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Nói 4 Tiếng Anh 4 Ehou

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Nói – Tiếng Anh 4 – EN31
The sentence “Do you work for an advertising company?” is a ………………… .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Positive Y/N-question
b. Positive question with “DO”
c. Positive statement
d. Simple sentence

The sentence “Who is the richest person in the world?” is a ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. statement with the question word “Who”
b. positive Wh-question
c. Wh-command
d. negative Wh-question

Choose ONE of the following sentences as a positive Y/N question
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Have you ever met her girl friend?
b. Did you go out with Peter or have dinner with Mary?
c. Didn’t she attend the class on time?
d. How are you doing these days?

The sentence “Why are you working so hard at the moment?” uses ……………….. because
it is a ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the high falling tune/ Wh-question (⇘)
b. the low falling tune/ Wh-question
c. the high rising tune/Wh-question
d. the low rising tune/Wh-question

The sentences “Will you pay the bill when you have received the salary?” and “Do you think

that Perrier is willing to foot the bill for product placement in another Bond flic”?” are
………………. . .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. two positive Y/N questions
b. two positive requests
c. two future arrangements
d. a positive command and an offer

The sentences “Have you ever wanted to find a job via TV commercials?” and “Haven’t you
bought that magazine?” have ……………….. in speech.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the high rising tune (⇗)
b. the falling tune and rising tune respectively (⇘ and ⇗ )

c. the high falling tune (⇘)
d. the rising tune and falling tune respectively (⇗ and ⇘ )

Choose ONE of the following sentences as a negative Wh-question.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Does telemarketing directly involve promoting and selling over the phone?
b. How many sponsor companies attended the meeting?
c. Why don’t we plug their tools with radio spots at sporting events?
d. Won’t we get a certificate when the course finishes?

The sentence “Haven’t you mastered essential advertising vocabulary for your IELTS
speaking test?”
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Y/N statement
b. simple negative

c. negative command
d. negative Y/N-question

The sentence “Does employing celebrity endorsement change the advertising effect very
much?” uses ……………….. because it is a ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the high rising tune/ positive question (⇗)
b. the high falling tune/ positive question (⇘)
c. the high falling tune/ Y/N-question (⇘)
d. the high rising tune / Y/N-question (⇗)

The sentence “Why haven’t you added promotion products and services in your
commercials project?” is a ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. negative complaint
b. negative statement
c. Wh-negative sai
d. negative Wh-question

Choose the best answer: The auxiliary “had” in the sentence “Ken had never visited
Scotland before his first visit there last year.” is a ……………….. word in English.
a. open-class
b. notional
c. functional
d. function

The word “had” in “How much had the thieves taken away?” is pronounced ………………..
Select one or more:
a. with a strong form

b. loudly
c. clearly
d. with a weak form

The word “hadn’t” in the sentence “Peter hadn’t played tennis at Wimbledon until 2010
when he first played there.” is pronounced ……………….. .
a. clearly
b. loudly
c. with a strong form
d. with a weak form

Both the contraction “’d” and the full form “had” of the auxiliary HAVE in the past perfect
is pronounced with a……………… .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. stressed form
b. weak form
c. soft form
d. strong form

Choose the best answer: “d” in the sentence “The first car company’d started in Germany
before the time Henry Ford designed theModel T in the United State in 1908.” is the
……………….. form for “had” in the past perfect tense.
a. contract
b. contracted
c. contraction
d. extract

Which “had” in the following sentence has a weak form?

Select one or more:
a. Had the police arrived before the hunter shot the animal?
b. Had the children have enough books for reading?
c. Had the police got enough equipments for taking the task?
d. Had you have an interesting day there?

Which “had” in the following sentence has a weak form?
a. They had a big house when they were only 30 years old.
b. Peter had a big collection of stamps.
c. The staff had finished the task before the deadline. Câu trả lời đúng
d. We had a wonderful sunbathe during a seaside holiday.

