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Ngữ pháp và từ vựng ôn tập giữa HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2021-2022

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

TIENG ANH 10 NAM 2021-2022
1. Hé thong kién thire
1.1. Ngir phap

1.1.1. Câu điều kiện loại 3
Câu điều kiện loại 3 là câu điều kiện khơng có thực trong q khứ. Điều kiện khơng thể xảy ra

trong q khứ, chỉ mang tính ước mn trong quá khứ, một giả thiệt trái ngược với thực trạng ở
quá khứ.
Công thức:
If + S + had + V (quá khứ phan tir), S + would + have + V (qua khứ phân từ)
Dao ngữ:

Had + S + V (qua khw phan ti), S + would have + (qua khứ phân từ)
Vi du:
If he had trained hard, he would have won the match.
Had he trained hard, he would have won the match.

Cach dung

Câu điều kiện loại 3 được dùng diễn tả điều kiện không thật hay trái với thực tế trong quá khứ.
e.g.: If he had studied hard last term, he would have done the test well.

(Nếu anh ấy học chăm học kỳ vừa qua, anh ấy đã làm bài kiểm tra tốt.)
We would have gone on a picnic yesterday if it hadn’t rained. (HOm qua chúng tôi đã đi dã ngoại
nêu trời không mưa.)
1.1.2. Động từ nguyên thể (to + infinitive)

- Diễn đạt mục đích
Vi du: I went to university to become a software engineer.
- Theo sau một số động từ:
+ Cong thic S+ V + to-V: afford, appear, ask, bear, begin, choose, decide, expect, forget, hate,
hesitate, intend, like, manage, neglect, prefer, pretend, propose, regret, seem, swear, try,
wish, agree, arrange, attempt, beg, care, consent, determine, fail, happened, help, hope, learn,
love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, remember, start, trouble, want, would like prefer.
+ Công thức S + V + O + to-V: advise, ask, be, command, encourage, forbid, get, help, intend,

leave, mean, oblige, permit, prefer, recommend,

remind, tell, allow, bear, cause, compel,

expect, force, hate, instruct, invite, like, need, order, persuade, press, request, teach, tempt,
trouble, warn, want, wish.

Vi du: He is expected to be good at English. (S + V + to-V)
My parents encourages me to go to university. (S + V + O + to-V)
- Theo sau một số tính từ: happy, glad, sorry,...
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Vi du: Today I am very happy to be able to tell you about my project.
- Su dung trong cong thirc “would like /love/prefer”

Vi du: I would like to thank you for having helped me.
- Theo sau một số danh từ: surprised, fun,...

Vi du: What a fun to be here.
- Stir dung trong cau tric “too-to”, “enough-to”
Vi du: She isn’t tall enough to reach the ceiling.
- Xuat hién trong mot s6 cum: to tell you the truth, to the honest, to begin with,...

Vi du: To begin with, the Internet has exercised great influence over life of humans.
- Su dung lam chu ngt cua cau
Vi du: To play football is my favorite activity every day.
- Sử dụng đề bồ sung ý nghĩa cho chủ ngữ, thường đứng sau động từ “to-be”
Vi du: What I put on my priority now is to pass the entrance exam to university.
- Su dung để xác định nghĩa, thêm thông tin về một danh từ trừu tượng

Vi du: Jones’s desire to play football for national team became an obsession.
1.1.3. Những cau hoi tim thong tin (Wh-questions)
Cac cau hoi voi tir để hỏi cho phép người nói tim thêm thong tin về chủ đề mình quan tâm.
Các từ đề hỏi theo thơng tin mn tìm có thê được liệt kê như sau:
When? - Time => Hỏi thông tin về thời gian
Where? - Place => Hỏi thông tin về nơi chỗn
Who? - Person => Hỏi thông tin về người
Why? - Reason => Hoi ly do
How? - Manner => Hỏi cách thức, phương thức

What? — Object / Idea / Aetion =>Hỏi về vật / ý kiến / hành động
Các từ khác cũng có thể được sử dụng để hỏi các thơng tin cu thé
Which (one)? - Choice of alternatives => Hoi thong tin về sự lựa chọn

