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Test 143
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 143
Q1 v. deploy
(a) to pledge; to give one's word; to vow; to commit oneself to a certain course of action
(b) to speak out; to move into a position of readiness and availability
(c) to have different opinions; to differ
(d) to make by machine; to produce; to fabricate; to invent
adv. rather
(a) intensely; in an extreme manner; severely
(b) honestly; genuinely; earnestly; faithfully
(c) very quite; to a degree; somewhat; slightly; a bit; might as well
(d) intentionally; purposefully; methodically
Q3 n. combine
(a) harvesting machine
(b) period of residence; act of taking possession (Law); right of possession
(c) ten years; group of tens
(d) a signed money order which is payable on demand to the holder
Q4 n. enlargement
(a) planning and execution; management of a business or other operation
(b) person who installs or maintains wiring systems
(c) possessions; belongings; estate; assets; ownership
(d) expansion; increase in size; magnification
Q5 v. dispute
(a) to give money for goods or to cancel debts; to settle; to be worthwhile; to be profitable
(b) to send; to dispatch; to transport (by airplane, truck, etc.); to embark
(c) to confirm; to sanction; to legalize
(d) to argue; to debate; to contest; to oppose; to fight against
Q6 v. attain
(a) to think over; to believe; to regard; to take into account

(b) to punish
(c) to prepare food by heating; to falsify account records
(d) to reach; to achieve; to fulfill; to realize (a goal, purpose, etc.)
Q7 adv. instinctively
(a) infrequently; not often; seldom
(b) gently; without roughness or projections; evenly; calmly
(c) totally; completely; absolutely
(d) naturally; spontaneously; intuitively; automatically
Q8 n. compare
(a) knowledge obtained by doing; something that one has lived through
(b) setting apart; devotion; inscription (in a book, poem, etc.)
(c) part of an object designed to be gripped by the hand; fist name; nickname; code name; title
(d) contrast
Q9 n. barter
(a) spatial dimension; measurement; extent; degree
(b) exchanging of goods and services; trade
(c) person or company that ships things; shipping company; truck
(d) form; model; image; condition; fitness; mold
Q10 n. account
(a) city
(b) goods; ware; stock; articles or items to be sold
(c) program; scheme; agenda; timetable; schedule
(d) business arrangement; client; funds deposited in a bank
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Test 144
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 144
Q1 adj. secure
(a) administrative; operational; having the power to execute laws and policy

(b) safe; protected; strong; stable; confident
(c) preliminary; beginning
(d) provocative; stimulating; encouraging
adj. visible
(a) easy; relaxing; cosy; financially well to do
(b) expendable; spoils rapidly; likely to spoil; mortal
(c) doubtful; dubious
(d) in view; observable; obvious; apparent
Q3 adj. infant
(a) older; elder; having a higher rank; aged
(b) safe; protected; strong; stable; confident
(c) ethical; virtuous; righteous; principled; having integrity
(d) pertaining to a minor
Q4 adj. stable
(a) famous; prominent
(b) steady; firm; lasting; dependable; faithful
(c) descending
(d) able to be carried out; achievable; possible; likely
Q5 adj. distinctive
(a) special; unique; different
(b) reputed; famous
(c) splendid; majestic; superb; glorious; impressive
(d) whole; including every part; complete; full
Q6 adj. loyal
(a) delicate; thin; flimsy; handsome; top-quality; excellent
(b) faithful; true to one's obligations
(c) governmental; bureaucratic; majestic; dignified
(d) original; real; true; natural; honest; sincere
Q7 n. might

(a) person or company that does a particular job or assignment
(b) strength; power; force; bravery
(c) one of the two periods of an academic year (usually 15-18 weeks)
(d) act of bringing back; restoration; act of finding information and sending it to the user as output
Q8 adj. smart
(a) tangible; real; substantial; solid
(b) pertaining to a city; municipal
(c) intelligent; clever; shrewd; lively; fashionable; stylish
(d) non-transferable
Q9 adj. substantive
(a) existing independently; real; tangible
(b) at the end; last; ultimate; decisive; conclusive; definitive
(c) inclusive; of all things
(d) regular; common
Q10 adj. comprehensive
(a) excited; passionate; ardent; fervent
(b) positive; approving; likable; helpful; encouraging; desirable
(c) pertinent; relevant; connected
(d) including a lot; large in scope; extensive
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Test 145
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 145
Q1 n. draft
(a) mind; understanding; leader; person in authority; top
(b) commercial transaction; instance of offering goods at a reduced price; demand for merchandise; auction
(c) obligation; something owed (i.e. money)
(d) rough outline; sketch; written order for payment; conscription

