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1. ALTHOUGH vs IN SPITE OF (mặc dù)
Although/though/even though + clause ( S + V)
In spite of/Despite
+ N/V-ing
* Rút gọn mệnh đề đồng chủ ngữ: Although/though + adj / N / VpII, mệnh đề chính
- Chỉ rút gọn nếu đồng chủ ngữ.
- Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ là động từ "to be" hoặc động từ nối (linking verb: seem, appear,
become, grow, remain, stay, prove, look, smell, sound, taste, feel, turn out), thì ta bỏ ln cả động từ, chỉ
giữ lại danh từ hoặc tính từ.)
Vd1: Although he felt stressed, he decided to keep the job.
⇒ Although stressed, he decided to keep the job.
Vd2: Though she is an excellent student, she failed the test.
⇒ Though an excellent student, she failed the test.
1. ________ having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job.
2. ________ the internet is very popular, many older people do not know how to use it.
3. _________ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the inter-university
athletics meet.
4. __________ what Megan prepared for the job interview, she didn’t pass it.
5. Bruce was not praised_________ he was a hard worker.
2. BECAUSE vs BECAUSE OF (bởi vì)
Because/as/since/for + clause ( S + V)
Because of
+ N/V-ing
1. Last night we came to the show late _______ the traffic was terrible.
2. _______I moved house, I haven’t had much contact with those friends.
3. Lan couldn’t pass the exam_______ her laziness.
4. _______ his broken leg, he didn’t come to class yesterday.
5. _______ the weather, we can't go shopping.

****Complete sentences with " because, because of, although or in spite of "
1. ___________it was very cold, she did not put on her coat.
2. ___________it was very hot, she did not put on her coat.
3. __________ rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
4. __________it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.
5. __________it was so cold, he went out with an overcoat.
6. We understood him __________ he spoke very fast.
7. _________ all my warnings, he tried to fix the computer himself.
8. Hans finished school __________ his leg injury.
9. Hans didn't finish school __________ his leg injury.
10. I try to do my homework ___________ the noise.
11. I can't do my homework ___________ the noise.
12. ___________ it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.
13. ___________ it rained heavily, we couldn't enjoy our holiday.
14. ___________ having little money, they are happy.
15. ___________ having little money, they aren't so happy.
16. ____________ she was not well, she still went to work.
17. ____________ she was not well, she didn't go to work.
18. We are going to have a picnic _____________ the bad weather.
19. _________ his poor health, Mr. Brown still works hard to support his family.
20. I gave up the job ________ the attractive salary.
21. _________ my father is old, he still goes jogging.
the harm of smoking, smokers can’t get rid it.
he tried to explain, she refused to listen.



the bad traffic, I arrived at the meeting late.
Henry’s friend is a millionaire, he hates spending money.
The rain, the baseball game was canceled.
( A CLAUSE ( S + V) --------> N)

DẠNG 1: Chủ ngữ ở 2 vế giống nhau:
EX: Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time.
In spite of getting up late, he got to school on time.
DẠNG 2: Nếu câu có cấu trúc: "danh từ + tobe + tính từ": ta đem tính từ đặt trước danh từ, bỏ tobe.
=> THE + ADJ + N
Ex: I can't go shopping because the rain is heavy.
I can't go shopping because of the heavy rain.
DẠNG 3: Câu có cấu trúc: "there be + danh từ": bỏ there be.
EX: Although there was an accident, the traffic wasn't so bad.
In spite of an accident, the traffic wasn't so bad.
DẠNG 4: Câu có cấu trúc: " It be + tính từ chỉ thời tiết" : ta đổi tính từ thành danh từ, thêm THE phía
Các danh từ và tính từ thường gặp trong mẫu này là:
ADJ --------------------------------------> N
Fog (Sương mù)
Rain (Mưa)
Snow (tuyết)

Storm (bão)
EX: Because It was rainy, we can't go out for lunch.
Because of the rain, we can't go out for lunch.
1. So … that: quá …đến nỗi
S + be+ so + adj / adv + that + S + V
- Dùng adv với các động từ thường
- Dùng adj với động từ to be, các động từ tri giác: seem, look, sound, feel,…
Vd: I felt so tired that I decided to see a doctor.
S + V+ so many/ few + danh từ số nhiều + that + S + V
Vd: The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own basketball team
S + V + so much/ little + danh từ không đếm được + that + S + V
Vd: He had so much money that he didn’t know what to do with it
S + V + so + adj + a/ an + danh từ số ít + that + S + V
Vd: It was so disappointing a result that we didn’t accept
* Đảo ngữ với so…that:
So + adj / adv + be (chia) + S + that + S + V + O
Vd: So nice is the house that everybody wants to buy it
Vd2: So carelessly did he drive that there were many accidents last night.
2. Such…that: quá …đến nỗi
S + V + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that + S + V
Vd: He is such a popular man that everyone knows him
3. Too…to: quá …đến nỗi
S + be + too + adj / adv + (for O) + to_V
- Dùng adv với các động từ thường
- Dùng adj với động từ to be, các động từ tri giác: seem, look, sound, feel,…
Vd: He is too short to play basketball
Vd2: They spoke too quickly for me to understand
4. Enough …to: Đủ …để làm gì

