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Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

This journey would not have been possible without teacher’s guidance,
family’s care and friend’s cooperation. I am greatly indebted to all of you for
your untiring support, great dedication and motivation during my studying
First of all, I wish to express the deep sense of gratitude to Mrs. Le Thi
Kim Uyen for her whole hearted guidance, unstinted help as well as her
editing expertise for the successful completion of this study. This graduation
paper could not be finished without the invaluable help, advice, and
encouragement from her.
Furthermore, I would particularly thank to all teachers of Faculty of
English, who taught me so much academic knowledge and essential skills in
the last four years. I have gained precious experience and knowledge during
school time. I always treasures valuable lessons that I have been studying
from them.
In addition, I am especially grateful to my family, who have been always
side by side, given me constant encouragement, and supported me
emotionally and financially. Thank you for their enormous sacrifices and
inspiring me to follow my dream.
Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to say heartily thanks to
all my friends. Thank you for listening, offering me advice, and encouraging
me in every step I pursuits.
At last, I do wish all of you good health and success.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3

Code : 2320315787

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis
contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part
from a thesis by which have qualified for or been awarded another degree or
No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in
the thesis.
This thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in
any other tertiary institution.
Da Nang, May 2021

Dinh Thi Huyen Trang

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3

Code : 2320315787

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

P :


TL :

Target Language

SL :

Source Language

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3

Code : 2320315787

Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A


This graduation paper is about Education. I translate chapter 4 (from
English into Vietnamese) named: “The Psychology of Elementary Education”
of the book: “The School and Society”. Besides, I also analyze some
necessary issues such as vocabulary and structures in this chapter.
The difficulties in the translation and some essential solutions are
suggested at the end of graduation paper.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A


STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP.........................................................................ii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
1. Rationable:...........................................................................................................1
2.Aims and Objectives:...........................................................................................1
3.The scope of the study:.........................................................................................2
3.1 Text Features:.....................................................................................................2
3.2 Text Length:.......................................................................................................3
3.3 Text Organization:.............................................................................................3
3.4 Text Source:........................................................................................................3
4. Method of the study:............................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...............................................4
2.1 Definition of Translation:..................................................................................4
2.2 Types of Categories:..........................................................................................4
2.2.1 Full vs Partial Translation:............................................................................4
2.2.2. Total vs Restricted Translation:....................................................................5 Phonological Translation:..........................................................................5 Graphological Translation:........................................................................6 Transliteration:...........................................................................................6 Free, Literal, and Word-for-word Translation:........................................6
2.2.2 Methods and Principles of Translation:........................................................7 Methods of Translation:.............................................................................7 Word-for-word Translation:....................................................................7
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A Literal Translation:...................................................................................7 Faithful Translation:.................................................................................7 Semantic Translation:...............................................................................8 Adaptation:................................................................................................8 Idiomatic Translation:..............................................................................8 Communicative Translation:...................................................................8 Principles of Translation:...........................................................................9 Meaning:....................................................................................................9 Form: ......................................................................................................9 Register:....................................................................................................9 Source language influence:.....................................................................10 Idiom: ....................................................................................................10 Style and Clarity:....................................................................................10 Context in translating:..............................................................................11
CHAPTER 3: SUGGESTED TRANSLATION..................................................12
CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS.....................................................................................28
4.1 Vocabulary:......................................................................................................28
4.1.1. Words with multi-meaning:........................................................................28
4.1.2 Untranslatable words:..................................................................................34
4.1.3 Phrase V: ......................................................................................................34
4.2 Challenging sentences:....................................................................................35
4.2.1 Passive voice:.................................................................................................35
4.2.2 Complicated structures:...............................................................................37 Complex sentences with Noun Clause:....................................................37 Complex sentences with Adjective Clause:.............................................38 Relative Clause:........................................................................................40
4.2.3 Sentence with extrabosed subject/object:...................................................41 Sentence with extrabosed subject:...........................................................41 Sentence with extrabosed object:............................................................43
4.2.4 Sentence with existential THERE:..............................................................45
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

CHAPTER 5: DIFFCULTIES AND SOLUTIONS.............................................46
5.1 Difficulties:.......................................................................................................46
5.2 Solutions:..........................................................................................................46
CHAPTER6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS........................................48
6.1 Conclusion:.......................................................................................................48
6.2 Suggestions:......................................................................................................48
SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT.............................................................................51