Choose the best answer: Negative contracted form “hadn’t” of the auxiliary HAVE in the
past perfect ……………….. stress in speech.
a. rejects
b. puts
c. places
d. receives

The following utterance “International transfer and communication are more common” has
………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. three
b. two Câu trả lời đúng
c. five
d. four

The following utterance “This cause has such an impact on mobility and communication”
has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. three Câu trả lời đúng

b. five
c. no
d. one

Identify the phenomenon in speech of the underlined parts in the following utterances: (a)
This is broken. (b) Things are cheaper here. (c) For example, you should take regular
Select one or more:
a. linking Câu trả lời đúng
b. pauses
c. rhythm
d. stress

The following utterances “The world becomes this worldwide network where the borders
fade away. A factor within globalization is consolidation” have ……………….. case (s) of a
final consonant linked to an initial vowel and they are ……………….. :
a. six / “The world”, “worldwide network”, “network where”, “fade away”, “factor within” and
“globalization is”
b. no / Ø
c. two / “fade away” and “globalization is” Câu trả lời đúng
d. four / “The world”, “this worldwide”, “fade away” and “factor within”

The following utterance “But the rise of the Western states to build and strengthen
international ties in the aftermath of World War II laid the groundwork for today’s
globalization” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. seven
b. five Câu trả lời đúng
c. three
d. one

The following utterance “The first cause can be “globalization as a consequence of
technological innovation” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. two
b. six
c. four Câu trả lời đúng
d. no

The following utterance “Meeting the requirements, the people from poor countries try to
increase their living standard; consequently, new civilization has gradually become familiar
to them” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. three
b. one
c. two
d. no Câu trả lời đúng

The following utterances “The world population has been becoming much closer than they
used to do. For describing this phenomenon at the present time, they use the term: THE
ERA OF GLOBALIZATION” have ………………. case (s) of linking.
a. one Câu trả lời đúng
b. two
c. three
d. four

The following utterance “The process of globalization makes developments in these
countries” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. three
b. four
c. one
d. two Câu trả lời đúng

The following utterance “Did he have to struggle with how and what to preach about
money?” is a ………. ………. and uses ……………….. with the speaker’s intention to ask
for the other’s opinion.
a. Y/N question / the glide-up
b. Y/N question / the take-off
c. confirmation / the glide-up
d. confirmation / the take-off

Identify the intonation pattern which is marked in the bold printed parts in the following
– What a luxury car (1)! Is that yours (2)?
– No, I’m afraid it isn’t mine (3).
– So whose car is this (4)?
– My parents lend it to me sometimes but it is theirs (5).
– Is it ve(6)ry expensive?
– Yes, it is. Drive care(7)fully!
a. (1)low falling / (2)low rising / (3)low falling / (4)high falling / (5)high rising / (6)high rising / (7)
high falling
b. (1)high falling / (2)low rising / (3)high falling / (4)high falling / (5)high falling / (6)high rising / (7)
high falling Câu trả lời đúng
c. (1)high falling / (2)high rising / (3)low falling / (4)high falling / (5)high falling / (6)low rising / (7)

high rising
d. (1)low falling / (2)high rising / (3)high falling / (4)high falling / (5)high falling / (6)high rising / (7)
high rising

English imperative sentences as strong commands use …………………
a. high falling tune Câu trả lời đúng

b. low rising tune
c. high rising tune
d. low falling tune

Identify the intonation pattern which is marked in the bold printed parts in the following
– We are going to visit the grandparents tonight (1).
– Will the grandparents be having their regular meeting then (2)?
– No, they won’t (3). They have changed the time for this (4).
– What time will we depart (5)?
– At about 6.30pm, as usual. Take your coat (6). It’s going to be cold.
– It is raining out (7)side?
a. (1)take-off / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7) glideup
b. (1)glide-down / (2)glide-up / (3)glide-up / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)
c. (1)glide-down / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)
glide-up Câu trả lời đúng
d. (1)glide-up / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7) takeoff

