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During the process of studying at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, I have been
taught whole-hearted by the teachers, imparting knowledge so useful. In fact, there
was no success without helping from the teachers. With the deepest gratitude, I
would like to thank the school-board and whole the teachers in the English Faculity
– Duy Tan University for arranging and creating good conditions for me.
Fristly, I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Phan Thi Nhu Gam who
directly guide me in this graduation paper. I thank her for help me through my
graduation paper and transfer of precious experience, which will prepare me for
knowledge to get to the future.
Secondly, I would like to thank my family and all the friend who supported me in
completing graduation paper. They encouraged and gave me a lot of advice during
my difficult times.
Due to limited time and experience, so my graduation paper can make mistakes.
Looking forward to evaluation and comments from the teachers in order to I can
improve and enhance the skills myself.
The last, I wish the teacher good health, and success in your enterprise. At the
same time, I wish Mrs. Phan Thi Nhu Gam would be in good health and happiness,
achieve much success in the work.
A great thankful!

Trinh Thi Thu Huong

Student: Trinh Thi Thu Huong

Supervisor: MA.Phan Thi Nhu Gam


Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no
material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part from a thesis by
which have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma.
No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the
This thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any
other tertiary institution.

Student: Trinh Thi Thu Huong

Supervisor: MA.Phan Thi Nhu Gam


This graduation paper is the suggested translation of chapter 11 and half of
chapter 12 in the book “The People of Yesterday” written by Maggy Van Eijk. In
addition, I also analyze some problems that cause difficulties in the translation
process such as vocabulary and structure. And at the end, I will present some of the
results I have drawn in the process of completing the report.

Student: Trinh Thi Thu Huong

Supervisor: MA.Phan Thi Nhu Gam



: Target Language.


: Source Language.


: Pharagraph.

Student: Trinh Thi Thu Huong

Supervisor: MA.Phan Thi Nhu Gam

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP.........................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1



AIMS AND OBJECTIVES........................................................................1

1.2.1 Aims:........................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Objects:....................................................................................................2

THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY.................................................................2

1.3.1 The Text Features...................................................................................2
1.3.2The Text Length........................................................................................3
1.3.3The Text Organization..............................................................................3
1.3.4The Sources..............................................................................................3

METHOD OF THE STUDY.....................................................................3

CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...............................................5

DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION.............................................................5


TYPES OF CATEGORIES.......................................................................5

2.2.1 Full vs Partial Translation:.......................................................................6
2.2.2Total vs Restricted Translation..................................................................6
2.2.3Phonological translation...........................................................................7



2.3.2 Word-for-word translation..............................................................7 Literal Translation...........................................................................8 Free Translation............................................................................8 Faithful Translation:....................................................................8 Semantic Translation:...................................................................8 Adaptation......................................................................................9 Idiomatic Translation........................................................................9 Communicative Translation..............................................................9
2.3.2 Principles of Translation:..........................................................................9 Meaning:.........................................................................................10 Form:...........................................................................................10 Register:.........................................................................................10 Source language influence:...........................................................10 Idiom............................................................................................11 Style and Clarity:..........................................................................11
CHAPTER 3: SUGGESTED TRANSLATION..................................................12
CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS.....................................................................................40


4.1.1Words with multi-meaning......................................................................41
4.1.2Words with no dictionary equivalent......................................................44

4.1.3 Idioms and Expressions.......................................................................48
4.2 STRUCTURES..............................................................................................49
4.2.1Passive voice..........................................................................................50
4.2.2 Noun clause..........................................................................................51
4.2.3 Relative clauses......................................................................................52
4.2.4 Sentences with empty subject..............................................................53
4.2.5Other noticeable structures.....................................................................55

CHAPTER 5. DIFICULTITIES AND SOLUTIONS..........................................56
5.1. DIFFICULTIES............................................................................................56
5.2. SOLUTIONS................................................................................................57
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS.......................................58
6.1 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................58
6.2 SUGGESTIONS............................................................................................58


As an English language student with a major in translation, I have found that
there is a growing need for translation, especially in the field of human psychology.
This is one of the areas that are being interested in the whole society in up-to-date
years. To have a good translation, in addition to the necessary skills of the translator,
in-depth comprehension of the field is required. I realize that the psychological
problem - depression is a dangerous disease in today's young people. However, we
are short of books that delve into these issues and how to overcome them.