n. constant
(a) number with a fixed value; factor
(b) chauffeur; program which enables an operating system to communicate with a particular device
(c) emphasis; importance; accent; strain; tension; pressure
(d) prevention; rejection; leaving out; keeping out; shutting out
Q3 n. behalf
(a) representing; in support of
(b) character which is part of an alphabet; written communication sent to a person or organization
(c) hope; anticipation; assumption
(d) esteem; respect; thought; consideration; look; glance
Q4 n. revenue
(a) freight; luggage; baggage; load
(b) person who gives support to a superior; aide; helper
(c) income; return; gains; government income earned through taxation
(d) access; method; system; procedure
Q5 n. litter
(a) refuse; trash; disorder
(b) woman who serves tables in a restaurant or pub
(c) thin sheets of fibrous material used to write on; article; essay; questionnaire
(d) standard against which something is measured; factor; discipline
Q6 n. expectation
(a) proficiency; skill; specialist knowledge and information
(b) festival; exhibition; show; market; bazaar
(c) medical caretaker (especially in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor)
(d) anticipation; longing or waiting for; hope
Q7 n. deregulation
(a) obligation; something owed (i.e. money)
(b) event; occurrence; one of a group of loosely connected stories
(c) talk; dialog; discussion; verbal exchange
(d) transferal of ownership from government to private hands; privatization

Q8 n. reject
(a) view; scenery; horizontal page orientation
(b) temporary stop; standstill; break or pause in a march or journey
(c) something or someone that does not match up to standards; object of lower quality; outcast
(d) exit; electrical source for connecting appliances; store; shop; joint
Q9 n. equity
(a) contract by which property or persons are guaranteed against damage or loss
(b) public announcement or printed notice designed to attract attention
(c) link; connection; obligation; grasp; certificate of debt
(d) honesty; fairness; justice
Q10 n. court
(a) accomplishment; fulfillment
(b) main component; something which is a part of a complex whole
(c) small globule of liquid; drip; very small amount; pendant
(d) yard; formal reception; place where legal trials take place
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Test 146
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 146
Q1 v. cancel
(a) to give in to desire; to yield to; to satisfy; to spoil; to humor
(b) to copy; to photograph; to snapshot
(c) to follow
(d) to call off; to annul; to terminate; to stop
v. arrest
(a) to detain; to slow down; to capture; to imprison
(b) to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart
(c) to protect; to guard from harm

(d) to indicate; to emphasize; to sharpen; to direct
Q3 v. hurry
(a) to cause to lose heart; to deter; to dissuade; to show disapproval of; to derail
(b) to drag or to carry by force
(c) to fulfill; to meet a request or requirement; to compensate; to remunerate
(d) to make haste; to rush; to urge; to prod; to dash
Q4 v. file
(a) to arrange papers methodically for preservation and reference; to submit in a formal way
(b) to need to; must; to be obligated
(c) to illustrate; to explain; to characterize; to elucidate
(d) to outlaw; to forbid by law; to interdict; to ban; to prevent
Q5 v. patch
(a) to store in a large building
(b) to cover a hole with a piece of material; to use to cover a hole
(c) to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw
(d) to go before; to be in front; to be ahead of; to predate
Q6 v. break down
(a) to fail; to collapse; to defeat; to overthrow; to descend
(b) to issue a command; to make an official order
(c) to contract; to empower; to authorize; to confer
(d) to conform; to change; to make suitable; to match; to fit
Q7 n. loyalty
(a) period; era; generation
(b) plateau; area of level ground; prairie; savanna
(c) faithfulness; devotion; constancy
(d) slice; part; segment; creation; work
Q8 v. ought
(a) to need to; must; to be obligated
(b) to worry; to cause concern; to annoy; to bother; to disturb
(c) to give in; to surrender; to yield; to present; to propose

