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Bộ đề thi năng khiếu môn anh văn lớp 11 trường chuyên năm 2022

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LỚP 11

Ngày thi: 05/10/2020

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
(Học sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời)

A. LISTENING. (30 points)
I. Listen to a radio programme about two explorers. For questions 1-5, decide if the following sentences are
True (T) or False (F). (10 points)



Social conventions made it difficult for Ida Laura Pfieffer to travel.


She was accidentally involved in attempt to overthrow a government.


Mary Kingsley began exploring with her parents.


She could easily have died when she fell into a hole.




Her descriptions of African culture are very similar to those in Joseph Conrad's Heart
of Darkness.

II. You will hear a writer talking about a book she has just written on the subject of aspirin. For questions 613, complete the sentences. (8 points)
Doctors in (6)______________ treated their patients with a medicine derived from the bark of the willow.
Edward Stone believed that (7) ______________ was similar to quinine.
The active ingredient of aspirin was isolated in (8) ______________.
Unfortunately, salicylic acid can affect the (9) ______________ quite badly.
The first commercially available aspirins were made by Bayer, a ______________ (10)
However, there was little (11) ______________ into the way aspirin works for nearly 70 years.

Some scientists think that people over (12) ______________ should take aspirin to prevent certain

It appears that (13) ______________ grown without artificial chemicals also contain the active Ingredients
of aspirin.
III. You will hear parts of a lecture about the film director Alfred Hitchcock. Choose the correct letter A, B or
C (12 points)
14. Why did Hitchcock want the camera to move in a particular way?
A. It meant that scenes could be filmed more quickly.
B. It changed the way the viewer followed the action.
C. It was what viewers expected.
15. What does the lecturer say about the filming of the shower scene in Psychol?
A. Hitchcock was wasting valuable time.
B. Today’s filmgoers are not interested in such detail.
C. Spending a week filming one scene would now be too expensive.
16. Which of the following statements about Hitchcock’s movies is NOT true?
A. The viewer is left to imagine many of the actual murders.
B. The real aim is to expose his characters’ inner thoughts.
C. It is easy to guess the ending of a Hitchcock film.
17. According to the lecturer, viewers of Psycho identify with the murderer because _______?
A. the character they initially relate to is dead.
B. he is a likeable character.
C. the other characters are not very interesting.
18. The lecturer believes that before Hitchcock ____________.
A. directors always acted in their own films.
B. directors did not play such an important role in film-making.
C. people knew what the director looked like.
19. What is the main theme of the lecture?

A. the movie Psycho
B. a comparison of various Hitchcock movies
C. Hitchcock’s contribution to cinema

B. LEXICO AND GRAMMAR. (50 points)
I. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points)
1. You must be prepared to _____ yourself to greater stress if you take on a second job.
A. offer

B. subject

C. field

D. place

2. To begin studying chemistry at this level, you must already have proved your ability in a related _____.
A. line

B. discipline

C. region

D. rule

3. There was considerable doubt _____ exactly who was responsible for the accident.
A. out of

B. as to

C. as for

D. for

4. Their plan was out of this _____ but unfortunately the outcome was not so impressive.
A. moon

B. planet

C. world

D. earth

5. All candidates will be treated equally, _____ of their age or background.
A. notwithstanding B. discounting

C. irrelevant

D. irrespective

6. If you come to the theatre late, you have to wait until the ____ to get in.
A. break

B. interval

C. refreshment

D. half-time

7. The fog was so thick that we could not ____ the oncoming car.
A. get on

B. make out

C. see through

D. watch out

8. I read the contract again and again _____ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. with a view to B. in view of

C. by means of

D. in terms of

9. The two naughty boys were ____ after school for misbehavior.
A. detained

B. withheld

C. postponed

D. stayed

10. My teacher wanted to see me _____ to discuss some class problems.
A. by person

B. as a person

C. in person

D. with person

II. Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete each of the sentences below. Write

your answer in the space provided. (10 points)
1. They lost the battle, despite (number) ___________________ the enemy by two to one.
2. Before enrolling on a course, check that it has been (valid) ___________________ by a reliable

3. We could hardly talk on deck because of the (deaf) ___________________ roar of the sea.
4. How are you getting on with your (correspond) ___________________ course in French?
5. Our efforts to make him change his mind proved (fruit) ___________________; he wouldn’t listen.
6. There is not much (clear) ____________________ for tall vehicles passing under this bridge.
7. She is very efficient, and (fail) ___________________ polite to the customers.
8. The slight (form) ___________________ in his chin was corrected by surgery.
9. I had to stand in terrible (comfort) ___________________ on the crowded bus for half an hour.
10. This is an extremely difficult job for young and (experience) ___________________ people.
III. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 points)
1. The boss cannot account ____________ all the money he has spent?
2. The explanation the teacher gave is quite ____________ us.
3. They bought the house last year and have sold it ____________ a profit.
4. Many stars are invisible ____________ the naked eyes, so they need a telescope.
5. Normally, virus diseases will clear up _____________ their own accord.
6. The senator is believed to be implicated _____________ the scandal.
7. Bill is practicing very hard. He is intent _____________ winning a gold medal.
8. Strangely enough, the baby doesn’t take _____________ their parents at all.
9. I will soon send you a letter _____________ confirmation of our plan.
10. The police are looking _____________ the past record of the suspect.
IV. Identify one of the four underlined parts in each sentence which is incorrect and get it right. Write your
choice A, B, C, or D and the corrections in the space provided. (20 points)
1. So far Margaret (A)has been writing 5 novels (B)on the problems (C)teenagers have to (D)cope with in
modern times.
2. (A)Frequent exposure to (B)intense noise pollution can (C)damage a person’s (D)hear temporarily or

3. Tom’s grandfather left (A)him 50,000 (B)dollars, (C)this was (D)too big a sum for him.
4. You (A)mustn’t have seen Peter, (B)for he went (C)abroad two years ago and now (D)lives in Australia.
5. (A)Every chemical (B)has a standard symbol (C)which is found in the (D)period table of elements.

