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Assignment 1 networking 1619 greenwich

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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title

Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

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Date Received 2nd submission

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Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards .............................. 2
1. Type of networks...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. LAN....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. MAN...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. WAN...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Protocols:................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Network standards:.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Networking Standards Organizations: Around the world, to set standards for the Internet,
many organizations have emerged................................................................................................................... 9
P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. ..............9
1. Network Topology.................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Communication and bandwidth requirements:......................................................................................... 17
P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. .................................... 18
1. Network devices.................................................................................................................................................... 18
2. Server types............................................................................................................................................................ 21
P4. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software . 24

1. Workstation hardware......................................................................................................................................... 24
2. Networking Software............................................................................................................................................ 25
3. Interdependence between workstation hardware and networking software ................................ 25
Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Reference list................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Table of Figure

Figure 1: Local area network
Figure 2: MAN
Figure 3: WAN

Figure 4: Protocols
Figure 5: TCP/IP
Figure 6: 7 layers of OSI ( />Figure 7: URL of a web
Figure 8: DNS
Figure 9: Physical topology
Figure 10: Bus topology
Figure 11: Ring topology
Figure 12: Start topology
Figure 13: Tree topology
Figure 14: Mesh topology (Singh and Ramola, 2014).
Figure 15: Star-Ring topology (Hybrid)
Figure 16: (a) is Simplex, (b) is Half-duplex, (c) is Full-duplex
Figure 17: Bandwidth Figure 18: Repeater
Figure 19: Operating principles of a Hub
Figure 20: Switch
Figure 21: MAC address and Port
Figure 22: 3 layers of Router in the OSI
Figure 23: Gateway
Figure 24: Web Server
Figure 25: Operating principles of Email Server
Figure 26: DNS server and operating principles
Figure 27: DHCP Server and operating principles
Figure 28: Workstation
Figure 29: Illustration of networking software

List of Table
Table 1: Advantage and disadvantage of TCP/IP
Table 2: Compare Physical topology and Logical topology

Table 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus
Table 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Ring
Table 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of Star
Table 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree
Table 7: Advantages and Disadvantages of Mesh
Table 8: Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid


Currently, the network is a common utility in life. It has a long history of development
with diverse models and complex modes of operation. In this assignment, the benefits
and limitations of network types will be discussed, the concepts of network types,
protocols, and network standards will also be introduced and analyzed. The impact of
network topology will be explained in the next section. Here, the concepts, how the
network topology works is the main issue, in addition, communication and bandwidth
are also explored. Part three, the operating principles of network equipment and
servers is an important issue. Common network devices and some types of Server will
be introduced to the concept and how it works. The last part will be discussed with the
main issue being the interdependence of workstation hardware with network software.
They will be introduced and analyze the dependence of these two factors.


P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards
Currently, the network has grown and popularized globally. It is estimated that there
are about 5 billion people using it, which is a huge number. It shows the benefits of

networking, we have many devices that can connect to the network: PC, laptop,
mobile phone, etc. These are called terminals or servers (Kurose and Ross, 2017).
1. Type of networks.
We have a lot of different networks and network standards, I will analyze each of them.
1.1. LAN.
A local area network (LAN) is a network with a relatively small area of coverage. It is
usually contained within a physical space such as a writing lab, school, or structure.
Servers and workstations are two types
of computers that are connected to the
internet. Servers are typically not used
by humans directly, but instead run in the
background to provide "services" to
other computers (and their users) on the
network. Workstations are so named
because they are frequently used by
users to interact with the network. A
workstation was once thought to be a
desktop computer that included a
computer, keyboard, monitor, and mouse
Figure 1: Local area network
The nature of a LAN is determined by three factors:
Topology: Includes Bus, Tree, Ring, Start, etc.
Medium Access control (MAC): MAC depends on 2 key parameters, they are Where
and How (Pavani, Chandrika and Krishna, 2012). Whether control is centralized or
distributed is referred to as Where. The topology determines How, which is a trade-off
between conflicting criteria such as cost, performance, and complexity.
Transmission Media: Twisted pair, coax, and fiber optic are the most commonly used
types today.
Advantages: It has the basic benefits of sharing resources, sharing application

