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28 daily routine

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Daily routine
1. to wake up
2. to have a shower
3. to have breakfast, lunch, dinner
4. to go jogging
5. to go for a run
6. to unwind
7. to go to bed
8. daily routine
1. How do you organise your study time?
What is your daily study routine?
❖ Ideas
➔ To organise my study time, I:
➢ work out how much time I have available, and when
➢ divide my available time during the week into study blocks
➢ list all the subjects I need to study
➢ list the tasks in hand
➢ work out priorities between these tasks
➢ make decisions about how long to spend on each task
➢ set targets for each task
➢ stick to my timetable

❖ Answers
➢ How do you organise your study time?
➢ First of all, I work out how much time I have available, and when. Then I list
all the subjects I need to study and the tasks in hand, work out priorities
between them, set targets for each task and do my best to stick to the
2. Do you ever change your plans?

Have you ever changed your routine?
❖ Ideas
➔ Yes, I change my plans when I want to:
➢ break up my routine
➢ bring adventure into my life
➢ bring new beginnings and excitement to life
Yes, I change my plans when:
➢ new opportunities arise
➢ something goes wrong along the way
➢ I feel I got stuck in a rut
➢ I see some better alternatives
➢ I can’t achieve my goals without changing plans
No, I never change my plans because:
➢ I am afraid of any changes
➢ I am afraid to lose something I have already achieved

➢ I have an instinctive fear of the unknown
➢ any change causes stress
❖ Answers
Do you ever change your plans?
➢ Oh yes, I often change my plans when something goes wrong along the way
and I feel I got stuck in a rut. I also make changes when new opportunities
arise and I see some better alternatives to the plans I had.
Do you ever change your plans?
➢ Oh no, almost never. I have an instinctive fear of the unknown. What is more,
I am afraid to lose something I have already achieved, so I always try to stick
to my plans and timetable.
3. What’s your favourite time of the day?
❖ Ideas

➔ I like mornings because:
➢ the environment seems very serene and clean at this time
➢ they offer freshness and peacefulness
➢ they bring new promises and possibilities
➢ the morning sun and cool air boost my mood and prevent stress from setting
➢ I am more productive at this time
➢ I feel full of energy
➔ I like afternoons because:
➢ I adore afternoon naps
➔ I like evenings because:
➢ it’s the only time of the day I can spend with my family and friends
➢ I stop thinking about my work issues and can finally unwind
➢ I don't have to hurry and can just enjoy everything I do
➢ I like nights because:
➢ it's the only time I can take care of myself
➢ it's a great time to relax and dream
❖ Answers
What’s your favourite time of the day?
➢ Well, I really like mornings because they offer freshness and peacefulness as
well as bring new promises and possibilities. One more reason why I like
mornings is the fact that I am more productive at this time as I feel full of
What’s your favourite time of the day?
➢ Oh, I adore evenings as it's the only time of the day I can spend with my
family and friends. What is more, evenings let me enjoy everything I do as I
don't have to hurry, which I value a lot.
4. Do you like to plan what you will do each day?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:

➢ I like to make sure I know where I am going and why I am doing something
before getting started
➢ I like mapping things out

➢ I prefer when things progress clearly in stages
➢ helps me produce quality work
➢ increases my efficiency
➢ prevents me from taking many unnecessary, unfocused and inefficient steps
➢ helps me achieve my objectives
➢ motivates me
➢ ensures that I am staying on track with my goals
➢ aids me in organising
➢ gives me the right direction
➢ keeps me disciplined
➢ helps me manage my time
➢ lets me get more done in less time
➢ ensures timely completion and deliverable results
➢ helps me in decision-making
I don't like planning as:
➢ plans make me less flexible