Whose? - Possession => Hỏi thông tin về sở hữu

Whom? - Person (objective formal) => Hỏi về người (ở dạng tân ngữ)
How much? - Price, amount (non-count) => Hỏi về giá cả, lượng (không đếm được)
How many? - Quantity (count) => Hoi vé luong (dém dugc)
How long? - Duration => Hỏi về thời gian
How often? - Frequency => Hỏi về mức độ thường xuyên
How far? - Distance => Hoi vé khoảng cách
What kind (of)?- Description => Yeu cầu mô tả thông tin

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai


Tinh tir chi thai d6

Co 2 cach thanh lap
- past participle: (+ ed): các tinh từ chỉ thái độ được thành lập từ quá khứ phân từ diễn tả con người
cảm thây như thê nào (how people feel), mang ý nghĩa bị động.
Eg: I was interested in the lesson
She is usually bored with doing the housework
- present participle (+ ing): các tính từ chỉ thái độ được thành lập từ hiện tại phân từ nêu lên cảm
giác mà con người hoặc vật tạo ra và mang ý nghĩa chủ động.
Eg: My job was very boring.
This film is interesting.


Sau đây là những tính từ chỉ thái độ thơng dụng.
. bored (with) — boring: buôn chán


. interested (in) — interesting: thu vi


. Surprised (at) — surprising: ngac nhién


. excited (about) — exciting: hao hung


. đisappointed(with) — disappointing: that vong


. exhausted — exhausting: qua mét moi
. tired (of) — tiring: mét moi


. depressed (about) — depressing: bu6én rau


. embarrassed (about/at)— embarrassing: lung ting, b6i réi

10. amused (by)— amusing: vui vé

1.1.5. IT WAS NOT UNTIL + TIME + THAT +...
Mãi cho đến ...
Eg: It was not until 1994 that I graduated from university.
Eg: It was not until 2000 that this bridge was built.
It was not until I came home that he finished his homework.
Note: ta cũng có thể dùng cấu trúc trên bằng hình thức đảo ngữ

Eg: until 2000 was this bridge built.
Until I came home did he finish his homework.

1.1.6. ARTICLES: Mao tw

A, AN: Mao tir bat dinh a, an

Mao tir bat dinh a, an duoc dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít

A: được dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Eg: a chair, a bus, a student ...

AN: được dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít đầu băng một nguyên âm.
Eg: an English teacher, an apple, an umbrella ...
Note: Ta dùng A trước những danh từ bắt đầu bang U khi U được đọc như một phụ âm

Eg: a uniform, a university, a union ...
Những trường hợp không được dùng mạo từ bất định:

- Không được dùng mạo từ bất định A, AN trước danh từ số nhiễu
Eg: a table tables
An umbrella umbrellas
- Không được dùng mạo từ bất định A, AN trước danh từ không đếm được

Eg: a milk, a bread, a money ...
- Không được dùng mạo từ bất định A, AN trước danh từ trừu tượng.

Eg: ta noi beauty, happiness cht khong dung a beauty hay a happiness
- Không được dùng mạo từ bat dinh A, AN trước danh từ chỉ ngành học, môn học

Eg: history, chemistry, statistics ... ch khong dung a history, a chemistry, a statistics ...
- Không được dùng mạo từ bất định A, AN trước danh từ chỉ mơn thể thao, sinh hoạt giải trí.

Eg: L like playing tennis chứ không viết I like playing a tennis.
We enjoy folk music chtr khong viét We enjoy a folk music.

- DEFINITE ARTICLE: THE: Mao tir xac dinh THE
Cách dùng:
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ xác định

Eg: I want to buy the book which has the red cover. (quyền sách đã được xác định )
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ có định ngữ đứng trước.
Eg: The famous singer Quang Dung lives in Quy Nhon. (famous là định ngữ)
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước những vật duy nhất.
Eg: the earth, the sun, the moon ...
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước số thứ tự

The fifth floor, the second subject is maths.
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước so sánh nhất

Eg: We are the most careful drivers in this company.
- The + family + s: chi gia dinh
Eg: Mr Smith: ơng Smith nhưng nếu nói The Smiths: có nghĩa là gia đình Smith
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên nước mà gồm nhiều liên bang hay nhiều quần
đảo gộp lại.