software, increasing productivity (Pavani, Chandrika and Krishna, 2012).
Resource sharing: With network peripherals such as computers, printers are shared with
workstations with no hardware requirements. This helps businesses reduce costs and at
the same time improve productivity at work. Standard computer hardware is used

for workstations as well as network servers. This gives you flexible, easy-to-maintain
designs that are efficient. Common applications are in transit time for users to various
environments. The benefit of this is lower costs than the possibility of independent
licensing. The LAN system allows centralized data storage, providing the ability to
share data from a single server system. LAN also helps us to support some fault
tolerance features. It is this that has improved the reliability of users with LAN more. It
also reduces downtime for businesses. The LAN system also provides users with a
centralized security, allowing control access to their network systems and resources.
Depending on user requirements, there are separate data protection policies. In
addition, the cost of the low conductors also saves money.
Disadvantages: The biggest disadvantage of this network is that the transmission line is
short, can only operate in a certain area, cannot apply the range of kilometers or more.
Privacy Violations: Each LAN user's personal data files are visible and accessible to the
LAN administrator. In addition, he has access to the LAN user's computer and internet
activity. Data Security Threat also is an important problem. Maintenance or repair is also
very complicated because it requires an administrator of the LAN.

1.2. MAN
As LAN networks are proving more and more effective, users require a network with
greater network speed and range to overcome the disadvantages of LAN. MAN
network has appeared, it is applied the advancement of fiber optic technology to
improve transmission speed (Conti, Gregori and Lenzini, 1997). It’s is a combination of
multiple LANs. The scope of a MAN can cover an entire province/city and the whole

country. Alternatively, a large university or company can have such a large network
that it can be classified as a MAN. And MAN networks often exist to provide
connectivity for large corporations.

Figure 2: MAN


Advantages: Service integration is the most prominent feature of MAN networks
(Conti, Gregori and Lenzini, 1997). Low cost package transportation service is
provided with many different types of traffic, as diverse as calls, videos, etc. The
facilities are high enough and not too expensive to ensure the quality of the service.
The ability to connect at high speeds is also a great aspect of this network. The speed
can be up to 100-155 Mpbs and a large range of 100km, which can serve the
direction, state administrative management, information exchange, provision of public
administrative services, and commercial development. e-commerce, etc.
Disadvantages: Having an average bandwidth to run applications, e-commerce
services, applications in the banking system. The wide range of connectivity is also a
difficulty of this network. The issue of information security is also difficult because of its
large scope. Along with that is the high cost to build transmission facilities and
facilities. Compared to LAN, the administration of MAN is also much more complicated
because it is basically the aggregation of many LANs.
1.3. WAN
Individual protocols were split into distinct,
"traffic-based" networks in most multiprotocol network settings before to 1980.
These networks are wasteful in terms of
bandwidth use and inflexible in terms of
their ability to be changed in response to
changing end-system needs. The WAN

was created to connect all of the networks,
it is the premise of the Internet (Cole and
Ramaswamy, 1999).
The main protocol used in WAN is
TCP/IP protocol. The connection line of
the WAN network has a bandwidth that
varies according to each installation
location. For example, if installed in a
particular area or in a country, the
bandwidth of the transmission line varies
greatly from 56Kbps to T1 with 1,544
Mbps or E1 with 2,048 Mbps, … and to
Gigabit-Gbps, it is the backbone
connecting countries or continents.

Figure 3: WAN
Advantages: Scope of connection: Can both connect into a private network and can
create large connections, covering an entire country or globally, this is the biggest


advantage of WAN that other networks do not have, it helps the entire country to be
linked together with the ability to transmit a very wide and unlimited connection signal.
The ability to control user access of this network is also appreciated, IP is often used
in this. Good security: it's what everyone wants. While this is not perfect, it is better
than other networks. Easy and fast information sharing: We use the same "big
system", with a large scale, information and knowledge are shared quickly and
effectively. We can call it the common human brain.
Disadvantages: Security: Wide area networks are more vulnerable to security threats

