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Unit 1: Crime and Punishment
Choose the topic sentence from a paragraph about problems.
a. As a result, you could create stress in your life.
b. You should face your problems, not ignore them. Câu trả lời đúng
c. For example, if you are angry with a friend, talk to him or her about it.
Choose the supporting sentence for this topic sentence: Some people think
green tea slows the aging process.
a. Drinking it frequently may help you live longer. Câu trả lời đúng
b. My 90-year-old grandmother adds honey to her tea.
c. You can stay young by exercising and eating right.
The topic sentence is often the …………sentence in a paragraph.
a. last
b. first Câu trả lời đúng
c. fourth
A topic sentence …
a. gives the main idea of the paragraph.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. comes after the concluding sentence.
c. explains many ideas about the topic.
What can you do when you write a concluding sentence?
a. Restate the topic sentence in different words. Câu trả lời đúng
b. Write a new idea about the topic.
c. Copy the topic sentence exactly.
What is a paragraph?
a. A group of sentences about different topics
b. A complete idea with one subject and one verb
c. A group of sentences about one topic  Câu trả lời đúng
The discovery of penicillin is important for many reasons.
a. Penicillin saves life every year by treating different diseases. Câu trả lời
b. Aspirin helps many people deal with pain.
c. Doctors use many different drugs to treat diseases.

Choose the concluding sentence for this topic sentence: Some scientists believe
birds use magnetic fields to prevent them from getting lost.

a. In conclusion, scientists have proved why birds do not get lost.
b. In conclusion, birds may not get lost because they use magnetic fields. Câu
trả lời đúng
c. In conclusion, some birds travel thousands of miles per year.
Which phrase starts a concluding sentence?
a. Next
b. In conclusion,
c. First of all,
Unit 2: Shopping
The body paragraphs of a descriptive essay…
a. summarize the main points.
b. get the reader interested in the topic.
c. describe different aspects of the overall topic of the essay.  Câu trả lời đúng
Choose the most appropriate thesis statement for an essay describing an
organization that helps people.
a. Oxfam has educational programs, programs that help people in povertystricken areas, and emergency assistance programs. Câu trả lời đúng
b. Everyone should give money to Oxfam to help people.
c. Oxfam started in 1942, but Oxfam America did not start until 1970.
What would be the best way to organize an essay describing events in a rescue
worker’s life?
a. Time order  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Spatial order from left to right
c. Spatial order from top to bottom
Choose the most appropriate thesis statement for an essay describing
Hurricane Katrina?
a. There are many hurricanes in the United States in 2005.

b. Hurricane Katrina drastically changed the lives of children and adults in
New Orleans. Câu trả lời đúng
c. Hurricane Cindy was not as devastating as Hurricane Katrina.
The thesis statement of a descriptive essay …
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. describes different aspects of the overall topic of the essay.
b. states the main idea about the essay.  Câu trả lời đúng

c. gives background information about the topic.
Choose the most appropriate topic sentence for a body paragraph in an essay
describing the earthquake in Haiti.
a. There were several major earthquakes that year, including one in Haiti, one in
Chile, and one in China.
b. In conclusion, the earthquake in Haiti was one of the worst catastrophes in 2010.
c. Areas of the capital city were completely destroyed because many building
fell.  Câu trả lời đúng
Which type of organization would most likely to be used in a descriptive
paragraph to tell how someone dresses?
a. bottom to top Câu trả lời đúng
b. cause-effect
c. past to present
Which sentence describes how a sewing machine sounds?
a. The electric sewing machine was a great invention.
b. The needle moves up and down rapidly, making a tapping noise. Câu trả lời
c. The top of the machine has many silver parts.
Which sentence describes the invention of electric lighting?
a. Running water was another great invention
b. The new invention did not have a bad smell like oil lamps.  Câu trả lời

c. Settlers used wood in their cooking stoves and open fireplaces.
Which sentence describes life on the frontier?
a. Settlers travelled to the frontier in the 19th century.
b. Researchers studied how frontier life changed American values.
c. Settlers often worked long hours in the hot sun. Câu trả lời đúng
Descriptive paragraphs are commonly organized…
a. by comparing two things.
b. by spatial organization.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. by listing causes first, and then effects.
Which sentence describes how a sewing machine sounds?

