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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai


(Thoi gian lam bai: 45 phut)

1. Đề số 1

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: (1M)
1. A. plays

B. reads

C. listens

D. stops

2. A. traveled

B. stared

C. landed

D. seemed

3. A. chemistry

B. prepare

C. receive

D. degree

4. A. miss

B. little

C. child

D. listen

Answers: 1. D 2.C 3. A 4. C
II. Choose the best answer. (4M)

5. Andrew

the test before so he

it very easy.

A. had done/found

B. had done/ had found

C. did/ found

D. did/ had found

6. I must go now. I promised

A. not being


B. not to be

C. to not be

D. I wouldn’t be

7. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t
A. go on

B. go off

8. He often

C. go away

to work by car everyday but today he

A. goes/ goes

B. is going/ will go

9. He’s not really interested in
A. to work

C. went/ has gone

by bus.
___D. goes/ is going

on the farm.

B. work

10. He

C. worked

D. working

C. to practise

D. practising

the piano everyday.

A. practise

B. practises

11. The World War II

in 1939 and

A. begins/ ends _ B. had begun/ ended
12. She is interested
A. with

D. go up

C. has begun/ had ended D. began/ ended

science. She is a scientist.
B. of

C. in

D. under

C. to wake up

D. to do

13. It takes me 45 minutes to get ready.
A. to go

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

14. Marie Curie was born................ November 7, 1867.
A. in.

B. from

C. at

15. Would you mind
A. to open

some time taking to me after the examination?
B. opening


D. on

C. open

D. opened

do you live? - In a flat, near the university.

A. Where

B. When

17. They decided

D. Whom

C. to take

D. took

this job.

A. taking

B. take


C. Who

money do you earn? — About $45 a week.

A. How much

B. How many

19. Remember

C. What

D. Which

the letter for me tomorrow.

A. posting

B. post

C. will post

20. Will you please stop
A. to make

D. to post


B. make

C. be made

D. making


6. B


8. D


10. B



13. B







20. D

IIf. Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that must be changed for the sentenc
e to be correct: (1M)
21. Before she became a film star, she has been a stand-up comedian.





22. Tom watches usually television in the evening.





23. She has lived in London for five years before she moved to New York.
24. I spend


20 minutes

Answers: 21.C



to read books every day.





IV. Give the correct form of words: (1M)

25. To prepare his (science)

works, Karl often spends whole day in library.

26. “Chip and Dale” is really an
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cartoon. (interest)
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27. Please write your name and

on the form. (occupy)

28. As a child, he received most of his

at home. (educate)

Answers: 25. scientific 26. interesting 27. occupation 28. education
V. Read the passage carefully, then answer the following questions. (1M)

(1867 - 1934)

Marie was born in Warsaw. She studied maths and physics in Paris. She met and married a scientist
- Pierre Curie. She had two children but continued her career after they was born. In 1902, she and
Pierre discovered a new element called “radium” which was important because doctors could use
it to help people with cancer. They were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for physics They continued
to work hard and made new discoveries. Marie even continued her research after her husband’s
death in 1906. She became a professor of the Sorbornne. In 1911, she was awarded a second Nobel

Prize for chemistry. She died in 1934.
* to be awarded: duoc trao giai
29: Where was Marie born?

30: Where did she meet Pierre?

31. Why was their discovery important?

32. When

was she awarded a second Nobel Prize?

29. Marie was born in Warsaw.
30. She met Pierre in Paris.
31. Their discovery was important because doctors could use it to help people with cancer.
32. In 1911, she was awarded a second Nobel Prize.
VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage
Gender roles develop (1)

internalization and identification during childhood. Sigmund Freud

suggested that biology determines gender identity through (2)

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with either the mother or the

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father. While some people agree with Freud, others (3)__ that the development of the “gendered
self’ is not completely determined by biology, but rather the interactions that one has with the
primary caregiver(s).
From birth, parents (4) ___—s differently with children depending on their sex, and through this

interaction parents can instill different values or traits in their children on the basis of what is (5)

____ for their sex. This internalization of gender norms includes the choice of toys (‘feminine”











independence and competitiveness) that a parents give to their children. Education also plays an
(6)___—srrole in the creation of gender norms.