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

Eg: The USA, the Philippines, the Soviet union (Lién xô cũ )

- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên các con sông, dãy núi, trước tên bién, dai duong.
Eg: - The Red river, the Nile, the Amazone


- The Truong Son mountain, the
- The East sea, the Mediteranean sea

- The pacific ocean
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên các hiệp định

Eg: The Paris agreement, the Geneve agreement
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên các tổ chức quốc tế
Eg: The united nations, The NATO


- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ phương hướng
Eg: the east, the west, the south, the north, the north east, the south west ...
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên các dụng cụ âm nhạc.

Eg: [like playing the guitar.
- Mạo từ xác định được dùng trước danh từ chỉ tên bảo tàng, rạp chiếu bóng, trường học, bệnh viện

có tên riêng kèm theo.

Eg: The August cinema, the Cho Ray hospital ...
Những trường hợp không được dùng mạo từ THE:
- Không được dùng the trước những danh từ chỉ bữa ăn
Eg: We are having breakfast chứ khơng nói We are having the breakfast.

- Không được dùng the trước những danh từ chỉ môn thể thao
Eg: He like playing football.
- Không được dùng the trước những danh từ chỉ môn học.
Eg: We are learning English.
1.2. Từ vựng

UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS (Công viên quốc gia)
1. national [nœjnal] park (n): công viên quốc gia
2. locate (v) [lou'keit]: xác định, nằm ở

3. establish (v) [is'teebliJ]: lap, thành lập
4. rainforest (n) [rein,'forist]: rng mua nhiét doi

5. butterfly (n) ['batoflai]: con buém
6. cave (n) [keiv]: hang dong
7. hike (v) [haik]: di b6 duong dai
8 . dependent upon (a)[di'pendont, o'pon]|: phụ thuộc vào

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

9. survival (n) [so'vaivl]: sự sống sót, tồn tại
10. release (v) [r7li:s|: phóng thích, thả
11. orphan (v) ['2:fn]: ( làm cho ) mơ côi

12. orphanage (n) ['2:fanids]: trại mồ côi
13. abandon (v) [o'beendon]: bo roi, từ bỏ
14. take care [kea] of (v): chăm sóc
15. sub-tropical (a) [sab, 'tropikl]: ban nhiệt đới
16. recognise (v) ['rekognaiz]|: nhận ra
17. habit (n) [‘hebit]: thói quen

18. temperate (a) ['temporot]: ơn hịa
19. toxic (a) ['toksik]: doc

20. chemical (n) ['kemikl]: chất hóa học
21. contamination (n) [kon,teemi'nei/n]: sự ơ nhiễm
22. organization (n) [.2:ganai'zeiln]: sự tổ chức
23. intend (v) [intend]: dự định
24. exist (v) [ig'zist]: tồn tại
25. pollute (v) [po'lu:t]: làm ô nhiễm
26. suitable (a) ['su:tabl] (for sb/ sth): thich hop
27. affect (v) [a'fekt]|: ảnh hưởng đến
28. disaster (n) [di'za:sta]: tai hoa, tham hoa

29. unfortunately (adv) [an'fo:tfonitli]:; khong may
30. turn out (v) [ta:n, aut]: thanh ra, hoa ra
31. combine (v) kom'bain]: két hop
32. get a fine (exp.): bi phat tién
33. raincoat (n) ['reinkout]: áo mưa
34. accept (v) [ak'sept]: chấp nhận
35. refuse (v) [ri'fju:z]: tir chéi

36. invitation (n) [.inviteiln]: lời mời
UNIT 12: MUSIC (Âm nhạc)

1. classical ['klaesikol] music (n): nhac c6 dién
2. folk [fouk] music (n): nhac dan gian
3. rock [rok] ‘n’ roll ['roul] (n): nhac rock and roll

4. country ['kantri] music (n): nhac déng qué
5. serious (a) ['siarias]: nghiém tuc, dimg dan, bac hoc
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