a. The needle moves up and down rapidly, making a tapping noise. Câu trả lời
b. The top of the machine has many silver parts.
c. The electric sewing machine was a great invention.
Choose the best supporting sentence for this topic sentence from a descriptive
paragraph: James Watt was a Scottish man who helped invent the steam
a. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.
b. He used cold water to produce power for this complicated machine.  Câu
trả lời đúng
c. Many other important inventions were developed around the same time
Unit 3: Language
Another word for narrative is…
a. A story
b. A play
c. A poem
d. Title

The story of a person’s life, written by someone else, is a …
a. autobiography.
b. primary source.
c. biography.  Câu trả lời đúng
d. dialogue.
The most important thing to do when you start a narrative is to…
a. Name all the characters.
b. Make the reader want to read on. Câu trả lời đúng
c. Explain where the action took place
d. Say when the action took place.
When choosing details for your story, you should…
a. Include as many details as you can.
b. Write the details in the order in which you think of them.
c. Use as few details as possible.
d. Choose only the most important details. Câu trả lời đúng
One way to keep events in order when you write a narrative is to…
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Use consistent verb tenses.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Choose an interesting place to write about.
c. Look in a family scrapbook for story ideas.
d. Write about a real-life event.
A narrative answers the question…
a. What happened? Câu trả lời đúng
b. Who did it?
c. How do you do it?
d. What went wrong?
Narratives are often organized by…
a. Place order

b. Alphabetical order
c. Time order Câu trả lời đúng
d. Character order
Unit 4: Health
What does a good thesis statement do?
a. It states the main idea of the essay.  Đúng
b. It summarizes the most important point of the essay
c. It gives background information.
Choose the correct sentence from a concluding paragraph in an essay with this
thesis statement: Walt Disney’s work influenced motion capture technology.
a. To conclude, fairy tales are still popular with children.
b. In summary, Tim Burton also influenced motion capture technology in many
c. In conclusion, Walt Disney had many ideas that are used in motion capture
technology today.  Đúng
A thesis statement is found in…
a. The introductory paragraph. Câu trả lời đúng
b. One of the body paragraphs.
c. The concluding paragraph.
Choose the best way a writer could organize an essay with this thesis
statement: Pixar has changed its technology significantly from the 1980s to
a. Describe things in the order of their physical location.

b. Put events in time order.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. List points alphabetically.
What helps give the essay unity?
a. The sentences that relate directly to the thesis statement  Câu trả lời đúng
b. A good balance of persuasion and cause-effect writing

c. Body paragraphs that discuss a variety of topics
Choose the sentence from a body paragraph that is directly related to this
thesis statement:
Motion capture is a useful tool to train firefighters.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Some firefighters are paid to do their job, but others volunteer.
b. Well-trained firefighters save thousands of people every year.
c. The technology simulates real fires but without real danger. Câu trả lời đúng
An effective way to organize an essay is…
a. In the order events happen.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Alphabetically.
c. By word length.
A concluding paragraph can end with…
a. An unrelated idea.
b. A suggestion  Câu trả lời đúng
c. A thesis statement.
Choose the sentence from a body paragraph that is directly related to this
thesis statement: Animated characters have many things in common with
a. Pinocchio is about a puppet who wants to be a real boy.
b. The technology for animation is not used to create puppets.
c. Both puppets and animation require a person to control characters’
movements.  Câu trả lời đúng
To conclude, more people will use motion capture exercise programs in the
This sentence from a concluding paragraph…
a. Summarizes important points.
b. Makes a prediction  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Offers a suggestion.