6. Most educators today (A)consider computer literacy (B)being a (C)necessary addition to the (D)basic
scholastic requirements.
7. A ray of light passing (A)through (B)the center of a thin lens (C)keeps its (D)origin direction.
8. Experiments (A)have shown that (B)the bees can (C)somehow sense the Earth's (D)magnetic field.
9. (A)Millions of dollars’ (B)worth of plants are (C)raised (D)annual in greenhouses.
10. There (A)is not way by which the peoples of (B)the world can be (C)divided into neat and precise
(D)racial categories.

C. READING. (60 points)
I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)
Child Custody
A century ago, fathers who fought in court for custody of their children usually (1) ___________, simply
because they were the breadwinners. Early in this century, women began persuading judges that (2)
___________ were better suited to child-rearing, and courts (3) ___________ awarding them custody and
child support payments. As one judge (4) ___________ in 1921, “for a youngster of tender years (5)
___________can be an adequate substitute (6) ___________ mother love.”
Most judges today still hold to this standard. Each (7) ___________ courts determine the fate of some
100,000 children of divorce and, in nine (8) ___________ of ten cases, the mother gets (9) ___________.
Another 900,000 children a year are similarly dispersed out of court. (10) ___________, there is now a
growing belief that mothers aren’t necessarily the (11) ___________ parents after a divorce. Neither (12)
___________ fathers.
A new arrangement has (13) ___________ evolving, mostly in private divorce settlements, known (14)
___________ joint custody. The parents agree to (15) ___________ equally in important decisions

regarding their (16) ___________, and to share fairly, though not always equally, in their physical care. A
(17) ___________ state legislatures have authorized joint custody if judges (18) ___________ it in a few
best interest. In other states, like New York, judges have (19) ___________ joint custody awards without
requiring special (20) ___________

II. Read the following passage and circle the best answer for each blank. Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in
the box provided. (10 points)

Last year over 200 climbers were rescued from the mountains of Scotland (0) ___________ by local rescue
teams, who go out in all weathers to do whatever they can to help when disaster (1) ___________. These
people are volunteers, giving their time and energy freely and, on occasion, putting themselves in danger.
They will risk life and (2) ___________ in an emergency when they are called on to rescue foolhardy or
unlucky climbers.
A whole (3) ___________ of things can go wrong up in the mountains. A storm can (4) ___________ up
without warning, reducing visibility to virtually zero. Then only the most experienced mountaineer could
find their way back down to safety. And it is easy to come to (5) ___________, breaking a leg - or worse.
Many climbers owe a huge (6) ___________ of gratitude to the rescue teams!
While rescue teams work for no pay, there are considerable costs (7) ___________ in maintaining an
efficient service. Equipment such as ropes and stretchers is of (8) ___________ importance, as are vehicles
and radio communications devices. Though some of the costs are (9) ___________ by the government, the
rescue teams couldn't operate without donations from the public. Fortunately, fundraising for a good
cause like this is not difficult; anyone who has ever been up in the mountains will gladly (10) ___________
a contribution.
0. A. apart

B. even

C. only

D. alone

1. A. hits

B. rises

C. strikes

D. arrives

2. A. limb

B. blood

C. bone

D. flesh

3. A. scope

B. extent

C. range

D. scale

4. A. brew

B. arise

C. whip

D. lash

5. A. agony

B. trouble

C. problem

D. grief

6. A. recognition

B. liability

C. debt

D. obligation

7. A. implied

B. involved

C. featured

D. connected

8. A. lively

B. vibrant

C. essential

D. vital

9. A. borne

B. held

C. carried

D. fulfilled

10. A. make

B. take

C. do

D. hand

III. Read the text and choose A, B, C or D as the correct answer for questions 1-10. (10 points)
Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington state in the Pacific
Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of
eastern Washington, is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in

earlier times was common in the open prairie country; it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands
and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.
Nearly any kind of plant of the forest understory can be part of a deer's diet. Where the forest inhibits
the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal,
dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding. What keeps the blacktailed deer alive in the harsher seasons of plant decay and dormancy? One compensation for not
hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in
summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other
arboreal fodder.
The numbers of deer have fluctuated markedly since the entry of Europeans into Puget Sound
country. The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the
same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal. Famous explorers of the North
American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805,
in nearly starved circumstances. They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies
and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk. To keep 40 people alive that winter,
they consumed approximately 150 elk and 20 deer. And when game moved out of the lowlands in early
spring, the expedition decided to return east rather than face possible starvation. Later on in the early
years of the nineteenth century, when Fort Vancouver became the headquarters for the Hudson's Bay
Company, deer populations continued to fluctuate. David Douglas, Scottish botanical explorer of the
1830s found a disturbing change in the animal life around the fort during the period between his first
visit in 1825 and his final contact with the fort in 1832. A recent Douglas biographer states: "The deer
which once picturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone (in 1832), hunted to
extermination in order to protect the crops."
Reduction in numbers of game should have boded ill for their survival in later times. A worsening of
the plight of deer was to be expected as settlers encroached on the land, logging, burning, and clearing,
eventually replacing a wilderness landscape with roads, cities, towns, and factories. No doubt the
numbers of deer declined still further. Recall the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer, now in a
protected status. But for the black-tailed deer, human pressure has had just the opposite effect.
Wildlife zoologist Helmut Buechner (1953), in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington
through recorded time, says that "since the early 1940s, the state has had more deer than at any other
time in its history, the winter population fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer (mule and

black-tailed deer), which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite

The causes of this population rebound are consequences of other human actions. First, the major
predators of deer-wolves, cougar, and lynx-have been greatly reduced in numbers. Second,
conservation has been insured by limiting times for and types of hunting. But the most profound
reason for the restoration of high population numbers has been the fate of the forests. Great tracts of
lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds for deer. In
addition to finding an increase of suitable browse, like huckleberry and vine maple, Arthur Einarsen,
longtime game biologist in the Pacific Northwest, found quality of browse in the open areas to be
substantially more nutritive. The protein content of shade-grown vegetation, for example, was much
lower than that for plants grown in clearings.

1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer of Puget Sound?
A. It is native to lowlands and marshes.
B. It Is more closely related to the mule deer of eastern Washington than to other types of deer.
C. It has replaced the black-tailed deer in the open prairie.
D. It no longer lives in a particular type of habitat that it once occupied.
2. It can be inferred from the discussion in paragraph 2 that winter conditions _____________.
A. cause some deer to hibernate
B. make food unavailable in the highlands for deer
C. make it easier for deer to locate understory plants
D. prevent deer from migrating during the winter
3. The word "inhibits" in the passage is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. consists of

B. combines

C. restricts

D. establishes

4. The phrase "in the same breath" in the passage is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. impatiently

B. humorously

C. continuously

D. immediately

5. The author tells the story of the explorers Lewis and Clark in paragraph 3 in order to illustrate which of
the following points?
A. The number of deer within the Puget Sound region has varied over time
B. Most of the explorers who came to the Puget Sound area were primarily interested in hunting game.
C. There was more games for hunting in the East of the United States than in the West.

D. Individual explorers were not as successful at locating game as were the trading companies.
6. Why does the author ask readers to recall "the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer" in the
discussion of changes in the wilderness landscape?
A. To provide support for the idea that habitat destruction would lead to population decline
B. To compare how two species of deer caused biotic changes in the wilderness environment
C. To provide an example of a species of deer that has successfully adapted to human settlement
D. To argue that some deer species must be given a protected status
7. The phrase " indefinite period" in the passage is closest in meaning to a period _____________.
A. whose end has not been determined
B. that does not begin when expected
C. that lasts only briefly

D. whose importance remains unknown
8. Which of the following statements about deer populations is supported by the information in paragraph
A. Deer populations reached their highest point during the 1940s and then began to decline.
B. The activities of settlers contributed in unexpected ways to the growth of some deer populations in later
C. The clearing of wilderness land for construction caused biotic changes from which the black-tailed deer
population has never recovered.
D. Since the 1940s the winter populations of deer have fluctuated more than the summer populations
9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in
paragraph 5?
A. Arthur Einarsen's longtime familiarity with the Pacific Northwest helped him discover areas where deer
had an increase in suitable browse.
B. Arthur Einarsen found that deforested feeding grounds provided deer with more and better food.
C. Biologists like Einarsen believe it is important to find additional open areas with suitable browse for deer
to inhabit.

D. According to Einarsen, huckleberry and vine maple are examples of vegetation that may someday
improve the nutrition of deer in the open areas of the Pacific Northwest.
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 5 as a factor that has increased deer
A. A reduction in the number of predators
B. Restrictions on hunting
C. The effects of logging and fire
D. Laws that protect feeding grounds of deer
IV. Read the text and follow the instructions. (13 points)

The cloud messenger

At six o'clock one evening in December 1802, in a dank and cavernous laboratory in London, an unknown
young amateur meteorologist gave the lecture that was to make him famous

A. Luke Howard had been speaking for nearly an hour, during which time his audience had found itself in a
state of gradually mounting excitement. By the time that he reached the concluding words of his address,
the Plough Court laboratory was in an uproar. Everyone in the audience had recognized the importance of
what they had just heard, and all were in a mood to have it confirmed aloud by their friends and
neighbours in the room. Over the course of the past hour, they had been introduced not only to new
explanations of the formation and lifespan of clouds, but also to a poetic new terminology: 'Cirrus',
'Stratus', 'Cumulus', 'Nimbus', and the other names, too, the names of intermediate compounds and
modified forms, whose differences were based on altitude, air temperature and the shaping powers of
upward radiation. There was much that needed to be taken on board.

B. Clouds, as everyone in the room would already have known, were staging posts in the rise and fall of
water as it made its way on endless compensating journeys between the earth and the fruitful sky. Yet the
nature of the means of their exact construction remained a mystery to most observers who, on the whole,
were still in thrall to the vesicular or 'bubble' theory that had dominated meteorological thinking for the
better part of a century. The earlier speculations, in all their strangeness, had mostly been forgotten or
were treated as historical curiosities to be glanced at, derided and then abandoned. Howard, however, was
adamant that clouds were formed from actual solid drops of water and ice, condensed from their vaporous
forms by the fall in temperature which they encountered as they ascended through the rapidly cooling
lower atmosphere. Balloon pioneers during the 1780s had continued just how cold it could get up in the

realm of the clouds: the temperature fell some 6.5ºC for every thousand metres they ascended. By the
rime the middle of a major cumulus cloud had been reached, the temperature would have dropped to
below freezing, while the oxygen concentration of the air would be starting to thin quite dangerously. That
was what the balloonists meant by 'dizzy heights'.