S + be + adj / adv + enough + (for O) + to_V
Vd: They spoke slowly enough for me to understand.
S + V + enough + noun + (for O) + to_V
Vd: I have enough time to do this exercise
* Đảo ngữ với such…that:
Such + be + (+ a/an) + adj+ N + that + S + V + O
Vd: Such is a handsome boy that every girl falls in love with him.
Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences with the word given.
1. Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.
=>In spite of........................................................................................................................................................
2. Mary tried to keep calm although she was very disappointed.
=>In spite of.......................................................................................................................................................
3. Although Minh was ill, he still came to the meeting.
=>In spite of.......................................................................................................................................................
4. Although the salary was low, he accepted the job.
=> Despite..........................................................................................................................................................
5. Because the weather is bad, the flight was canceled.
=> Because of........................................................................................................................ ............................
6. Tan passed the exam because he worked hard.
7. Although Sue felt tired, she stayed up late talking to Jill.
=> In spite of......................................................................................................................................................
8. We canceled our plan for the picnic because it was stormy.
9. Although there was a serious problem, we sold it together.

10. Rice plants grow well because the climate is warm.
11. I can't sleep because the weather is hot.
12. The train came on time although it was foggy.
13. She didn't decided to buy anything although there was a lot of lovely souvenir.
14. He couldn't drive fast because the street was crowded and narrow.
15. There was a traffic jam because it was snowy.
16. Although it was rainy, We kept playing football.
=> .......................................................................................................................................................................
17. Although there is a small house, It was sold with the highest price.
18. I feel sleepy because there is a boring film.
19. The bus was late because the fog was thick.
20. Although the food is terrible, he still eats in that restaurant.
21. In spite of the heavy rain, we decided to go to see the match.
=> Although........................................................................................................................................................
22. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.

23. Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman.
=> Despite...........................................................................................................................................................

24. She didn’t buy the house because the price was very high.
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..........................
24. Although Jane wrote for the tickets, she still had to stand in line.
=> In spite of.......................................................................................................................................................
25. We couldn’t sleep because the weather was hot.
=> ………………………………………………………………………………………………......................
26. Because of the World War II, women took over business for their absent husbands.
=> ………………………………………………………………………………………………......................
27. Despite the terrible food, he still eats in that restaurant.
=> Although.........................................................................................................................................................
28. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.
=> Even though...................................................................................................................................................
29. He couldn’t sleep because of his worries.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................
30. Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................
31. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.
=> Despite...........................................................................................................................................................
32. We arrived late because of the bad traffic.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................
33. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.
=> Although.........................................................................................................................................................
34. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.
=> In spite of.......................................................................................................................................................
35. She was very angry because he behaved very badly.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................
36. In spite of her dislike for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
=> Although.........................................................................................................................................................
37. He couldn’t earn enough money for living although he worked hard.
=> Despite...........................................................................................................................................................

38. She only accepted the job because of the high salary.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................
39. We get a good room though we didn’t phone the hotel.
=> Despite...........................................................................................................................................................
40. She was admitted to the university in spite of her low grades.
=> Although.........................................................................................................................................................
41. He couldn’t sleep although he was very tired. (in spite of)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
42. Although he’s got a Vietnamese name, he’s in fact a Cambodian. (despite)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
43. In spite of her injured feet, she managed to get home before dark. (although)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
44. In spite of not having eaten for three days, he didn’t feel hungry. (even though)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
45. He decided to get the job although the salary was low. (in spite of)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
46. They lost the match, although they were a better team. (despite)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
47. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough. (because of)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................

48. She stayed at home because of her mother’s sickness. (because)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
49. Although Mr. David is rich, he couldn’t afford to buy such a villa. (in spite of)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
50. Despite my like for black coffee, I cannot drink it in the evening. (although)
 ………………………………………………………………………………….............................................
51. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough.
=> ........................................................................................................................................................................

Exercise 2. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence printed before it
1. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.
àBecause of ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
4. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure lever cancer.
à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
5. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.
à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
6. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence printed before it:
1. Athough he is sick, he goes to school.
à In spite of _____________________________________________________________________________
2. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully.
à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty.
à Although _____________________________________________________________________________
4. They worked very hard although they were old.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
5. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Mary went to bed early because she felt tired.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
7. She didn’t go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________

8. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
9. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
10. I like him because his father is kind to me.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
11. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.
à Because of ____________________________________________________________________________
12. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
13. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
14. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure lever cancer.
à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
15. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.

à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
16. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.
à In spite _______________________________________________________________________________
17. Although I am hungry, I can’t eat now.
à Despite _______________________________________________________________________________
18. Despite the narrow streets, many people drive cars in this city.
à Though _______________________________________________________________________________
19. In spite of the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movie.
à Although _____________________________________________________________________________
20. They worked very hard inspite of their old age.
à Although _____________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 4. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence printed before it

1. We arrived late because of the bad traffic.
2. She didn’t buy the house because the price was very high.
3. She only accepted the job because of the high salary.
4. We couldn’t sleep because the weather was hot.
5. Because of the World War II, women took over business for their absent husbands.
6. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough.
7. She was very angry because he behaved very badly.
8. He couldn’t sleep because of his worries.
9. Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.
10. I lost my way because the fog was thick.
11. He is tired because of staying up late last night.
12. We couldn’t read the sign on the building because the distance was so great.
13. She’ll never get success because she is impatient.
14. He’ll be sacked because he is often late for work.
15. Governments advise giving up smoking because of its harm for health.

16. They haven’t bought the house because its rooms are small.
17. He got bad marks because his answers were incomplete.
18. Maria couldn’t return home because of losing all her money.
19. Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lesson for him.
20. A lot of people learn English because it is very important.
21. Tom is often punished because he is very lazy.

