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19 emails

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I) Vocabulary
➢ to maintain correspondence with
➢ an attachment
➢ a subject
➢ content
➢ a subject line
➢ introduction
➢ a recipient
➢ an email address
➢ a sender
➢ an opening salutation
➢ a closing salutation
➢ a signature
➢ to send
➢ to receive
II) Questions
1. Do you write many letters?
How often do you write letters or emails?
Is sending emails popular in your country?
❖ Ideas
➔ how many:
➢ almost none at all
➢ one or two
➢ several
➢ plenty
➢ a great many
➔ how often:
➢ every ten minutes on weekdays
➢ almost all the time at work
➢ hardly ever on days off

➢ once in a blue moon
❖ Answers
➔ How often do you write letters or emails?
➢ I write plenty of them almost all the time at work 'cause it's the fastest and
easiest tool for business communication both inside and outside the office.
➢ I do it once in a blue moon actually. I prefer to text people or communicate
with them on Skype, Viber or other communication applications.

2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?
What are the differences between letters and emails?
❖ Ideas
➔ letters:
➢ written on paper
➢ more personal
➢ show how much I care
➢ add a human touch to the relationship

➢ create lasting memories
➢ make every word count
➢ spark creativity
➢ make me feel good
➢ require my undivided attention
➢ honour tradition
➢ easier to keep private
➢ can be lost or damaged
➔ emails:
➢ typed
➢ fast

➢ delivered around the world at once
➢ free
➢ easy to organise
➢ easy to use
➢ easy to prioritize
➢ can never get lost until I delete them
❖ Answers
➢ Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?
I like writing letters 'cause they are more personal and add a human touch to the
relationship making every word count, but I mostly write emails because they are fast
and save a lot of my time in the decision making process.
➢ What are the differences between letters and emails?
I guess the main difference between them is that letters are written by hand and
emails are typed on a computer. What is more, letters require our undivided attention
and show how much we care while emails are easy to use and can be delivered
around the world at once.
3. What do you usually write about?
When would you send emails to others?
❖ Ideas
➢ my life
➢ music
➢ books
➢ funny things that happened
➢ sad things that happened
➢ something that occupies me
➢ something that moves me
➢ things that happen around me
➢ the changes that are happening at work or in the country
➢ recent events
➢ politics

➢ my feelings
➢ something I don't have enough courage to say to face
❖ Answers
➢ I generally write about something that occupies or moves me, about the changes that
are happening at work or in the country, about recent events. From time to time I also

write about something I don't have enough courage to say to face.

4. Who do you usually write to?
❖ Ideas
➢ friends
➢ relatives
➢ colleagues
➢ business partners
➢ pen pals
❖ Answers
➢ In my free time I usually write to my friends who live in other cities or countries. On
weekdays I maintain correspondence with my colleagues and business partners.

5. Is it hard to think of what to write?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:
➢ I have a very poor imagination
➢ I have a lack of ideas
➢ it's hard for me to focus on writing to let ideas come

➔ no:
➢ I always write when I have what to say

➢ I always have what to share with others
➢ when I start writing, ideas come to me easily
➢ it's as easy for me to come up with ideas of what to write about as experience
everyday life
❖ Answers
➢ For me it is, unfortunately. The first reason for that is my very poor
imagination and the second is the fact that it's hard for me to focus on writing
to let ideas come.
➢ No, it's as easy for me to come up with ideas of what to write about as
experience everyday life cause I always have what to share with others. So
the moment I start writing, ideas come to me easily.

6. What kind of letter or email do you think is the hardest to write?
❖ Ideas
➢ letters rejecting someone
➢ the asking kind of letters
➢ ones that state a family member or close friend has died
➢ letters that have been put off 'cause the longer we let them sit, the more we
dread thinking about them
➢ apology letters
➢ goodbye letters
➢ salary reduction letters
❖ Answers

➢ I guess the hardest letters are the ones rejecting someone or stating that a family
member or close friend has died. It's also really hard to write the asking kind of letters
and letters in which you say goodbye to someone you don't want to leave.

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