(d) to fit; to adapt; to adjust; to tune; to supply with an explanatory device
Q9 v. change
(a) to join; to connect; to associate with; to relate to
(b) to cover with a thin layer of metal; to coat with metal
(c) to intend; to plan; to design; to aim
(d) to alter; to replace; to become different
Q10 v. lumber
(a) to move heavily or awkwardly; to accumulate; to collect
(b) to rely on; to extend business credit
(c) to create; to produce; to bring into being
(d) to honor; to admire; to esteem; to hold in high regard
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Test 147
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 147
Q1 n. newsletter
(a) opposition; act of fighting against; act of withstanding the effects of
(b) competition; equal opponent; partner; counterweight; game
(c) short informational periodical that is usually distributed to the members of an interest group
(d) schedule; agenda; written order of events
Q2 n. plan
(a) program; scheme; agenda; timetable; schedule
(b) ascent
(c) track; path; customary series of stops during a trip
(d) person who receives guests; large number; multitude (of people or things)
Q3 n. membership
(a) harvest; return; produce; income; profit
(b) chart showing the months of a year (including days and weeks); schedule; timetable
(c) state of belonging to an organization or group; fellowship

(d) part; district; paragraph; passage; department; unit
Q4 n. carriage
(a) job; assignment; obligation; role
(c) price; expense
(b) coach; buggy; transportation
(d) rubbing out; deletion; eradication
Q5 v. process
(a) to treat; to adapt; to prepare; to make ready
(b) to support; to inspire; to give hope
(c) to draw a likeness; to describe; to reflect; to picture in the mind
(d) to cipher
Q6 n. establishment
(a) supplementary charge; additional charge; amount paid for insurance; reward
(b) something that is superimposed
(c) anything that is set up; institution (i.e. business, church, authority, government, etc.)
(d) manufacturing; trade; diligence; perseverance; tendency to work hard
Q7 n. banquet
(a) celebration; feast; dinner; drinking
(b) area; territory; domain; field; area of activity or interest; sphere
(c) purchase; sale; acquisition
(d) test; quiz; investigation; inquiry
Q8 v. tow
(a) to imitate; to try to equal or excel; to take after; to copy
(b) to pull; to drag
(c) to create; to produce; to bring into being
(d) to be useful; to help; to facilitate
Q9 n. opportunity
(a) chance; occasion; favorable time to act
(b) spot; speck; part (the point) in an Internet web address
(c) a measurement of output per hours worked; creativeness; fruitfulness; prolificness

(d) opposition; appeal; denial; protest
Q10 v. must
(a) to insert written information into the gaps on a form
(b) to have to; to be obligated; to be likely or probable
(c) to hold onto; to save; to store; to watch over; to care for
(d) to understand; to comprehend; to accomplish; to convert into cash; to liquidate
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Test 148
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 148
Q1 adj. promotional
(a) of publicizing; of advancement; of encouragement; of fostering; of an enterprise
(b) pertaining to the commercial center of a city
(c) preferred; beloved; liked
(d) pure; obvious; easy to understand; comprehensible
adj. hard
(a) ruling; supervising; regulating; managing; restraining
(b) pertaining to a city; municipal
(c) difficult; complicated; rigid; stiff
(d) unbearable; cannot be done; cannot be endured
Q3 adj. objective
(a) opposite of expensive; inexpensive
(b) penetrating; infiltrating; spreading; extending; permeating
(c) of or pertaining to the upper class
(d) impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind
Q4 adj. few
(a) little; not many; some
(b) worthy of adoration; impressive; wonderful; marvelous

(c) straight; equal; even; honest
(d) low; despicable; ignoble
Q5 adj. congruent
(a) can be prophesied; can be foretold
(b) of general expenses; general
(c) ordinary; skilled; close; intimate; well-known
(d) identical; corresponding; in agreement; harmonious
Q6 adj. creative
(a) collective; total; taking all units as a whole
(b) inventive; innovative; artistic
(c) impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind
(d) distorted; crooked; twisted; askew
Q7 adj. convenient
(a) containing; comprehensive; all-embracing; extensive; taking in
(b) aspiring; desirous of success; requiring great effort
(c) comfortable; useful; serviceable
(d) of great worth; costly; cherished; dear; important
Q8 adj. content
(a) principal; head; chief
(b) satisfied; pleased
(c) staying in a particular place; not migratory; intrinsic; existing
(d) pressing; compelling; immediate; prompt
Q9 adj. prosaic
(a) plentiful; abundant; generous; extravagant; wasteful
(b) common; regular; boring; tedious; dull
(c) of or pertaining to the upper class
(d) beside the point; unconnected; impertinent; immaterial
Q10 adj. preventive
(a) defective; imperfect; cracked
(b) classified; confidential; clandestine; covert; hidden; latent

