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Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Code: 60140111

Ngơ Đình Phương, Assoc.Prof.,Dr.

Vinh, 2017


I certify that the thesis entitled “Using pictures to teach English vocabulary to
primary school students” is the result of my own work.
Vinh, 2017
Author’s signature
Trần Thị Thanh Tuyền


I greatly appreciate supporting from my supervisor, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Ngo Dinh
Phuong. He tried his best to guide me, support me in my thesis. In addition, my
sincere thanks are due to the teachers and the students at Hong Ha primary
school where I do the research. The teachers helped me in arranging the classes
where I do the surveys. The students cooperated well with me in my surveys.
Moreover, I also want to say a big thanks to my classmates with their
encouragement. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my
family for their love and encouragement. They always give me the advice as I
am tired.


Vocabulary is very important in learning language. It is seen as central to
English language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students
cannot understand others or express their own ideas. There are many techniques
to teach English vocabulary. However, in this research, I would like to explore
using pictures in teaching English vocabulary to primary schools students. The
study focuses on the students’ attitudes towards using pictures in teaching
English vocabulary and the use of pictures helps students improve their
memorization of English vocabulary. The research was taken place in Hong Ha
primary school in Ho Chi Minh City with 86 third- graders from two classes 3/5
and 3/6. The instruments I used were: pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire
with twenty statements for each, two tests with twelve items for each. The data
results from questionnaires and tests were treated via Excel program. The
results showed that the students liked using pictures in learning vocabulary and
had a positive attitude towards using pictures in teaching English vocabulary. In
addition, using pictures could help learners in remembering the words better. In

conclusion, the students had a positive attitude towards using pictures in
learning English vocabulary and it helped learners improve their memorization
in learning English vocabulary.


STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP......................................................................i
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................1

Rationale .......................................................................................................1
Aims ..............................................................................................................3
Scope .............................................................................................................3
Research Questions .......................................................................................3
Organization of the study ..............................................................................4

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ..............................................................5
2.1 English Vocabulary teaching ..........................................................................5
2.1.1 Vocabulary definition ................................................................................5
2.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary .................................................................................6
2.1.3 Techniques for teaching vocabulary .........................................................6
2.1.4 Principle for teaching vocabulary……………………………………..10

2.1.5 The importance of vocabulary in language learning ………………… 10
2.1.6 Stages to teach vocabulary …………………………………………….11
2.1.7 How to teach and learn vocabulary effectively ………………………12
2.1.8 Presenting vocabulary..............................................................................13
2.2 Pictures in vocabulary teaching …………………………………………14
2.2.1 Picture definition ……………………………………………………..14
2.2.2 Types of pictures………………………………………………………14
The criteria of a good picture ………………………………………...17
2.2.4 The advantages of using pictures in teaching English vocabulary …..18
2.2.5 The use of pictures in teaching vocabulary …………………………..20
2.3 Ways of using pictures as a teaching strategy …………………………..23
2.3.1 Drills…………………………………………………….…………….23
2.3.2 Communication (games)……………………………………….……..23
2.3.3 Understanding ………………………………………………….…….23
2.3.4 Ornamentation ……………………………………………………….24
2.3.5 Prediction …………………………………………………………….24
2.3.6 Discussion ……………………………………………………………24
2.4 The textbook Family and Friends-grade 3, special Edition ……………24
2.4.1 The overall design of the textbook ………………………………….25

Family and Friends-grade 3, special Edition
The general features of the textbook …………………………………25



Family and Friends-grade 3, special Edition
Description of the English Vocabulary section




The repetition of vocabulary in each unit in the textbook Family
, and Friends- grade 3 special edition…………………………………28
2.5 Activities where pictures are used to teach vocabulary in textbook
Family and Friends-grade 3 special edition………………………………….29
2.6 The English learning of primary schools students………………………30
2.6.1 Learners’ problems in vocabulary learning at primary schools...............30
2.6.2The current situation and problems of vocabulary teaching at primary
2.6.3 The characteristics of students at primary schools..................................31
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY…………………………………………… 33
3.2 Instruments to collect data………………………………………………..33
3.2.1 Questionnaires…………………………………………………………33
3.2.2 Vocabulary tests.......................................................................................35
3.3 Procedures to collect data.............................................................................37

CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS..............................................39
4.1 Students’ attitudes towards using pictures in teaching English vocabulary in
pre-questionnaire and post questionnaire……………………………………39