6. beat (n) [bi:t|: nhịp (âm nhạc)
7. human (n) ['hju:mon]: loai người
8. emotion (n) [i'mouJn]: cam xtc
9. especially (adv) [is'pelali]: đặc biệt là
10. communicate (v) [ko'mju:nikeit]: giao tiếp
11. express (v) [iks'pres]: thé hién
12. anger (n) ['zengo]: su tức giận
13. integral (a) ['intigral]: gan lién
14. set the tone [toun] for (v): tạo nên không khí ( vui, bn)
15. Joyfulness (n) ['dzaifulnis|: sự vui nhộn
16. atmosphere (n) ['zetmasfia]: bau khong khi
17. funeral (n) ['fju:noral]: dam tang
18. solemn (a) ['solom]: trang nghiém
19. mournful (a) ['mo:nful]: tang thuong
20. lull (v) [lal]: ru ngu

21. above [a'bav]: all (adv) trên hết

22. uplift (a)['aplift]: hung phan, bay bong
23. delight (v) [di'lait]: lam thich tha, lam say mé

24. a billion ["biljon] -dollar industry ['indostri]: nganh cong nghiép tỉ đô ( mang lại lợi nhuận cao)
25. fairy tale (n) ['feariteil] : chuyén c6 tich
26. criticise (v) ['kritisaiz]: chi trich
27. convey (Vv) [kon'vei]: truyén dat, biéu 16, thé hién.

28. serene (a) [si'ri:n]: thanh binh, tĩnh lặng.
29. cheer [tlio] (v): somebody up : làm ai cảm thấy vui vẻ
30. all the time (adv): mọi lúc

31. hometown (n) [houmwad]|: quê quán
32. birthplace (n) ['ba:@pleis]: noi sinh
33. music composer [kom'pouza] (n): nhà sọan nhạc
34. compose (v) [kam'pouz]: soan nhac, sang tac nhac
35. sweet [swi:t] and gentle ['dzentl] (a): ngọt ngào và dịu dàng
36. rousing (a) [rauzin]: hào hứng, sôi nỗi
37. lyrical (a) [‘lirikol]: trt tinh
38. of all time (adv) cua moi thoi dai
39. author (n) ['o:0a] tac gia
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

. national anthem (n) ['nzlnal, '£nðom] quốc ca
. Tural (a) ['rueral] nông thôn. làng quê
. except [ik'sept] for (conJ.) trừ, chỉ trừ
. appropriate (a) [o'proupriitli] thich hop,thich dang
. tune (n) [tju:n] giai điệu
45. mixture (n) ['mikst[a] sự pha trộn, sự hòa quyện
46. appreciate (v) [o'pri:Jieit] coi trọng, đánh giá cao
UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA (Phim va dién anh)
1. action ['akJn] film (n): phim hành động
2 . cartoon (n) [ka:'tu:n]: phim hoat hình

3 . detective [di'tektiv] film (n): phim trinh tham
4 . horror ['hora] film (n): phim kinh do
5. romantic [rou'mezentik] film (n): phim lãng man

6 . seience fiction ['saisns'fikÍn] film (n): phim khoa học viễn tưởng.
7 . Silent ['sailont] film (n): phim cam.

8 . war [w2:] film (n): phim chiến tranh
9 vivid (a) ['vivid]: sôi nỗi
10. terrifying ['terifaing]/ frightening (a): khiép so
11. violent (a) ['vaislont]: bao luc
12. disgusting (a) [dis'gastin]: đáng khinh miệt
13. mournful (a) ['ma2:nful]: tang thương
14. thriller (n) ['@rilo]: phim giat gan
15. century (n) ['sentlori]: thé ki (100 nam)
16. sequenee (n) ['si:kwens]: trình tự, chuỗi
17. still [stil] picture (n): hinh anh tinh

18. motion (n) ['mouJn]: su chuyén déng
19. movement (n) ['mu:vmont]: su chuyén động
20. decade (n) ['dekeid]: thap ki (10 nam)
21. scene (n) [si:n]: canh
22. position (n) [pa'ziJn]: vi tri
23. cast (n) [ka:st]: đội ngũ diễn viên
24. character (n) ["keerikta]: nhan vat
25. part (n) [pa:t]: vai dién( trong phim)
26. audience (n) ['o:djons|: khan gia
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