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

1. Rationable:
As a student belong to Faculty of English of Duy Tan University, I have
a lot of chance to have deep knowledge about several kinds of translation.
Among all of them, translating a document on educational psychology is the
most pleasure to me. Nowadays, education is one of the most important
sectors which fluenced directly everybody from the time they were born, and
it is changing day by day. However, we are lacking professional people of
well trained workforce. Becoming an English major student, we are not only
good at translating but also know about education, especially education
policy. I think choosing this essay to translate is extremely useful for me to
clearly understand how education changed and evolved, its also bring more
information to the audience to savvy what are recommended in this paper.
After I completed this suggested version, hoping myself can transfer some
useful thing of how the change of education bring more and more benefits to
society , give more information to the audiences, as well as analyze how to
proper translating and dealing with difficulties phrases and structure.
2. Aims and Objectives:

- Advancing the understanding of readers about education
- Removing the language barrier for Vietnamese readers who are
interested in this subject
- Mastering how to translate and analyze difficult words and structures
- Applying theory of translation to the study

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

3. The scope of the study:
This graduation paper belongs to chapter 4 “The Psychology of
Elementary Education” of the book “The School and Society” 1899 (John
Dewey). The chapter is translated into Vietnamese, and then, some important
points will be analyzed particularly. In addition, this paper also lists
difficulties that have made me feel embarrassed in translation process. Finally,
certain important solutions will be proposed.
3.1 Text Features:
“The School and Society” was written by John Dewey, 1899 - a
psychologist and educational reformer. The book explains the inextricable

link between building a successful school for a prosperous society.
Dewey argues that the purpose of an education should not merely be
vocational—schooling, he writes, “ shall not be mere practical devices or
modes of routine employment, the gaining of better technical skill as cooks,
seamstresses, or carpenters”, but to become a better man and over time,
develop human progress. Learning became democratic with print and
circulation of the written word. Interconnectedness through the “locomotive
and telegraph” made communication “rapid and cheap”. Travel and “freedom
of movement” facilitated ‘exchange of ideas”; knowledge is no longer an
immobile solid; it has been liquefied. Knowledge is “actively moving in all
the currents of society itself.
So this is a very good book to help us learn more about foreign
The chapter I chose to translate is chapter 4 “The Psychology of
Elementary Educcation” describing the school's dilemma (the educational
performance of the school, as well as the school administration, the choice of
topic and the learning process). His ideal teaching method seems to be
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

investigation-based— “teacher starts with question marks, instead of fixed
3.2 Text Length:
This book includes 21 chapters with 142 pages, but due to time
limitation, this paper sets boundary in studying some first parts of the chapter
4 of the book with 3600 words. The name of chapter 4 is “The Psychology of
Elementary Education”.
3.3 Text Organization:
“The School and Society” has 26 chapters, and I choose chapter 4 to
translate. Its name: “The Psychology of Elementary Education”.
3.4 Text Source:
The text “The Psychology of Elementary Education” of the book “The
School and Society”. The author is John Dewey. This book was published in
1899 by John Dewey.
4. Method of the study:
The writer conducts the paper in following steps:
 Building up the theoretical background for the paper
 Learning English and Vietnamese information related to education
 Applying translation methods
 Collecting difficult English phrases for description, analysis, and

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

2.1 Definition of Translation:
Translation is the process clearly presenting the relation between at least
two languages: source language (SL) and target language (TL).
There are many different definitionsof translation given by some wellknown linguistic experts as follows:
“Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL)
by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).”
“Translation is a process of rendering the meaning of a text into another
language in the way that the author intended the text.”
“Translation is the process of conveying messages across linguistic and
cultural barriers.”
2.2 Types of Categories:
There are some types of categories of translation defined in terms of
extent, levels, and ranks of translation.
2.2.1 Full vs Partial Translation:
The distinction relates to the extents of translation.
According to J.C. Carford (1965), in a full translation the entire text is
submitted to the translation process: that is, every part of the SL text is
replaced by TL text materials ().
In a partial translation, some part or parts of the SL text are left
untranslated: they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the TL text ().
Full translation: There has been a dramatic rise in house prices this year.