than LANs and MANs. One of the most significant drawbacks of WANs is security, as
various persons can access data from other machines. Viruses are a major contributor
since they are simple to propagate and infect the user's device. High setup costs:
Initially, setting up a WAN that covers a broad geographic region is costly. It might
include the acquisition of routers, switches, and additional security software, among
other things. Troubleshooting: A WAN spans such a vast geographical region, network
troubleshooting is a challenging task. The majority of WAN wires are in the water, and
if they are broken, the network would be disrupted. Repairing the underwater pipes will
take a lot of effort. WAN maintenance: It is a full-time task that needs significant
technical expertise on the part of network supervisors and technicians after it is set up.
2. Protocols:
A set of standards for exchanging information between two computer systems or two
computer devices is called a protocol. Protocols are the rules or standards that govern
communication (Blank,2002). The main components of a protocol include: data format,
encryption method. and signal
The main purpose of the
protocol is to communicate
between machines, in addition it
has several functions such as:
and Aggregation, Link Control,
Monitoring, Flow Control, Error
Control, Synchronize.

Figure 4: Protocols
Network standards:
According to Hunt (1998), When computers communicate, a set of rules must be
defined to govern their interactions. These set of rules are commonly known as

protocols in data communication, they must be unified around the world. To solve that
problem, standard protocols emerged (Hunt, 1998).


TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a collection of
communication protocols that are used to link network devices on the internet. TCP/IP
defines how data is exchanged over the internet by defining how packets are split up,
addressed, sent, routed, received at the destination (Kurose and Ross, 2017).
IP regulates how each packet is addressed and routed to ensure that it reaches its
intended destination. A computer or other network device uses the subnet mask to
determine which portion of an IP address represents the network and which part
represents hosts or other computers on the network.

Figure 5: TCP/IP
Common TCP/IP protocols include: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), HTTP
Secure, Protocol. TCP/IP functionality is divided into four layers, each of which
includes specific protocols: Application, Transport, network, and physical layers.
It aids in the establishment of
operates independently of the operating
system, supports different routing
protocols, has a highly scalable clientserver architecture, is small, and does
not cause the network or computer to be

It's difficult to set up and manage; the
layer doesn't guarantee
packet delivery; it's difficult to replace
protocols in TCP/IP; it doesn't clearly
service, interface, and
protocol; it's not appropriate for
describing new technology in new
networks; and it's particularly vulnerable
to synchronization attacks.

Table 1: Advantage and disadvantage of TCP/IP


OSI: The network architecture in the OSI model is characterized as a hierarchy of
independent layers comprising modules that execute specific functions. This translates
to a set of guidelines that specify how network nodes must interact in order to
communicate and share data. In today's sophisticated computer systems, the OSI
model specifies the conventional connections between hardware and software
(Burgess, 2004).
This model has 7 layers: Application, presentation, session, transport, network control,
data link, physical.

Figure 6: 7 layers of OSI ( />A Layer 2 device, for example, or a Layer 3 device, are terms used to describe
network devices. The OSI layer on which the device functions are described below. In
general, the higher up on the network layer a device works, the more complicated it is.

HTTP: At the heart of the Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the Web's
application layer protocol (Kurose and Ross, 2017). These two programs are executed
on different system terminals, communicating with each other by exchanging HTTP
messages. The structure of these messages and how the client and server exchange
messages are determined by HTTP. HTTP operates at layer 7 (Application) of the OSI
A base HTML file and some referenced objects appear on most Web pages (Kurose
and Ross, 2017). The URLs of the other items on the page are referenced in the basic
HTML file. Each URL contains two parts: the hostname of the server hosting the item
and the path name of the object.

Figure 7: URL of a web
Advantage and benefit: HTTP Connection is Intermittent: HTTP Connection is
Intermittent. The typical procedure for handling and responding to HTTP requests is as
follows: the Client initiates the request, the Client disconnects from the Server to await a
response, the Server processes the request, the Server reconnects to the Client and
delivers the response. Independence is the second fundamental characteristic of HTTP.
You can transfer any form of data via HTTP as long as the contents of the data are under
the control of both the machine and the client. HTTP is stateless: The third property of
HTTP is that it is connectionless. The server and client only know each other for the
duration of the current request; they will quickly forget each other. Furthermore, both the
client and the server may keep track of requests for web pages. Absolute security: The
website's data is protected by encryption. Hackers cannot access and steal website data.
This creates absolute safety and security for the website.