Gender roles that are created in childhood may permeate throughout life and help to structure (7)
_____ and marriage, especially in relation to work in and outside home. Despite the increasing

number of women in the labor (8) ___, women are still responsible for the majority of domestic
chores and childcare. While women split their time between work and care of the home, men in
many societies are pressured into being the primary economic supporter of the home. (9)__ the
fact that different households may divide chores more evenly, there is evidence supporting the fact
that women

have retained the primary caregiver role within familial life despite contributing

economically to the household. This evidence suggest that women (10) ____—s~ work outside the
home often put an extra 18 hours a week doing household or childcare related chores as opposed
to men who average 12 minutes a day in childcare activities.

A. with

B. through

C. upon

D. across


A. health

B. fitness

C. identification

D. balance


A. argue

B. claim

C. discuss

D. debate


A. acquaint

B. relate

C. interact

D. make


A. confusing

B. passive

C. native

D. normative


A. integral

B. exact

C. fact

D. true


A. offspring

B. family

C. parenting

D. parents


A. force

B. power

C. strength

D. health


A. without

B. in

C. despite

D. on

B. who

C. whose

D. that

10. A. which













10. B

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

2. Đề số 2


I. Choose the words that best answer the following questions.
1. Which of the following words is stressed on the first syllable?
A. conserve
B. organism
C. interact
D. erosion
2. Which of the following words is stressed on the second syllable?
A. biodiversity
B. national

C. orphanage
D. survival
3. Which of the following words has the final pronounced /i1d/?
A. eliminated
B. established
C. conserved
D. threatened
4. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
A. pair
B. rain
C. afraid

D. straight
5. Which of the following words has the letter p is silent?
A. protect
B. camping
C. cupboard

D. people
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes
underlined word or phrase.

each sentence or substitutes for the

6. New laws have been passed to .......... wildlife in this area.,
A. establish
B. conserve

C. produce
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D. endanger
7. They were seeking a solution to the ......... of the rain forests.
A. destroy
B. destroying
C. destroyer
D. destruction
8. Although he didn't have a

ticket, Ken .......... come in.

A. could
B. can
C. might
D. was allowed to
9. Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are threatened with .......................
A. appearance
B. protection
C. extinction
D. destruction
10. We really ought to make a start on campaigns to ......... our polluted rivers and seas.
A. clean up
B. clear away
C. wipe out
D. tidy up
11. He came running ........ the room and threw his books ........ the floor.
A. into/ at
B. in/ to
C. to/ on
D. into/ onto
12. Rare species of plants or .......... can be found in this region.
A. fauna
B. flora
C. flowers
D. vegetation
13. The hydroelectric plant provides electricity for half the island's population.
A. using hydrogen to produce electricity
B. using radiating energy to produce electricity
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C. using water power to produce electricity
D. using tidal power to produce electricity
14. Thy water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking.
A. toxic
B. salty
C. dangerous
D. polluted
15. Without plants, mast water would .......... as soon as it falls.
A. run out
B. run off

C. run of
D. run away

III. Choose the correct answer that best completes each sentence.
16. If Al had come sooner, he ....... dinner with us.

A. could have eaten
B. would being eaten
C. was eating
D. could eat
17. 'Are you still employed at the bank?’ "Yes, I......... there since 1982”
A. have working
B. worked

C. have been working
D. had been working
18. Orlando, a city in Florida, ......... for its main attraction - Disney
A. which is well - known

B. well - known
C. which well - known
D. is well - known
19. ‘What's wrong with your stereo?’ “The needle needs ...........
A. to replace
B. replacing
C. to be replace
D. replace
20. All the students .......... do well in writing.
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A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them
B. which Mr. Davis teaches
C. that Mr. David teaches them
D. Mr. Davis teaches
21. The world ............. a better place if we had known a hundred years what we know today about
the earth's environment.
A. will be

B. was

C. should be
D. might be
22. If water is heated to 212 degrees F

........... as steam.

