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Jeff nippard s workout week 1

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// General Warm up

Exercise Name

Cardio Exercises

Reps / Time

Exercise Details
Examples of cardio exercises:
// running on the spot, jump rope, or jumping jacks.

// Elevate heart rate, increase readiness to train, reduce injury risk.

// Dynamic Warm Up

Dynamic Stretches



5-10 reps

Lying thoracic spine rotations: 5-10 reps per side
Step throughs: 5-10 reps per side
Leg swings: 5-10 reps per side
Arm circles/swings: 5-10 reps per side

// Circuit

Walking Lunges


Inverted Desk Rows

20 reps per leg

You can make the exercise harder by:

// Loading with a backpack

// Minimizing assistance from your back leg

// Taking longer strides

// Slowing the reps down

20-30 reps

You can make the exercise harder by:

// Elevating your feet (hit upper chest more)

// Slowing the negative to 3-5 seconds per rep

// Pause for 3-5 seconds at the bottom

// SQUEEZE pecs as hard as possible at the top

20-30 reps

You can make the exercise harder by:

// Elevating your feet and loading a gallon jug on your lap

// Slowing the negative to 2-3 seconds

// Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of each rep

Bicep Curls

15-20 reps

You can make the exercise harder by:

// Pause for 2 seconds half way up and half way down on each rep

// Don’t allow biceps to passively rest at the bottom
*You may use gallon jugs if you don’t have dumbbells or bands.

Standing Calf Raise

15-20 reps
per calf

You can make the exercise harder by:

// Pause at the bottom for 1-2 seconds on every rep
// Squeeze your calves at the top of each rep

// Do one leg at a time to make more challenging
*You may use a backpack to load extra weight if needed.

Bicycle Crunch

Nordic Ham Curl

20 reps

8-10 reps

// Pull your left elbow to your right knee and vice versa.
// Place your heels underneath a couch or have a training partner hold
your legs down.
// Use your arms to assist you on the way back up

Repeat the circuit 2-3 times, resting for 2 minutes between circuits.
Visit www.risestore.com to view a video of this workout.


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