4.1.1 Pre-questionnaire…………………………………………………….. 40
4.1.2Post-questionnaire ……………………………………………………..42
4.2 Students’ performance through vocabulary tests analysis ………………48
4.3 Discussion on the results of the study …………………………………..54
4.3.1 What are the primary school students’ attitudes towards using pictures in
learning English vocabulary?............................................................................ 54
4.3.2 To what extent may the use of pictures help students improve their
memorization of English vocabulary?................................................................55
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION………………………………………………. 58


5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………58
5.1.1 What are the primary school students’ attitudes towards using pictures in
learning English vocabulary?.............................................................................58
5.1.2 To what extent may the use of pictures help students improve their
memorization of English vocabulary?..............................................................59
5.2 Recommendation……………………………………………………….59
5.2.1 Teachers………………………………………………………………59
5.2.2 Students………………………………………………………………60
5.3 Suggestion for further study……………………………………………60
5.3.1 Limitation…………………………………………………………….60
5.3.2 Suggestion for further study …………………………………………61
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….62
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………..65
Table 2.1: Some criteria of a good picture ………………………………..17
Table 2.2: Advantages of using pictures in teaching English……………. 18
Table 2.3: Description of the English vocabulary section in “Family and

Friends-grade 3 special edition” textbook……………………………….. 27
Table 2.4: The repetition of vocabulary in each unit in “Family and Friendsgrade 3 special edition” textbook …………………………………………28
Table 4.1: Clusters of the questionnaires………………………………….39...
Table 4.2: Descriptive statistic of students’ attitudes on the benefits of using
pictures in teaching English vocabulary in pre-questionnaire ……………40
Table 4.3: Descriptive statistic of students’ attitudes on the drawbacks of using
pictures in teaching English vocabulary in pre-questionnaire……………. 41
Table 4.4: Descriptive statistic of students’ attitudes on the benefits of using
pictures in teaching English vocabulary in post-questionnaire …………..42
Table 4.5: Descriptive statistic of students’ attitudes on the drawbacks of using
pictures in teaching English vocabulary in post-questionnaire ………….43


Table 4.6: Outline of the tests……………………………………………..48
Table 4.7: Mean and SD of two classes in test 1…………………………..49
Table 4.8: Mean and SD of two classes in test 2………………………….50
Table 4.9: The incidental probability (p) in test 1 and test 2 of two classes53

Picture 2.1: Techniques for teaching vocabulary................................................ 9
Picture 2.2: Pictures of individual animals …………………………………14
Picture 2.3: Pictures of situation…………………………………………….15
Picture 2.4: Sources of Pictures for vocabulary teaching …………………….22
Picture 2.5: Look and Write …………………………………………………29
Picture 2.6: Read and draw the times on the clocks …………………………30
Figure 4.1: The Students’ attitudes on the benefits of using pictures in teaching
English vocabulary between pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire……45
Figure 4.2: The Students’ attitudes on the drawbacks of using pictures in

teaching English vocabulary between pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire
Figure 4.3: Compare about the agreement of students between prequestionnaire and post-questionnaire in cluster 1 and cluster 2 of using pictures
in teaching English vocabulary ……………………………………………...47
Figure 4.4: The Mean score of test 1 and test 2 of 2 classes ……………….52


In this chapter, it shows the rationale for choosing the title for the master
thesis, aims of the study, scope, research questions, and organization of the

English is an international language in the world. It is taught in many
schools not only in Vietnam but also in almost every country on this earth.
Vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in language, plays a great role for
learners in acquiring a language (Cameron, 2001). Vocabulary is very important
for learners in learning a language. It is seen as an important part of knowledge
in learning English. In addition, vocabulary is seen as central to English
language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot
understand others or express their own ideas. Therefore, Wilkins (1972) states
the importance of vocabulary that “…while without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp.111-112). For
example, two friends, native speaker and Vietnamese, talk about their house.
Although Vietnamese friend does not have the good grammar knowledge, he or
she has a great source of vocabulary about “house” topic. Therefore he or she

can describe about his or her house, and the native speaker can understand what
the Vietnamese friend says.
Vocabulary is very important in learning foreign language. If learners
want to be successful in learning skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing, they need to prepare vocabularies as much as possible. They need to
practice vocabularies every day. For example, with the words related to the topic
learners learn, it helps them in learning speaking and writing with the productive
vocabulary. It also helps learners in learning listening, reading with the receptive
vocabulary. Therefore, O’Rourke (1974) states that vocabulary development is a