A. it can boil and escape
B. it is boiled and escaped
C. it boils and escapes
D. it would boil and escape
23.......... resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.

A. Had he not
B. Hadn't he
C. He had not
D. If he had
24.............. television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a heal habit for a growing child.
A. To be watched
B. Being watched
C. Watching
D. Watch
25. It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They ........ extinct.
A. became
B. have become
C. become
D. are becoming
IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that be changed for the sentence to be correct.

Scientists suggest (A)

plants has identified.(D)



one percent_of (B)

27. Some (A) underground water is enough
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world’s extinct (C)



safe (B) to drink, but (C) all surface water must (D)

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28. Because (A) the expense of traditional (B) fuels and the concern that they might run out (C)
many countries have been investigating (D) alternative sources of power.
29. Would (A) you mind bringing (B) your camera in (C) the graduation party tomorrow(D) ?
30. Biochemists have
solved (A) many
process which (C) plants make (D) food.


the mysteries(B)




V. Choose the one option that best completes the passage
Yellowstone National Park, the first US national park, was (31)........ in 1872. Itis one of the largest
parks. It spreads about 3, 500 square miles or 9, 063 square kilometers (32) ........ north-west

Wyoming and parts of Idaho and Montana. It has many wild animals, (33) ......... bears, buffalo,
elk, deer, antelope, coyotes, and lynxes, and is famous for its tine scenery, hot springs and geysers
(underground hot spring that shoot hot water or steam up into the air). There are about seventy
geysers 1n the park. The famous is old Faithful.
The park 1s a (34) ........... tourist attraction. It has about three million (35) ........... a year. It was

made a World Heritage Site in 1978.

31. A. started

B. established

C. constructed

D. introduced

32. A. in

B. of

C. from

D. at

33. A. containing

B. including

C. adding

D. consisting

34. A. interesting

B. favorite

C. fashionable

D. popular

35. A. visitors

B. foreigners

C. migrants

D. trippers

VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
Rainforests circle the globe for twenty degrees of latitude on both sides the equator. In that
relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the
world make their home.
Sever hundred different varieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may

be the habitat for more than ten thousands kinds of spiders ants, and other insects. More species of
amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and reptiles live in rainforests than anywhere else on earth.

Unfortunately, half of the world's rainforests have already been destroyed and at the current rate,
another 25 percent will be lost by the year 2000. Scientists estimate that as many as fifty million
acres are destroyed annually. In other words, every sixty seconds, one hundred acres of rainforest

is cleared. When this happens, constant rains- erode the former forest floor, thin layer of soil no
longer supports plant life, and the ecology of the region is altered forever. Thousands of species of
plants and animals are condemned to extinction and since we aren't able to predict the ramifications
of this loss to a delicate global ecology, we don't know what we may be doing to the future the
human species as well.
36. ‘What is the point of view that the author expresses in this passage?
A. The author believes that the rainforest will survive.

B. The author believes that preserving the rainforest 1s important to global ecology.
C. The author believes that he can predict the future of global ecology.
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D. The author believes that the extinction of species is a natural process.
37. According to the passage, more than half of all the species of plants and animals
A. live in twenty rainforests.
B. live in several hundred different varieties of trees.
C. live in a forty-degree band of latitude.
D. live in areas where the rainforest has been cleared.
38. How many of the worlds rainforests are projected to be destroyed by the year 2000 if the current
rate continues?
A. All of them will be gone.
B. Three-quarters of them will be gone.
C. Half of them will be gone.
D. One-quarter of them will be gone.
39. The word 'this' in line l2 refers to .................
A. the destruction of the acres.
B. the reading of the passage.
C. the erosion of the forest floor.
D. the constant rains.
40. What will not happen if the rainforest continues to be cleared?
A. The land will be eroded by the rains.