Therefore, paying more attention to psychological issues not only saves yourself but
also those around you. However, documents related to depression and how to selfcure this dangerous disease are not popular in Vietnam. Currently, books are the
most important source of information for enhancing knowledge and developing indepth research. Therefore, book translation related to psychological issues is most
necessary. That is why I chose a book about loneliness and how to overcome it to
give people access to knowledge and know what we need to do to maintain our
health. I guarantee that this book can provide a lot of essential information for
students and parents alike. I hope that through the suggestion version, I can bring
something good to society, a cure for those who have suffered loneliness in life, as
well as providing information for those who need psychological insight.
1.2.1 Aims:
- To show my ability in translating a document.
- To use the knowledge has learned in school to apply in translation.
- To find out more deeper learning about the branch of learning which I
am studying at school.
1.2.2 Objects:
- To translate the text smoothly and naturally.


- To analyze difficult words and complex structures.
- Help readers understand the content which the author wants to convey.
- To give some implications and solutions for translation.
The book "How Not to Fall Apart: Lesson Learned on the Road from Self-Harm
to Self-Care" is a pretty good book and it has many things to study to apply in daily
life. Such as how to improve memory, things to remember when falling in love and

how to have good health. However, due to the time and regulations of the faculty,
this report only focuses on chapter 11 and the first part of chapter 12. This
graduation paper is the suggested translation and it also shows the difficulties in the
translation process as well as how I have applied what I have learned in it.
1.3.1 The Text Features
In the narrative style, the book shows Lessons learned on the path from selfabuse to self-care by author Maggy Van Eijk. Van Eijk's book revolves around life's
challenges, and reminds things to keep in mind if they happen to you, a person
suffering from pathologies of mental health. The chapter that I choose to translate is
chapter 11 and 12 explain syndrome self-harming is very touching and it helps
readers understand why someone would do that to himself. And the reason for her
to do those things is not uncannily at all. And if you have thoughts of ending the
present, erasing your future, then at least these books can keep you away from that
bad decision. Beside, in the chapter 12 a provides a lot of basic information when
you are online such as troll comment and pro - ana communication. Authors began
with hopeful message: Whatever you have any problems of mental health, you can
still learn how to cope with it.so that If I met adults who had ruined themselves, this
is probably the book I would give to this person.
1.3.2 The Text Length
This book includes 14 chapters with 251 pages, but the time is limited so I have
translated the chapter 11 and the half of chapter 12 with 4,500 words in length. The


name of chapter 11 is “remember this when you are alone” and chapter 12 is
“remember this when you are online”.

The Text Organization

The text includes 2 chapter as follows:
 Chapter 11: Remmeber this you’re loneless.
 Chapter 12: Remmeber this you’re online.
1.3.4 The Sources
This text comes from the book “How not to Fall Apart: Lessons learned on the road
from self-harm to self-care” published by Tarcher Perigee in September 4, 2018. I
get this book on the website:


Fristly, chapter 1- introduction will include the rationale, the aims and objectives
and the research small iterms of the scope of the study.
Secondly, chapter 2 will introduce the theoretical background of translation such as
definition and types of catergories. In addition, this chapter presents the principles
of translation as well as the method used by the translator to produce a good
translation. Based on the theories, I will give a suggest translation in chapter 3.
Thirdly, the analysis will be in chapter 4. This paragraph deals with the vocabulary
and structures that make it difficult to translate the original text. And difficulties
experienced in the translation process as well as solutions to solve this problem are
mentioned in chapter 5.
Finally, chapter 6 will be the conclusion of this translation process and I will give
suggestions to English majors to improve their translation skills.