Unit 5: Media
Which sentence shows a difference?
a. Businessmen wear suits, and businesswomen also wear suits.
b. Whereas business clothing can be very casual in the United States, it is
usually more formal in Japan. Câu trả lời đúng
c. One similarity between business in Japan and Malaysia is the way people dress
for work
Choose the best thesis statement for an essay comparing Indian food in India
and in North America.
a. There are many authentic Indian restaurants in New York.
b. Indian food is popular worldwide, especially in the United Kingdom.
c. Indian food in North America is similar to Indian food in Indian. Câu trả lời
Which connectors show differences?
a. Next, then, in summary
b. Both, also, similarly
c. Whereas, instead, however
Which sentence shows a similarity?
a. The meetings at the office in Taiwan are similar to the meetings at the office
in Canada. Câu trả lời đúng
b. Although the meeting usually begins with a financial report, today it starts with a
sales presentation.
c. Meetings start on time in the main office, but they never start on time in a few of
the overseas offices.
Which sentence most likely follows this one?
a. The sales department is doing well, too.
b. National companies also have significant challenges. Câu trả lời đúng
c. In contrast, cultural difference can be a problem.
What can a concluding paragraph of a comparison and contrast essay do?

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Explain new ways that aspects of the topic are different.
b. Make a prediction about the topic.
b. Make a prediction about the topic. Câu trả lời đúng

c. Get the reader interested in the topic
Choose the type of essay that is most appropriate for an essay with this thesis
statement: The two movies both used motion capture technology, but they
were extremely different.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. A cause-effect essay
b. A descriptive essay
c. A comparison Câu trả lời đúng
Choose the sentence form the concluding paragraph of an essay with this
thesis statement:
In the United States, Chinese buffet restaurants often serve dishes that are
different from those in Chinese take-out restaurants.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. People pay one price for foods at a take-out restaurant.
b. As Americans try more kinds of Chinese food, they will eat more of the foods in
Chinese buffets.  Câu trả lời không đúng
c. Buffets are a good choice for travellers aon a budget.
Many businesspeople communicate with cellphones.
Which sentence most likely follows this one
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. However, they often cannot use their cellphones when travelling to other
countries.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. For example, they watch both podcasts and training videos on their office

c. Similarly, they take public transportation to work.
Phản hồi
Đáp án đúng là: However, they often cannot use their cellphones when travelling to
other countries.
Vì: C discusses the same topic, businessmen’s use of cellphones.
What is an independent clause?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. an incomplete idea
b. a complete sentence  Câu trả lời đúng
c. a fragment that describes a noun

A supporting detail about coffee and tea would likely be found in a paragraph
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. babies.
b. international foods.
c. caffeine in drinks.  Câu trả lời đúng
People that work for GBM help people around the world.
In this sentence, which word can replace that?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. what
b. who  Câu trả lời đúng
c. which
Match the independent clause with the correct relative clause to make up a
complete sentence: Corvallis is home to many people.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. …who work together to keep the city clean.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. …that are raising our children to respect the environment..
c. …who helped make his city green.

To make a complete sentence, a dependent clause must be connected to…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. …an independent clause.  Đúng
b. …a relative clause.  Câu trả lời không đúng
c. …another dependent clause.
Choose the supporting sentence for this topic sentence: Some people think
green tea slows the aging process.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. You can stay young by exercising and eating right.
b. Drinking it frequently may help you live longer.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. My 90-year-old grandmother adds honey to her tea.

A supporting sentence about snacks would likely be found in a paragraph
about …
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. caffeine.
b. driving.
c. eating patterns.  Câu trả lời đúng
Which supporting sentence is irrelevant to a paragraph about babies and
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. A baby can sleep 15 hours in a day.
b. Babies grow quickly.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Babies need more sleep than adults.
Which phrase starts a concluding sentence?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. In conclusion,  Câu trả lời đúng
b. First of all,
c. Next

Choose an appropriate sentence to support this topic sentence: People who
make interesting ads have many abilities.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Emotions affect what consumers buy.
b. They are creative.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Consumers understand advertising.
Which concluding sentence is the most appropriate for this paragraph: This is
often referred to as sibling rivalry. Siblings normally want to receive an equal
amount of attention from their parents. If children feel their siblings are
receiving more attention, they may get angry.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Sometimes children compete for their parents’ attention.

