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29 cars

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1. to travel by car
2. the front seat
3. the back seat
4. to travel at one's own pace
1. Why do you like travelling by car?
❖ Ideas
➔ I like travelling by car because it:
➢ means speed and comfort
➢ is typically the cheapest way to travel
➢ lets me take many things with me which I might not be able to take if travelling
by air or rail
➢ lets me not worry about my kids bothering other passengers like when we are
on a plane or train
➢ lets me travel at my own pace making stops whenever and wherever I want
➢ lets me take a pet with me
➢ lets me change my plans as I go pulling off the road and seeing the sights
➔ I like travelling by car because cars:
➢ provide comfortable travel in bad weather
➢ give an ability to travel to remote places
➢ provide easy transportation of goods
➔ I prefer cars for:
➢ their flexibility and reliability
❖ Answers
Why do you like travelling by car?
➢ Oh,I like travelling by car because it always means speed and comfort for me.
For example, it prevents me from worrying about my kids bothering other
passengers or from deciding what things we just can't take with us because of
some baggage weight restrictions. Well, and one more reason why I like

travelling by car is because it is typically the cheapest way to travel inside the
2. What is the farthest place you have travelled to by car?
❖ Ideas
➔ The farthest place I've travelled to by car is:
➢ another part of my country
➢ another country
➢ a forest in the neighbouring state
➢ the capital of X
❖ Answers
What is the farthest place you have travelled to by car?
➢ Well, the farthest place I've travelled to by car was Paris. That drive took me
across a few other countries and in general lasted a few days. I was
exhausted when we arrived in Paris but it was definitely worth it.

3. Do you like to sit in front or back when travelling by car?
❖ Ideas
➔ I like to sit in the front seat when travelling by car because:
➢ keeping my eyes on the road prevents me from experiencing nausea
➢ I like chatting with a driver while travelling and I can hear him better while
sitting in the front
➔ I like to sit in the back seat when travelling by car because:
➢ I like napping while travelling and it's more comfortable to nap in the back
➢ I can do whatever I want in back without distracting the driver
❖ Answers
Do you like to sit in front or back when travelling by car?
➢ Well, if we travel during the day, I always choose the front seat as keeping my
eyes on the road prevents me from experiencing nausea while travelling.
Though, I usually opt for a back seat if we travel at night as it's more

comfortable to nap in the back.

4. When do you travel by car?
❖ Ideas
➔ I travel by car when:
➢ the distance is not too long
➢ it's the fastest way to get to my destination
➢ it's the only way to get to my destination
➢ it's the cheapest way to get to my destination
➢ I want to travel at my own pace
➢ I have a lot of things with me
❖ Answers
When do you travel by car?
➢ Well, I usually travel by car when it’s the fastest or the only way to get to my
destination. Or when I want to travel at my own pace making stops whenever
and wherever I want as well as changing my plans as I go pulling off the road
and seeing the sights.

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