Đã có một sự tăng giá về nhà trong năm nay.
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

Partial translation: The remark received widespread press coverage,
especially after many Democratic politicians and some Republicans,
including presidential nominee Mitt Romney, denounced it and called on Akin
to withdraw from the race.
Phát ngôn này đã nhận được sự đưa tin rộng khắp của báo chí, đặc biệt
là sau khi nhiều chính trị gia của Đảng Dân Chủ và một số chính trị gia của
Đảng Cộng Hịa bao gồm ứng viên tổng thống Mitt Romey, đã lên án điều này
và kêu gọi Akin rút lui khỏi cuộc đua.
2.2.2. Total vs Restricted Translation:

In terms of levels, translation is divided into two types by J.C. Catford:
total translation and restricted translation.
Total translation is defined as replacement of SL grammar and lexis by
equivalent TL grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL
phonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) TL phonology/graphology.

Example: A friend in need is a friend indeed
Hoạn nạn mới biết bạn hiền.
Restricted translation is replacement of SL textual by equivalent TL
textual material, at only one level.
Example: Coffee => Ca-fe

Phonological Translation:

According to Nguyen Manh Quang, M.A., in this translation, the main
thing is SL phonology is replaced with equivalent TL one, but there are hardly
other important replacements.
In phonological translation, sometimes grammatical or lexical changes
may result accidentally.

gallant => ga- lăng

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

Karate => ka- ra - tê

Graphological Translation:

In graphological translation, SL graphology is replaced with equivalent
target one without other considerable replacements, also noted by Nguyen
Manh Quang, M.A..

number one => năm- bờ- quanh

In transliteration, SL graphological units are replaced with corresponding
SL phonological units. Then these SL phonological units are translated into
equivalent TL phonological units. Finally, the TL phonological units are
replaced with corresponding TL graphological units.

Singapore => Xin- ga-po
London => Luân- đôn

Free, Literal, and Word-for-word Translation:

A “free” translation is always unbounded while “word-for-word”

translation generally means what it says. “Literal” translation lies between
these extremes. It may start from a “word-for-word” translation, but changes
in conformity with TL grammar (e.g. inserting additional words, changing
structures, etc.). This may make it a group-group or clause-clause translation.
 Free translation: Give him an inch and he will take a yard.

 Được đằng chân lên đằng đầu.
 Word-for-word translation: She plays piano very well.
 Cô ấy chơi pi a nô rất tốt.
 Literal translation: A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

 Đầu xuôi đuôi lọt.
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

2.2.2 Methods and Principles of Translation:

Methods of Translation:

All methods of translation below are defined by Nguyen Manh Quang
M.A.. Word-for-word Translation:
This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation with the TL
immediately below the SL words. The SL word order is preserved, and the
words are translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context.
Example: There is a box on the table.
 Có một chiếc hộp ở trên bàn. Literal Translation:
The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL
equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly out of context.
As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problem to be solved.
Example: This program is sponsored by Walls.
 Chương trình này được tài trợ bởi Walls. Faithful Translation:
A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual
meaning of the original meaning within the constraints of the TL grammatical
structures. It “transfers” cultural words and preserves the degree of
grammatical and lexical “abnormality” in the translation. It attempts to be
completely faithful to intentions and the text realization of the SL writer.
Example: The shore is rarely full of people, and usually there are just
only local people to go there to enjoy fresh air and swimming.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

 Bờ biển hiếm khi có đầy người, và thường thì chỉ có những
người dân địa phương ra ngồi đó để tận hưởng khơng khí trong lành và đi
bơi. Semantic Translation:
This method must pay more attention to aesthetic value (that is, the
beautiful and natural sound) of the SL text, compromising on” meaning”
where appreciate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the
finished version. Furthermore, it may translate less important cultural words
by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents
and it may make other small concessions to the readership.
Example: English for future leaders.
 Tiếng Anh giành cho thế hệ dẫn dắt tương lai. Adaptation:
This is the “freest” form of translation, used mainly for plays (comedies)
and poetry. The themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture
is converted to TL one, and the text is rewritten.
Example: When Heaven and Earth changed places.
 Khi trời đất đổi thay. Idiomatic Translation:
This produces the “message” of the original again but tends to distort the

nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do
not exist in the original.
Example: Empty barrels make the most noise.
 Thùng rỗng kêu to.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A Communicative Translation:
This method attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the
original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable
and comprehensible to the readership. This translation is rather often news on
radio or in newspaper. Sometimes communicative and semantic translation
may coincide with each other.