b. Although sibling rivalry is very common, it can have negative consequences.
 Câu trả lời đúng
c. Another common problem among siblings is a large gap in ages.
GBM planted trees that will help Kenya’s forest grow.
In this sentence, which word can replace that?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. which  Câu trả lời đúng
b. who
c. where
Which supporting sentence is relevant to a paragraph about the benefit of a
good night’s sleep?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Students who do not get enough sleep often fall asleep in class.
b. Getting enough sleep will improve your mood.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Too little sleep can affect driving.
The main idea of a paragraph is often found in the…

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. middle.
b. topic sentence.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. details.
Which sentence does NOT support this topic sentence: People who make
interesting ads have a good understanding of advertising.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. They know about consumers.
b. They can sell products.
c. They spend a lot of money.  Câu trả lời đúng
A dependent clause…

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. …does not express a complete idea.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. …is the same thing as a complete sentence.
c. …is never a fragment.
Which topic sentence is the most appropriate for this paragraph: This is often
referred to as sibling rivalry. Siblings normally want to receive an equal
amount of attention from their parents. If children feel their siblings are
receiving more attention, they may get angry.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. 82% of people in the United States have siblings.
b. Sometimes children compete for their parents’ attention.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Another common problem among siblings is a large gap in ages.
Match the independent clause with the correct relative clause to make up a
complete sentence: There are many cities in the world…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. …which are green cities.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. who designs building in Portland.

c. …which are in Texas.
Match the independent clause with the correct relative clause to make up a
complete sentence: Will Wynn was a mayor in Texas.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. who designs building in Portland.
b. …who helped make his city green.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. …who work together to keep the city clean.
The topic sentence is often the …………sentence in a paragraph.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. first  Câu trả lời đúng
b. last
c. fourth

Choose a sentence with a relative clause.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. GBM is an abbreviation for the Green Belt Movement.
b. Wangari Maathai is the Kenyan woman who started the Green Belt
Movement.  Đúng
c. who started the Green Belt Movement in 1977.  Câu trả lời không đúng
Which supporting sentence is relevant to a paragraph about food and sleep?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Some experts claim that cherries can make you sleepy.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Some people believe a cool room is best for sleeping.
c. Some doctors recommend sleeping in a comfortable bed.
Choose the supporting sentence for this topic sentence:
The discovery of penicillin is important for many reasons.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Aspirin helps many people deal with pain.
b. Doctors use many different drugs to treat diseases.

c. Penicillin saves life every year by treating different diseases.  Câu trả lời
Match the topic sentence with the appropriate supporting sentence: Firstborn
children have an advantage in life.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. They feel their parents pay more attention to their younger and older siblings
than to them.
b. For example, studies show that they have more successful careers than their
younger siblings.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. For example, some people think that children without siblings are not
comfortable socializing with other children.
Read the sentences from a paragraph, and decide which sentence is an
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. One funny commercial for a video store shows a dancing baby.  Câu trả lời
b. The ad made many people laugh, so they were entertained and wanted to buy.
c. Some advertisers use humorous ads.
What does a relative clause describe?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. a verb
b. a fragment
c. a noun  Câu trả lời đúng
Read the sentences from a paragraph, and decide which sentence is an
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Some people got scared and decided to buy an alarm.
b. The ad showed a thief entering a home.  Câu trả lời đúng

c. Some advertisers use fear to help them sell products.
Read the excerpt of an essay body paragraph and choose what it describes.
Darlene was rescued after a neighbor heard her voice. He and others began to
dig, and soon French rescue workers arrived. Gradually, they opened a hole,
and they pulled her out…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. What tools the rescue workers used
b. How Darlene was rescued  Câu trả lời đúng
c. Darlene’s neighbor and his family
All the given sentences make up one body paragraph in a descriptive essay.
Choose the topic sentence.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The eruption of the volcano E15 blew huge amounts of gray ash into the sky.
b. The ash was a thick, gray smoke, making it very difficult for pilots to see.
c. Ash from the volcano E15 started causing problems after the eruption on
April 14, 2010.  Câu trả lời đúng

d. Pilots feared that the ash would damage the engines of their plane, leading to
cancellations of flights into Iceland.
Read the following groups of sentences. Decide which belongs to a descriptive
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. There are a wide variety of Korean products in the new supermarket. It is
easy to find Korean products, like kimchi and crisp green Korean pears. The
salty smell of fresh fish fills the aisles.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Korean supermarkets in the United States are similar to supermarkets in South
Korea. Both supermarkets in the United States and in South Korea sell kimchi.
Most supermarkets in South Korean only sell Korean products, but in the United
States they sometimes also sell Japanese products.