Based on the personal view of each person, we have many different ways to

define translation. Translation has been defined in many ways by different writers in
the field, depending on how they view language and translation. Therefore, the
definition of translation is not unique. These are some definitions of translation
given by some well-known linguistic experts as follows:
“Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source
language) by equivalent textual material another language (target language).”
(J.C. Carford) [2]
“Translation is a process of redering the meaning of a text into another
language in the way that the author intented the text.” (Peter Newmark) [4]
Translation is an activity that involves interpreting the meaning of a paragraph - the
source text and converting it to another language. The text that is translated is called the

source text, and the language that it is translated into is called the target language to
creating an exact translation of the content, with full meaning equivalent to the
original text. We also think simply translation is an activity that translator will
express sentences or ideas from source language (SL) to target language (TL) with
maintaining semantic and stylistic equivalencies.
There are many types of translation. There are some types of categories of
translation defined in terms of extent, levels, and ranks of translation. Each different
translation method helps us to translate the meaning of the original text more
accurately. Besides, it also helps target text become more fluent and interesting.
Here are some of the methods mentioned in.


2.2.1 Full vs Partial Translation:
When doing translating, almost all translators have to face up two big problems
as follows: trying to convert everything, or leaving some untranslated. According to

J.C. Carford [2], translation falls into two categories: full and partial.
(i) Full translation: in the process of translation, every part of the entire text in
the Source Language is submitted by the equivalent in the Target Language.
Example: I can play many sports.

 Tơi có thể chơi nhiều môn thể thao.
(ii) Partial translation: In partial translation, we will not translate some parts or
parts of the SL. however, these parts are still added and incorporated into the TL.
Therefore, some SL vocabulary is considered 'untranslatable' for the purpose of
introducing the 'local color' of TL.
Example: what beautiful weather!

 Thời tiết đẹp quá!
2.2.2 Total vs Restricted Translation
This distinction relates to the levels of language involved in translation.
(i) In “total translation’’, all levels of source language text are replaced with

target language material. However, it is a misleading term, since while it is
concerned with total substitution, it is not a substitution of equivalent words at all
levels. Total translation means that the words in the original text will be translated
with all word levels in the target text. In the "total" translation, the grammar and
vocabulary of the source language are replaced by the equivalent TL grammar and
vocabulary. This substitution requires SL phonology/phonology to be equivalently
substituted in the target language.


Example: Until fairly recently, international and domestic markets were
relatively structured and insular with a legal framework which arguably

discouraged entrepreneurial activity.
 Mãi cho đến thời điểm gần đây, thị trường nội địa và quốc tế về nhiều mặt
rất khép kín và quan liêu với khn khổ pháp lý khơng khuyến khích tinh thần
khởi nghiệp.
(ii) Restricted translation is changing of SL textual material by equivalent TL
one at only centain level. That is the phonological level or the graphological level,
or only at the two level language and words.
Example: I want my life to matter, have I courage to change?
 Cuộc sống ý nghĩa hơn nếu ta dũng cảm chấp nhận thay đổi.
2.2.3 Phonological translation
According to the book "Theory of Translation" by Mr. Nguyen Manh Quang,
phonology in the source language have been replaced in the target language, which
is the main point of this translation method. Therefore, when we pronounce the
word in the target text, it sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the source text.
Besides, in some cases, grammatical or lexical changes are considered accidental.
Example: Beer  bia.
2.3.1 Methods
2.3.2 Word-for-word translation
Word-for-word translation requires the translator to change the original language
into the translated language by sequentially translating words from clause to clause
and sentence to sentence. This method is only effective when both the source and
target sentences have similarities in terms of sentence structure between the two
languages. However, if the original sentence in the source language is a passive


sentence, the application of this method when translating into the target language

will not be appropriate. Because Vietnamese people are used to speaking active
sentences more than passive sentences.
Example: she plays piano very well.

 Cô ấy chơi piano rất giỏi. Literal Translation
When applying verbatim translation method, the grammatical structure of the
original language will be converted to the closest structure of the translated
language. Besides, vocabulary is translated in the most common sense, taking out
the context but still sticking to the literal meaning. This method is also suitable for
use when the word-for-word translation method makes the sentence obscure.
Example: It rains cats and dogs.