22. I was late because it rained heavily.
23. They turned the heating on because the weather was very cold.
24. She has to stay at home because of her sick mother.
Exercise 5. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence printed before it
1. I lost my way because the fog was thick.
2. He is tired because of staying up late last night.
3. We couldn’t read the sign on the building because the distance was so great.
4. She’ll never get success because she is impatient.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. He’ll be sacked because he is often late for work.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
6. Governments advise giving up smoking because of its harm for health.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
7. They haven’t bought the house because its rooms are small.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
8. He got bad marks because his answers were incomplete.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
9. Maria couldn’t return home because of losing all her money.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
10. Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lesson for him.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
11. A lot of people learn English because it is very important.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
12. Tom is often punished because he is very lazy.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
13. I was late because it rained heavily.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
14. They turned the heating on because the weather was very cold.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
15. She has to stay at home because of her sick mother.
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 6: Choose the best answer:
1. _______ having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job
A. Although
B. While
C. In spite of
D. Despite of
2. ______ the internet is very popular, many older people do not know how to use it.
A. However

B. Nevertheless
C. Even though
D. Despite
3. ______ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the inter-university athletics
A. Although
B. While
C. Where as
D. yet
4. _______ what Megan prepared for the job interview, she didn’t pass it.
A. Despite of
B. In spite of
C. Though
D. However
5. Bruce was not praised _______ he was a hard worker.
A. despite
B. in spite of
C. although
D. no matter how
6. It looks like they are going to succeed _______ their present difficulties.
A. despite
B. although
C. in spite
D. even though

7. Mary usually goes to parties. She likes meeting people and crowded places ___she is rather shy.
A. In spite of
B. Even though
C. On the contrary

D. In other words
8. Ann: Have you decided to get the job?
Terry: Yes, I’ve just decided. I’ll accept that job______ it is not suitable with my major. It is not an
interesting job, _______ the salary is very good.
A. although / but
B. despite / and
C. but / though
D. yet / however
9. _______, he has continued to work on his thesis.
A. Although all these problems
B. Even though there are problems
C. Despite of all these problems
D. In spite of there are problems
10. In spite of _________, he was determined to finish his work.
A. was seriously ill.
B. be seriously ill
C. his serious illness
D. he was seriously ill
11. _______ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many differences between
A. In spite
B. In spite of
C. although
D. Despite
12. I could not eat _______ I was very hungry.
A. even though
B. in spite
C. despite
D. despite of
13. In spite _______, the baseball game was not cancelled.

A. the rain
B. of the rain
C. it was raining
D. there was a rain
14. _______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite
B. In spite of
C. Despite
D. Although
15. _______, he walked to the station.
A. Despite being tired
B. Although to be tired
C. In spite being tired D. Despite tired
16. The children slept well despite _______.
A. it was noise
B. the noise
C. of the noise
D. noisy
17. She left him _______ she still loved him.
A. even if
B. even though
C. in spite of
D. despite
18. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.
A. In spite
B. Even though
C. In spite of
D. Despite of
19. _______ they are brothers, they do not look alike.
A. Although

B. Even
C. Despite
D. In spite of
20. Our new neighbors are quite nice _______ they are sometimes talkative.
A. despite
B. in spite of
C. though
D. as though
21. _______ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.
A. In spite
B. Despite
C. But
D. Although
22. ________, he could not finish the job.
A. As hard as he work
B. Despite he worked hard
C. Though he worked hard
D. Although hard work
23. He went to work _____________ his headache.
A. despite
B. although
C. because
D. because of
24. Despite the fact that _______, we enjoyed our trip.
A. the weather is bad
B. it is a bad weather
C. the bad weather
D. the weather was bad
25. Julie failed the exam _______ of working very hard.
A. despite

B. in spite
C. even if
D. though
26. Tom went to work despite _______.
A. that he did not feel very well
B. of the fact not feeling well
C. he did not feel very well
D. not feeling very well
27. Though _______, they are good friends.
A. their sometimes quarrel
B. to have a quarrel sometimes
C. they sometimes have a quarrel
D. of having a quarrel sometimes
28. Despite _______, we arrived on time.
A. the traffic
B. of the traffic
C. there was heavy traffic
D. of there was heavy traffic
29. ________ it was very cold, she did not put on her coat.
A. In case
B. But
C. Even if
D. Although

30. ________ rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
A. Despite
B. Although
C. Despite of
D. Although

31. ________it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.
A. If
B. Since
C. Although
D. Because
32. We understood him _________ he spoke very fast.
A. because of
B. though
C. in spite of
D. despite
33. _________ all my warnings, he tried to fix the computer himself.
A. Because
B. Because of
C. Although
D. In spite of
34. Hans finished school _________ his leg injury.
A. because of
B. despite
C. though
D. because
35. I try to do my homework _________ the noise
A. because of
B. although
C. despite of
D. in spite of
36. ___________ it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.
A. Because of
B. Because
C. Despite
D. Though

37. __________ having little money, they are happy.
A. Despite
B. Because of
C. Although
D. Because
38. _________ she was not well, she still went to work.
A. Because
B. Because of
C. Although
D. In spite of
39. We are going to have a picnic ________ the bad weather.
A. because
B. despite
C. although
D. because of
40. _________ his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.
A. Because of
B. Because
C. Though
D. Despite
41. Although the sun was shining, _______.
A. it wasn’t very hot
B. it was very hot
C. yet it was very hot
D. but it was very hot
42. Nowadays, the divorce rate is higher than it used to be________ young people are allowed to decide on
their marriage.
A. despite
B. but
C. even though