27. film marker (n) [film,'ma:ke]: nhà làm phim
28. spread (v) [spred]: lan rong
29. musical cinema (n) ['mJu:zikel,'sinima]: phim ca nhạc
30. discover (v) [dis'kava]: kham pha
31. tragic ['traedzik] (a): bi tham
+ tragedy (n): bi kich
32. sink (v) [sink]: chim
33. luxury (n) [lAklsri]: su sang trong
34. liner (n)['laina]: tau lon
35. voyage (n) ['vaiidz]: chuyến đi du lịch xa trên biển
36. be based on : được dựa trên

37. disaster (n) [di'za:sto]: thảm họa
38. occur (v) [s'ks:(r)]: xảy ra, xuất hiện
39. øenerous (a) ['dzenaras|: hào phóng
40. adventurer (n) [ad'ventjara] người thích phiêu lưu mạo hiểm
41. be on board [b:d] (exp.) trên tàu
42. fall in love (with someone): yéu ai
43. be engaged |in'geidzd]| (exp.) da dinh hon
44. iceberg (n) ['aisbo:g| tang bang
45. the content ["kontent] of the film: nội dung chính của phim.

46. the setting ['setin] of the film : bối cảnh phim
47. description (n) [dis'krip|n] su mé ta
A8. rescue (v) ['reskju:] ctu nguy
2. Bai tap
Choose the word that has the underlined syllable pronounced different from the others.
1. A. worked B. hoped C. watched D. lived
2. A. invader B. destroy C. spend D. Soldier
3. nature B. toxic C. plant D. Contain
4. A. played B. missed C. called D. moved
5. A. nation B. tourist C. study D. return
Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others.
6. A. ethnic B. explore C. orphan D. fauna
7. A. dependent B. survival C. minority D. recognize
8. A.temperature B. chemical C. habit D. location
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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

9. A. abandon B. national C. wilderness D. butterfly
10. A. establish B. disaster C. tropical D. dependent
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
11. Cuc Phuong National Park

____ over 200 square kilometers of rainforest.

A. contains B. gets C. hold D. covers
12. An interesting

of this park is Orphanage, where orphaned animals are taken care of.

A. advantage B. feature C. area D. zone
13. A child who has lost one or both of his parents by death is called


A. an abandoned B. an orphan C. a homeless D. orphanage
14. The

has threatened many of animals in this park.

A. rainforest B. population C. increase D. contamination
15. They went camping in the beautiful_

of the rainforest.

A. wildlife B. wildness C. wild D. wilderness
16. This park was

before World War II

A. set B. located C. established D. stationed
17. We were very

at his success.

A. surprised B. interested C. keen D. fond
18. One species is dependent

another of survival.

A. on B. to C. of D. at
19. My home village is

40 kilometers north of the capital..

A. located B. held C. laid D. surrounded
20. The cattle drank from a river polluted with toxicchemicals..
A. waste B. colorless C. odorless D. poisonous
21. We

to the beach yesterday if the sun had been shining.

A. will go B. would go C. would have gone D. had gone
22. If he

up earlier, he

to work on time.

A. got/ would get B. had got/ would get
C. would get/ got D. would have got/ had got
24. We wouldn’t have been to the cinema

we hadn’t had ticket.

A. if B. unless C. because of D. in spite of
25. What

if you had met him yesterday?

A. did you do B. would you do C. would you have done D. will you do
26. They

the farm if they

enough money.

A. had enlarged/ would have had B. would enlarge/ had had
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C. enlarged/ would have D. would have enlarged/had had
Choose the underlined part (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting.

26. He wouldn’t have known the news if you had told him.
27. Thad gone to see you if I’d known what you were ill.
28. My brother would buy a sports car if he don’t have the money.
29. If Ihave free time next Sunday, I would visit my grandmother.
30. If I were you, I would have forgotten about buying a new car.
Choose one sentence that best rewrites the root one.
31. He didn’t work hard, so he failed the exam.
A. If he worked hard, he wouldn’t fail the exam.
B. If he hadn’t worked hard, he would have failed the exam.