B. Many species of plants and animals that depend on the rainforest will become extinct.
C. The future of the human species may be changed.
D. The rainforest will glow, but at a much slower rate.
VII. Give the correct form of the words in bracket.

41. The iPad, which is much more

than the laptop, has the same multi-touch interface

as the iPod Touch. (PORT)

42. Students who are English-language

__ benefit greatly from using specialized programs

on their laptops. (LEARN)







at new







44. With the easy Internet access and a variety of educational apps, smartphones have become the


to improve student learning. (NECESSITY)

















I. Choose the words that best answer the following questions.
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II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes
underlined word or phrase.

each sentence or substitutes for the



III. Choose the correct answer that best completes each sentence.
21 - D; 22 -C; 23 - A; 24-C; 25 - D;
IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that be changed for the sentence to be correct.
26 - D; 27 - B; 28 - A; 29 - C; 30 - C;

V. Choose the one option that best completes the passage
31 - B; 32 - A; 33 - B; 34- D; 35 - A;
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
36 - B; 37 - C; 38 - B; 39 - A; 40 - D
VII. Give the correct form of the words in bracket.

41. The iPad, which is much more


interface as the iPod Touch. (PORT)

42. Students who are English-language
programs on their laptops. (LEARN)

than the laptop, has the same multi-touch


benefit greatly from using specialized

43. Teachers are always looking at new ways to develop and

improve______ their teaching.

44. With the easy Internet access and a variety of educational apps, smartphones have become the
to improve student learning. (NECESSITY)
45. With its high(RESOLUTE)


touch screen, the iPad is very useful for many tasks in class.

3. Dé s6 3

Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the
statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (V) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording
1. The next speaker has been the symbol of the city for over the past forty years.
2. She has worked for the city council for more than two terms.
3. She was introduced to be the Governor of a state in the US.
4. She did her PhD course in the State University.
5. She used to study at the Harvard University.
Questions 6-8: There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct
answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.
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II) 4 BB!

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6. What did the woman do as a social worker?
A. She connected people.
B. She helped the poor.
C. Both A and B

are correct.

7. How did the woman describe the help that the young people gave to the poor?

A. Unbelievable.
B. Wonderful.
C. Different.
8. How were the poor treated in the past?
A. People didn’t want to talk to them.
B. People didn’t bother them.
C. People just wanted to talk about them.


Questions 9-11: Write the stress pattern (Oo) or (oO) of the following compound words.

An example has been done for you.
online game .....0O.....
9. greenhouse ..........
10. solar charger ..........
11. electronic book ..........
Questions 12-14: Reorder the utterances to make conversations.

A. About 4 p.m. What were you doing then?
B. I was having a meeting in the office at that time.
C. I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer the phone.
D. Oh, really? What time was it?
A. I teach small kids.
B. I volunteer every Friday morning.
C. What do you do?
D. What do you teach?

E. I teach English and Maths.
A. I saw an advertisement on the Internet about volunteer work and applied for it.
B. Oh, I see. Do you like the job?
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C. How did you get your volunteer job?
D. Sure, do you want to join us?
Questions 15-18: Identify the underlined part (A, B, C, or D) that needs correction in each of

the following questions.

15. I haven’t seen(A) Hoa again (B) since we have graduated (C) from (D) high school.
16. I was(A)lieing (B) in the bath when the phone rang (C).
17. You looked(A)so sick yesterday (B). Have you not visited (C) the doctor yet (D)?

We didn’t


windows be _ installed

(B) on


house because (C)it


too expensive (D).

Questions 19-22: Match the word with its definition. Write your answers (A, B, C, D or E) in
the provided spaces. There is an extra definition you DO NOT USE.