DNS: A distributed database is the Domain Name System (DNS). This enables for
local control of the segments of the overall database, but data in each segment is
accessible across the network via a client server scheme (Liu, Albitz and Loukides,

1998). Like HTTP, DNS also operates at layer 7 (Application) of the OSI model.
DNS functions as an "interpreter" and "communicator." DNS will translate the domain
name into an IP address, which is made up of four sets of digits.
When "translate," the browser will recognize you and you can log in. When users join
in to a website, instead of having to memorize and type in a sequence of IP
addresses, they may simply type in the website's name, which the browser will identify
A unique IP address is assigned to each computer connected to the Internet. To begin a
connection, this IP address is used to create a connection between the server and the
client. When you visit a random website or send an email, DNS plays a critical role.
Nobody will be able to recall every sequence of IP address in each login from the
world's numerous websites. As a result, the notion of domain names was created,
which allowed each website to be identified by a distinct name.


Figure 8: DNS
Benefits: DNS helps users save a lot of time when accessing previously visited
websites by remembering the domain names that have been "translated" and
prioritizing use for next visits. Users may utilize DNS to access a variety of network
services, including searching for information, viewing movies, playing games, and
login onto websites. Without it, users would be unable to access the Internet as swiftly
and simply as they can now.
Networking Standards Organizations: Around the world, to set standards for the
Internet, many organizations have emerged.
ISO: The ISO (International Organization for Standardization), based in Geneva,
Switzerland, is a collection of 157 nations' standards bodies. Their objective is to
develop international technical standards that will allow for the free flow of information
and trade throughout the world (StudyMoose,2016).

ISOC: The Internet Society (ISOC) is a professional membership organization that
assists in the development of internet technological standards. With the internet's fast
expansion, they are concerned about maintaining accessibility, information security,
and the stability of addressing services and open standards throughout the internet.
They are made up of thousands of online workers and businesses from 90 chapters
throughout the world (StudyMoose,2016).
Network standards:
ISO/IEC 23093-2
ISO/IEC 23093-3
ISO/IEC 23093
P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth
1. Network Topology

The word “topology” in a communication network refers to the method in which the
network's end points, or stations, are connected (Singh and Ramola, 2014). It has 2
types: Physical and Logical topology.
connected with the system, such as
workstations, remote terminals, servers,
and the related wiring between assets, is
referred to as Physical Network Topology.
The physical topology of the systems
determines how they are physically
connected (Singh and Ramola, 2014).

The shape of the cabling layout used to
link devices is called the physical
topology of the network. This refers to the
layout of cabling, the locations of nodes,
and the interconnections between the
nodes and the cabling.

Figure 9: Physical topology
Logical topology: The depiction of data flow between nodes is important to logical
network topology. The primary function of logical topology is to allow various systems
to communicate across physical topologies (Singh and Ramola, 2014).

Figure 9: Logical topology
Shared media topology and token-based topology are the two types of logical


Physical topology

Logical topology

The network's physical configuration is

The logistics of a network concerned
with data transmission are depicted.

The layout may be changed to suit your


any interfering
manipulating going on here.

It's possible to organize it in a star, ring,
mesh, or bus topology.

It may be found in both bus and ring




selection and


This has a significant influence on data



packet delivery and speed. It also

influence on network cost,
and bandwidth capacity.


controls data flow and ensures that data
packets are
delivered in a timely


this has

It is the transmission path in its true
The network's physical link.

It's a simplified depiction of data flow.
The network's data route was followed.