vital part of each student‘s life. It affects his thoughts, actions, aspirations, and
often his success. In general, success with words means success in many areas,
particularly in academic achievement. In a world expanding fast in every field
the need to expand and enrich student’s vocabularies is compellingly apparent.
At primary schools, some learners are afraid of learning English
vocabulary. They can learn new vocabularies quickly, but they also forget them
fast as they come home or do not use them for a long time. Most students tend to
learn by heart the meaning new vocabularies to get marks, then they will forget
them if they do not often use them. In addition, the characteristics of young
learners are different with the characteristics of adults. Young students are young
and lose concentration easily in learning language. It is very hard for teachers to
involve learners in learning English. Teachers also face many problems to
encourage students to use English at school. Moreover, learners at primary
school do not have opportunities to experience an English environment and they
are afraid of making mistakes.
Teaching English to primary school students are different from teaching

adults learning because the characteristics of young learners are different with
the characteristics of adults. The primary school students are young. They can
lose their concentration easily and quickly if the learning process and activities
are so boring and not interesting. It is very hard for teachers to attract their
students in learning English language, so they need to find the effective ways to
encourage and attract their young learners in learning English language.
Meanwhile, adults can control their learning because they learn language with
their aims. Basing on teaching and learning process, the students at primary
school require the different treatment and situation that is more attractive,
various, and interesting. If the teachers teach English vocabulary by writing the
words on the board, just say the meaning of the words, and ask students write


the meaning of the words in their book, it is so boring and the students will not
concentrate in their learning anyway. Therefore, Jeremy Harmer (1991) points
out that at the same time the span of attention or concentration of children is less
than that of an adult. The adults learn language with their aims and with the high
concentration. They can control their learning. Therefore, the teaching and
learning process needs special techniques which are suitable with the
characteristics of the young learners. Thus, the English teachers have to be able
to organize teaching and learning activities or use the suitable techniques to
master the lesson effectively. Especially, teachers need to provide the most
effective way to help learners to be able to memorize or retain the English words
in a long term memory.
As an English teacher at primary school, I realize that teaching vocabulary
is a major concern because almost primary school students cannot remember the
English vocabularies in a long term memory. When teachers teach new words,
they remember at that time, but then they forgot. Or when teachers teach them

new vocabulary, then ask them to do a quick test, almost of them forget the
words and have most of the wrong answers for their test. To solve this problem,
I suggest that an effective way to help students to improve their memorization of
English vocabularies is using pictures. To explore more about the effective way,
using pictures, in helping students remember the vocabularies better and learn
English well; therefore, I choose the topic “Using pictures to teach English
Vocabulary to primary school students”.
1.2 Aims
The aims of this thesis are reviewing Vocabulary and pictures in linguistic
notion, and identifying the students’ attitude towards using pictures in learning
English vocabulary. In addition, examining the use of pictures in helping
students remember the vocabulary better is also an aim in my thesis.


The result of this research will be helpful for many English teachers in
many schools, especially in primary schools. Through this thesis, the English
teachers at primary schools will recognize and find the effective way to apply
pictures in teaching English vocabulary to their students in order to help their
learners improve their memorization of English vocabulary.
1.3 Scope
I would like to focus my thesis on third graders at Hong Ha primary
school in Ho Chi Minh City with “Family and Friends-Grade 3 special edition”
1.4 Research Questions
What are the primary school students’ attitudes towards using pictures in
learning English vocabulary?
To what extent may the use of pictures help students improve their
memorization of English vocabulary?

1.5 Organization of the study
This thesis includes the following main parts:
Chapter 1: Introduction
This part presents the reasons for choosing the topic, aims, scope, research
questions, and organization of the study.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This part will review vocabulary and picture in linguistic notion. It also
shows some points about the theoretical background related to the topic, some
points about the book or resource which is used as the material in teaching
English vocabulary. In addition, it presents the English learning of primary
schools students.
Chapter 3: Methodology
This part will present the ways to collect and to analysis the data. Then
there are results which are drawn out from the analysis of data.
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions
This part will present the students’ attitudes towards using pictures in
learning English vocabulary before and after using that method. Moreover, it


will prove that using pictures may help students improve their memorization of
English vocabulary.
Chapter 5: Conclusion
This part will summarize what have been done in the research, give
recommendation, and offer some suggestions for further research.