C. He would have passed the exam if he had worked hard.
D. He had passed the exam if he would have worked hard.
32. I was tired because I stayed up late last night.
A. If I hadn’t stayed up late at night, I wouldn’t have been tired.
B. I hadn’t been tired if I wouldn’t have stayed up lat.
C. If [had stayed up late at night, I would have been tired.
D. I wouldn’t be tired If I didn’t stay up late at night.
33. The shirt didn’t fit me so I didn’t buy it.
A. If the shirt fit me, I will buy it.
B. If the shirt fitted me, I would buy it.
C. If the shirt had fitted me, I would have bought it.

D. I didn’t buy the shirt due to it didn’t fit me.

34. He didn’t know French so he didn’t go to Paris for his holiday.
A. Unless he knew French, he wouldn’t go to Paris for his holiday.
B. If he knew French, he would have gone to Paris for his holiday.
C. If he had gone to Paris, he would have known French.

D. Had he known French, he would have gone to Paris for his holiday.
35. He worked lazily so he was sacked.
A. If he hadn’t worked lazily, he wouldn’t have been sacked.
B. If he worked lazily, he would be sacked.
C. Unless he had worked lazily, he would have been sacked.

D. If he hadn’t worked lazily, he would have been sacked.
36. He didn’t take any medicine so he feels worse now.
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A. If he had taken the medicine, he would have felt better now.
B. If he had taken the medicine, he would feel better now.
C. If he took the medicine, he would feel better now.
D. Unless he took the medicine, he wouldn’t feel better now

37. We want to buy that house but we don’t have enough money.

A. Unless we have enough money, we won’t buy that house.
B. We would have bought that house if we had had enough money.
C. If we had enough money, we would have bought that house.
D. If we had enough money, we would buy that house.
38. They couldn’t go home because it stormed terribly.
A. If it hadn’t stormed terribly, they could have gone home.
B. If it didn’t storm terribly, they would go home.
C. It stormed terribly so that they couldn’t go home
D. They couldn’t go home due to terribly storm.
39. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
A. Jack hadn’t helped, but I could move the table.
B. Jack didn’t help, so I hadn’t been able to move the table.
C. If Jack hadn’t helped, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
D. Had Jack helped, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
40. You wouldn’t have made many mistakes if you had been careful.
A. You didn’t make many mistakes because you weren’t careful.
B. You made many mistakes because you were careful.
C. You were careful, so you didn’t make many mistakes.
D. You weren’t careful, so you made many mistakes.
Read the following passage and choose best answer ( A,B,C or D ) for each blank.
The ostrich is the (41)
bird in the world, and an adult can be more than ninety kilos. Most
wild ostriches live in southern Africa, but there are only a (42)
of them left. Like all
birds, ostriches have wings, (43)
they cannot fly. They use their wIngs to help them


when they are running. Ostriches can run very fast , from sixty-five to ninety

kilometers an hour, so it is very difficult for (45)

animals to catch them.

41. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest
42. A. few B. little C. lot D. many
43. A. or B. and C. but D. except
44. A. direct B. change C. alter D. turn
45. A. another B. other C. others D. one other
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Read the passage below and choose one best answer for each question.
Parks in our country are wonderful playgrounds and millions of people visit them every year. There
are places where you can camp without charge or you can rent rooms in a hotel. You can take a
long walk in the forests, take boat trips, or climb mountains. You are not allowed to hunt in the

park, so there are many wild animals. You can fish in the streams of most of the parks. The park
keepers sometimes go with the visitors on walks to tell them about the animals, plants, and
mountains. They also have programmes and talks at the campgrounds and in the hotels so that
people can learn all about the park and the things that are in it.