Table 2: Compare Physical topology and Logical topology

I will analyze some common network topologies:
Bus: The sent message is carried over the cable via the bus topology. As the message
arrives at each device (node), it is checked to determine if the message's destination
address matches its own (Singh and Ramola, 2014). In this architecture, a single
network cable runs throughout the

building or campus, and all nodes
are connected to it through two
ends known as the bus.
For the bus, all stations are
transmission medium or bus via
appropriate hardware interfaces
called TAP (Pavani, Chandrika
and Krishna, 2012). Full-duplex
operation (sending and receiving
between the station and the tap
allows data to be transmitted onto
the bus and retrieved from the
bus. To eliminate reflection, there
is a terminator at each end of the
Figure 10: Bus topology


Great reliability, easy to use and
The number of wires to connect is
small, simple.
Easy setup.

A repeater can also be used to
extend the bus configuration.

This type of connection has a slow
speed, especially when there is a
problem on the cable line, the whole
system immediately stops working.
Moreover, when there is a problem, it is
also difficult to find the error that causes
network congestion when transferring
large amounts of data.

Table 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus
Ring: All messages go in the same way across a ring in a ring topology, and there is a
direct point-to-point link between two nearby nodes (the Next and the Previous) (Singh
and Ramola, 2014).
These links are one-way, they
ensure that a node's path will go
through the entire ring and back
to the node. Faulty nodes can be
detached from the rest of the ring.
When the workstation is turned
on, it will automatically join the
circle. It disconnects from the ring
information to pass through the

node. The token ring
implementation of this topology.
The entire network will be down
by a single error in the ring. The
individual nodes in the ring can
be separated by themselves.
Figure 11: Ring topology



When compared to other forms of
networks, ring
traverse greater distances.
networks provide

for small


groups of





connection has the cost of
network wiring and expensive
intermediate equipment.
The failure of a single

workstations or for larger networks

computer on a network can

with similar workloads at

have a significant impact on
the entire network.


There is no signal loss in

topology, unlike Bus

In a ring network, finding bug
is challenging.





packets that are
each node.

are data

re-generated at

Ring networks are simple to expand.

distance from


machine to the center is very
limited (100 m). The ability to

completely depends on the
capacity of the center.

Table 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Ring
Star: All components are connected by a central hub in a star topology. The host
computer serves as the central hub
in a Star architecture, with a node at
the end of each connection. Data is
sent through the hub by nodes to
communicate throughout the network
(Singh and Ramola, 2014). Each
node is wired back to the hub, the
two are next to each other but can be
quite far from the server. The central
hub makes all the routing decisions
so that other workstations can
simplify. This is a typical architecture
for connecting terminals to a big timeshared host machine.
Figure 12: Start topology




- If one machine fails, the rest will
not be affected.
- The hub can detect the faulty
machine and isolate it.
- Maintenance and new additions
are not difficult and do not affect
other machines.
- Cables can be used by many
different types in the
network, hub.
- In addition, good performance is
also a plus.

- Because the machines must be
to the center, the
number of wires needed is very
- Hub plays the most important
if Hub fails, the whole
machine can't connect.
- Some star networks require a
device at a central point to
convert or replay network traffic.

Table 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of Star
Tree: The most popular topology is Tree topology, which is a LAN topology in which
any two nodes on the network have just one path (Singh and Ramola, 2014). The tree

topology is a structure similar to the star topology, however the nodes are connected
to the secondary hub, only it is connected to the central hub. The bus and star
topology can be called the foundation of the Tree because it is a collection of many
Buses or Stars. In the Tree, Start is connected to the Mainline Bus backbone.

Figure 13: Tree topology




Setup and configuration of the
network is simple.
The installation of a second hub

When the central hub fails, the
entire network comes to


- expands the number of devices



that may be connected to the
When compared to
topology, it is less costly.
It is possible to track down
network errors.

connected to the central hub,
more cabling is necessary than
in a bus architecture.



Table 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree
Mesh: Every node in a well-connected topology is connected to every other node in
the network. Many redundant links between network nodes connect devices (Singh
and Ramola, 2014). Mesh topologies are utilized in crucial host computer connections.
By employing more than one of the connection pathways available, alternate paths
allow each computer to balance the load on other computer systems in the network.
A fully linked mesh network has no (n-1) /2 physical channels to connect the n
devices. Every device on the network must have (n-1) input/output ports to
accommodate these (Singh and Ramola, 2014).