Xin gửi chìa khóa ở quầy tiếp tân !

Principles of Translation:

There are some basic principles of translation listed by M.A. Nguyen
Manh Quang. Meaning:
The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of the original text.
Nothing should be arbitrarily added or moved, though occasionally part of the
meaning can be “transpose”.
Example: He was limp with fatigue.
 Anh ta mệt đến độ không đứng lên nổi.
Example: Try to act naturally, even if you are feeling tense.
 Cố gắng hành động một cách tự nhiên, ngay cả khi bạn đang cảm
thấy căng thẳng. Form:
The order of words and phrases in the translation should match that in the
original as closely as possible. This is particularly in the form and order of
words. When in doubt, underline in the original text the words on which the
main stress falls. In English, emphasis or main stress can be obtained through
inversion of word order and using different structures.
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

Example: Only by practicing English every day can you speak it fluently.

Chỉ bằng cách luyện tập tiếng Anh hàng ngày bạn mới có thể nói

trơi chảy được. Register:
Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given
context. To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between
formal and fixed expression.
Example: Please do not litter.
 Xin vui lịng khơng xả rác. Source language influence:
That the translation does not sound natural is one of the most common
problems because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too
strongly moulded by the original text. The translator had better set the text
aside and translate a few sentences aloud from memory to get the natural
Example: He have had my television fixed.

Anh ta đã nhờ sửa cái tivi của ấy. Idiom:
Idiomatic expressions such as similes, metaphors, proverbs, sayings, etc
cannot be directly translated. However, the translator should try to retain the

original word in inverted commas, retain the original expression with a literal
explanation in brackets, use close equivalents, or use a non-idiomatic or plain
prose translation.
Example: Bad news has wings.
 Tiếng dữ đồn xa.
Example: As fresh a daisy
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

 Tươi như hoa. Style and Clarity:
The style of the original should not be changed. However, if the text is
sloppily written or tediously repeated, the translator may correct the defects.
Example: He ate, and drink, and talked, and asked during the meal.
 Ông ta vừa ăn uống ln miệng nói, hỏi suốt bữa ăn.

Context in translating:

Situational context refers to the factors of situation and circumstances
influencing the meaning of a text. These factors are little harder to be
recognized than linguistic ones. The situational factors may pertain to the
facial expressions, gestures, and stances at micro level, and the social,
political, economical milieu, and the culture at large. Conventions and the
whole value system differ from one culture and society to another.
Example: Your Majesty!

Tâu bệ hạ!

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

Chapter 4: The Psychology of


Chương 4: Tâm lý học của Giáo

Elementary Education.
dục Tiểu học.
[1] Naturally, most of the public is [1] Theo lẽ tự nhiên, hầu hết công
interested in what goes on day by chúng quan tâm đến những gì diễn ra
day in a school in direct relation to hàng ngày trong ngơi trường có liên
the children there. This is true of quan trực tiếp đến học sinh ở đó.
parents who send their boys and girls Điều này đúng với các bậc cha mẹ
for the sake of the personal results gửi con đến trường vì lợi ích cá nhân
they wish to secure, not for the sake mà họ muốn đạt được, thay vì mục
of contributing to educational theory.

đích đóng góp vào lý thuyết giáo

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

[2] In the main, it is true of visitors to [2] Về cơ bản, ở các mức độ khác
a school who recognize, in varying nhau, những phụ huynh đến thăm
degrees, what is actually done with trường nhận ra những gì thực sự
the children before their eyes, but đang diễn ra với con em trước mắt
who rarely have either the interest or họ, nhưng họ hiếm khi có hứng thú
the time to consider the work in hoặc thời gian để xem xét công việc
relation to underlying problems. A liên quan đến các vấn đề tiềm ẩn.
school cannot lose sight of this Trường học không thể bỏ qua khía
aspect of its work, since only by cạnh này trong cơng tác của mình, vì
attending to it can the school retain chỉ bằng cách tham gia vào đó,
the confidence of its patrons and the trường học mới có thể giữ được niềm
presence of its pupils.