46. We can camp in the parks
A. without having to pay anything B. with a small fee
C. if we rent aroom in a hotel D. if we visit them every year
47. Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage?
A. go for a walk B. go climbing
C. go skiing D. go by boat
48. The word “streams” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. small rivers B. ponds C. lakes D. big sea
49. The word “ them ” in line 5 refers to

A. parks B. visitors C. park keepers D. animals
50. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. There are many animals in the parks.
B. We can walk and have talks with the park keepers.
C. We are allowed to fish in most of the parks.
D. We can hunt in the parks.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Scientists believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that ecosystems work better when
there is greater variety of species within them. This biodiversity is being lost destroying natural
mechanisms that could repair the damage caused by man.
Findings show that losing plants and animals is not only reducing our quality of life but actually
endangering our very existence. We cut down rich rainforests and replace them with one species
plantations, such as pine and eucalyptus. We plough up meadows rich in different grasses and herbs
and replace them with one grass, for instance rye or wheat.
When a natural ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the ecosystem are altered and even
damaged. Without their biodiversity they are not able to serve as the natural clearners of our planet.
No longer are they able to absorb the carbon dioxide that is being produced in excess. The result 1s
global warming, caused by the increase 1n the ‘greenhouse effect’, and ultimately, or even ‘sooner,
there will be' a change in the world's climate.
51.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

a. How Ecosystems Work Better
b. The Loss of Biodiversity
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c. The Variety of Species
d. Natural Mechanisms
52.Which of the following 1s not a species used to replace a rich ecosystem?
a. Herbs
b. Pine
c. Eucalyptus
d. Rye
53.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?
a. To show natural mechanisms at work.
b. To give examples of the loss of biodiversity.
c. To give example of variety of species.
d. To show how ecosystems can work better.
54.What, according to the passage, might be the final result of the simplification of natural
a. The basic processes are altered
b. There is loss of biodiversity
c. There is global warming

d. There is a change in the climate.
55.What is the author's attitude to the loss of biodiversity?
a. Indifferent

b. Negative
c. Positive
d. Neutral
Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.
Parks in our country are wonderful playgrounds and millions of people visit them every year. There
are places where you can camp without charge or you can rent a room in a hotel. You can take long
walks in the forests, take boat trips, or climb mountains. You are not allowed to hunt in the parks,

so there are many wild animals. You can fish in the streams of most of the parks. The park keepers

go with the visitors on walks to tell them about the animals, plants, and mountains.

They also have programmes and talks at the compgrounds and in the hotels so that people many
learn all about the park and the things that are in it.
56. The word " them'" 1n line 5 refers tO ..................
a. animals
b. visitors

c. parks
d. park keepers
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57. Which of the following statements is Not true ?
a. We can walk and have talks with the park keepers
b. We can hunt in the parks
c. We are allowed to fish in most of the parks
d. There are many animals in the park
58. We can camp in the parks ..................
a. if we rent a room in a hotel
b. with a small fee
c. without having to pay anything
d. it we visit them every year
59. Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage ?
a. go climbing
b. go by boat
c. go for a walk
d. go skiing
60. The word " streams" in line 4 is closest in meaning to .............
a. small rivers
b. lakes
c. ponds
d. big seas
Choose the correct preposition.
61. Tourists go to Son Doong cave to look at/ for the mystery in it.
62. He left school to take care of/ on his sick grand mother.
63. Do you belong in/ to any volunteer clubs or environmental organizations?

64. Now that she has graduated, Anne is no longer dependent to/ upon her parents in/ for financial

65. That man is an idiot. He pushed me down/ into the local swimming-pool.
66. Were you surprised at/ with the grade you received?
67. Unfortunately, the excursion turned out/ into to be a disaster.
68. Did you hear that news on/ in television or read it on/ in the newspaper?
69. Occupational physicians search on/ for the causes of injury and sickness at the natural disaster.
70. Due on/ to a computer error, $1000 was transferred to/ onto Judies’s account.
71. They have to live in/ on a Social Security check of $500 a month.
72. ’m always interested in/ on how to arrange the things into subject.

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` Bs

Vững vàng man tang, Khai sang tuong lai


3. Dap an







22. A

32. A

42. A




33. B

43. C




34. D





35. A




26. C

36. B

46. A


17. A


37. D





38. A

48. A







20. D

30. B


50. D


52. A


54. D


Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.
56 - b; 57 - b; 58 - c; 59 - d; 60 - a;

Choose the correct preposition.
61 - at; 62 - of; 63 - to; 64 - upon - for; 65 - into; 66 - at;
67 - out; 68 - on - in; 69 - for; 70 - to - to; 71 - on; 72 - in;

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