Figure 14: Mesh topology (Singh and Ramola, 2014).


The network traffic can be routed

The amount of cabling needed is

to another node if the one fails.


Fault isolation is simple with

It is necessary to have a high

point-to-point connections.

number of I/O (input/output)

As messages move through a
It's a lot easier to figure out
what's wrong with your network.


Table 7: Advantages and Disadvantages of Mesh
Hybrid: A hybrid topology is a network configuration that combines two or more different
network topologies. Bus topology, mesh topology, ring topology, star topology, and tree
topology are examples of these topologies (Kurose and Ross, 2017).

I would recommend the Star-Ring topology: A hybrid topology that combines star and
ring topologies is known as a star-ring hybrid topology. A ring topology is used to link
two or more stars topologies together.

Figure 15: Star-Ring topology (Hybrid)


If a node fails in the midst of the

High complexity due to the need

network, it is conceivable that the

to combine many topologies.


disconnected from the remainder
of the network and the network
processing will be unaffected.
Apply the advantages of many
Easily expandable.
High flexibility.

Large construction costs.

Table 8: Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid
2. Communication and bandwidth requirements:
Communication: The sending and receiving of data from sending and receiving
sources using transmission protocols is referred to as communication.
There are three basic types of communication: Simplex, Half-duplex, and full-duplex.
Simplex is a one-way communication with all time intervals. Information can be
transmitted from device A to device B
at all times but B can only receive
and cannot communicate back. Halfduplex is the basic form of 2-way
communication, both devices can
communicate with each other on a
channel, but in a certain period of
time, only one device will share
information. Full-duplex is a form of
communication on two different
channels, both devices can send and
receive information at any time (Alani,
Figure 16: (a) is Simplex, (b) is Half-duplex, (c) is Full-duplex

It has a few requirements: Sending device, this device initiates the transmission of
data and information. Receiving device Accepts information or data transmitted to
Communication device helps to connect the incoming communication channel to the
receiving device. Communication equipment is responsible for connecting the sending


device to the communication channel. Communication channel that plays the main
role as a means of transmitting information and data .
Bandwidth: The ability of a wired or wireless network communication link to transport
the most amount of data from one
point to another via a network in a
given period of time (maybe
second) is known as bandwidth.
The data transfer rate is described
by bandwidth, which is synonymous
with capacity. In general, it is the
maximum possible rate of data
transmission over a decent channel
(Alani, 2014).
Figure 17: Bandwidth
Requirements: Local internet availability. Throughput. Expected average load.
Anticipated peak load. Cost constraints.
P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
I will discuss the working principle of network devices (Router, Switch, etc.) and
servers (Web, email, DNS, etc.).
1. Network devices.
Repeater: Network repeaters are tiny devices that accept electrical, wireless, and
optical signals and retransmit them to locations where Ethernet and Wi-Fi data

transmission are not possible (Burgess, 2004).

Figure 18: Repeater


Operating principles of a Repeater: They copy, amplify, and recover the informationcarrying signal on the transmission line with the condition that the two parts of the
network must be the same in terms of protocol and transmission.
Hub: A hub is a compact, rectangular,
low-cost device that connects many
networked devices together. The goal
of a hub is to create a single network
segment where all devices may
connect with one another directly
(Burgess, 2004).

Operating principles of a Hub:
Machine A transmits data to Hub,
which will distribute it to all
machines in the network.

Figure 19: Operating principles of a Hub
Switch: A switch is a hardware device that filters and forwards network packets. It
accepts and resends packets
delivered by devices connected to its
physical ports, but only through ports
to devices to whom the project has
packet access (Burgess, 2004). It
doesn't like Hub, Switch only

transfers data to specific port.
Operating principles of a Switch:
When a device is connected to a
switch, the switch saves its media
access control (MAC) address,
which is a code injected into the
device's network interface card
(NIC) through an ethernet connection,
Figure 20: Switch
connected to the switch The MAC address is used by the switch to determine where
the associated device's outgoing packets originate and where they are sent. When
one device sends a packet to another, it goes into the switch, and the switch reads its
headers to determine what to do.