C. Howard was not, of course, the first to insist that clouds were best understood as entities with physical

properties of their own, obeying the same essential laws which governed the rest of the natural world
(with one or two interesting anomalies: water, after all, is a very strange material). It had long been
accepted by many of the more scientifically minded that clouds, despite their distance and their seeming
intangibility, should be studied and apprehended like any other objects in creation.

D. There was more, however, and better. Luke Howard also claimed that there was a fixed and constant
number of basic cloud types, and this number was not (as the audience might have anticipated) in the
hundreds or the thousands, like the teeming clouds themselves, with each as individual as a thumbprint.
Had this been the case, it would render them both unclassifiable and unaccountable; just so many stains
upon the sky. Howard's claim, on the contrary, was that there were just three basic families of cloud, into
which every one of the thousands of ambiguous forms could be categorized with certainty. The clouds
obeyed a system and, once recognized in outline, their basic forms would be 'as distinguishable from each
other as a tree from a hill, or the latter from a lake', for each displayed the simplest possible visual

E. The names which Howard devised for them were designed to convey a descriptive sense of each cloud
type's outward characteristics (a practice derived from the usual procedures of natural history
classification), and were taken from the Latin, for ease of adoption by the learned of different nations':
Cirrus (from the Latin for fibre or hair), Cumulus (from the Latin for heap or pile) and Stratus (from the
Latin for layer or sheet). Clouds were thus divided into tendrils, heaps and layers: the three formations at
the heart of their design. Howard then went on to name four other cloud types, all of which were either
modifications or aggregates of the three major families of formation. Clouds continually unite, pass into
one another and disperse, but always in recognizable stages. The rain cloud Nimbus, for example (from the
Latin for cloud), was, according to Howard, a rainy combination of all three types, although Nimbus was
reclassified as nimbostratus by meteorologists in 1932, by which time the science of rain had developed
beyond all recognition.

F. The modification of clouds was a major new idea, and what struck the audience most vividly about it
was its elegant and powerful fittingness. All of what they had just heard seemed so clear and so selfevident. Some must have wondered how it was that no one - not even in antiquity - had named or graded

the clouds before, or if they had, why their efforts had left no trace in the language. How could it he that
the task had been waiting for Howard, who had succeeded in wringing a kind of exactitude from out of the
vaporous clouds? Their forms, though shapeless and unresolved, had at last, it seemed, been securely
grasped. Howard had given a set of names to a radical fluidity and impermanence that seemed every bit as
magical, to that first audience, as the Eskimo's fabled vocabulary of snow.
Question 1-6. The reading passage has seven paragraphs labelled A-G. Choose the correct heading for
each from the list of headings below. Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of headings

An easily understood system


Doubts dismissed


Not a totally unconventional view


Theories compared


A momentous occasion


A controversial use of terminology


Initial confusion


Previous beliefs replaced


More straightforward than expected


An obvious thing to do

1. Paragraph A ___
2. Paragraph B ___
3. Paragraph C ___
4. Paragraph D ___
5. Paragraph E ___
6. Paragraph F___

Questions 7-9. Which paragraph contains the following information?
NB You may use any letter more than once.
11. an example of a modification made to work done by Howard
12. a comparison between Howard’s work and another classification system

13. a reference to the fact that Howard presented a very large amount of information

Questions 10-13. Label the diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
from the passage for each answer.

V. You are going to read an extract from an article. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the extract.
Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7).There is one extra paragraph which you
do not need to use. (7 points)

As a mathematician with strong musical interests who grew up in a family of musicians, I have been asked
about the connection between music and maths many times. And I have bad news: although there are
some obvious similarities between mathematical and musical activity, there is (as yet) no compelling
evidence for the kind of mysterious, almost magical connection that many people seem to believe in. I'm
partly referring hereto the 'Mozart Effect' the hypothesis that children who have heard music by Mozart
are supposedly more intelligent, including at mathematics, than children from a control group.
Of course, this conclusion does not show that there is no interesting connection between mathematics and
music. It was always a little implausible that lazily listening to a concerto would earn you extra marks on

that maths test you are taking tomorrow, but what about learning to read music or spending hours
practising the piano? That takes genuine effort.
Demonstrating a connection of this kind is not as easy as one might think. To begin with, there are plenty
of innumerate musicians and tone-deaf mathematicians, so the best one could hope to demonstrate would

be a significant positive correlation between aptitudes at the two disciplines. And then one would face all
the usual challenges of establishing a statistical connection.
And yet, the belief that the two are interestingly related won’t go away without a fight. I cannot help
observing that among the mathematicians I know, there do seem to be a surprising number who are very
good indeed at the piano.
Indeed, yes, we can. For a start, both mathematics and music deal with abstract structures, so if you
become good at one, then it is plausible that you become good at something more general - handling
abstract structures - that helps you with the other. If this is correct, then it would show a connection
between mathematical and musical ability, but not the kind of obscure connection that people hope for.
Of course, abstract structures are not confined to mathematics and music. If you are learning a foreign
language then you need to understand its grammar and syntax, which are prime examples of abstract
structures. And yet we don't hear people asking about a mysterious connection between mathematical
ability and linguistic ability.
In an effort to dispel this air of contradiction, let me give one example of a general aptitude that is useful in
both mathematics and music: the ability to solve problems of the "A is to B as C is to D" kind. These appear
in intelligence tests (car is to garage as aircraft is to what?) but they are also absolutely central to both
music and mathematics.
I take the view that the general question of whether mathematical ability and musical ability are related is
much less interesting than some similar but more specific questions. Are musicians more drawn to certain
composers (Bach, for instance)? Are musical mathematicians more drawn to certain areas of mathematics?
One can imagine many interesting surveys and experiments that could be done, but for now this is
uncharted territory and all we can do is speculate.