D. in spite of
43. ________ his poor health, Mr. Brown still works hard to support his family.
A. Despite of
B. Despite
C. Although
D. Because of
44. I gave up the job ________ the attractive salary.
A. because
B. because of
C. although
D. despite
45. _________ my father is old, he still goes jogging.
A. Although
B. Because
C. So that
D. Despite
Exercise 7: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
1. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise.
A. Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there.
B. We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it.
C. Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
D. Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel.
2. Young as he is, he has a big fortune.
A. Although he is young, he has a big fortune.
B. He has a big fortune because he is young.
C. He is not only young but also has a big fortune.
D. When he is young, he has a big fortune.
3. Despite the bad weather, people travel by air.
A. Even though the weather is bad, people travel by air.
B. Because the weather is bad, people travel by air.

C. In spite of people travel by air, the weather is bad.
D. Although the bad weather, people travel by air.
4. Although his leg was hurt, he managed to drive a car.
A. His leg was hurt. However, he managed to drive a car.
B. his leg was hurt. But he managed to drive a car.
C. Despite his hurt leg, he managed to drive a car.
D. In spite of the fact that his hurt leg, he managed to drive a car.
5. He was very tired but he kept on working.
A. Despite he was very tired, he kept on working.

B. In spite of he was very tired, he kept on working.
C. Though his tiredness, he kept on working.
D. Although he was very tired, he kept on working.
6. Although she was very old, she looked very grateful.
A. Despite she was very old, she looked very grateful.
B. Despite her old age, she looked very grateful.
C. In spite of very old, she looked very grateful.
D. In spite her being old, she looked very grateful.
7. However hard you work, you will never get promotion.
A. Although you work very hard, you will never get promotion.
B. you will get promotion because you work very hard.
C you don’t work hard. However, you will get promotion soon.
D. Although you work very hard, but you will never get promotion.
8. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking.
A. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking.
B. Although we felt cold, we kept walking.
C. However cold we felt, but we kept walking.
D. However we felt cold, we kept walking.
9. Although it was expected that he would stand for election, he didn’t.

A. People expected him not to stand for election.
B. He didn’t stand for election as people had expected.
C. People expected that he didn’t stand for election.
D. Contrary to what people expected, he didn’t stand for election.
10. Although she tells lies, I believe her.
A. In spite of telling lies, I believe her.
B. In spite her telling lies, I believe her.
C. In spite of his telling lies, I believe her.
D. In spite of her tell lies, I believe her.
11. Although he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at school.
A. Despite being intelligent, he doesn't do well at school.
B. In spite he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at school.
C. Although his intelligence, he does well at school.
D. In spite of intelligent, he doesn't do well at school.
12. In spite of discussing for hours, they didn’t find a suitable solution.
A. They discussed for hours and they found a suitable solution.
B. They discussed for hours so they didn’t find a suitable solution.
C. They discussed for hours but didn’t find a suitable solution.
D. They discussed for hours after they didn’t find a suitable solution.
13. Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
A. In spite of his broken legs be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
B. In spite of his broken legs, he is able to get out of the car before exploding.
C. Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
D. Despite his broken legs, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
14. I usually drive to work, but today I go by bus.
A. Although I can drive to work, I go by bus today.
B. Although I can go by bus, I drive to work today.
C. Instead of driving to work, I go by bus today.
D. Instead of going by bus, I drive to work today.
15. I tried to persuade her. I didn’t succeed, however.

A. Because of persuading her, I didn’t succeed
B. Although I tried to persuade her, I didn’t succeed
C. I didn’t succeed but I tried to persuade her
D. However I tried to persuade her, I didn’t succeed
16. The children laughed a lot because of the funny story.
A. The children laughed because the story is funny.
B. The children laughed because of the story funny
C. The children laughed because it was funny.
D. The children laughed because the story was funny

17. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.
A. Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi.
B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.
C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
D. Although Bill took a taxi he can’t come to the concert on time.
18. She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
A. Because she was very busy, she couldn’t answer the phone.
B. Because she was very busy, she could answer the phone.
C. Although she was very busy, she couldn’t answer the phone.
D. Although she was very busy, she could answer the phone.
19. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't open the door.
A. Although I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.
B. Although I tried very hard, I could open the door.
C. In spite of I tried very hard, I couldn't open the door.
D. I couldn't open the door,even though trying very hard.
B. So, such, enough, too.
Exercise 1: Use so or such, too, enough:
1. The sun shone _______ brightly that she had to put on her glasses.
2. There were _________ few students registered that the class was cancelled.

3. We had _________ wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
4. It was ________ a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
5. The book looked ___________ interesting that we decided to read it.
6. Ray called at _________ an early hour that we weren’t wake yet.
7. There were ____________ many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
8. The benefit was _________ great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
9. I’ m not rich ___________to help you.
10. This room is ___________ dark for us to study.
Exercise 1: Viết lại những câu sau:
1. It was such an expensive house that nobody can buy it.
→ The house was so ______________________________________________________________________
2. The food was so good that we ate all of it.
→ It was _______________________________________________________________________________
3. The patient was too weak to get up.
→ The patient was so _____________________________________________________________________
4. This room is too dark for me to study.
→ This room is so ________________________________________________________________________
5. This room is too small for us to take the meeting
→ This room isn’t ________________________________________________________________________
6. The test was so difficult that we couldn’t do it.
→ The test was not _______________________________________________________________________
7. The map is so old that I couldn’t read it.
→ The map is too ________________________________________________________________________
8. He spoke so fast that we couldn’t hear him well
→ He didn’t ________________________________________________ ____________________________
Exercise 2: Kết hợp những câu sau sử dụng "so……..that":
1. That woman was very tall. She could almost touch the ceiling.
2. This coat is very big. I can't wear it.