Trời mưa dữ dội. Free Translation

Just like its name, translators do not depend on form factors of the original
language that conveys information one by one comfortable way. Applying this kind
of translation, we don’t need to notice the manner the form of the original. We only
express the content through paraphrase that may be much longer than the original.
It’s also called “intra-lingual translation”, often prolix, pretentious, and seeming
non-translated at all.
Example: Age before beauty.

 Kính lão đắc thọ. Faithful Translation:

Faithful translation attempts to create the exact contextual meaning of the SL
according to the grammatical structure restrictions of the TL text. Cultural words are
“transferred” and the degree of grammatical and lexical “abnormality” are
preserved in the translation.


Example: as slow as a tortoise.
 Chậm như rùa. Semantic Translation:
This is a translation that focuses on the aesthetic value of the source language
text. Semantic translation is more flexible and the target text is more natural and
Example: she has a sunny smile on her face.

 Cơ bé có gương mặt với nụ cười tỏa nắng. Adaptation
We usually use adaptation in translating plays (comedies) and poetry because it is
the “freest” translation form. The themes, characters, plots are usually preserved,
the SL culture is converted to the TL one, and the text is rewritten.
Example: The Scarlet Letter.

 Nét chữ ô nhục Idiomatic Translation
Idiomatic translation is reproduced the 'message' of the original to render the
exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and
language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. However, the
method tends to distort the nuances of idioms of the original by referring to idioms
that do not exist in the original. [3]

Example: To sell like hot cakes.

 Bán đắt như tôm tươi. Communicative Translation
This is a method of accurately translating the contextual meaning of the original
text so that the reader can easily accept and understand both the content and the


language of the translation. This translation is rather often news on radio or in
Example:Keep off the grass.

 Không được giẫm lên cỏ.


Principles of Translation:

During the translation process, the translator must follow principles of the
translation to get a good translation that is closest to original text. Meaning:
According to the book of translation theory by Mr. Quang, the translation means
the exact reflection of the original text meaning. Thus, we should not arbitrarily add
or remove anything. A good translator should always follow this rules [3]:
 The meaning of original text must be clear, if not, we must find out the
uncertain points.
 Is the dictionary meaning of a particular word the most suitable one?
 Anything in the translation sounds unnatural or forced. Form:
The order of words and phrases in the translation should match the order in the
original as much as possible. In some case such as inversion sentences or other
structures, the word order can be arranged differently but still ensure the structure of
the sentence. Register:

Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context (say,
in a business letter) [3]. Therefore, the translator needs to pay attention between the
formal expression or the fixed expression of the individual. Besides, the translator
needs to carefully consider the context to choose the most appropriate translation.

10 Source language influence:

"It doesn't sound natural." is one of the most frequent criticisms of translation.
This is due to the way the translator is so firmly attached to the original text. In
other words, a phrase or sentence in one language may seem easy to understand in
another, but it is not at all easy to translate smoothly. A good method to eliminate
source language influences is to set the text aside, then just translate a few sentences
aloud from memory. This will help to get translated versions that are more natural
and relevant to the reader than when we focus too much on the original text. Idiom

Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable. These include similes,
metaphor, proverbs, sayings, jargons, slangs, colloquialisms and phrasal verbs. If
the expressions cannot be directly translated, try any of the following: [3]
 Retain the original word, in inverted commas.

 Retain the original expression with a literal explanation in brackets. Style and Clarity:

Good style and clarity of expression are important factors throughout the text
translation process. During the translation process, the translator should not change
the style of the original. However, in case the original text is too sloppy and boring,
the translator can correct these shortcomings to make the text better.





Chapter 11: Remember this you are Chapter 11: Hãy nhớ điều này khi bạn

cô đơn.