I feel that it would be more like the straightforward

My guess is that that is because the link exists but

link between ability at football and ability at cricket. To

not the uncertainty: grammar feels

become better at one of those then you need to

mathematical. Music, by contrast, is strongly tied

improve your fitness and co-ordination. That makes

up with one's emotions and can be enjoyed even

you better at sport in general.

by people who know very little about it. As such,
it seems very different from mathematics, so any
connection between the two is appealingly



For example, identifying and controlling for other

It is not hard to see why such a theory would be

potentially influential factors is difficult, and as far as I

taken seriously: we would all like to become

know, there has been no truly convincing study of that

better at mathematics without putting in any

type that has shown that musical ability enhances

effort. But the conclusions of the original

mathematical ability or vice versa.

experiment have been grossly exaggerated. If you
want your brain to work better, then not
surprisingly, you have to put in some hard graft;
there is no such thing as an intellectual
perpetual-motion machine. Mozart CDs for
babies and toys that combine maths and music
might help, but not much, and the effects are



The second phrase is a clear answer to the first. But

I believe that there is a study waiting to be done

one can be more precise about what this means. If you

on this: are mathematicians more drawn to this

try to imagine any other second phrase, nothing seems rather than to other instruments? Of the
'right' in the way that Mozart's chosen phrase does.

mathematicians I can think of who are superb
instrumentalists, all but one are pianists. While
we wait for scientific evidence to back up the
anecdotal evidence, can we at least argue that it
is plausible that there should be a connection?



Could it be that the rewards for that time-consuming

Music is full of little puzzles like this. If you are

dedication spill over into other areas of intellectual

good at them, then


life, and in particular into mathematics? Is there any

when you listen to a piece, expectations will

evidence that people who have worked hard to

constantly be set up in your mind. Of course,

become good at music are better at mathematics than

some of the best moments in music come when

people who are completely unmusical? And in the

one's expectations are confounded, but if you

other direction, are mathematicians better than

don't have the expectations in the first place then

average at music?

you will miss out on the pleasure.

D. WRITING. (60 points)

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sentence before it. (10
1. It is not certain that John will defeat Tom Cruise this time.
 It is open____________________________________________________________.
2. He’s been to almost anywhere in England.
 There is ____________________________________________________________.
3. You may be intelligent, but you should be very careful in this new job.
 Intelligent ____________________________________________________________.
4. The boy was just as good as they expected.
 The boy certainly lived __________________________________________________.
5. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all the truth.
 I regret ____________________________________________________________.
II. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original
one, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE the word given. (10 points)
1. Life in the countryside used to be completely different from that in the city. DIFFERENCE
 _____________________________________________________________.
2. Waiting for buses irritates me. NERVES
 _____________________________________________________________.
3. We were about to set off when we heard on the radio about the new storm. POINT

 _____________________________________________________________.
4. I am fed up with his complaints. ENOUGH
 _____________________________________________________________.
5. That company exports more coffee than any others in the country. NO
 _____________________________________________________________.
III. Some people believe that governments should provide care and financial support for retired people,
while others think that they should save money for their own retirement. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion. (40 points)



NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 10 trang)
Ngày thi: 07 tháng 12 năm 2020

PART I - LISTENING: (50 points)
You will hear each recording twice.
I. Listen to the recording and do the following tasks. (20 points)
Questions 1 – 3
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each
1. How long will the customer’s course last?
2. Which course has the customer already taken at the school?
3. How much discount can returning students qualify for?

Questions 4 – 6
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each
4. The customer’s address is ………………………………
5. The customer can contact his former teacher by …………………………….
6. There are …………………………hours of classes each day, Monday to Friday.
Questions 7 – 10
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7. What is the customer’s impression of the female Arabic teacher?
8. What other languages can the customer speak?
9. What does the customer decide is the third factor in choosing a school?
10. What does the customer say the reception area should be like?
Your answers:
II. For questions 11 – 15, you will hear the beginning of a radio interview with Stephen Perrins, a
composer of musicals. Listen and indicate the most appropriate response, A, B, C, or D. (10 points)
11. The light songs Stephen wrote at college weren’t published because _______.

A. he couldn’t interest a publisher in them
B. he was afraid of people’s reactions
C. his family advised him against it
D. he didn’t think they would sell
12. Stephen and Jenny’s original reason for writing Goldringer was that_______.
A. they wanted to include it in their college show

B. it was commissioned for a school concert
C. they wanted to find out if they were able to do so
D. a music publisher asked them to write a musical
13. Stephen prefers not to write the lyrics for his shows because he _______.
A. would rather work with someone else
B. finds it difficult to write them
C. thinks they are of poor quality
D. is only interested in writing music
14. Stephen’s purpose in mentioning Helen Downes is to convince listeners that _______.
A. he has strong views about productions of his musicals
B. Helen Downes was an unsuitable director
C. the design for a particular show was of too low a standard
D. the director has ultimate responsibility for a production
15. Stephen claims that reason why some newspapers criticize him is that _______.
A. they think he is conceited
B. they don’t like his music
C. he isn’t interested in publicity
D. he tries to control his public image
Your answers:

III. Listen to the news and then fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (20
16. Because of a war counter to Israel, OPEC had to __________ opposed to the US and its allies.
17. The cost of petroleum __________ bringing about the lack of gas across America and Europe.
18. Many wars known as “oil wars” broke out against __________ as some countries wanted to control
that resource.
19. Bush administration was the leader of __________ of Iraq.
20. __________ as well as the former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel have since leaked out that oil
control played a dominating role in the decision to invade.
21. An investigation showed that countries with aggressive leaders and __________ are two-and-a-half
time likely to see military conflict.
22. Thanks to oil, producers made a good profit whilst __________ the rest of the world.
23. Despite OPEC’s effort, it is still opposed to the United States oil leading to further conflict and
24. It is hoped that this renewable energy finally takes this __________ off the bargaining table entirely.
25. While __________ are competing to have the most oil as we mentioned, the resource is slowly
Your answers:




NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 10 trang)
Ngày thi: 7 tháng 12 năm 2020

I. Choose the best answer. (20 points)
1. The government has made no ________ in the fight against inflation; indeed, the situation has
worsened recently.
A. headway
B. effect
C. avail
D. triumph
2. The completion of the new Town Hall has been ________ owing to a strike.
A. held off
B. held down

C. held up
D. held on
3. People under 21 years old are not ________ to join this club.
A. desirable
B. eligible
C. advisable
D. admissible
4. News of the attempted coup began to ________ through to the outside world.
A. pour
B. filter
C. broadcast
D. drip
5. My secretary was ________ to have typed those letters already.
A. asked
B. supposed
C. requested
D. ordered
6. If I had invented the book, I would be ____as a genius.
A. accosted
B. hailed
C. exalted
D. addressed
7. The film was a bit ____on plot but the special effects were great.
A. poor
B. bad
C. short
D. small
8. Some authors use their novels as a ____to put over a message.
A. carriage
B. method

C. cover
D. vehicle
9. Her eyes were tired from gazing at the ____screen of her computer all day.
A. flickering
B. twinkling
C. glimmering
D. sparkling
10. They were able to ____over their meal and enjoy it instead of having to rush back to work.
A. loiter
B. stay
C. linger
D. dwell
11. Don’t get yourself ___ up over such a trivial matter.
A. done
B. worried
C. whipped
D. worked
12. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather ___ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-effacing
B. self-centered
C. self-conscious
D. self-evident
13. There was a lot of ___ as throngs of people tried to see the famous actor walking through the mall.
A. stamina
B. discipline
C. counsel
D. commotion
14. When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a(n) ___ in the hold.
A. gate-crasher
B. stowaway

C. interloper
D. trespasser
15. He wants to pay the bill himself, but I won’t hear ___ it.
A. from
B. about
C. of
D. for
16. When his parents are away, his eldest brother ___.
A. knocks it off
B. calls the shots
C. draws the line
D. is in the same boat
17. He’s a nice guy, always already to do somebody a good __________
A. present
B. play
C. turn
D. pleasure
18. Family relationships later ___________ a much significance on his life
A. took on
B. kept up
C. take up
D. take on
19. When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his driving license, but he was
_________ with a fine.
A. let through
B. let off
C. let out
D. let down
20. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally ______________.

A. intriguing
B. inquisitive
C. ingenious
D. captivating
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points).
Levels of illiteracy and (1. NUMBER) ________________ remain startlingly high in the developing
world, and continue to be so until the West provides or sponsors new education initiatives, preferably also
getting directly involved. A better education is a prerequisite should the (2. POVERTY)
________________ masses of Africa ever wish to hold any genuine hope of gaining their (3.
EMANCIPATE) ________________ from the metaphorical shackles of poverty. Education initiatives for
young people as well as life-long learning programmes will also help to breach the gulf that separates the
working classes from their ruling elite, a (4. PRIVILEGE) ________________ few who enjoy the
(5.TRAP) ________________ of Western wealth and the lifestyle that goes with it, while those in their
midst are completely preoccupied with the daily struggle for survival. Furthermore, we must promote a
culture of (6. TOLERATE) ________________ of corruption, and help to create a new generation for
whom education rather than a(n) (7. SCRUPLE) ________________ nature will reap the true rewards.
Education will also help to bridge another gap; that of the cultural one which separates the West from its
brethren in the developing world. The slums and shanty towns are a hotbed of religious and political (8.
EXTREME) ________________, but hopefully education will serve to create a better sense of
understanding between all the peoples of the world, (9. RESPECT) ________________ of background.
And this will especially be the case if the education programmes themselves are administered by Western
professionals, who, in much the same way as they can teach a thing or two to their counterparts in the
developing world, have also, no doubt, much to learn from them in the process as well. Cooperation
between people from different cultures of the West and the developing world will also, hopefully, help to
reduce levels of prejudice, bigotry, xenophobia and racial tensions. And, last but not by any means least,
educating women will (10. POWER) ________________ them to claim their rightful place in the social
hierarchy in up-to-now male-dominated cultures. Their aspirations can shift realistically higher, and

young female students can hope to go on to become tomorrow’s politicians, diplomats and political
leaders, or whatsoever they choose.
PART 3 – READING (50 points)
I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each sentence. (10 points)
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (1)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants
are found nowhere else in the world but they are (2)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats,
pigs, rodents and (3)_______ plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (4)_______ the extinction of the 182 rare
Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (5)_______ . Since 1990, (6)_______ a
result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (7)_______
and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put
up in order to (8)_______ plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (9)_______ collecting genetic material
from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim to
manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (10)_______ .
1. A. developed
B. reduced
C. disappeared
D. increased
2. A. conserved
B. guarded
C. invested
D. threatened
3. A. native
B. national
C. international
D. non-native
4. A. prevent
B. influence

