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Reading practice 2 B2

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Reading Passage 1
Food and restaurants
Are you looking for somewhere special to go this weekend? Do you want to try something new? Check out one of these
hot new restaurants.
Last Days of the Raj
A centrally located Indian restaurant, perfect for eating before or after the cinema or a show. In summer, enjoy your meal
in the beautiful garden. The most popular dishes are lamb and chicken cooked with mild, medium or hot spices. For brave
customers there is extra hot!
A Taste of Tuscany
Whether you’d like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal in stylish surroundings, this is the place for
you. The chefs have all been trained in Italy and they make both traditional and contemporary dishes. We recommend the
pasta and seafood.
Your Local Caff
Remember when cafés served full English breakfasts – sausages, beans, fried bread, bacon and eggs – with a strong cup of
tea? Well, this place still does and you can have your breakfast at any time you like during the day while you listen to
your favourite tunes from the 1980s.
The Lemon Tree
This pretty restaurant serves healthy food that’s tasty too. Come in for a vegetarian snack at lunchtime or a great fruit
smoothie or a cappuccino and a delicious piece of cake in the afternoon. Food is bought from local producers whenever
Cheesy Bites
A restaurant that only serves cheese, but hundreds of cheeses from many countries and in lots of different forms. They
serve reasonably priced lunches but dinner can be expensive. Lovely food and a very elegant dining room, looking onto an
amazing flower garden.
Fast Best
Fast food doesn’t have to be junk food, as this café proves. Do you fancy a really good hamburger made with the best
ingredients, or old-fashioned fish and chips fried to perfection, all on the table in super-quick time? Speed and quality are
important here, and the prices aren’t bad either.
The Chocolate Box
The owner of this small café used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realised she preferred desserts to anything else. If
you want meat or fish, don’t come here. They only do desserts! Lots of different kinds of sweets. Chocolate lovers will be

excited by the range of chocolate cakes.
Musical Chairs
Have you noticed how music improves the taste of your food? This new restaurant has different types of live music every
night except Sundays, and excellent food to go with it. Great fish dishes, steak and pizza. Monday is classic rock night, so
see you there!

Questions 1-7: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?

The pros and cons of eating out
The special dishes and locations of restaurants
The good and bad of various restaurants
The variety of choices for eating out

2. Which is the writer’s tone in this passage?


3. The sentence “Whether you’d like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal in stylish surroundings, this is the place
for you” can be best paraphrased as:

If you are stylist and rich enough, this place is really your best choice.
Though it’s expensive eating in this stylist restaurant, it’s worth your payment.
This is a place for only the wealthy and stylist people to enjoy their lunch.
This place is stylishly decorated to give you full relaxation.

4. Which eatery utilizes staff prepared in Europe?
A. Your Local Caff
B. Chessy Bites
C. Chocolate Box
D. A Taste of Tuscany
5. My colleague is fond of sweets and I’m thinking about a place to bring her at the end of the week. Where ought to we go?
A. Chocolate Box
B. Your Local Caff
C. Chessy Bites
D. Fast Best
6. I'm in a hurry as I’ve only got few minutes for lunch. Where can I get something to eat?
A. Your Local Caff
B. Fast Best
C. Last Days of The Raj
D. A Taste of Tuscany
7. Where is this passage most like to be found?
A. A culinary book
B. A tourist guidebook

C. A local history book
D. A sociology book

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage 1?
For Questions 8-12: True, False, or Not Given. Write


if the statement agrees with the passage


if the statement disagrees with the passage

NG if the statement is not found in the passage
8. Last Days of the Raj is situated in a nice countryside with a beautiful garden. _______
9. Italy is famous for pasta and seafood. _____
10. People who sleep in can still conveniently enjoy their breakfast at Your Local Caff. ______
11. The owner of The Chocolate Box doesn’t serve fish and meat because she doesn’t like eating fish and meat. _______
12. Customers can enjoy meal while listening to music in two restaurants._____


Paragraph 1
At the United Nations, 19 August is a day to reflect. It was on this day in 2003 that the UN building in Baghdad was hit by
an enormous terrorist bomb. Most of the 22 people who died in the attack had been involved in humanitarian missions in
Iraq. Among the dead was Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN's top representative in the country. Every year, the UN
commemorates the loss by observing World Humanitarian Day.
Paragraph 2

This is a day to remember the brave humanitarian workers whose daily work can involve terrible dangers and even a risk to
their lives. However, it is also a day to build public support for the people at the centre of this humanitarian work: the many
millions of civilians around the world whose lives have been affected by conflict. Therefore, 19 August is a day to ask world
leaders to commit to protecting vulnerable civilians and to do more to end conflicts in the world.
Paragraph 3
The UN has recently reported that, at the time of writing, the world's worst humanitarian crisis is in Yemen. Due to war and
a shortage of food, it is said that up to 75 per cent of the population (that's about 22 million people) are in need of
humanitarian aid and protection. Meanwhile, wars continue in Syria and South Sudan and these are just a few of the countries
where conflict is forcing people to live in extreme difficulty or to become refugees.
Paragraph 4
Humanitarian workers must often risk their own lives to provide civilians with food, shelter or healthcare. Sometimes these
workers are attacked by people who want to steal food or medicine. Many conflict zones also have big problems with
political or terrorist groups who see humanitarian workers as an ideal target to get international attention.
Paragraph 5
In recent years, the UN has promoted an online hashtag. Its message is very clear. Humanitarian workers have just one
mission: to help people in need. And they should be able to do this in safe conditions. They should not be a target. At the
same time, these workers travel to very dangerous places to provide aid for innocent civilians who have not chosen to live
in conflict. The hashtag also implies that civilians should not be a target.
Paragraph 6
It may seem as if the problems of the world are impossible to fix, but there are a few things that you can do to help in some
way. As a first step, inform yourself about the major humanitarian problems that the world is facing at the moment. With a
quick online search, you will probably also find online petitions asking global leaders to increase their help for civilians in
conflict zones and for the refugees that come from these situations. Or if you would prefer to help in a more practical way,
try following the advice from previous campaigns for World Humanitarian Day: do something good, somewhere, for
someone else.

Questions 1-6: Choose the best title for each paragraph from A–G below.


Paragraph 1 _______

A. What is not a target?


Paragraph 2 _______

B. World Humanitarian Day, why?


Paragraph 3 _______

C. The objective of the Day


Paragraph 4 _______

D. Working in danger


Paragraph 5 _______

E. Problems in conflict zones


Paragraph 6 _______

F. Places where conflicts exist
G. How can I join in?

Questions 7-10
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage.
7. The World Humanitarian Day is not only an occasion to remember courageous people who help others but also to gain support for
________ influenced by conflicts.
8. About three fourth of Yemen population need to be protected and to receive ______________.
9. As a result of wars, people in Syria and South Sudan are forced to be ______________.
10. It is risky for humanitarian workers when they provide basic necessities for civilians living in ______________________ since
they can be attacked by some certain groups of people.
Questions 11-12: True, False, or Not Given. Write

if the statement agrees with the passage


if the statement disagrees with the passage


if the statement is not found in the passage

11. The online hashtag promoted by the UN mentions both the humanitarian workers and the civilians. ________________
12. By helping people around us, it is a practical way to show our support for humanitarian activities. _________________

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