(P1) when work and the wider world (P1) Khi công việc và thế giới rộng lớn
get too overwhelming, I seek my own trở nên q tải, tơi thích ở một mình
company more than anyone else’s. I see hơn là bầu bạn cùng bất kỳ ai. Tôi xem
solitude as a warm bath. I love it. I love cô đơn như một bồn tắm nước ấm và
sitting in it for hours, enjoying the tơi thích điều đó. Tơi thích ngồi trong
warm water enveloping my entire body. đó hàng giờ, tận hưởng làn nước ấm áp
Only thing is, despite how much I love bao phủ khắp cơ thể. Chỉ có điều là, dù
it when I’m in it, I struggle with the tơi có u thích đến mức nào thì tơi vẫn

idea of it. A bath is just a stew of your phải vật lộn với ý tưởng này khi ở một
own filth. Solitude is just you and your mình. Tắm chỉ là tẩy đi dơ bẩn của bản
own filth because no one else wants in.

thân. Sự cô đơn là bạn và rác rưởi của
bản thân bởi vì sự thật khơng một ai
muốn vào.

(P2) There are different shades of


not as


as (P2) Sự cô đơn mang nhiều loại sắc

occupying a space without anyone else. thái khác nhau. Không đơn giản là
It’s multilayered and complex. I might chiếm một khơng gian mà khơng có sự
have the house to myself for the week, xuất hiện của người khác. Nó bao hàm
enjoying the comfort of being a slob, rất tầng lớp và phức tạp. Tơi muốn có
not tidying up, singing out loud.

ngôi nhà cho riêng trong tuần để tận
cảm giác thoải mái như một kẻ lười
biếng, không dọn dẹp và hát hò ồn ào.


(P3) And then there’s a point where the
loneliness piles up like a stack of dirty
dishes. The stack gets higther and (P3) Và rồi có lúc nỗi cơ đơn chồng
higher until it topples over and my chất lên như một đống bát đĩa bẩn.
room is littered with sad bits of Càng ngày càng cao hơn cho đến khi nó

lật đổ và những mảnh gốm sứ không
thể sửa chữa rải rác khắp phòng.

(P4) There are types of isolation that
make me feel uncomfortable. They are (P4) Có nhiều kiểu cơ lập khiến tơi cảm
a different shade, darker, heavier, and thấy khó chịu. Chúng là một mảng tối
more restrictive. There’s a self-imposed khác, u ám, nặng nề và gị bó hơn. Sự
loneliness that’s often a form of self- cô đơn tự áp đặt thường là một hình
protection. People tend to experience thức bảo vệ bản thân. Mọi người có xu
this after a loss, whether it’s a breakup hướng trải qua điều này sau khi bản
or a loved one passing. In the midst of thân gặp phải mất mát, cho dù đó là

grief, human contact seems một cuộc chia tay hay một người thân

unbearable. You put yourself in an yêu đã qua đời. Trong lúc đang đau
isolation cell of your own making. It buồn, dường như bạn không thể chịu




outside nỗi sự tiếp xúc với người khác. Bạn tự

operates at a different pace. They’re not giam bản thân vào trong phòng do
experiencing what you are; they are lost chính mình tạo ra. Điều đó dễ dàng
to you. No matter how many people hơn vì nhịp điệu hoạt động bên ngoài
offer to hold your hand, you’re still quá khác biệt. Cho dù có bao nhiêu
achingly alone. You can’t pass your người đề nghị nắm tay bạn đi chăng
grief around like a cigarette. It’s yours nữa thì bạn vẫn cảm thấy cô đơn.
to get throught

Bạn không thể vượt qua nỗi buồn của
mình như một điếu thuốc. Hãy xem cô
đơn như là người bạn để cùng vượt qua.