C. encourage
D. stimulate
5.A. wild
B. sky
C. hole
D. atmosphere
6. A. so
B. due
C. as
D. but
7. A. contamination B. production
C. cultivation
D. generation
8. A. derive
B. vary
C. remain
D. protect
9. A. at
B. on
C. with
D. for
10. A. shelters
B. reserves
C. gardens
D. halls

II. Read the following passage and choose the best answer. (10 points)
That large animals require a luxuriant vegetation, has been a general assumption which has passed from

one work to another; but I do not hesitate to say that it is completely false, and that it has vitiated the
reasoning of geologists on some points of great interest in the ancient history of the world. The prejudice
has probably been derived from India, and the Indian islands, where troops of elephants, noble forests,
and impenetrable jungles, are associated together in every one's mind. If, however, we refer to any work
of travels through the southern parts of Africa, we shall find allusions in almost every page either to the
desert character of the country, or to the numbers of large animals inhabiting it. The same thing is
rendered evident by the many engravings which have been published of various parts of the interior. Dr.
Andrew Smith, who has lately succeeded in passing the Tropic of Capricorn, informs me that, taking into
consideration the whole of the southern part of Africa, there can be no doubt of its being a sterile country.
On the southern coasts there are some fine forests, but with these exceptions, the traveller may pass for
days together through open plains, covered by a poor and scanty vegetation. Now, if we look to the
animals inhabiting these wide plains, we shall find their numbers extraordinarily great, and their bulk
immense. We must enumerate the elephant, three species of rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the giraffe, the
bos caffer, two zebras, two gnus, and several antelopes even larger than these latter animals. It may be
supposed that although the species are numerous, the individuals of each kind are few. By the kindness of
Dr. Smith, I am enabled to show that the case is very different. He informs me, that in lat. 24', in one day's
march with the bullock-wagons, he saw, without wandering to any great distance on either side, between
one hundred and one hundred and fifty rhinoceroses - the same day he saw several herds of giraffes,
amounting together to nearly a hundred. At the distance of a little more than one hour's march from their
place of encampment on the previous night, his party actually killed at one spot eight hippopotamuses,
and saw many more. In this same river there were likewise crocodiles. Of course it was a case quite
extraordinary, to see so many great animals crowded together, but it evidently proves that they must exist
in great numbers. Dr. Smith describes the country passed through that day, as 'being thinly covered with
grass, and bushes about four feet high, and still more thinly with mimosa-trees.' Besides these large
animals, everyone the least acquainted with the natural history of the Cape, has read of the herds of
antelopes, which can be compared only with the flocks of migratory birds. The numbers indeed of the
lion, panther, and hyena, and the multitude of birds of prey, plainly speak of the abundance of the smaller
quadrupeds: one evening seven lions were counted at the same time prowling round Dr. Smith's
encampment. As this able naturalist remarked to me, the carnage each day in Southern Africa must
indeed be terrific! I confess it is truly surprising how such a number of animals can find support in a

country producing so little food. The larger quadrupeds no doubt roam over wide tracts in search of it;
and their food chiefly consists of underwood, which probably contains much nutriment in a small bulk.
Dr. Smith also informs me that the vegetation has a rapid growth; no sooner is a part consumed, than its
place is supplied by a fresh stock. There can be no doubt, however, that our ideas respecting the apparent
amount of food necessary for the support of large quadrupeds are much exaggerated. The belief that
where large quadrupeds exist, the vegetation must necessarily be luxuriant, is the more remarkable,
because the converse is far from true. Mr. Burchell observed to me that when entering Brazil, nothing
struck him more forcibly than the splendor of the South American vegetation contrasted wit h that of
South Africa, together with the absence of all large quadrupeds. In his Travels, he has suggested that the
comparison of the respective weights (if there were sufficient data) of an equal number of the largest
herbivorous quadrupeds of each country would be extremely curious. If we take on the one side, the
elephants hippopotamus, giraffe, bos caffer, eland, five species of rhinoceros; and on the American side,
two tapirs, the guanaco, three deer, the vicuna, peccary, capybara (after which we must choose from the
monkeys to complete the number), and then place these two groups alongside each other it is not easy to
conceive ranks more disproportionate in size. After the above facts, we are compelled to conclude, against
anterior probability, that among the mammalian there exists no close relation between the bulk of
the species, and the quantity of the vegetation, in the countries which they inhabit.
Adapted from: Voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin
1. The author is primarily concerned with __________.

A. discussing the relationship between the size of mammals and the nature of vegetation in their habitats
B. contrasting ecological conditions in India and Africa
C. proving the large animals do not require much food
D. describing the size of animals in various parts of the world
2. According to the author, the ‘prejudice’ has led to __________
A. errors in the reasoning of biologists
B. false ideas about animals in Africa
C. doubt in the mind of the author

D. incorrect assumptions on the part of geologists
3. The author uses information provided by Dr. Smith to __________.
A. supply information on quality and quantity of plant life in South Africa
B. indicate the presence of large numbers of animals
C. give evidence of numbers of carnivorous animals
D. A, B and C are correct
4. The flocks of migratory birds are mentioned to __________.
A. describe an aspect of the fauna of South Africa B. indicate the abundance of wildlife
C. contrast with the habits of the antelope
D. suggest the size of antelope herds
5. The ‘carnage’ refers to the __________.
A. number of animals killed by hunters
B. number of prey animals killed by predators
C. number of people killed by lions
D. amount of food eaten by all species
6. To account for the ‘surprising’ number of animals in a ‘country producing so little food’, Darwin
suggests all of the following as partial explanations except __________.
A. food requirements have been overestimated
B. rapid regrowth of plant material
C. large area for animals to forage in
D. mainly carnivorous animals
7. The author makes his point by reference to all of the following except ___________.
A. historical documents
B. published illustrations
C. private communications
D. recorded observations
8. Darwin quotes Burchell’s observations in order to ___________.
A. describe a region of great splendor
B. counter a popular misconception
C. account for a curious situation