➢ yesterday's plan may not work today
➢ plans restrict me
➢ making plans is stressful for me
➢ making plans is time-consuming
➢ I don't like to feel the pressure of being in charge
➢ I don't want to get disappointed if something goes wrong along the way
➢ I am afraid not to see alternatives while sticking to my plans
➢ I like to be flexible
➢ I like the freedom to simply look forward to the outcome
➢ I like to go where the day takes me
➢ I like trying something spontaneous
➢ I enjoy the spontaneity of life
➢ I like to shake up my routine
Do you like to plan what you will do each day?
➢ Oh yeah, I really enjoy planning my days as it makes my life more predictable
and, as a result, less stressful. It gives me the right direction, motivates me
during the day and keeps me disciplined. It also increases my efficiency and
helps produce quality work.
Do you like to plan what you will do each day?
➢ No way! Making plans is so time-consuming and stressful for me. What's
more, plans restrict me in many ways making me feel the pressure of being in
charge of unexpected twists, complexities and pitfalls. I like to be flexible and
go where the day takes me. Planning is not my cup of tea.

5. Please describe your typical daily routine
What do you usually do at this time of day?
❖ Ideas
➔ Every day I:
➢ wake up at around 7 am

➢ do my morning exercises
➢ go jogging
➢ go for a run
➢ go to the gym
➢ make my bed
➢ wash my face
➢ brush my teeth
➢ have a shower
➢ do my hair
➢ put on make-up
➢ get dressed
➢ prepare and have my breakfast
➢ drink a glass of lemon water
➢ write down important tasks for the day
➢ reply to emails and messages
➢ go to my office
➢ go to school
➢ go to university
➢ work on a current project
➢ am on the computer almost all day
➢ have a couple of meetings
➢ discuss some work issues with my colleagues
➢ have lunch
➢ study hard
➢ have extra classes
➢ have a walk with my friends
➢ get home
➢ have my dinner

➢ do a little cleaning
➢ watch TV
➢ surf the net
➢ do my homework
➢ read a book
➢ look through some newspapers and magazines
➢ unwind a bit
➢ have a soothing bath
➢ go to bed
❖ Answers
Please describe your typical daily routine
➢ Oh, I usually wake up at around 6 am, wash my face, brush my teeth, drink a
glass of lemon water and go for a run. I normally run for about 1 hour, then
get back home, have a shower, get dressed, do my hair and put on make-up.
Then I prepare and have my breakfast, and go to work. At the office I usually
work on a current project, have a couple of meetings and discuss some work
issues with my colleagues. After office hours I have a short walk back home,
make and have my dinner, unwind a bit either watching TV or surfing the net,
have a soothing bath and go to bed. That's what my typical day is like.
What do you usually do at this time of day?

➢ Well, at this time I normally have my extra classes or, if I am lucky enough, a
walk in the park with my friends.
What do you usually do at this time of day?
➢ Oh, at this time I usually either have a business meeting or discuss some
work issues with my colleagues.
6. Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:

➢ it increases my efficiency
➢ it helps me achieve my objectives
➢ it gives me the right direction
➢ it helps me manage my time
➢ it lets me get more done in less time
➢ it ensures timely completion and deliverable results
➔ no:
➢ I like to shake up my routine
➢ I like to be flexible in my daily routine
➢ I like to try something spontaneous
➢ I like to go where the day takes me
➢ having the same daily routine is boring
➢ doing different things makes me more flexible

❖ Answers
Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
➢ At least I try to. Doing so helps me manage my time, increases my efficiency
and ensures timely completion and deliverable results, which is important for
Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
➢ Oh no. No two days the same. It would be too boring for me. I like to be
flexible in my daily routine, try something spontaneous and just go where the
day takes me.
7. What do you want to change in your daily routine?
❖ Ideas
➔ I would like to:
➢ have more free time during the day
➢ wake up later
➢ do nothing that involves much brainwork
➢ stay in bed for half a day

➢ have enough time for my hobbies
➢ have time for eating out
➢ go for walks more often
➢ go to beauty salons
➢ meet my friends
➢ work less
➢ rest more
❖ Answers

What do you want to change in your daily routine?
➢ Well, I would really like to wake up later, work less, rest more and have
enough time for hobbies but it's unlikely to happen in the very near future.

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