3. The coffee was so strong. She couldn't go to sleep.
4. That bag was very heavy. None of us could carry it.

5. The stadium is very large. It can hold 60,000 people.
6. Those lessons are very difficult. He can't understand them.
7. She was very busy. She couldn't do the housework.
8. The climate was very bad. All the plants couldn't grow well.
9. I'm very tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
10. That boy is very lazy. He never does his homework.
Exercise 3: Kết hợp những câu sau sử dụng "such....that":
1. Tom was a tall man. He could almost touch the ceiling.
2. Mary is a good swimmer. She has won two gold medals.
3. He drank strong coffee. He couldn't go to sleep.
4. It was a long walk. The children got tired.
5. He told interesting stories. They all like him.
6. The boy made rapid progress. It surprised everybody.

7. He had a difficult exercise. He couldn't do it.
8. The speaker gave a long talk. Most of the audience felt sleepy.
9. We watched an exciting competition. We didn't want to go home.
10. It was an excellent show. We all enjoyed it.
Exercise 4. Rewrite these sentences using the cues provided with SO/SUCH/TOO/ENOUGH
1. We went to bed early because we were very tired.
 We were so…………………….......................................................................................................................
2. The lesson is very difficult. We can’t understand it.
 It is such………………………………….......................................................................................................
3. The car is so old that he doesn’t want to drive it.
 It is such…………………………...................................................................................................................
4. The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out.
 The weather was too……………....................................................................................................................
5. The film was so interesting that we couldn’t miss it.
 It was such………………...............................................................................................................................
6. David has too many girlfriends . He can’t remember all of their names.
 David has so……………….............................................................................................................................
7. Tome drive too fast, so he often causes accidents.
 Tom drives so……………………...................................................................................................................
8. This is good tea. I think I’ll have another cup.
 This is such…………………………..............................................................................................................
9. John was very angry. He couldn’t say anything.
 John was too……………………………........................................................................................................
10. These exercises are so long that I can’t finish them in an hour.
 They are………………...................................................................................................................................

11. She is old. She can work by herself. (Enough).
 She is…………………………………………................................................................................................
12. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you. (Enough).
 The boy is…………………………….............................................................................................................
13. Mai is good. She can pass the examination. (Enoug).
 Mai is…………………………………………...............................................................................................
14. The story is short. We can read it in one hour. (Enough).
The story is……………………………………...............................................................................................
15. The film was very good. We saw it through. (Enough).
 The film was……………………………………............................................................................................
16. The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it. (Enough).
 The play was……………………………........................................................................................................
17. The children were very late.They couldn’t see the display of fireworks. (Too).
 It was…............................................................................................................................................................
18.Your brother is very young.He can’t go swimming. (Too).
 He is…..………..…….....................................................................................................................................
19. The sound is very low.We can’t hear it. (Too).
 The sound was………………………….........................................................................................................
20. This book is very difficult.I can’t read it. (Too).
 This book is………………..............................................................................................................................
Exercise 5. Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa:
1. The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it.
=> It is .... ……………………………………...................................................................................................
2. The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him.
=> He is .... …………………………………….................................................................................................
3. The film is so long that they can't broadcast it on one night.
=> It is ..... ……………………………………..................................................................................................
4. The books are so interesting that we have read them many times.

=> They are..... …………………………….......................................................................................................
5. The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it.
=> It was.... ……………………………………................................................................................................
6. The food was so hot that it turned my tongue.
=> It was..... ……………………………………...............................................................................................
7. There is so much rain that we can't go out.
=> There is such.... …………………………………….....................................................................................
8. The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy.
=> He is .... …………………………………….................................................................................................
9. The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more.
=> It is .... ……………………………………...................................................................................................
10. The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden.
=> It was.... ……………………………………................................................................................................
11. There were so many people in the hall that we couldn't see him.
=> There were such... ……………………….....................................................................................................
12. The match was so exciting that all the fans shouted loudly.
=> It was... …………………………………….................................................................................................
13. They drank so much coffee that they couldn't sleep all night.
=> They drunk such..... …………………………..............................................................................................
14. Alice had so many exercises to do that she couldn't go out.
=> Alice had such..... ……………………………..............................................................................................
15. The woman was so poor that she needed everyone's help.
=> She was ..... ……………………………………...........................................................................................
Exercise 6. Viết lại câu dùng TOO.....TO...
1. The weather is so bad that we can’t go out.

=> The weather is too……..…………………………………….......................................................................
2. The film was so boring that we couldn’t go on seeing it.
=> The film was too…………………………………........................................................................................