(P5) It’s important to give yourself




yourself (P5) Điều quan trọng là phải cho bản

permission to be happy again, because thân không gian cũng như là cho phép
loneliness as a form of self-punishment bản thân vui vẻ trở lại bởi vì sự cơ đơn
is dangerous.

là một hình thức tự trừng phạt rất nguy

(P6) You fold in on yourself. When I
was a student, I banished myself to the (P6) Bạn tự thu mình vào. Khi tơi cịn
confines of my flat. I exiled myself là một sinh viên, tơi đã tự giam mình
from the student union, and societies trong căn hộ. Tôi đã ép bản thân ra khỏi
because I didn’t think anyone would hội sinh viên và hội đồn vì tơi nghĩ
like me. Why would they? I was khơng có ai thích mình. Tại sao họ như
boring, dumb, life less. Why should I vậy? Tơi thật nhàm chán, ít nói, thiếu
subject anyone else to that? I retreated sức sống. Tại sao tôi phải bắt bất cứ ai
so far into my exile that when a flicker khác vào điều đó? Tơi đã thu mình vào
of hope of genuine friendship arose, I cuộc sống cô đơn một mình thì khi một
didn’t make any effort. It was so much tia hy vọng về tình bạn chân thành xuất
easier to give into the voices and agree, hiện, tơi đã khơng cịn nổ lực để đón
“Yeah, they’ll probably just hate me nhận nó. Điều đó dễ dàng hơn việc phải
anyway,” than to follow up and actually mở lời và đồng ý, “Ừ, dù họ có thể sẽ
take a chance.

ghét tôi” hơn là dõi theo và ngay cả
nắm bắt cơ hội.

(P7) There was also an anxiety that

befriending someone would tie me into (P7) Cũng có một mối lo lắng rằng kết
a binding contract. What if they wanted bạn với ai đó sẽ ràng buộc tơi vào hợp
me to meet up all the time? What if đồng chặt chẽ. Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu họ
they wanted me to go clubbing or do muốn gặp mặt tôi bất cứ khi nào? Điều

gì sẽ xảy ra nếu họ muốn tơi đi câu lạc


bộ hoặc sử dụng ma túy?
(P8) What if they wanted to stay over?
What if I couldn’t live up to their (P8) Chuyện gì sẽ đến nếu họ muốn
expectations? What if they never left ngủ lại? nếu tôi không thể đáp ứng
me alone? It’s incredibly frustrating được kỳ vọng của họ thì sao? Và sẽ ra



entangled sao nếu họ khơng bao giờ để tôi một

yourself to such an extent that a simple mình? Thật là vơ cùng bực bội khi bạn
thing such as friendship seems like a đã tự làm mình bị cuốn theo suy nghĩ
bad idea. Why make the effort? Just go đến mức một điều đơn giản chẳng hạn
back to bed. Things are easier there

như tình bạn là một ý tưởng tồi tệ. Tại

sao phải cố suy nghĩ? Chỉ cần trở lại
gường mọi chuyện sẽ dễ dàng hơn.

(P9) Depression and anxiety often carry
with them a loneliness that cages you (P9) Trầm cảm và lo âu thường mang
in; you’re locked in with no place to go. theo một nỗi cô đơn giam cầm bạn
It’s a loneliness that’s never subtle or trong đó và bạn bị chặn tất cả các lối đi.
passive. Instead it snaps at you, and Sự cô đơn này khơng bao giờ vơ hình
chomps at your feet wherever you go.

hay thụ động. Thay vào đó, nó cuốn
bạn vào và ghì chặt chân bạn tại bất cứ
nơi nào bạn đến.

(P10) Even if you’re in the middle of a
crowd or surrounded by people who (P10) Ngay khi bạn đang ở giữa một
care about you, you still feel totally cut đám đông hoặc được vây quanh bởi
off. That feeling can be so visceral for những người quan tâm đến bạn, bạn
me that I actually feel as if I’m taking vẫn cảm thấy hoàn toàn lạc lỏng. Cảm
up less space. I’m slowly disappearing. giác đó rõ ràng với tơi đến mức tơi thực
Everyone else’s connectedness seems sự cảm thấy sự hiện diện của mình vơ
to mock how hollow my life feels.

cùng nhỏ bé. Tôi đang dần biến mất. Sự
kết nối của mọi người xung quanh như


đang chế giễu tâm trạng của tôi trống

(P11) I hear teenage girls gossiping on rỗng
the Tube and feel jealous. I see
bartenders sharing a joke before a shift (P11) như thế nào. Cảm thấy thật sự
and wish I could join in. Why don’t I ghen tị khi tôi nghe các cô gái tuổi dậy
have that? Why am not I bonded to thì nói chuyện phiếm trên Tube hay

những người pha chế chia sẻ một câu
chuyện cười với nhau trước ca làm
khiến tơi ao ước muốn tham gia. Tại
sao tơi khơng có điều đó?