19. charity

A.|an advantage for profit gained from something



21. benefit


B.|an event in which people compete for first prize in a sport or an activity

the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are

poor, sick, etc

contest D.}a disadvantage or problem that makes something less acceptable

|a unique or novel device, method, composition or process

Questions 23-30: Read the text about volunteering in Britain and answer the questions that
Doing some forms of voluntary work has never been more popular with British people. Over 20
million people were engaged in voluntary activities in 2013. Volunteering means giving up time
to do work of benefit to the community. It can take many forms, from working with children with
learning difficulties, or in an animal hospital, or planting trees. When London won its bid to host
the 2012 Olympics, up to 70,000 volunteers were needed to help ensure that the games were a
Volunteers can be anyone of any age. Students and full-time workers often manage to involve in
some voluntary work. But what motivates volunteers? Some do it for a sense of selflessness while
others find they have free time available. Many mention the opportunity to get to know people they
would not normally meet.
A relatively new phenomenon is the hope of meeting new friends or even a life partner through
volunteering. In a recent British survey, 20% of 18-24 year-olds and 8% of over-65s said their love
lives had improved since they began volunteering. The same poll found that nearly half of

volunteers enjoyed improved health and fitness, a quarter lost weight - especially those working
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with children or doing conservation projects - and two-thirds felt less stressed. So, it seems
volunteering may improve your life, and you may even find the person of your dreams.
(Adapted from "Volunteering — for Love" by Magus, 2013)
Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.
23. What does the text say about doing voluntary work in the UK?
A. It has never been popular with the British.
B. The number of volunteers reached its highest level in 2012.
C. Volunteers gain no benefit from the work.
D. Volunteers were needed for the success of the 2012 Olympics.
24. What does the word “It” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. The community.
B. Volunteering.
C. Voluntary activity.
D. Voluntary work.
25. Which is NOT a reason for people to do voluntary work?
A. They care for others.
B. They have spare time.
C. They usually meet people.

D. They want new friends.
26. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?
A. The survey on the volunteers’ life in Britain.
B. The hope of volunteers when doing voluntary work.
C. The better situation of doing voluntary work in Britain.
D. The benefits of volunteering to voluntary workers.
Briefly answer the following questions, using the information from the text.
27. What is volunteering?
28. List ONE form of voluntary activities as mentioned in the text.
29. Who can do voluntary work in Britain?
30. How can volunteering help improve the life of volunteers?

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Questions 31-34: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using
NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.
31. It was surprising to see my ex-girlfriend in the party.

to see my ex-girlfriend in the party.

32. We use the correction pen to cover writing mistakes.
--> The correction pen

writing mistakes.

33. The Internet has changed people’s lives in different ways.
--> People's lives

in different ways by the Internet.

34. I have never eaten Indian food before.
--> It's the first time I

Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of

the numbered blanks.

Taylor Swift is a country music star. She was born on December
Pennsylvania, USA.

She is a singer and a (35)

13,1989. She was born in

. Her music is a mix (36)


music and pop. She started playing the guitar when she was 10 years old. She writes songs and

sings. When she was II years old, she (37)
to Nashville. In 2006, at the age of 16, she (38)
her first album. Fans love her music and her (39)
too. She is a fantastic musician

and she is very beautiful and intelligent too. Taylor Swift is fantastic!
35. A. music B. composer C. musical D. compose
36. A. of B. in C. for D. with
37. A. moves B. have moved C. moved D. was moving
38. A. released B. discharged C. escaped D. throw away
39. A. person B. personal C. personalize D. personality

Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the
statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (v) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording
1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F

Questions 6-8:There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct
answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.
6. C; 7. B; 8. C



Questions 9-11: Write the stress pattern (Oo) or (oO) of the following compound words.

9. greenhouse .....O0.....
10. solar charger .....0O.....
11. electronic book .....0O.....

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Questions 12-14: Reorder the utterances to make conversations.

Questions 15-18: Identify the underlined part (A, B, C, or D) that needs correction in each of

the following questions.

Questions 19-22: Match the word with its definition. Write your answers (A, B, C, D or E) in
the provided spaces. There is an extra definition you DO NOT USE.