3. He was so old that he couldn’t run fast.
=> He was too…..…………………………………….......................................................................................
4. He spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him.
=> He spoke too…..……………………………………....................................................................................
5. The fair was so noisy that we couldn’t hear each other.
=> The fair was too….………………………………........................................................................................
6. You speak so fast that I can’t catch up with your words.
=> You speak too……………………………………........................................................................................
7. It is so early that we can’t go out.
=> It is too…..…………………………………….............................................................................................
8. The water is so hot that I can’t drink it.
=> The water is too………………………………………….............................................................................
9. The restaurant is so expensive that we can’t eat in that restaurant.
=> The restaurant is too………..........................................................................................................................
10. He studied so badly that he couldn’t pass the exam.
=> He studied too…….……………………………………...............................................................................
Exercise 7. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using too/enough with
1 You are very young. You can't have a front-door key.
2 It is very cold. We can't bathe.
4 I am rather old. I can't wear that kind of hat.
5 The ladder wasn't very long. It didn't reach the window.
6 He hadn't much money. He couldn't live on it.
7 He was furious. He couldn't speak.

8 The fire isn't very hot. It won't boil a kettle.
9 Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police.
10 You are quite thin. You could slip between the bars.
11 He is very ill. He can't eat anything.
12 Our new car is very wide. It won't get through those gates.
13 The floor wasn't strong. We couldn't dance on it.
14 I was terrified. I couldn't move.
15 The bull isn't big. He couldn't harm you.
16 The coffee isn't strong. It won't keep us awake.
17 The river is deep. We can't wade it.
18 He is lazy. He won't get up early.

19 He won't get up early so he never catches the fast train.
21 The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it.
22 He was very drunk. He couldn't answer my question.

23 It is very cold. We can't have breakfast in the garden.
24 He was extremely rash. He set off up the mountain in a thick fog.
25 We aren't very high. We can't see the summit.
26 You aren't very old. You can't understand these things.
27 He was very snobbish. He wouldn't talk to any of us.
28 The package is very thick. I can't push it through the letterbox
29 She was very mean. She never gave to charity.
30 He is very impatient. He never listens to anyone.
31 I was very tired. I couldn't walk any further.
32 It's not very dark. We can't see the stars clearly.
33 It was very hot. You could fry an egg on the pavement.
34 The oranges were very bitter. We couldn't eat them.
. ……………………………….............................……......................................................................................
36 He is very selfish. He wouldn't put himself out for anyone.
37. It is very cold. We can't go out.
38. He is strong. He can carry it.

Exercise 8: Choose the best answer:
1. The ceiling is _______.
A. too high for me to reach
B. too high for me to each it.
C. so high for me reaching
D. enough high of me reaching
2. I don’t think our daughter is _______ to understand this matter.
A. too young
B. is such young
C. not enough old
D. not age enough
3. Mrs Harrison is _______ he owns many palaces.
A. so a rich man that
B. such an rich man that C. such a rich man that D. that os rich a man.
4. These two girls …………. that I can’t tell them apart.
A. are so like
B. are so alike
C. are too alike
D. alike enough
5. The woman was so beautiful_______.
A. that I couldn’t help looking at
B. that I couldn’t help looking at her
C. for me looking at her
D. that for me to look at.
6. It is _______ that I would like to go to the beach.
A. such a nice weather
B. too nice weather
C. such nice weather
D. such weather nice.
7. These are _______ that I can’t finish them.

A. a such long assignments
B. such long assignments
C. such a long assignments
D. too long assignments.
8. It is _______ that I have read it twice.
A. such an interesting book
B. so interesting a book.
C. too interesting a book
D. A and B
9. She dances _______ everybody adores her.
A. such beautifully that B. so beautiful that
C. so beautifully that
D. too beautifully that
10. It is _______ to go swimming.
A. too cold
B. so cold
C. such a cold
D. enough cold that
11. I am _______ a car.
A. not rich enough to buy B. too rich enough to buy C. too poor to buy
D. A and C.
12. It’s_______ home from here.
A. too far walking
B. too far for walking
C. far to walk too
D. too far to walk
13. The bed is not clean enough_______.
A. to lie in it

B. to lie in
C. for lying In
D. in which to lie
14. The piano was too heavy_______.
A. for nobody to move
B. for nobody moving
C. for anyone to move D. for anyone to moving
15._______ to go to the cinema.
A. It was late so that
B. That it was late
C. It was too late
D. such too late.
16. We don’t_______ to go there now.
A. have time enough
B. enough time
C. have too time
D. have enough time
17. Jane is _______ to do this exercise.
A. no intelligence enough B. not intelligent enough C. not enough intelligent D. so intelligent enough
Exercise 9. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct option to fill each of the following blanks.
1. Our seats were ____far from the stage that we couldn't see the actors and actresses clearly.
A. very
B. too
C. enough
D. so
2. He was _____ he never washed his clothes by himself.
A. too lazy
B. so lazy that
C. very lazy that
D. such lazy that

3. They are _____ young _____ drive the car.
A. so / that
B. too / to
C. enough / to
D. not only / but also
4. It was _____ a boring speech that I felt asleep.
A. such
B. so
C. very
D. too
5. Is there _____ for everyone?
A. food and drink enough
B. enough food and drink
C. enough of food and drink
D. enough food and drink enough
6. He was _____ he could not continue to work.
A. very tired that
B. such tired that
C. too tired that
D. so tired that
7. John’s eyes were _____ bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.
A. such
B. too
C. so
D. very
8. - Why don’t we make a fire? - It’s not cold _____ to make a fire.
A. too
B. enough
C. such
D. much