Sao tơi

(P12) Another type of loneliness I khơng thân thiết với bất cứ ai?
experienced growing up stemmed from
the fact that some of my most (P12) Một kiểu cô đơn khác bắt nguồn
were từ thực tế mà tôi từng trải qua khi lớn
happening online. At fourteen, I shied lên là một số mối quan hệ thân thiết
away from real friends and turned to nhất của tôi lại đang xảy ra trên mạng.
friends I found on forums, where often Ở tuổi mười bốn, tôi tránh xa những



came người bạn thật sự và chuyển sang

together to share details of their lives. những người bạn tơi tìm thấy trên các
(More on these forums later).
diễn đàn, nơi những người tự hủy hoại
bản thân thường tìm đến với nhau để
(P13) To me these friendships were as chia sẻ những điều vụn vặt về cuộc
real as the flesh-and-blood variety. We sống của nhau.
shared intimate details of our lives,
what we’d had to eat, what music we

(P13) Với tơi, những tình bạn trên

listened to, who we were annoyed with mạng thực sự như máu mủ ruột thịt.
that day.
Chúng tôi đã chia sẻ chi tiết những
riêng tư về cuộc sống của mình, những
gì chúng tơi đã ăn, âm nhạc chúng tôi


nghe và những người làm chúng tơi khó
(P14) We shared lyrics and poetry chịu trong ngày hơm đó.
and offered help and advice when we
could. For me, these relationships
added an element to my life that wasn’t (P14) Chúng tôi đã chia sẻ thơ ca,





with. đồng thời đưa ra lời khuyên và sự

However, it took away my chance to giúp đỡ khi chúng tơi có thể. Những
build these connections in the real mối quan hệ này làm giàu thêm cuộc
world—in school for example. My sống của tôi điều trước kia chưa từng
social skills faltered as I continually ran có chính là có người để liên lạc. Tuy
home to go on my computer and talk to nhiên, nó đã lấy đi cơ hội xây dựng
women who were ten years older than những mối quan hệ trong thế giới thực,
me living far, far away. If I couldn’t chẳng hạn trong trường học. Các kỹ
wait till then, I’d go to the library at năng xã hội của tôi bị mai mọt khi tôi
lunch and log in on the computers liên tục về nhà để xem máy tính và trị

chuyện với người phụ nữ hơn tơi mười
tuổi sống ở rất rất xa. Nếu không thể
đợi đến lúc đó, tơi sẽ đến thư viện vào

(P15) I don’t have these online bữa trưa và đăng nhập vào máy tính ở
friendships anymore. I deleted my đó.
forum accounts when I was twenty. The
pull of cyber companionship never (P15) Và rồi tơi khơng cịn những tình
waned, but it was more important for bạn trực tuyến như thế này nữa. Khi tôi
me to build a life outside of my hai mươi tuổi, tơi đã xóa tài khoản diễn
computer screen. Forums gave me an đàn của mình. Bởi sức hút của tình bạn
excuse to disengage from reality. I’ll trên mạng không bao giờ suy giảm

never be someone with a massive group nhưng điều quan trọng hơn là tôi phải
of friends, but I have wonderful people xây dựng một cuộc sống bên ngoài màn
in my life I love to see one on one. I hình máy tính của mình. Các diễn đàn



như một cái cớ để tôi rời khỏi thực tế.

things with them, I confide in them, and Tôi không bao giờ là người có nhiều
they help me grow as a person.