Choose the best answer: Four types of sentence in English are ……………….. .
a.declaratives, interrogatives, imperatives, exclamatories Câu trả lời đúng
b. declaratives, dynamics, interrogatives, imperatives
c. interrogatives, imperatives, declaratives, exclamatives
d. dynamics, negatives, interrogatives, declaratives

English exclamatory sentences use ……………….. to express the speaker’s emotion.
a. low falling tune
b. high rising tune
c. high falling tune Câu trả lời đúng
d. low rising tune

Choose the best answer: In English, both positive and negative sentences, which provide
information, use ……………….. .
a. high rising tune
b. low rising tune

c. low falling tune
d. high falling tune

Choose the best answer: In English, Wh.interrogatives which ask for information, use
……………….. .
a. low falling tune
b. high rising tune
c. low rising tune
d. high falling tune Câu trả lời đúng

Choose the best answer: In English Y/N questions when the speaker wants the other to give
his opinion about whether the statement if True or False he uses ……………….. which is
also called ……………….. .
a. . high falling tune / glide-down
b. low rising tune / take-off Câu trả lời đúng
c. low falling tune / land-off
d. high rising tune / glide-up

Identify the unstressed words in the following utterance “Through such interactions, two or
more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other”
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. through / such / two / or / more / the / and / of / other.
b. such / or / more / the / and / of / each.

c. through / or / the / and / of. Câu trả lời đúng
d. or / and / of.

The utterance “The sender or receiver can be an individual or a group” has ………………..
which are ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. six unstressed words / “The”; “or”; “be”; “an”; “or” and “a”.
b. six unstressed words / “or”; “can”; “be”; “an”; “or” and “a”.
c. six unstressed words / “The”; “or”; “an”; “or”; “a” and “group”.
d. six unstressed words / “The”; “or”; “can”; “an”; “or” and “a”. Câu trả lời đúng

The utterance “Nature of communication” has ………………. which is ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. two unstressed words / “nature” and “communication”
b. an unstressed word / the preposition “of” Câu trả lời đúng
c. two stressed words / “nature” and “of”
d. an unstressed word / “nature”

All functional words in English have a ……………….. as their normal pronunciation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. stressed form
b. weak form Câu trả lời đúng
c. soft form
d. strong form

The utterance “All communication carries a message” has ………………. which is
……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. an unstressed word / the article “a” Câu trả lời đúng

b. two stressed words / “a” and “message”
c. an unstressed word / “nature”
d. two unstressed words / “all” and “a”

Identify the unstressed words in the following utterance “The word communication has
many ramifications.”
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the /has
b. the / has / many Câu trả lời không đúng
c. the / word / has / many
d. the Câu trả lời không đúng

The utterance “Essay on communication” has ………………. which is ………………..
a. an unstressed word / the preposition “on” Câu trả lời đúng
b. two stressed words / “essay” and “on”
c. two unstressed words / “essay” and “communication”
d. an unstressed word / “essay”

Both “can” and “be” in the utterance “Communication can be divided broadly into two
categories” receive no ………. ………. stress because the former is aKhông ………. and the
latter is the verb BE.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. principle / auxiliary
b. principle / main verb
c. primary / lexical verb
d. primary / auxiliary Câu trả lời đúng

Both ……………….. and the article “a” in the utterance “Communication is a two-way
process” do not receive ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. the noun “way” / unstressed form
b. the cardinal “two” / unstressed form Câu trả lời không đúng
c. the present form of the verb BE “is” / stress placement
d. the noun “way” / stress placement

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You’re a participant in a meeting. What do you say to interrupt the other participant?

a. Can I say something?

b. What do you think of this?

c. Please wait for me a moment.

d. Please stop here to listen to me.