This chapter reviews the literature relevant to the topic of the present
study. There are six parts in this chapter. The first part is English vocabulary
teaching. The second part is pictures in vocabulary teaching. The third part is
ways of using pictures as a teaching strategy. The fourth part is the textbook
Family and Friends-grade 3, special Edition. The fifth part is activities where
pictures are used to teach vocabulary in textbook Family and Friends-grade 3
special edition. Final part is the English learning of primary schools students.

English Vocabulary teaching
Vocabulary definition
Vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in language, plays a great role
for learners in acquiring a language (Cameron, 2001). In fact, when learners
want to learn a language, they need to learn vocabulary. Students want to learn
skills of language; they need to learn vocabulary first because it is as bridge to
help them learn skills effectively. Neuman and Dwyer (2009) defined
vocabulary as “words we must know to communicate effectively; words in
speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary)”
(p.385). In actual fact, if we want to communicate effectively, we need a great
source of vocabulary. It will support us in expressing ideas as we talking or
speaking. Moreover, if we want to listen to the information, we have to know a
lot of words. Meanwhile, Hornby (1995) defines vocabulary as the total number
of words in a language; vocabulary is a list of words with their meaning.
Furthermore, Diamond and Gutlohn (2006) state that vocabulary is the
knowledge of words and word meanings. When we communicate together, we
need to have a number of words to express ideas or meaning of the speakers. For
example, when two friends talk about their cars, they need to have a great source

of words about parts of a car. Therefore, they can describe about their car, the


listener can understand what the speakers say. That means they communicate
effectively. In general, vocabulary can be defined as the total number of words

that are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers’ meaning.
Kinds of Vocabulary
Hatch and Brown (1995) indicate two kinds of vocabulary: receptive
vocabulary and productive vocabulary.
Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand
when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce. It is vocabulary
that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text but do not use it in
speaking and writing (Stuart Webb, 2009). For example, when we study new
words, we memorize the definitions, the word forms, the colocations and
different uses of the words in context. Therefore, when we see a list of words to
study, we might recognize some of them.
Productive vocabulary is the words that leaners understand and can
pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves
what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write at the
appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an
active process because the leaners can produce the words to express their
thoughts to others (Stuart Webb, 2005). For example, as the example in
receptive vocabulary, if when we see a list of words to study, recognize some of
them, use those words correctly when we speak or write, that means that we


have the productive vocabulary.
Techniques for teaching vocabulary
Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992) points out that there are some
techniques of teaching vocabulary:
The first one is using objects such as realia, visual aids, and
demonstration. They can help learners remember the words better. Objects and
materials are used in everyday life, especially are used as teaching aides.
Students need to see visuals of actual objects, so they can relate to what is being


taught. Realia is also used for English language learners. If we match an object
to a new word they are learning will help them earn the words and recognize the
object. Objects can be used to show meanings when the vocabulary consist of
concrete nouns. Introducing a new word by showing the real object often help
learners to memorize the words through visualization. Objects in classroom or
things brought to the classroom can be used. According to Gairns and Redman
(1986), real objects technique is appropriately employed for beginners or young
learners and when presenting concrete vocabulary. For example, when we teach
learners about the “hat” word, teacher can use the picture of “hat” or use a real
hat to show for learners. They might think about their new English vocabulary.
The second one is drawing: Objects can be drawn on the blackboard,
flashcards. They can help young leaners understand the words easily. For
instance, when teacher teach a new word “skirt”, teacher can draw a “skirt” on
the board and explain for his or her learners. Students also draw it in their book
next to the word, so when they go home, they still remember the word.
The third one is using illustrations and pictures: It helps to make the
meaning of unknown words clear. The lists of pictures include posters,

flashcards, wall charts, magazines pictures, board drawings, stick figures, and
photographs. Pictures for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. Today
many vocabulary books and course books contain many attractive pictures that
present the meaning of basic words. The teacher can use learning materials
provided from school. Visual supports helps leaners understand the meaning and
helps to make the words more memorable.
The fourth one is contrast: Some words are easily explained to learners by
contrasting it with its opposite. However, some words are not. There is an
example as following: when teachers teach the word “ancient”, they can use the
contrast word to explain for their students as “modern”.


