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20 sports

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➢ get first hand touch of the event
➢ focus on anything that catches their attention as they are not restricted to a
particular view of the camera
➢ share the joy of victory with their favourite team
❖ Answers
➢ What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the stadium?
Well, watching a game at home people get more comfort as they don't have to queue
for food or toilets for hours, get cold if the weather is not really good and waste hours
after the game to get out of the parking lots. Instead, they can enjoy the warmth of
their home, the company of their close friends and unlimited snack breaks during
long timeouts and halftime. They can also easily pause the game and not miss out on
any of the action and, of course, replay the episodes they want to see one more time.
Watching a match at the stadium people get first hand touch of the event and create
long-lasting memories of a fun and entertaining atmosphere created by a large
number of fans. One more advantage they get being at the stadium is a chance to
focus on anything that catches their attention as they are not restricted to a particular
view of the camera, which is unfortunately impossible watching a game on TV. Oh,
and the last difference I see is the fact that going to the stadium can cost people
quite a bit of money, while enjoying the game at home is for free.

4. Do you like sport?
Do most people in your country like sport?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes
➔ I like (most people in my country like) sport because it:
➢ is fun
➢ helps stay in shape
➢ helps to find a purpose in life
➢ releases stress

➢ helps to lose weight
➢ improves general health
➢ helps to make friends
➢ lets enjoy social interaction
❖ Answers
➢ Do you like sport?
Oh yeah, I do as it's the only way for me to release stress and improve my general
health. What's more, it's my favourite way to make friends and enjoy social
interaction. So, definitely yes!
➢ Do most people in your country like sport?
Well, I guess yes as sport helps people stay in shape and in some cases even find a
purpose in life. Moreover, playing sport makes life more interesting and filled with
positive emotions ‘cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine. So,
yeah, I am more than sure that most people in my country like it.

5. What sports do you like?


What sports do people in your country like to play?
What was your favourite sport when you were young?
Did you do any sports when you were young?
football (soccer)
➢ I like football because this game:
➢ has simple rules
➢ can be played just with a ball almost anywhere
➢ makes viewers actively involved
➢ is very entertaining to watch and play

➢ I like cricket because this game:
➢ can be played for competition or for fun
➢ is good for developing overall fitness, stamina and hand-eye coordination

➢ I like basketball because:
➢ it's easy to learn the fundamentals of the game
➢ this game can be played with 5 or more friends all at the same time
➢ this game provides a whole lot of fun
➢ this game is a wonderful mixture of finesse and strength, style and substance,
offense and defense

➢ this game is played on a hockey rink
➢ the players use their sticks to pass or shoot the puck
➢ this game has obvious health benefits such as improved coordination,
strength, flexibility and agility

➢ I like tennis because it:
➢ is one of the most dynamic sports which requires total involvement of its
➢ is a great stress reliever
➢ encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun

➢ I like baseball because:
➢ the game has a relatively slow pace
➢ it offers time to contemplate past and future action and share those thoughts
with others
➢ it is a thinking game
What sports do you like?
Oh, I am really fond of playing tennis as it is one of the most dynamic sports requiring
my total involvement. It encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and
is a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveable.

➢ What sports do people in your country like to play?
Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football
because it has simple rules, can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very

entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved
in the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and
volleyball fans.

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