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25 time management

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Time management
I) Vocabulary
1. to procrastinate
2. to postpone until later
3. to deal with procrastination once and for all
4. time management trick
5. to set clear goals
6. to set priorities
7. to prioritise
8. to make a schedule
9. to set deadlines
10. to get rid of distractions
11. stuff you want to get done by a particular time
12. it’s often easier to do things in small doses
13. to make a weekly schedule
14. to make a daily to-do list
15. to manage time
16. to review progress
17. to organise work schedule
18. list making
19. to persevere
20. to avoid procrastination
21. to take breaks
22. realistic goals
23. achievable goals
24. efficiency
25. efficient
26. urgent tasks
27. daily planning
28. day timer
29. deadline

30. goal planning
II) Questions
1. How do you usually organize plan your time?
Is it easy to manage time for you?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes and how:
➔ I usually:
➢ create a daily plan
➢ make a list of the tasks I need to accomplish
➢ identify my priorities
➢ make a list of what is most important this day, this week, this month, this year
➢ peg a time limit to each task
➢ assign time to any activity or conversation important for my success
➢ create time blocks for high-priority thoughts and actions
➢ start my day only after completing my time plan
➢ block out distractions such as emails, Facebook, Twitter, TV
➢ stick to my time boundaries
➢ keep track of my progress by crossing things off the list as they are completed

Time management
➢ try to eliminate activities that waste my time
➢ leave time for rest and fun
➢ always meet my deadlines
➔ no:
➢ can't get started
➢ can't manage interruptions
➢ get distracted
➢ fail to manage distractions
➢ don't have the right tools

➢ fail to keep a to-do list
➢ can't prioritize
➢ procrastinate
➢ take on too much 'cause I can't say 'no' to people
➢ multitask
➢ don't take breaks
➢ schedule tasks ineffectively
❖ Answers
➢ How do you usually organize your time?
Well, I start my day only after completing my time plan. The first thing I do is
identify my priorities and assign time to any activity or conversation important
for my success. I try to stick to the time boundaries by eliminating activities
that waste my time and prevent me from staying focused.
➢ Are you good at organising time?
I guess I am, because I always meet my deadlines. At the beginning of each
week I make a list of the tasks I need to accomplish, identify my priorities for a
day and a week, peg a time limit to each task and do my best to stick to these
time boundaries by crossing things off the list as they are completed and
trying to speed up when I see that I am behind my schedule.
➢ Are you good at organising time?
I'm afraid I'm not. I don't always meet my deadlines and procrastinate. I often
fail to manage distractions such as TV, emails, Facebook. Also, I sometimes
take on too much 'cause I can't say 'no' to people.
2. What is the latest plan that you made?
❖ Ideas
➔ The latest plan I've made is to:
➢ get a more rewarding job
➢ get new obligations
➢ launch a project
➢ get a pay rise

➢ quit my job
➢ set up my own business
➢ get a higher income
➢ divorce my husband or wife
➢ enter a university abroad
➢ get married
➢ move to another country
➢ start living alone

Time management
➢ go abroad on holiday
➢ spend my vacation in the countryside
➢ devote more time to my family and kids
➢ buy a bigger apartment
➢ visit my parents
➢ buy a gym membership
➢ buy (or sell) a car
➢ knock off a few kilos
❖ Answers
➢ What is the latest plan that you made?
Oh, the latest plan I've made is to quit my current job and find the job with
more responsibility and a higher salary. That's actually the reason why I'm
taking the IELTS test now.
➢ What is the latest plan that you made?
Well, the latest plan I've made is to enter a university abroad. So, I'm currently
learning all the information about studying in different countries and trying to
find the country and the university I'd like to study in.

3. What is the hardest part about making plans?

❖ Ideas
➔ The hardest part about making plans is:
➢ prioritizing among available options
➢ allocating resources to whichever options rank most highly
➢ getting the right information about each option
➢ predicting the outcome of all alternative options
➢ identifying actual desired outcomes
➢ evaluating the goodness of said outcomes
➢ mastering your emotions
➢ crunching through all the different combinations of possible actions to select
the best overall set
❖ Answers
➢ What is the hardest part about making plans?
Well, I think there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as all people
are different, and the challenges they face while making plans are also
different. For some people, the most difficult part of planning is prioritizing
among their available options, for others it is identifying their actual desired
outcomes. For me personally, the hardest part is crunching through all the
different combinations of possible actions to select the best overall set. So, it

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