The next one is enumeration: Enumeration is a collection of items that is a
complete, ordered listing of all the items in that collection. This technique helps
words difficult to explain visually. For example, teaching “clothes” by listing
items such as skirt, trousers, dress, etc…
The next one is mine, expressions and gestures: Klippel (1994) implies
that “mime or gesture is useful if it emphasizes the importance of gestures and
facial expression on communication”. Sime (2001)& Hauge (1999) points out
that teachers tend to gesture a lot, especially when addressing young learners
and /or beginners. Teaching gestures appear in various shapes: hand gestures,
facial expressions, pantomime, body movements, etc…They can mime or
symbolize something and they help learners to infer the meaning of a spoken
word or expression, and providing that they are easy to understand. In addition,
teaching gestures may also be relevant for learners’ memorization process.
Indeed, many teachers who use gestures as a teaching strategy to help learners in
the process memorization of new words.
Other technique is guessing from context: Dubin (1993) states that

guessing from context as a way of dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary in
unedited selections has been suggested widely by L1 and L2 reading specialists.
Nation and Coady (1988) points out that there are two types of contexts: the
context within the text which includes morphological, semantic, and syntactic
information in a specific text; the general context or non-textual context which is
the background knowledge the reader has about the subjects being read. This
technique encourages learners to take risks and guess the meanings of words
they do not know as much as possible. This helps them build up their selfconfidence, so they can work out the meanings of words when they are on their
own. For example, when we teach the word “gargantuan” in the sentence “Some
of the trees in Redwood National Park are truly gargantuan, and in fact they are
the tallest trees in the world”, we base on the other words in the sentence and the


context to guess. In this example, we can base on the words “tallest trees”, and
we know “gargantuan” means “very large”.
Other one is eliciting: This technique is more motivating and memorable
by simply giving learners a list of words to learn. It is a technique which
teachers get the learners to give information rather than giving it to them. For
example, when teacher teaches about “food”, he or she can use questions to ask
students and let them elicit and find out what “food” means.
Another technique is translation: Thornbury (2002) states that in some
situations translation could be effective for teachers, such as when dealing with
incidental vocabulary. There are some words that need to be translated and it can
save a lot of time. It is truth that sometimes when teachers teach words which
are difficult to use technique to teach, teachers will use translation to explain for
their learners.



Illustrations and pictures


Guessing from context



Picture 2.1: Techniques for teaching vocabulary

Through picture 2.1, the researcher wants to show that there many
techniques forFacial
vocabulary. Each technique will have advantages and

disadvantages. However, they are very helpful for teachers and learners in
learning words. The teachers need to be careful to choose the appropriate
techniques to teach the words for their students. The teachers need to prepare the


lessons at home and choose the suitable techniques. Choosing the suitable
techniques can help teachers save time, and help learner get the meaning quickly
and easily. If teachers choose the unsuitable techniques, learners will be

confused and they are not interesting in learning anymore.
Principle for teaching vocabulary


In teaching vocabulary there are many principles. Paul (2005) said that the
teaching vocabulary should be clear and simple without complicated
explanations. It should draw basing on the students’ previous knowledge by
showing a pattern of analogies. In fact, when teachers want to teach vocabulary,
they need to prepare the pictures which are interesting, attractive, clear and not
difficult to find.

The importance of vocabulary in language learning
Wilkins (1972) states that “….While without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp.111-112).
Vocabulary is seen as central to English language teaching because without
sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own
ideas. Without grammar, with some useful words and expressions, learners can
often manage to communicate. Furthermore, Lewis (1993) states that “lexis is
the core or heart of language” (p.89). If students like to be fluent in English, they
need acquire more productive vocabulary knowledge and develop their own
personal vocabulary learning strategies. In general, vocabulary functions as an
important role in teaching and learning language. It will support other skills to

help students develop their language learning.
Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for the second
language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language closes off
successful communication. Schmitt (2000) points out that “lexical knowledge is
central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second
language” (p.55).
For example, one friend is native speaker, and other is Vietnamese. They
talk and chat about their summer vacation. Although Vietnamese friend does not
have a good grammar, she or he has a great source of vocabulary. Therefore, she
or he can chat with friend, and the native speaker still understands what his or


her friend is talking. That is why vocabulary has an important role in learning

Stages to teach vocabulary
Thornbury (2002) states that learners need to learn both the meaning and
the form of a new word. He also emphasizes some factors the words to be
presented such as learners’ level, learners’ familiarity with those words. The aim

of this stage is introducing new lexical to learners.
If the teachers just present the meaning of new vocabulary and students do

not have chance to practice these new words, learners may easily forget the new
words, and do not know how to use them correctly and suitably. However, if the
teachers give leaners opportunities to practice them through some activities
using those new words, students are activated in learning and using those new
vocabularies. For example, when teacher teaches the new words about “the
colors”, teacher needs to design many exercises or games and let students

practice them frequently. Therefore, they will remember the words better.
Thornbury (2002) recommends that learners should produce something as
a product of their own. Therefore, students will turn these new words from
receptive to productive. Then they can put those vocabularies in long-term
memory in their mind. For instance, when teacher teaches about “colors” words,
teacher asks students to write a paragraph to describe their house using “colors”
words. Learners are also able to speak to their partners about the things they like
using “colors” words. Through these activities, learners can turn new words
from receptive to productive, and remember them in long-term memory in their