(c) customary; routine; formal
(d) averting; avoiding; delaying; inhibiting
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Test 149
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 149
Q1 n. combination
(a) joining; union; an ordered sequence
(b) weather conditions; surrounding conditions; atmosphere; setting
(c) customary action; habit; drill; training exercise
(d) disturbance; discontinuance; stoppage; cutting-off
n. anticipation
(a) attempt to discover or test something; trial; research
(b) person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity
(c) bed covering; quilt
(d) expectation; hope; intuition
Q3 n. sink
(a) something that is discarded; rubbish; trash; junk; waste
(b) the prospect that a bond issuer will fail to make required debt payments
(c) formally or socially imposed standards of attire
(d) wash basin; sewer; drain; cesspool; place where criminals gather
Q4 n. lock
(a) exhibition; explanation; showing
(b) fastening mechanism which is opened with a key or other device
(c) fright; horror; concern; terror
(d) exterior or upper boundary of a thing; external part or layer; outward appearance
Q5 n. nuance
(a) rule enacted by a community or country; custom; principle; convention

(b) slight difference; subtle distinction
(c) drawback; disadvantage; defect; foible
(d) word; expression; idiom; condition; stipulation
Q6 n. sneakers
(a) tool; instrument; piece of equipment
(b) sports shoe; one who moves about stealthily; one who acts furtively
(c) working, performance, handling; venture, undertaking; series of actions
(d) area; domain; range; piece of land; surface
Q7 n. strength
(a) durability; determination; resolve; power; intensity; force
(b) duplicate; photostat
(c) high ranking military officer
(d) person who is free from sin or wrongdoing
Q8 v. salvage
(a) to meet by chance; to face; to meet with (difficulties, hardships, etc.)
(b) to be involved; to join in
(c) to save from destruction; to rescue
(d) to distinguish; to perceive; to recognize; to discriminate
Q9 n. pretense
(a) freedom from danger; quality of not causing injury or loss; any security device
(b) silence; quiet; photograph
(c) rite; ritual; formality
(d) feigning; impersonation; false show; claim; assertion
Q10 n. growth
(a) state of losing property to one's creditor's due to unpaid debts; insolvency
(b) flat
(c) one who damages a person or his property or rights
(d) development; progress
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Test 150
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 150
Q1 v. direct
(a) to invite; to speak loudly; to visit; to phone
(b) to advertise; to bring to the attention of a large audience
(c) to fix in place; to link firmly together; to be held in place
(d) to guide; to lead; to instruct; to manage; to supervise
v. adopt
(a) to find out; to come across; to get information about something
(b) to decorate; to imitate; to mimic; to copy an example
(c) to hire as a worker; to activate; to operate; to use
(d) to form a relationship with another person
Q3 v. format
(a) to set some distance apart
(b) to expend money or effort for future benefits; to grant; to install; to cover; to authorize
(c) to design the appearance of; to arrange; to prepare a diskette or hard disk for use
(d) to annoy; to harass; to worry; to make an effort; to be concerned
Q4 v. assume
(a) to sign using the first letter or letters of a name
(b) to design; to mold; to form; to direct; to be formed
(c) to suppose; to take on a position or duty; to accept an idea
(d) to devote oneself to a particular profession or field of study; to limit
Q5 v. entitle
(a) to display; to undertake; to attempt; to begin a journey; to arrange
(b) to terminate; to end; to destroy; to defeat; to complete
(c) to be plentiful; to be filled with; to overflow with
(d) to give a heading or name to (i.e. a book, painting, etc.); to grant a right; to claim something
Q6 v. merge

(a) to interchange; to take turns; to rotate; to substitute
(b) to mystify; to baffle; to confound; to confuse; to perplex
(c) to become bigger; to expand
(d) to blend; to be blended; to combine or unite into a single body; to be assimilated
Q7 v. excite
(a) to stir up; to arouse feelings; to provoke; to stimulate
(b) to separate into sections; to partition
(c) to cut into portions; to cleave
(d) to save from harm; to deliver from danger; to free from risk
Q8 n. vendor
(a) introduction of something new; change; new method or practice
(b) salesman; supplier; automatic machine for selling goods
(c) enlargement; increase; spread; development
(d) debate; conversation; talk; dispute; argument
Q9 n. factor
(a) spatial dimension; measurement; extent; degree
(b) cause; agent; broker; financier; money lender
(c) money gained; salary; revenue; profit; income
(d) transgressor; person who breaks the law; one who insults
Q10 v. place
(a) to come to a sum; to become; to total
(b) to put; to lay; to lodge; to nominate; to appoint
(c) to try or to intend to achieve something; to direct; to plan; to aspire
(d) to fight for; to challenge; to appeal
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Test 151
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 151
Q1 v. brake

