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I. Pronunciation:
1. a. mice b. police c. ice d. spice
> b
2. a. mile b. smile c. pupil d. pile
> c
3. a. police b. collide c. politics d. polite
> c
4. a. fossil b. kill c. fill d. ill
> a
5. a. amuse b. confuse c. refuse d. cluster
> d
6. a. three b. tree c. peer d. free
> c

II. Find the mistake:
7. Burning coal and oil will release gases harmful to human.
a. Burning
b. will release
c. harmful to
d. human
> c
8. Why don’t you discard this broken old bicycle? It is useless now.
a. don’t you discard
b. broken old
c. is

d. useless
> b
9. A girl may or may not shake hands when she is introduced with a man.
a. A girl
b. shake hands
c. is introduced
d. with
> d

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:
10. We are all very happy. are happy.
a. All we
b. Us all
c. All us
d. All of us
 d
11. can prevent tooth decay.
a. Vapor
b. Fluoride
c. Hydrogen
d. Pollen
> b
12. He wants to have his clothes washed, ?
a. doesn't he
b. don't they
c. do they
d. does he
 a
13. He said, “I was happy to put my trust you.”
a. in

b. into
c. on to
d. with
> a
14. You should learn hard. They told me that
a. I may learn hard
b. I had to learn hard
c. I should learn hard
d. I should have learned hard
 d
15. His watch had stopped. As a result, he had no way of knowing the right

a. hour
b. moment
c. time
d. o’clock
> c
16. is the best volley-ball team in the school.
a. Our
b. Our team
c. Ours
d. First
17. Let’s do something worthwhile with your time instead of just
a. spending
b. using
c. wasting
d. passing
> c

18. "Which boxes contained food? -
a. The wooden
b. The wood
c. The woody ones
d. The wooden ones
 d
19. Even though his brother was completely as a furniture-maker, he
produced the most beautiful chairs.
a. unable
b. untrained
c. incapable
d. uneducated
> b
20. He will never forget the day he met his wife.
a. where
b. that
c. when
d. which
 c
21. The bus had reached the station so late that I missed my train.
a. entirely
b. already
c. soon
d. almost
> d
22. "Why do the police want to meet you?" "Because I saw the car
last night."
a. stealing
b. been stolen
c. stole

d. stolen
 d
23. Could you tell me a bit more what is in this particular job?
a. enclosed
b. involved
c. presented
d. concentrated
> b
24. They have been playing tennis. They haven't stopped playing
a. still
b. even
c. yet
d. more
 c
25. Hurry up! They’ve only got seats left.
a. a little
b. plenty of
c. a lot of
d. a few
26. The dress Lan is wearing is beautiful.
a. which
b. when
c. why
d. what
 a
27. Traveling by train is more than by car because you can sleep
or read during the journey.
a. enjoyable
b. enjoyed

c. enjoying
d. enjoyment
> a
28. "Do you like living alone?" "Yes, but I'm not used everyday."
a. to cook
b. to cooking
c. cooking
d. to have cooked
 b
29. I can’t remember his telephone number so I looked up it in the telephone

a. directory
b. list
c. guide
d. catalogue
> a
30. She bought the dress she had tried on before.
a. who
b. what
c. that
d. whom
 c
31. It’s sometimes ………………. when you have to ask people for money.
a. embarrass
b. embarrassing
c. embarrassed
d. embarrassingly
> b
32. She has played the violin many years.
a. since

b. for
c. from
d. by
 b
33. Fred recognizes my face, but my name him.
a. misses
b. deludes
c. fails
d. escapes
34. - "Can I help you?" - "Yes” - “Do you know ?"”
a. where is the manager's office
b. where does the manager's office
c. where will the manager's office
d. where the manager's office is
 d
35. I am never free on Saturday evening as I have a arrangement to
go to the movie theater with a friend.
a. long-lived
b. long-standing
c. long-range
d. long-lasting
> b
36. "Can I make an appointment with the doctor?' "She's pretty busy. I'll ask
her "
a. how much time does she have
b. how much time she has
c. she has how much time
d. how much does she have time
 b

37. Send for our free brochure by the coupon below.
a. completing
b. responding
c. answering
d. filling
> a
38. that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon
than of the earth.
a. Saying
b. To say
c. They saying
d. It is said
 d
39. Copper tubing is the preferred choice of plumbers ……………
a. since it is
b. because of
c. it is
d. insofa as
> a
40. I don't know where
a. was it made
b. it was made
c. was it made?
d. it was made?
 b
41. Fred lives in his bachelor flat in Mayfair.
a. lonely
b. lone
c. himself

d. alone
> d
42. This is the girl refused to talk to you.
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. whose
 a
43. Have you finished eating, madam? Could I bring you the ?
a. bill
b. ticket
c. cheque
d. addition
> a
44. Balinese cats, which are a cross between Siamese and long-haired cats,
…………… medium length silky coats of fur.
a. they have
b. have
c. which have
d. having
 b
45. At the language school, each student is assigned to his or her own

a. tutor
b. professor
c. staff
d. director
> a
46. This is the biggest fair held in Ho Chi Minh city.
a. so far

b. never
c. up to now
d. ever
 d
47. This map has a of one centimeter to two kilometers.
a. system
b. diagram
c. reference
d. scale
> d
48. I'll try to fit with him.
a. on
b. in
c. of
d. about
 b
49. Mike is afraid his speech may have me as to his true aims.
a. miscalculated
b. mistaken
c. misunderstood
d. misled
> d
50. - S1: Are you a skilled worker? - S2: No. I’m a (n) here.
a. apprentice
b. skilled mechanic
c. apprenticeship
d. engineering
> a