c. Many Korean immigrants are moving to smaller cities in the United States. They
are moving because smaller towns are more affordable, and there are opportunities
to open businesses.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence:
One way to make your writing clear and interesting is to use vivid language,
which is usually…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Imprecise  Câu trả lời không đúng
b. More specific
c. More general  Sai
Choose the most appropriate topic sentence for a body paragraph in an essay
describing the earthquake in Haiti.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. There were several major earthquakes that year, including one in Haiti, one in
Chile, and one in China.
b. Areas of the capital city were completely destroyed because many building
fell.  Câu trả lời đúng

c. In conclusion, the earthquake in Haiti was one of the worst catastrophes in 2010.
A descriptive essay…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. gives the reasons something happens.
b. creates a picture of person, place, object, or event.  Câu trả lời đúng
c. states an opinion about a topic.
Choose the most vivid word to complete the sentence below:
The earthquake was …
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. destructive  Câu trả lời đúng
b. strong

c. big
Read the following groups of sentences. Decide which belongs to a descriptive
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. St. Petersburg is a huge city in Russia. There are many buildings painted
blue, yellow and green.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Many people relocate more than once in their lifetimes. One reason is that people
move to find work.
c. People should live close to their families. Grand parents should help take care of
All the given sentences make up one body paragraph in a descriptive essay.
Choose the topic sentence.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. People on cell phones frantically made calls to make other arrangement.
b. The airports became crowded, noisy and chaotic.
c. A few days after April 14th, strong winds blew ash from E15 to several
countries in Europe, causing more problems.  Câu trả lời đúng

d. Airports in England, Finland, Sweden, and many other countries had to cancel
flights, too.
Read the following groups of sentences. Decide which belongs to a descriptive
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. New products at the Russian market include brightly colored bottles of
sweet and tasty soda.  Câu trả lời đúng
b. San Diego and Fairfield are very different. The former is a very big city while
the latter is much smaller.
c. Many offices closed down last year. As a result, many employees moved to new

Thesis statement:
Rescue worker Jill Meadows was shocked when she entered the chaotic
emergency center. Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a
descriptive essay. Which excerpt is the conclusion?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. When she arrived at the center, the front of the room was already busy and filled
with people. It was a temporary reception area for people who needed help to check
b. At the back of the room, doctors were helping the patients with the most serious
problems first. The area was divided into six small rooms separated by temporary
plastic walls….
c. In the middle of the room, Meadows noticed many wounded patients were
waiting on the floor. Some were sitting on blankets, and many people were holding
small children….
d. When Jill Meadows arrived at the medical center, she was surprised to see
the hectic environment. To summarize, the center was one large room with
three different areas. The reception was at the front….  Câu trả lời đúng

All the given sentences make up one body paragraph in a descriptive essay.
Choose the topic sentence.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. News of the disaster spread.
b. There were no flights in and out of airports in many European countries.
c. The airports were calmer and less crowded because more people avoided them.
d. A week later, many airports were still closed, but they became much quieter.
 Câu trả lời đúng
Thesis statement:
Rescue workers from Los Angeles were well prepared to help earthquake
victims in Haiti. Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a

descriptive essay. Which excerpt describes the last event?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The team gathered special equipment right before they left on their trip. In
addition to heavy equipment for moving large objects, they also took rescue
dogs….  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Teams organized by the fire department had been specially trained to help in
disasters. They had to make many preparations before they went to Haiti….
c. The fire department then gathered a team of medical experts and rescuers.
Members of the team had trained for a year to deal with devastating events like
this. They learned how to find victims trapped under heavy rocks or falling
d. The US government asked the Los Angeles County Fire Department to help.
They asked the fire department to put together an experienced team to help the
victims in Haiti….
Thesis statement:
Rescue worker Jill Meadows was shocked when she entered the chaotic
emergency center.Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a
descriptive essay. Which excerpt should come third?
Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. When she arrived at the center, the front of the room was already busy and filled
with people. It was a temporary reception area for people who needed help to check
b. When Jill Meadows arrived at the medical center, she was surprised to see the
hectic environment. To sum up, the center was one large room with three different
areas. The reception was at the front….
c. In the middle of the room, Meadows noticed many wounded patients were
waiting on the floor. Some were sitting on blankets, and many people were holding
small children….  Câu trả lời không đúng