(a) to excel; to rise above
(b) to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle
(c) to match; to correspond; to resemble; to be similar to
(d) to provide financial assistance
Q2 v. complicate
(a) to give in; to surrender; to yield; to present; to propose
(b) to draft into military service; to voluntarily join a cause
(c) to confuse; to make hard to understand; to make difficult; to make complex
(d) to train; to certify; to meet the minimum standards; to moderate; to modify
Q3 n. division
(a) railing; hedge; ability to argue; person who sells stolen goods
(b) partitioning; department; faculty; ranking; level according to difficulty
(c) levy; fee
(d) opinion; creed; religion; faith; conviction
Q4 v. nominate
(a) to oppose; to fight against; to challenge; to withstand
(b) to warn; to scold; to reprove
(c) to set a new time and date
(d) to appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); to designate; to select
Q5 adj. aware
(a) sequential; following one after another
(b) impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind
(c) most important; main; first; opening; beginning
(d) attentive; conscious of
Q6 n. applicant
(a) candidate; nominee
(b) compactness; closeness
(c) rules introduced by the government to regulate the trade of securities and mutual funds
(d) something presented as evidence in a court of law; display; show
Q7 n. cognition

(a) advantage; profit; aid; stipend
(b) awareness; perception
(c) list; evidence; best result ever attained; list of events or actions
(d) case; crate; punch; hit
Q8 v. reward
(a) to devise; to conceive; to develop; to plan
(c) to warn; to notify of danger
(b) to write down in a timetable; to register
(d) to recompense someone for a service
Q9 v. object
(a) to oppose; to protest
(b) to transfer control from governmental to individual powers
(c) to finance; to supply with money; to allocate financial sums; to extend a short-term obligation
(d) to bear; to endure
Q10 n. card
(a) state of having committed a crime or offense; culpability; feeling of having done something wrong
(b) straw-filled mattress; hard and simple bed; platform used to stack items during moving or storage
(c) thin and flat object
(d) connection; overall situation; background
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Test 152
TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 152
Q1 adj. uncertain
(a) bothersome; troublesome; worrisome; harassing
(b) doubtful; not reliable; ambiguous
(c) existing independently; real; tangible
(d) deserving of punishment; responsible
Q2 adj. commercial

(a) chief; leading; main; principal
(b) congruous
(c) double; identical; matching
(d) pertaining to business; pertaining to buying and selling
Q3 adj. horrible
(a) dangerous; risky; perilous
(b) pertaining to the world and nature around us
(c) serving as a model; normal; regular; typical; widely accepted
(d) terrible; awful; disgusting
Q4 adj. wry
(a) distorted; crooked; twisted; askew
(b) significant; important
(c) negotiated by an intermediary; settled through a middleman
(d) mild; slight; comfortable; simple
Q5 adj. impatient
(a) common; shared; collective
(b) characterized; by or occupying a particular place
(c) occurring at regular intervals; recurrent; cyclic; seasonal
(d) unable to wait; intolerant; restless
Q6 n. loss
(a) setting apart; devotion; inscription (in a book, poem, etc.)
(b) printed form that entitles the holder to certain rights such as in a discount
(c) opposite of profit; deprivation; defeat; destruction
(d) type of dessert; cake; baked dish consisting of a crust and filling
n. waste
(a) physical or mental well-being; freedom from disease
(b) tool; gadget; device; apparatus
(c) picture in a book or other work; explanation; clarification
(d) misuse; loss; rubbish; garbage; sewage

Q8 adj. further
(a) adept; capable; suitably skilled; well qualified; experienced
(b) arrogant; haughty; magnificent; impressive
(c) more distant; additional
(d) common; regular; ordinary
adj. surface
(a) main; major; chief; principal
(c) external
(b) modern; current
(d) under legal obligation; responsible; prone
Q10 adj. complacent
(a) sequential; following one after another
(c) common; shared; collective
(b) active; attentive
(d) content; self-satisfied; comfortable; smug
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