Câu hỏi 3

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
When you say: ‘Give your brother my best regards, John’, you want:
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. To send your greetings to John’s brother.

b. To ask John to meet your brother.

c. To meet John.

d. John to do you a favor.

Câu hỏi 6

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say to state the purpose of the call?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. I’m phoning about your adverts on Sunday.

b. The reason I’m calling is about your advert on Sunday.

c. Listen, just a quick word.

d. The reason I’m calling is about your advert on Sunday and I’m phoning about your
adverts on Sunday.
Câu hỏi
The sentence “Why are you working so hard at the moment?” uses ……………….. because it is
a ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the high rising tune/Wh-question

b. the low rising tune/Wh-question

c. the low falling tune/ Wh-question

d. the high falling tune/ Wh-question (⇘)

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say if you want to speak to Collete Hill on the phone?
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. I’d like to speak to Collete Hill.

b. Could I speak to Collete Hill, please?

c. Can I talk to Collete Hill, please?

d. All answers are possible.

Câu hỏi 11

Mô tả câu hỏi
Choose ONE of the following sentences as a positive Y/N question
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Didn’t she attend the class on time?

b. Did you go out with Peter or have dinner with Mary?

c. Have you ever met her girl friend?

d. How are you doing these days?

Câu hỏi 12

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You’re a participant in a meeting. What do you say to make suggestions?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Perhaps we should hire a consultant to help with this problem.

b. Let’s move on now to the problem of staff’s frequent absenteeism.

c. Hold on a moment.

d. Can I have your attention, please.

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say if you want to speak to Collete Hill on the phone?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Could I speak to Collete Hill, please?

b. All answers are possible.

c. I’d like to speak to Collete Hill.

d. Can I talk to Collete Hill, please?

Câu hỏi 3

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You’re the chairman of a meeting. What do you say to state the aim of the meeting?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. I’m in favor of your opinions.

b. Perhaps we should focus on middle-aged group.

c. I’d like to state the aim of this meeting.

d. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the distribution system.

Câu hỏi 4

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say to ask about the workforce of your friend’s company?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. How much work do you have to deal with everyday?

b. How much time do you spend at work every day?

c. How many people work there?

d. How many sections are there?

Câu hỏi 11

In each case, choose the most appropriate response to the suggestion:
How about reducing the price by 15%?

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. I see what you mean, but surely you know how much we already spend on commercials.

b. That’s a great idea. I think we are focusing on too many segments of the market.

c. I’m afraid I can’t agree. Our products are already among the cheapest on the market.

d. Yes, I’d go along with that. But what do we change? The logo? The taste?

Câu hỏi 12

What is the purpose of the caller?
Good afternoon. This is a message from Ralph Knight from Bernadini Fashion. I was calling to let you
know that I’ll be in Dortmund next week, and I want to make an appointment to see you. I’d like to tell
you about our new collection. Well, anyway I’ll call back later or send you an e-mail when I get back to
the office.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. To cancel an appointment.

b. To give instruction

c. To express disagreement.

d. To make an appointment

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say if you want to introduce a new product to a customer?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. I’m going to tell you about our new kind of fruit juice.

b. If you don’t believe, try using it.

c. This is our new kind of fruit juice & I’m going to tell you about our new kind of fruit
d. This is our new kind of fruit juice.

Câu hỏi 3

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say if you want to describe the dimension of a new kind of table?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. It’s got many shapes: square, rectangular, oval.

b. It’s made of high quality material.

c. It’s 1.2m long, 0,6m wide and 0.9m high.

d. It’s available in a wide range of colors.

Câu hỏi 4

Which of the following is not used for clarifying?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. It is not understood clearly.

b. To be more specific…

c. No, I was thinking of…

d. What I am saying is…

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
What do you say to greet your audience and introduce yourself at the beginning of the presentation?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Thanks for coming to my presentation.

b. Good afternoon. It’s too hot today to make a presentation.

c. Good morning, everyone. My name’s Bruno Tagliaferri.

d. Goodbye. See you next time.