d. At the back of the room, doctors were helping the patients with the most serious
problems first. The area was divided into six small rooms separated by temporary
plastic walls….
Thesis statement:
Rescue worker Jill Meadows was shocked when she entered the chaotic
emergency center. Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a
descriptive essay. Which excerpt should come first?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. When she arrived at the center, the front of the room was already busy and
filled with people. It was a temporary reception area for people who needed
help to check in….  Đúng
b. At the back of the room, doctors were helping the patients with the most serious
problems first. The area was divided into six small rooms separated by temporary
plastic walls….
c. In the middle of the room, Meadows noticed many wounded patients were
waiting on the floor. Some were sitting on blankets, and many people were holding
small children….
d. When Jill Meadows arrived at the medical center, she was surprised to see the
hectic environment. To sum up, the center was one large room with three different
areas. The reception was at the front….  Câu trả lời không đúng

Thesis statement:
Rescue workers from Los Angeles were well prepared to help earthquake
victims in Haiti. Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a
descriptive essay. Which excerpt describes the first event?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Teams organized by the fire department had been specially trained to help in
disasters. They had to make many preparations before they went to Haiti….
b. The team gathered special equipment right before they left on their trip. In

addition to heavy equipment for moving large objects, they also took rescue
c. The US government asked the Los Angeles County Fire Department to help.
They asked the fire department to put together an experienced team to help
the victims in Haiti….  Câu trả lời đúng
d. The fire department then gathered a team of medical experts and rescuers.
Members of the team had trained for a year to deal with devastating events like
this. They learned how to find victims trapped under heavy rocks or falling
Read the following groups of sentences. Decide which belongs to a descriptive
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Teenagers often do not want to move to new places. One reason is that they do
not want to leave their friends.
b. Students should study in a country other than their own for a semester. They
should experience another culture to learn more about themselves and the world
they live in.
c. Austin is a pretty town. It has a lot of green space and new buildings.  Câu
trả lời đúng
Thesis statement:

Rescue worker Jill Meadows was shocked when she entered the chaotic
emergency center. Read the thesis statement and the excerpts and from a
descriptive essay. Which excerpt should come second?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. At the back of the room, doctors were helping the patients with the most serious
problems first. The area was divided into six small rooms separated by temporary
plastic walls….
b. In the middle of the room, Meadows noticed many wounded patients were

waiting on the floor. Some were sitting on blankets, and many people were
holding small children….  Đúng
c. When she arrived at the center, the front of the room was already busy and filled
with people. It was a temporary reception area for people who needed help to check
in….  Câu trả lời không đúng
d. When Jill Meadows arrived at the medical center, she was surprised to see the
hectic environment. To sum up, the center was one large room with three different
areas. The reception was at the front….
Read the descriptive paragraph. Choose the method of organization.
The Scientific Test Kitchen is a place where professors and students learn
about new foods. In front of the room, there are five cooking areas. Each one
contains a gas stove, a large sink, wooden cupboards, and a huge freezer. Next
to the freezer are three microwaves. At the back of the room, there is a private
meeting area. It contains a computer, a flat-screen TV, and several folding
chairs. The equipment at the Scientific Test Kitchen allows people to learn
about new experimental foods.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Spatial organization  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Point-by-point organization
c. Time order
Descriptive paragraphs are commonly organized…

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. by listing causes first, and then effects.
b. by comparing two things.
c. by spatial organization.  Câu trả lời đúng
Read the sentence. Decide what type of paragraph it belongs to.????
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. It is often easier for children to adapt to a new country than it is for adults.

