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21 taking photos

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Taking photos
I) Vocabulary
1. to take a picture
2. to take a photo
3. to take a selfie
4. to snap selfies
5. a selfie stick
6. a fisheye lens
7. a self-portrait photograph
8. excessive photo sharing
9. to crop the image
10. a micro image of something
11. to see the world through a camera lens
II) Questions
1. Do you like to take photographs?
What do you like to photograph?
❖ Ideas
➢ What I most love about photography is…
➢ I have a passion for photography
➢ When I start taking pictures, it's really hard to stop
➔ yes:
➢ to capture moments and emotions
➢ a way to explore the world around me
➢ to capture important events
➢ can capture a moment and have it forever
➢ to document my life
➢ when I look at the world through my camera lens, I see the details that,
otherwise, would go unnoticed
➢ to take pictures of things which people normally overlook
➢ to share the moments I like with other people
➢ photography changes the way I see things

➢ I get immersed into the process and forget about my problems
➢ to share the way I see the world with others
➢ a way to express myself
➔ no:
➢ have neither skills nor talents
➢ prefer to have professional photographers to take pictures of me
➔ what:
➢ nature: landscapes, seascapes, mountains, deserts, the sky
➢ urban landscape: monuments, buildings
➢ animals, birds, insects, flowers, trees, plants
➢ people
➢ weddings
❖ Answers
➢ Do you like photography?
I can safely say I have a passion for it. At some point of my life photography changed
the way I see the world around me. What I mean is when I look at the world through
my camera lens, I see the details that, otherwise, would go unnoticed. Now I notice
light, shapes, colours, textures, people, buildings, trees, flowers… It’s a great way to

Taking photos
explore the world. Once you start noticing details, you inevitably start to see how
much beauty is all around you.
➢ Do you like to take photographs?
For me, photography is the best way to relieve the stress. Once I start taking
pictures, it’s really hard for me to stop. I really quickly get immersed in the process
and completely forget about my problems. The only thing I worry about is how to
make a perfect shot.

2. How did you become interested in photography?

❖ Ideas
➢ was fascinated by photographs of nature and exotic places
➢ micro images of flowers and insects made me gasp in amazement
➢ was inspired by advertisements in glossy magazines
➢ fell in love with photography when...
➢ after my parents gave me a camera for my birthday
➢ after I joined an interest group on Facebook
❖ Answers
➢ Well, I fell in love with photography when I joined an interest group for travelling on
Facebook. Every day its members shared beautiful photographs of nature and exotic
places which they had been to. Especially I was fascinated by micro images of
flowers and insects and magnificent seascapes at dusk. One day I asked myself why
I couldn’t take such beautiful pictures. So now I’m a keen photographer.

3. How do you keep your photos?
❖ Ideas
➔ where:
➢ in the cloud
➢ using a cloud option like Dropbox
➢ on google drive
➢ on an external hard drive
➢ on my computer
➢ in a photo storing program
➢ in dedicated photo-storage services like Google Photos
➢ online using services like Flickr or Photobucket
➢ on my phone
➢ in a scrapbook
❖ Answers
➢ Well, I usually store photos on my computer and there’s a folder for each year
and event. Also, I have a backup copy of all my photos on an external hard

drive. This way, even if my computer suddenly crashes, or gets stolen, I will
still have my photos safe and sound.
➢ As I’m a technophile, I keep my photos in the cloud. The best thing about it is
that they can be easily accessed from any device. Also, I don’t have to spend
any extra time or effort on doing so as I’ve downloaded an app which
synchronises my phone with a cloud storage and it is done automatically.

Taking photos
4. Do you ever delete or, if on paper, throw away any of your photos?
❖ Ideas
➔ where:
➢ in the cloud
➢ using a cloud option like Dropbox
➢ on google drive
➢ on an external hard drive
➢ on my computer
➢ in a photo storing program
➢ in dedicated photo-storage services like Google Photos
➢ online using services like Flickr or Photobucket
➢ on my phone
➢ in a scrapbook
➢ in a photo album
➢ on a digital photo frame
➔ how:
➢ organize into folders
➢ there is a folder for each year or event
➢ keep all my files in one place
➢ have multiple copies of all my photos in several different places
➢ have a backup copy of all my photos

➢ use an app that synchronises my phone with my computer or cloud
➢ slip photos into designated slots

➔ why:
➢ can be easily accessed from any device
➢ easily accessible
➢ handy during family events
➢ offer terabytes of space
➢ quick and easy
➢ reliable
❖ Answers
➢ Well, I usually store photos on my computer and there’s a folder for each year
and event. Also, I have a backup copy of all my photos on an external hard
drive. This way, even if my computer suddenly crashes, or gets stolen, I will
still have my photos safe and sound.
➢ As I’m a technophile, I keep my photos in the cloud. The best thing about it is
that they can be easily accessed from any device. Also, I don’t have to spend
any extra time or effort on doing so as I’ve downloaded an app which
synchronises my phone with a cloud storage and it is done automatically.

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