This stage can help students to acquire active and productive words. In
addition, they can have more opportunities to use words and receive feedback


from teachers. At this stage, games, communicative activities are seen as the
good ways to help learners to review those vocabularies. Furthermore, using
visual aids are seen as an effective way in reviewing vocabularies. For example,
after teaching “clothes” words, teachers can design a game relating to “clothes”.

Therefore, students can play happily and remember the words better.
How to teach and learn vocabulary effectively
Thornbury (2004) states one of the important roles of the language teacher
is to help students to find the easiest way of conveying new information into the
mental lexicon. Remembering is seen as crucial to students in learning
vocabulary. Teachers need to focus on how words are remembered, stores in
students’ mind, and how long term memory is organized. In general, teachers
need to help students in building up and using vocabularies effectively, so they
are able to store and reuse words. Moreover, teachers also use various methods
to help students in accomplishing learning words. Beside, teachers also help
students to arouse their motivation, attention, and to engage learning in
meaningful activities, to provide the effective strategies to learn and practice
When teaching and learning language process take place, the problems
will appear. Teachers should prepare and explore the suitable techniques which
will help their students overcome the problems in learning language. A good
teacher should prepare himself or herself with various and up-to-date techniques
for their teaching. He or she need to find out the ways to help their learners feel
interested and comfortable in learning language. For instance, when teacher use
synonym to teach students the new words, but they still do not understand and
recognize the meaning of the new words. Thus, teachers need to change the way
to help their students recognize the meaning of the words. Teachers need to
prepare this point first, so they can apply in necessary context.


The teachers should be concerned that teaching vocabulary to young
learners is different from adults. Therefore, they need to know and understand
the characteristics of their learners to find out the best way for their learners in
learning language. They need to have a good preparation for their teaching. For
example, most primary-grade learners are still preoperational, and they learn
best with concrete experiences and immediate goals. They like to name objects,
define words, and learn about things in their own world. They also have vivid
imaginations and respond well to stories of fantasy. Primary students learn
through oral language. They have short attention spans, so they need to have a
great variety of activities, but they tire easily. In contrast, adults take more
control over their learning than young learners. They tend to be more motivated

in learning situations than Youth.
Presenting vocabulary
Once the teachers have chosen the words to teach for students, next step is
to consider what students need to know about the words and how the teachers
can teach them. Firstly, students need to know the meaning of the words. It is
vital to get across the meaning of the words clearly and to ensure that the
students have understood correctly with checking questions. Secondly, they need
to know the form of the words. They need to know those words are verbs,
nouns, or adjectives, etc…to able to use it effectively. Thirdly, they need to
know how the words are pronounced. There is no clear relation between how a
word is written and how it is pronounced. Teachers should use the phonemic
script. The teachers should drill words which may cause pronunciation problems
for the students and highlight the word stresses. Fourthly, the teachers need to
teach the ways they are spelt. They need to clarify the pronunciation before

showing the written form. Fifth point is the situations when the word is or is not


used. There are many points the teachers need to teach their students as they
teach them vocabulary.

Pictures in vocabulary teaching
Picture definition
Mckenkchnie (1980) defines picture as “an image or likeness of an object,
person, or scene produce on a flat surface, especially by painting, drawing or
photography” (p.1357). Meanwhile, Andrew Wright (1989) states that “picture is
not just an aspect of method but through its representation of place, object, and


people, it is essential part of the overall experiences”.
Types of pictures
Brazyna Szyke (1981) states pictures are divided into two main types.
Pictures of individual persons or thing may be used mainly at the
elementary level to introduce or test vocabulary items. For example, a dog, a cat,
a monkey…

A Cat

A Monkey

A Dog

icture 2.2: Pictures of individual animals
Through picture 2.2, pictures of individual animals are easier for learners
to guess the meaning.
Pictures of situation in which person and object are “ in action” between
objects and people can be perfect teaching aid for introducing or reviewing


grammatical or structures. For example, the pictures of situation: meeting,
playing tennis, playing football, etc…


Playing tennis

Playing football

Picture 2.3: Pictures of situation