20. E
Questions 23-30: Read the text about volunteering in Britain and answer the questions that
Briefly answer the following questions, using the information from the text.
27. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community.
28. ANY of these: working with children/working in an animal hospital/planting trees/doing
conservation projects.
29. Anyone of any age.
30. Improve their love lives as well as their health and fitness.
Questions 31-34: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using
NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.
31. was surprised
32. is used for covering/is used to cover
33. have been changed
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34. have ever eaten Indian food

Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of

the numbered blanks.

35 - B; 36 - A; 37
- C; 38
- A; 39
- B;

4. Đề số 4
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part

differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:

A. loved

B. appeared

C. agreed

D. watched

Question 2:

A. seat

B. heavy

C. reason

D. neat

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3:

A. ailment

B. disease

C. cancer

D. nervous

Question 4:

A. intestine

B. digestive

C. skeleton

D. condition

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the

following questions.

Question 5: Listen! There's someone at the door. I___ the door for you.

A. am going to open
B. am opening
C. open
D. will open
Question 6: IfI were offered the job, I think I


A. take
B. will take
C. would take
D. took
Question 7: I will be responsible

— what I do.

A. with
B. for

C. from

D. on
Question 8: We had to cancel the meeting_ _

—_ the bad weather.

A. because
B. because of

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C. although
D. in spite of
Question 9: Sharing chores often helps create a ............... atmosphere for the family.
A. positive
B. negative
C. unhappy
D. excited
Question 10: The ____ cheered loudly when the singers came out on the stage.
A. audience
B. spectator
C. public

D. watcher
Question 11. My teacher assigned us a writing task about

of our favorite singers.

A. biology
B. biography
C. biodiversity
D. biochemist
Question12: We

expect Linh

to the airport late as the plane will take off in 15

A. to come
B. not to come
C. not coming
Question 13: Laura said she had worked on the assignment since
A. yesterday
B. two days ago
C. the day before
D. the next day
Question 14: I was doing the washing-up while my sister was

the bed.

A. doing

B. taking
C. giving
D. making
Question 15: It’s raining hard,

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we can’t go to the beach.

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A. or

B. but
C. so
D. though
Question 16: : I

_ home when I met my former teacher.

A. was walking
B. would walk
C. walked

D. had walked
Question 17: The controller of the body is the

us to move, talk and feel emotions.

system. Led by the brain and nerves, it allows

A. circulatory
B. digestive
C. nervous
D. respiratory
Question 18:I haven’t seen Peter for quite a long time. In fact, we

see each other anymore.

A. sometimes
B. occasionally
C. seldom
D. frequently
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning

to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music competition.
A. show
B. quiz
C. contest
D. tour

Question 20: If you want to become a well-known singer, you need to have a unique selling point,

a way to differentiate yourself from the crowd.
A. genius
B. infamous
C. renowned
D. new

the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)

meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

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Question 21: Nutritious snacks provide an important contribution towards your child’s daily
nutritional needs.
A. Inexpensive
B. Uncooked

C. Unhealthy
D. Unpacked
Question 22: The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen
and expelling carbon dioxide.
A. breathing out
B. dismissing
C. exhaling
D. Inhaling
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 23: Doctor: “Good morning. What can I do for you?
Patient: “Good morning.

A. Lam fine. Thank you.
B. I feel very bored.
C. [have got a bad cough
D. I want to know it, too.
Question 24:- Do you know an apple a day can help you keep fit, build healthy bones and prevent
disease like cancer?”


A. I would love to.
B. It's a good idea.
C. That's incredible.
D. You must like apple.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate

the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.
Rock began in the USA in the early 1950s. At that time 'rhythm and blues’ music was very (25)
with black Americans. ‘R&B’ was a mixture of black religious music and jazz. It had strong
rhythms (26)
you could dance to and simple, fast music.
(27) _ — the success of R&B music, white musicians started to copy the same style. By the mid
1950s, this new while R&B music, called 'rock ‘n’ roll’ had become very popular. Singers like
Elvis Presley and Bill attracted millions of teenage fans. Their music was fast and loud. Many older
people thought that rock ‘n’ roll was very (28)

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