9. Most of the pupils are _____ to pass the examination.
A. enough good
B. good enough
C. too good
D. very good
10. You can send me a letter if you want to, but your phone call is _____ for me.
A. enough good
B. good as enough
C. good enough
D. good than enough
11. Davis has _____ many patients _____ he is always busy.
A. too / that
B. very / until
C. such / that
D. so / that
12. It was _____ a difficult question that they couldn't explain.
A. so
B. such
C. very
D. too
13. The lesson _____ for me to understand.
A. is very difficult
B. too difficult
C. difficult too
D. is too difficult
14. The tent show is _____ for us to see.
A. enough interesting
B. very interesting
C. interesting enough
D. interesting

15. They are _____ that they can't buy a bicycle.

A. enough poor
B. poor enough
C. so poor
D. too poor
16. If I have _____, I'll travel south to New Orleans.
A. money enough
B. enough money
C. too money
D. so money
17. It's surprising now _____ beautiful girl can make so heinous crime.
A. such
B. so
C. a such
D. such a
18. These are _____ ugly chairs _____ I am going to give them away.
A. so / that
B. such / that
C. so many / that
D. so much / that
19. She is _____ kind that everybody loves her.
A. such
B. such a
C. so
D. so a
20. We have _____ in the house, so we needn't go shopping tomorrow.
A. enough food
B. food enough

C. too food
D. food too
21. The day was _____ that we had a shower four times a day.
A. such a hot
B. so hot
C. very hot
D. hot
22. It was _____ that I couldn't eat it.
A. such a hard cake
B. such hard cake
C. so a hard cake
D. so hard cake
23. He is _____ a busy man that he really needs a helper.
A. so
B. such
C. very
D. quite
24. It was _____ that we went for a picnic in the countryside.
A. so nice a day
B. such nice day
C. so nice day
D. such a nice day
25. My mathematics teacher is _____ person that all of us like his period.
A. a such funny
B. a so funny
C. such funny
D. such a funny
26. That old woman is _____ deaf to hear what her children say.
A. so
B. enough

C. too
D. not
27. He was _____ terrified to move.
A. enough
B. very
C. too
D. so
28. -"Was the boy upset about his bad marks?"
-"Yes, he was _____ upset that he cried about it afterwards."
A. very
B. so
C. such
D. too
29. She hasn't got _____ to buy a car.
A. enough money
B. money enough
C. so many money
D. so much money
30. It was _____ a boring speech that I felt asleep.
A. such
B. so
C. very
D. too
31. It was _____ a boring film that Tom fell asleep.
A. such
B. so
C. much
D. too
32. My son is _____ young to go to school.
A. very

B. too
C. so
D. enough
33. -"What a cold day!"
-"Yes, it's _____ that I have to wear two pullovers and a coat.
A. such cold
B. so cold
C. too cold
D. cold so
35. This skirt is _____ small for me. I need a larger size.
A. so
B. not
C. too
D. all are correct
37. They are not _____ to take part in this program of the World Health Organization.
A. as old
B. enough old
C. old enough
D. so old
38. Why can’t you solve _____ easy exercises?
A. so
B. such a
C. such
D. all are correct
39. She is _____ to answer the question.
A. enough intelligent
B. so intelligent
C. intelligent enough
D. very intelligent
40. I’m not _____ that ceiling.

A. enough tall to reach
B. tall enough for reach C. tall enough reaching D. tall enough to reach
41. That play was _____ for her to see again.
A. too interesting
B. enough interesting
C. So interesting
D. such interesting
42. This exercise is _____ hard for me to do.
A. very
B. too
C. so
D. quite
43. Peter doesn't like scuba-diving. _____ does his brother.

A. Too
B. Neither
C. Either
D. So
44. There are _____________ that I can not do it
A. so many things
B. nobody has so many
C. so many things are on me
D. such many things
45. The school boys are in a hurry _____________ be late for school.
A. so as to
B. in order not to
C. in order that
D. for
46. He was_____ tired that he slept all day.

A. such
B. too
C. so
D. very
47. "I find the local newspaper to be _____ uninformative".
"Yes, there is hardly any international news".
A. so
B. such
C. so much
D. such much
48. "Wendy is really tall for her age".
"She is ____________ her friends make fun of her".
A. so tall that
B. such tall that
C. too tall that
D. enough tall to
49. "Here, I brought you some flowers from my garden".
"Thank you. They're_____________ beautiful flowers".
A. so
B. as
C. such
D. too
Exercise 10: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence which is closest in meaning to the
given one
1. In my opinion that girl is enough beautiful to be a movie star.
2. The specific gravity of the water in the great Salt Lake is too great that one cannot sink or completely
submerge in it.
3. This lesson is such long that I have written it for 30 minutes.
4. The pull of the earth is too strong that no one can jump as high as three meters
5. It was so an interesting film that my mother had seen it three times.

6. Mary is so an intelligent pupil that she can answer this question.
7. Mars is far so from the earth that our spaceships cannot reach it in a few months
8. Despite the time of the year, yesterday’s temperature was enough hot to turn on the air conditioning.
9. I was such nervous that I didn’t think I would pass the exams.
10. The problems of pollution are too difficult for us to solving.
11. His father was so poor to send him to school.
12. This refrigerator is very old to keep things at a proper temperature.
13. She is such good at mathematics that everyone admires her.
14. George is not enough intelligent to pass this mathematics class.
15. The novel was such interesting that I had read it all night.
16. He was tired that he couldn’t continue his work.
17. It was so a funny film that I burst out laughing.
18. His TOEFL score was enough high to be accepted.
19. It was so an exciting novel that I do not want to stop reading it.
20. The woman was too old that she could not run.
21. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time.
22. Mi has such many things to do that she has no time to go out.
23. My brother is too young not to do volunteer work .
24. These televisions were so expensive for us to buy at that time.
25. That is such an interested story that everybody would like to read it.
26. The road is very slippery for us to drive fast.
27. The woman was so surprised that she couldn’t say nothing.
28. She had so many luggage that there was not enough room in the car for it.
29. He had so a difficult exercise that he couldn't do it.
30. John had so interesting and creative plans that everyone wanted to work with him.
Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence which is closest in meaning to the
given one
1. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad.
A. It was so bad a weather that we couldn’t go out.

