'm in a locker room at a sports centre

❖ Answers
➢ Oh, I use a mirror almost every other minute. For instance, one of the first
things I do in the morning is look in the mirror. It is not because I enjoy looking
at myself. It is just simply unavoidable. I go to the bathroom, I look up, and
there I am. So I always look in a mirror while brushing my teeth, washing my
face and brushing my hair. I also use it while I'm driving to see what's
happening around my car. I also look at myself while I'm working out in the
gym to make sure I do exercises correctly. It's also unavoidable when I'm in a
locker room at a sports centre. Actually, I always give a quick glance in a
mirror if there's one nearby.

2. Do you use a mirror before buying clothing?
❖ Ideas
➔ no
➢ to boost sales shops employ tiny tricks to make you look as good as possible
➢ There's no point using changing room mirrors as they:
➢ make me look taller and thinner than I am
➢ give me a different look
➢ Ideas

➢ lie
➢ seem to take a dress size off you and others add two

➔ yes
➢ it's simply unavoidable
➢ it helps me understand if a piece of clothing fits me or not
❖ Answers
➢ Well, frankly speaking, there's no point using changing room mirrors as most of them
lie. For example, they take a dress size off you. They make you look taller and
thinner than you are. So you look at yourself and think you've found the perfect dress
as it looks fabulous. Then you get home and look in your own mirror and discover it’s
actually a disaster.

3. What functions does a mirror have?
Do you think a mirror is a good decoration?
❖ Ideas

➢ mirrors make memorable gifts
➢ a mirror is almost an essential for a makeup bag
➢ a mirror is necessary for touch ups during those precious moments you want
to look and feel your best
➢ a mirror lets us see how other people see us
➢ a mirror is a good decoration, making a room brighter and bigger-looking
➢ a mirror can really enhance decor
➢ a mirror helps us understand whether we look good or not
➢ a full length mirror lets people look at themselves from head to toe and make
sure their shoes go with their clothes and accessories
➢ we compare what we look like to what we should look like and make

appropriate changes if necessary
➢ some people like gazing at their reflections for up to ten minutes at a time
➢ mirrors are vital for safe driving as they allow a driver to observe what is
happening around their car
➢ a mirror keeps a driver up to date with what’s happening behind their car
while they are driving
➢ a driver should check a rear view mirror before they slow down, before and
after they make turns
➢ a mirror keeps a driver properly informed with what’s approaching them from
➢ drivers should use mirrors if they have to speed up, slow down, change
direction, turn or stop
➢ many people often give a quick glance in the mirror to check their hair and


➢ I believe its main function is to let you compare what you look like to
what you think you should look like and make appropriate changes if
necessary. For example, you may give a quick glance in the mirror to
check your hair and makeup, especially during those precious
moments when you want to look and feel your best. Also, some
mirrors can really enhance decor and make a room brighter and
bigger-looking. Oh, I nearly forgot to say that mirrors are vital for safe
driving as they allow you to observe what is happening around your

car. And it's really important to use side mirrors and a rear view one
before you start to speed up, slow down, change direction, turn or

Have you ever bought a mirror?
I bought:
➢ a small purse mirror
➢ a compact mirror
➢ a makeup mirror
➢ a full length mirror


a wall mirror
a dressing mirror
a large standing mirror
a table mirror (for a regular or magnified view)

➔ reasons to buy a mirror:
➢ mirrors make wonderful gifts
➢ a mirror is almost an essential for a makeup bag
➢ a mirror is necessary for touch ups during those precious moments I want to
look and feel my best

➢ I bought a compact mirror to check my hair and makeup
➢ I need a mirror to see how other people see me
➢ a mirror is a good decoration that can make a room brighter and biggerlooking
➢ a mirror can really enhance décor
➢ I need a mirror to understand whether I look good or not
➢ a full length mirror lets me look at myself from head to toe and make sure my
shoes go with my clothes and accessories
➢ I compare what I look like to what I think I should look like and make
appropriate changes if necessary
➔ Answers
➢ Sure. I bought a full length mirror to place on the floor in the entrance hall to look at
myself from head to toe before I leave home to make sure I look good. I bought one
more mirror to hang on the wall in the bathroom so that I could look at myself while
brushing my teeth or doing my hair. And, of course, I bought several compact mirrors
while travelling abroad as they make wonderful gifts.

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