Câu hỏi
Which is not used to talk about your company?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Our main competitors are launching an advertising campaign against US companies.

b. We have a workforce of 3000

c. The company was founded in…

d. We have subsidiaries in…

Câu hỏi 11

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You want to introduce yourself on the phone.
a. I am calling about our appointment.

b. I’d like to speak to Anna.

c. Could I have the sales department please?

d. My name’s Marta Anna. Phản


Câu hỏi 12

Which is not used to greet a business contact?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. How’s everything going?

b. Hello. Nice to see you again.

c. Hi! How are you?

d. Cheerio! This is our success.

Câu hỏi
The following utterances “The world becomes this worldwide network where the borders fade
away. A factor within globalization is consolidation” have ……………….. case (s) of
a final consonant linked to an initial vowel and they are ……………….. :
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. six / “The world”, “worldwide network”, “network where”, “fade away”, “factor within” and
“globalization is”
b. two / “fade away” and “globalization is”

c. four / “The world”, “this worldwide”, “fade away” and “factor within”

d. no / Ø

Câu hỏi

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
‘Can I speak to Mr. Howard, please’. You are a receptionist, how do you reply?
a. Stop talking and go back after 4 p.m.

b. Hold the line, please. I’ll put you through.

c. Mr. Howard doesn’t want to see you. He is busy.

d. Why don’t you hang up and call later?

Câu hỏi
Which of the following is not used to deal with interruptions?
a. Let Stephen finish please…

b. Just a moment

c. I’d like to talk more and more…

d. Hold on. Can I just finish the point?

Câu hỏi
The following utterance “Meeting the requirements, the people from poor countries try to
increase their living standard; consequently, new civilization has gradually become familiar to
them” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. no

b. three

c. one

d. two

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
If you agree to choose a supplier, you say:
a. CISCO can’t be our supplier at all.

b. OK, perhaps it would be better to use CISCO’s products.

c. I don’t think you are right.

d. Why are you choosing CISCO? I can’t understand.

Câu hỏi
When you say ‘ I am not sure I agree’, you want to express that
a. You disagree

b. You agree

c. You have no idea

d. You need more time to think

Câu hỏi 14

The following utterance “The first cause can be “globalization as a consequence of
technological innovation” has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. two

b. six

c. no

d. four

Câu hỏi 15

Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You are the receptionist of FUTIS company, you answer a phone call.

a. FUTIS. Good morning. How can I help you?

b. Can’t hear anything. I am deaf.

c. Good morning. Speak please.

d. Who is calling?

Câu hỏi
The following utterance “The process of globalization makes developments in these countries”
has ………………. Case (s) of linking.
a. three

b. one

c. four

d. two

Câu hỏi 7

Identify the phenomenon in speech of the underlined parts in the following utterances: (a) This is
broken. (b) Things are cheaper here. (c) For example, you should take regular exercise.
Select one or more:
a. pauses

b. stress

c. linking

d. rhythm

Câu hỏi 8

Which of the following is not used to make proposals?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. I suggest…

b. How about…?

c. We could…

d. What’s your proposal?

Câu hỏi 9

Mô tả câu hỏi
The following utterances “The world population has been becoming much closer than they used
to do. For describing this phenomenon at the present time, they use the term: THE ERA OF
GLOBALIZATION” have ………………. case (s) of linking.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. four

b. three

c. one

d. two

Câu hỏi


Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You are a buyer and you want to make a bargain at a retailing store.

a. Can you give me some discount?

b. Can you help me as I’m not good at bargaining?

c. Can you guarantee the price of your goods?

d. Can you say the price again?

Câu hỏi


Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You arrive half an hour late for the meeting, you say:
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. May I come in?

b. I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic was awful.

c. I’m sorry, I got up late.

d. Excuse me. I’ve got a terrible headache.

Câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
You are the chairman of a meeting. What do you say if you want to move to another point of the
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The next item on the agenda is the date of launching our new product.

b. Can we start making suggestions?

c. Let’s stop here to have lunch and we’ll continue after that.

d. Next time we’ll discuss the marketing campaign for our new product.

Phản hồi

Đápánđúnglà: The next item on the agenda is the date of launching our new product
Nội dung tiếp theo của chương trình là thời gian tung ra sản phẩm mới.
Câu trả lời đúng là:
Câu hỏi 15
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 1,00 ngồi khoảng 1,00
Đánh dấu để làm sau

Mơ tả câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
If you need to make an urgent phone call, what do you say to your host?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Have you got a phone?

b. Where is your phone?

c. Could I use your phone, please?

d. I will make a phone call now.

Phản hồi
Đápánđúnglà: Could I use your phone, please?
Làm ơn cho tôi dùng nhờ điện thoại của anh nhé?
Câu trả lời đúng là:
Identify the intonation pattern which is marked in the bold printed parts in the following utterances:
- We are going to visit the grandparents tonight (1).

- Will the grandparents be having their regular meeting then (2)?
- No, they won’t (3). They have changed the time for this (4).

- What time will we depart (5)?
- At about 6.30pm, as usual. Take your coat (6). It’s going to be cold.
- It is raining out (7)side?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. (1)take-off / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)

b. (1)glide-up / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)
c. (1)glide-down / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)

d. (1)glide-down / (2)glide-up / (3)glide-up / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glide-down / (7)

Phản hồi
- Đáp án đúng là: (1)glide-down / (2)take-off / (3)glide-down / (4)glide-down / (5)glide-down / (6) glidedown / (7) glide-up
- Intonation in the 4 types of sentence in English:
- We are going to visit the grandparents tonight ⇘(1 – glide-down in a positive declarative).
- Will the grandparents be having their regular meeting then ⇘(2 – take-off in a Y/N question to ask for
- No, they won’t ⇘(3 – glide-down in a negative declarative). They have changed the time for this ⇘(4
– glide-down in a positive statement).
- What time will we depart ⇘(5 – glide-down in a Wh.question)?
- At about 6.30pm, as usual. Take your coat ⇘(6 – glide-down in a strong command). It’s going to be

- It is raining out ⇗(7 – glide-up in a normal Y/N question)side?

Câu trả lời đúng là:
Choose the best answer for the following situation:
How do you say to give advice to an online retailer on his website?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Your website has to be designed by a professional.

b. Your website must be colorful and informative.

c. Your website has many images.

d. Your website shouldn’t be too complicated.

Phản hồi
Đápánđúnglà: Your website shouldn’t be too complicated
Trang web của anh không nên quá phức tạp.
Câu trả lời đúng là:
Câu hỏi 2

Which of the following is not used to start a meeting?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. OK, let’s get down to business.

b. Before I start, hold on a minute.

c. Right, can we start, please?

d. Shall we start now?

Phản hồi
Đápánđúnglà: Before I start, hold on a minute

Câu nào không dùng để mở đầu cho cuộc họp? Trước khi bắt đầu, chúng ta chờ một phút nhé.

Câu trả lời đúng là:
Choose the best answer: In English, Wh.interrogatives which ask for information, use ……………….. .
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. high falling tune

b. low falling tune

c. low rising tune

d. high rising tune

Phản hồi
Đáp án đúng là: high falling tune
- Intonation in the 4 types of sentence in English: High falling tune (⇘) or the first falling tune is
normally used in Wh.interrogatives to ask for information.
Câu trả lời đúng là:
Câu hỏi 5
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 1,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00
Đánh dấu để làm sau

Mô tả câu hỏi
Choose the best answer for the following situation:

Tài liệu bạn tìm kiếm đã sẵn sàng tải về

Tải bản đầy đủ ngay