B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn’t go out.
C. It was so bad weather that we couldn’t go out.
D. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out.
2. She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
A. She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
B. She was too busy to answer the phone.
C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.
D. She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone
3. The coffee was too hot for me to drink.
A. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it
B. The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink.
C. The coffee was so hot that I couldn’t drink it.
D. The coffee was so hot that I could drink it.
4. Tim is too young to drive a car.
A. Tim is not old enough to drive a car.
B. Tim is not young enough to drive a car.
C. Tim is old enough to drive a car.
D. Tim is so old that he can drive a car.
5. It was such a boring speech that we began to yawn.
A. The speech was very boring that we began to yawn.
B. It was so a boring speech that we began to yawn.
C. The speech was too boring that we began to yawn.
D. The speech was so boring that we began to yawn.
6. It was so late that nothing could be done.
A. It was too late for nothing to be done.
B. It was too late for anything to be done.
C. It was such late that nothing could be done.
D. It was so late that nothing to be done.
7. This is the first time I have lived in such a friendly neighborhood.

A. I have lived in such a friendly neighborhood before.
B. I haven’t lived in such a friendly neighborhood before.
C. I had lived in such a friendly neighborhood before.
D. I hadn’t lived in such a friendly neighborhood before.
8. The test was so difficult that we couldn’t finish it in two hours.
A. It was such a difficult test that we couldn’t finish it in two hours.
B. The test was too difficult for us to finish it in two hours.
C. The test was not difficult enough for us to finish in two hours.
D. The test was too difficult for us to finish it in two hour.
9. The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down.
A. It was so a good book that I couldn’t put it down.
B. It was such a good book that I couldn’t put it down.
C. The book was so good for me to put it down.
D. The book was so good that I couldn’t put down.
10. Sue is too slow to understand what you might say.
A. Sue is not enough quick to understand what you might say.
B. What you might say, Sue can understand slowly.
C. Sue is so slow to understand what you might say.
D. So slow is Sue that she can’t understand what you might say.
11. The woman was so poor that she needed everyone’s help.
A. She was such a poor woman that she needed everyone’s help.
B. She were such a poor woman that she needed everyone's help.
C. The poor woman was such that she needed everyone's help.
D. The poor woman was so many that she needed everyone's help.
12. Alice had so many exercises to do that she couldn’t go out.

A. Alice had such a lot of exercises to do that she couldn’t go out.
B. Alice had so many exercises to do such that she couldn't go out.
C. Alice had so a lot of exercises to do without going out.

D. Alice had many exercises such that she couldn't go out.
13. They drank so much coffee that they couldn’t sleep all night.
A. They drunk such a lot of coffee that they couldn’t sleep all night.
B. It was such a lot of coffee that they couldn't sleep all night.
C. They drunk a lot of coffee so that they couldn't sleep all night.
D. It was so a lot of coffee that they couldn't sleep all night.
14. The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more.
A. It is so excellent milk that all the children want some more.
B. It is such excellent milk that all the children want some more.
C. It is so excellent that all the children want some more.
D. The milk is such excellent that the children want some more.
15. The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy.
A. He is so a fat boy that every calls him Stuffy.
B. He is such fat that every calls him Stuffy.
C. He is such a fat boy that every calls him Stuffy.
D. It is so a fat boy that every calls him Stuffy.
16. There is so much rain that we can’t go out.
A. There is such a lot of rain that we can’t go out.
B. There is such many rain that we can't go out.
C. There is so many rain that we can't go out.
D. There is so a lot of rain that we can't go out.
17. The food was so hot that it turned my tongue.
A. It was so hot that the foos turned my tongue.
B. It is such hot food that it turns my tongue.
C. The food is hot such that it turns my tongue.
D. It was such hot food that it turned my tongue.
18. The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it.
A. It was so bad news that she burst into tears on hearing it.
B. It was such bad news that she burst into tears on hearing it.
C. It was such bad that she burst into tears on hearing the news.

D. It was so one bad news that she burst into tears on hearing it.
19. The books are so interesting that we have read them many times.
A. They are such interesting books that we have read them many times.
B. They are so interesting books that we have read them many times.
C. They are an interesting books such that we have read them many times.
D. They are so interesting to read them many times.
20. The film is so long that they can’t broadcast it on one night.
A. It is such long that they can't broadcast anything on one night.
B. It is so a long film that they can't broadcast it on one night.
C. It is such a film that they can't broadcast it on one night.
D. It is such a long film that they can’t broadcast it on one night.
21. The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him.
A. He is so fool man that anyone takes any notice of him.
B. He is so a fool man that no one took any notice of.
C. He is such fool that no one took any notice of him.
D. He is such a fool man that no one took any notice of him.
22. The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it.
A. It is such a tidy room that it took us one hour to clean it.
B. It is so a tidy room that it took us one hour to clean.
C. A room is such tidy that it takes us one hour to clean.
D. A tidy room is so that it took us one hour to clean.