D. illustrate a well-known phenomenon
9. Darwin apparently regards Dr. Smith as __________.
A. reliable and imaginative
B. observant and excitable
C. intrepid and competent
D. foolhardy and tiresome
10. Anterior probability refers to ___________.
A. what might have been expected
B. ideas of earlier explorers
C. likelihood based on data from India
D. hypotheses of other scientists
III. The reading passage below has eight paragraphs, A-H. Reading the passage and do the tasks
below. (20 points)
The great survivor
TV has coped well with technological change. Other media can learn from it
A. NEWSPAPERS are dying; the music industry is still yelping about iTunes; book publishers think they
are next. Yet one bit of old media seems to be doing rather well. In the final quarter of 2009 the average
American spent almost 37 hours a week watching television. Earlier this year 116m of them saw the
Super Bowl—a record for a single programme. Far from being cowed by new media, TV is colonising it.
Shows like “American Idol” and “Britain's Got Talent” draw huge audiences partly because people are
constantly messaging and tweeting about them, and discussing them on Facebook.
B. Advertising wobbled during the recession, shaking the free-to-air broadcasters that depend on it. But
cable and satellite TV breezed through. Pay-television subscriptions grew by more than 2m in America
last year. The explosive growth of cable and satellite TV in India explains how that country has gone from
two channels in the early 1990s to more than 600 today. Pay-TV bosses scarcely acknowledge the
existence of viewers who do not subscribe to multichannel TV, talking only of people who have “yet to

choose” a provider. This is not merely bluster. As our special report this week explains, once people start

paying for greater television choice, they rarely stop.
C. It helps that TV is an inherently lazy form of entertainment. The much-repeated prediction that people
will cancel their pay-TV subscriptions and piece together an evening's worth of entertainment from free
broadcasts and the internet “assumes that people are willing to work three times harder to get the same
thing”, observes Mike Fries of Liberty Global, a cable giant. Laziness also mitigates the threat from
piracy. Although many programmes are no more than three or four mouse clicks away, that still sounds
too much like work for most of us. And television-watching is a more sociable activity than it may
appear. People like to watch programmes when everybody else is watching them. Give them devices that
allow them to record and play back programmes easily, and they will still watch live TV at least fourfifths of the time.
D. Yet these natural advantages alone are not enough to ensure television's survival. The internet threatens
TV just as much as it does other media businesses, and for similar reasons. It competes for advertising,
offering firms a more measurable and precise way of reaching consumers. Technology also threatens to
fracture television into individual programmes, just as it has ruinously broken music albums into
individual tracks. TV has endured because it has responded better to such threats than other media
E. One of the lessons from TV is to accept change and get ahead of it. Broadcasters' initial response to the
appearance of programmes online was similar to the music industry's reaction to file-sharing: call in the
lawyers. But television firms soon banded together to develop alternatives to piracy. Websites like Hulu, a
joint venture of the American broadcasters ABC, Fox and NBC, have drawn eyeballs away from illicit
sources. Gradually it has become clear that these websites pose a threat to the TV business in themselves,
and that they are not bringing in as much advertising money as might be expected (which is similar to the
problem faced by the newspaper business). So television is changing tack again.
F. With impressive speed, TV firms are now building online subscription-video services. The trendiest
model is authentication: prove that you subscribe to pay-television and you can watch all the channels that
you have paid for on any device. Such “TV Everywhere” services are beginning to appear in America and
Canada. It is likely that Hulu will become a “freemium” service—mostly free, but with some shows
hidden behind a paywall. The move from an ad-supported model to a mixture of subscriptions and
advertising is tricky, but logical. It shows that it is not enough to embrace technological change.
Businesses must also work out how to build digital offerings that do not cause their analogue ones to

G. Television has domesticated other disruptive technologies. Ten years ago digital video recorders like
TiVo promised to transform the way people watched TV. The devices made it easy to record programmes
and play them back, zooming through ads. The TV networks responded by running advertisements that
work at high speed. Cable and satellite companies built cheap digital video recorders into set-top boxes
and charged viewers extra for them. In effect, money flowed back to the television business. In Britain
those boxes will soon be deployed to deliver targeted advertising, enabling the living-room television to
compete with the internet.
H. Other outfits are learning from TV. Record labels sound terribly innovative when they talk about
bundling music together with broadband subscriptions. Yet this model comes from television. For the past
few years ESPN, a sports giant, has been showing games on its website. The cost is buried in monthly
broadband bills. Hulu-style joint ventures are all the rage in media, too. Magazine publishers have set up
Next Issue Media, which is trying to shape the evolution of digital devices to suit their needs. The Digital
Entertainment Content Ecosystem aims to do the same for films.
I. That box might appear to be sitting in the corner of the living room, not doing much. In fact, it is
constantly evolving. If there is one media business with a chance of completing the perilous journey to the
digital future looking as healthy as it did when it set off, it is television.
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph, A-G from the list of headings below. Write the
correct number, i-xi next to Questions 1-6. There is an example for paragraph C
List of Headings