nhóm bạn nhưng tơi có những người
tuyệt vời trong cuộc sống mà tơi thích
gặp gỡ riêng từng người. Tơi chia sẻ
nhiều điều với họ, tôi tâm sự và họ giúp

(P16) For me, loneliness requires a tôi trưởng thành hơn.
balancing act. It’s not all doom and
gloom. As an introvert I crave the space (P16) Với tơi, cơ đơn địi hỏi hành
to fill my head with my own thoughts. I động cân bằng. Đó khơng hẳn là u sầu
enjoy thinking out loud. I enjoy talking ủ rủ. Là một người hướng nội, tôi khao
out loud. I enjoy not having to khát một khơng gian để lấp đầy tâm trí
communicate with anyone else. What của mình với những suy nghĩ của cá
keeps solitude at a level I’m nhân. Tơi thích nói ra những suy nghĩ.
comfortable with is that I know should Tơi thích tranh luận ồn ào. Nhưng tôi
I wish to go back to the “real world,” I khơng thích giao tiếp với bất kỳ ai
have the option to engage with khác. Khi mà tôi quen dần với một mức

someone, whether it’s via phone or in độ cô đơn nhất định cũng là lúc tơi biết
person. My loneliness won’t swallow có nên trở lại với thế giới hiện thực. Tôi
me up. There’s an expiration date. có thể lựa chọn tương tác với ai đó cho
There’s someone on the other end of dù đó là qua điện thoại hay gặp trực
the phone.

tiếp. Tôi sẽ khơng bị đắm chìm mãi
trong sự cơ đơn. Có một ngày nỗi cơ
đơn cũng đến hồi kết. Có ai đó ở đầu

(P17) I also like knowing exactly what dây bên kia.
I’m going to do with alone time. It’s not
extended out in front of me like an (P17) Tôi cũng muốn biết chính xác
African desert. I can visualize what I mình sẽ làm gì lúc cơ đơn. Nó khơng
want to do, what I want to read and mở rộng ra trước mặt tôi như sa mạc


listen to. These activities can be Châu Phi. Tôi chỉ có thể hình dung

những việc mình muốn làm, những gì
tơi muốn đọc và nghe. Có thể những
việc này khơng mang lại hiệu quả.

(P18) They’ll probably include finding



Instagram (P18) Đó có thể sẽ là việc tìm tài khoản

accounts to follow or making a Instagram của người ni chó để theo
spreadsheet of shoes I’d like to buy dõi hoặc lập bảng tính về những đôi
once I’m rich. I try not to judge myself giày mà tơi muốn mua khi giàu có. Tơi
when I’m alone.

cố gắng không phán xét bản thân khi
tôi ở một mình

(P19) I like to make sure I eat and drink (P19) Tơi muốn chắc chắn mình ăn
enough, and that I’m not surrounded by uống đầy đủ và tránh xa các công cụ
self-harm tools. It’s important I make gây hại cho bản thân. Và quan trọng là
sure my solitude doesn’t become an act sự cô đơn không dẫn tôi đến một hành
of self-destruction like it used to. And động tự hủy hoại bản thân như trước
every day I’m still proving that I can kia. Và tôi vẫn đang chứng minh rằng
take care of myself. That I can use my tôi có thể tự chăm sóc bản thân mỗi
time as an opportunity to be healthy ngày. Sự thật là tôi biết sử dụng thời
and happy rather than miserable and gian của mình như một cơ hội để được

khỏe mạnh và hạnh phúc hơn là khổ sở
và ẩn dật.

(P20) Alone at home is one thing, then
there’s being alone in motion, when (P20) Cô đơn khi ở nhà là một chuyện,
you’re out and about. There aren’t any khi bước chân ra ngoài cũng cảm thấy

clean sheets I can swaddle myself in, cô đơn. Khơng có bất kỳ tấm khăn sạch
but I enjoy it all the same. I like nào mà tơi có thể tự quấn vào nhưng tôi
wandering by myself with a vague cảm thấy thích thú với điều đó. Tơi

Tài liệu bạn tìm kiếm đã sẵn sàng tải về

Tải bản đầy đủ ngay