b. People should eat at the Japanese restaurant downtown.
c. The streets in the city are crowded and noisy with people speaking different
languages.  Câu trả lời đúng
Read the excerpt of an essay body paragraph and choose the method of
Darlene was rescued after a neighbor heard her voice. He and others began to
dig, and soon French rescue workers arrived. Gradually, they opened a hole,
and they pulled her out…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Time order  Câu trả lời đúng
b. Spatial organization
c. Point-by-point organization
Read the excerpt of an essay body paragraph and choose what it describes.
Darlene survived the earthquake and eventually recovered. She was
immediately taken to a hospital and treated by capable doctors…
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Darlene’s recovery  Câu trả lời đúng
b. What the hospital looked like
c. Darlene’s family
Read this body paragraph of an essay and choose what it describes.
Darlene was trapped for more than two weeks under what used to be her
home. She could not move, and she did not have any thing to eat or drink.

Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Being trapped  Câu trả lời đúng
b. What Darlene did before she was trapped
c. The people who Darlene met in the hospital
Read the essay introductory and concluding paragraphs and choose the
correct answer.

On January 12th, 2010, an earthquake devastated Haiti. Thousands of people
died, but at least one story had a positive outcome. Darlene Etienne was
trapped under her home for 15 days. However, she was rescued and
miraculously recovered.…
In conclusion, Darlene’s rescue was a bright spot during a tragic time. After
being trapped for two weeks, she was saved by rescue workers. She was
treated in hospital and doing well.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The concluding paragraph states the main idea of the essay and what the writer
will describe.
b. The concluding paragraph suggests an action rescue workers should take.
c. The concluding paragraph summarizes the most important points  Câu trả
lời đúng
Read the paragraph title and topic sentence. Choose the correct chronological
order to arrange the steps in the instructions.
How to Use an Asthma Inhaler
Topic sentence: If you are diagnosed with asthma, an inhaler can help you breathe.
1. Lastly, replace the cap on the inhaler and rinse your mouth.
2. To start, shake the inhaler for 10 seconds and remove the cap.
3. After that, breathe deeply and press the top of the inhaler down.
4. Next, hold the inhaler in front of your mouth.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. 4-2-1-3
b. 2-4-3-1  Câu trả lời đúng

c. 2-3-4-1
d. 4-3-1-2
Choose the correct option to complete the definition for one of basic
components of a narrative.

… is the order of what happens in the story, that keeps the audience engaged
as the story unfolds.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Theme
b. Details
c. Sequence of events  Câu trả lời đúng
d. Characters
Read the paragraph title and the topic sentence. Choose the correct
chronological order to arrange the steps in the instructions.
How to Use an Electric Toothbrush
Topic sentence: Using an electric toothbrush is easy.
1. Finally, turn off the electric toothbrush and rinse it off.
2. Next, apply light pressure and move the toothbrush over all of your teeth.
3. To begin, put toothpaste on the toothbrush. Then put the brush in your mouth and
turn it on.
4. After you brush your teeth, move the toothbrush over your gums.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. 4-3-2-1
b. 3-4-2-1
c. 3-4-1-2
d. 3-2-4-1  Câu trả lời đúng
Choose the correct option for one of basic components of a narrative.

The component is descriptions that appeal to the senses of sight, sound, smell,
touch, and taste.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Characters
b. Sequence of events
c. Details  Câu trả lời đúng

d. Theme
Choose the correct answer:
Narration …
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. …describes in colorful details the characteristics and traits of a person, place, or
thing  Câu trả lời không đúng
b. …convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic.
c. … gives factual information about various topics to the reader.  Sai
d. …tells a vivid story, usually from one person’s viewpoint.  Đúng
Plot is one of basic components of a narrative.
Choose the correct definition for plot
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The primary problem or obstacle that unfolds in the plot that the main character
must solve or overcome by the end of the narrative.  Câu trả lời không đúng
b. The ultimate message the narrative is trying to express; it can be either explicit or
c. The people who inhabit the story and move it forward. Typically, there are minor
and main characters. The minor characters generally play supporting roles to the
main character.
d. The events as they unfold in sequence.  Đúng
Choose the correct option to complete the definition for one of basic
components of a narrative.
…. is the reflection of events around a unifying idea, for telling the story.
Chọn một câu trả lời:

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