tin của các phụ huynh và sự hiện

diện của học sinh.
[3] Nevertheless a school conducted [3] Tuy nhiên, trường học được điều
by a department of a university must hành bởi một bộ phận của trường đại






the học phải có một ý nghĩa khác. Theo
most quan điểm của trường đại học, phần

important part of its work is the quan trọng nhất trong công tác là tính
scientific-the contribution it makes to khoa học - đây là đóng góp đối với
the progress of educational thinking.

sự tiến bộ của tư duy giáo dục.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

[4] The aim of educating a certain [4] Mục đích dạy dỗ một số trẻ em
number of children would hardly nhất định sẽ khó có thể biện minh
justify a university in departing from cho một trường đại học tách rời khỏi
the tradition which limits it to those truyền thống vốn hạn chế nó với
who have completed their secondary những học sinh đang hoàn thành
instruction. Only the scientific aim, chương trình trung học. Chỉ với mục






laboratory, đích khoa học, hoạt động của phịng


scientific thí nghiệm, có thể so sánh ngang với

laboratories, can furnish a reason for các phịng thí nghiệm khoa học khác,
the maintenance by a university of an mới có thể trang bị lý do để trường
elementary school.

đại học duy trì điều hành một trường

tiểu học.
[5] Such a school is a laboratory of [5] Mơ hình trường học như vậy là
applied psychology. That is, it has a một phịng thí nghiệm tâm lý học
place for the study of mind as được áp dụng. Nghĩa là, trường là
manifested and developed in the nơi để nghiên cứu tâm trí như các
child, and for the search after biểu hiện và phát triển ở trẻ, và tìm
materials and agencies that seem kiếm các học liệu và cơ chế dường

most likely to fulfil and further the như đáp ứng và đẩy xa hơn các điều
conditions of normal growth.

kiện phát triển bình thường.

[6] It is not a normal school or a [6] Đây không phải là trường học




of hay một khoa đào tạo giáo viên

teachers. It is not a model school.

thông thường. Đây không phải là
trường học kiểu mẫu.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

[7] It is not intended to demonstrate [7] Nó khơng nhằm chứng minh bất
any one special idea or doctrine. Its kỳ một ý tưởng hay học thuyết đặc
task is the problem of viewing the biệt nào. Nhiệm vụ của nó là xem
education of the child in the light of việc giáo dục trẻ em dưới nguyên tắc
the principles of mental activity and hoạt động tinh thần và các quá trình
processes of growth made known by phát triển mà tâm lý học hiện đại đã
modern psychology.
[8] The problem by its nature is an [8] Theo bản chất, vấn đề của nhiệm
infinite one. All that any school can vụ này là vô hạn. Bất kỳ trường học
do is to make contributions here and nào có thể làm tất cả mọi thứ là đóng
there, and to stand for the necessity góp ở chỗ này mơt chút và chỗ khác



both một chút, và hỗ trợ tính cần thiết khi

theoretically and practically, in this cân nhắc về giáo dục, cả về mặt lý

thuyết và thực tiễn, dưới góc độ này.

[9] This being the end, the school [9] Điều này là cuối cùng, các điều
conditions must, of course, agree. To kiện trường học, tất nhiên, phải đồng
endeavor to study the process and tình tương hỗ nhau. Cố gắng nghiên
laws of growth under such artificial cứu quá trình và quy luật tăng trưởng
conditions as prevent many of the trong những điều kiện nhân tạo như
chief facts of child life from showing vậy sẽ ngăn cản nhiều sự kiện chính
themselves is an obvious absurdity.

trong đời sống trẻ em thể hiện bản

thân phi lý hiển nhiên.
[10] In its practical aspect, this [10] Trên khía cạnh thực tế, vấn đề
laboratory problem takes the form of phịng thí nghiệm này có hình thức
the construction of a course of study xây dựng trong quá trình nghiên cứu
which harmonizes with the natural có tính hài hịa với lịch sử tự nhiên
history of the growth of the child in về phát triển của trẻ ở năng lực và
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper





Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

The trải nghiệm. Câu hỏi đặt ra là việc

question is the selection of the kind, lựa chọn chủng loại, sự đa dạng và tỷ




of lệ mơn học phù hợp, có hồi đáp chắc

subjects, answering most definitely chắn nhất cho nhu cầu và quyền hạn
to the dominant needs and powers of ưu thế trong giai đoạn tăng trưởng
a given period of growth, and of nhất định, và các phương thức trình
those modes of presentation that will bày đó sẽ khiến các tài liệu được
cause the selected material to enter chọn trở nên tăng trưởng mạnh mẽ.
vitally into growth.
[11] We cannot admit too fully or too [11] Chúng ta không thể thừa nhận
freely the limits of our knowledge quá đầy đủ hoặc quá tự do giới hạn
and the depths of our ignorance in hiểu biết và độ ngu dốt của chúng ta
these matters. No one has a complete ở những vấn đề này. Khơng ai có thể
hold scientifically upon the chief nhận biết đầy đủ về mặt khoa học

psychological facts of any one year những dữ kiện tâm lý chính của bất
of child life.
kỳ một năm nào trong đời của trẻ.
[12] It would be sheer presumption [12] Đây hoàn toàn sẽ là giả định khi
to claim that just the material best tuyên bố rằng vẫn chưa tìm thấy tài
fitted to promote this growth, has as liệu được trang bị tốt nhất để thúc
yet been discovered. The assumption đẩy sự tăng trưởng. Giả định về một
of an educational laboratory is rather phịng thí nghiệm giáo dục đúng hơn





the được biết đến đầy đủ các điều kiện

conditions and modes of growth to và phương thức tăng trưởng có thể
make intelligent inquiry possible; biến cuộc điều tra thông minh trở nên
and that it is only by acting upon thực tế; và chỉ qua hành động trên
what is already known that more can những gì đã biết có thể tìm ra nhiều
be found out.

thứ hơn nữa.

Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper







Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

such [13] Điểm chính là thử nghiệm như

experimentation as will add to our vậy sẽ làm tăng thêm niềm tin hợp lý
reasonable convictions. The demand của chúng tôi. Yêu cầu là đảm bảo
is to secure arrangements that will các thỏa thuận sẽ cho phép và
permit and encourage freedom of khuyến khích tự do điều tra; việc này
investigation; that will give some đảm bảo không gây sức ép lên các dữ
assurance that important facts will liệu thực tế quan trọng ngoài tầm

not be forced out of sight; conditions nhận biết; những điều kiện cho phép
that will enable the educational chỉ ra các thực hành giáo dục qua
practice indicated by the inquiry to cuộc điều tra mà đứa bé hành động
he sincerely acted upon, without the chân thành, khơng bóp méo và gây
distortion and suppression arising áp chế do phụ thuộc quá mức vào



upon truyền thống và quan niệm bị định

tradition and preconceived notions.
[14]It is in this sense that the school [14] Theo nghĩa này, trường học sẽ là
would be an experimental station in một trạm thực nghiệm trong giáo
education. What, then, are the chief dục. Vậy thì, những giả thuyết hiệu
working hypotheses that have been quả chính đã được áp dụng từ tâm lý
adopted from psychology ?

học là gì?

[15] What educational counterparts [15] Những đối chiếu giáo dục nào bị
have been hit upon as in some degree ảnh hưởng ở một mức độ nhất định
in line with the adopted psychology? phù hợp với tâm lý được chấp nhận?
The discussion of these questions Việc thảo luận về những câu hỏi này
may be approached by pointing out a có thể được tiếp cận bằng cách chỉ ra


contemporary sự tương phản giữa tâm lý học đương

psychology and the psychology of đại và tâm lý học trước đó.
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



Graduation Paper


Supervisor: Le Thi Kim Uyen, M.A

former days.
[16] The contrast is a triple one. [16] Sự tương phản là gấp ba. Tâm lý
Earlier psychology regarded mind as học trước đây coi tâm trí là thuần túy
a purely individual affair in direct của cá nhân khi tiếp xúc trực tiếp và
and naked contact with an external trần trụi với thế giới bên ngoài.
[17] The only question asked was of [17] Câu hỏi duy nhất được đặt ra là
the ways in which the world and the cách thức mà thế giới và tâm trí tác
mind acted upon each other. The động lên nhau. Tồn bộ q trình
entire process recognized would have được công nhận trên lý thuyết sẽ
been in theory exactly the same if giống hệt nhau nếu chỉ có một tâm trí

there were one mind living alone in riêng ở vũ trụ.
the universe.
[18] At present the tendency is to [18] Hiện nay, xu hướng quan niệm




a tâm trí cá nhân như một chức năng

function of social life-as not capable của đời sống xã hội - khơng có khả
of operating or developing by itself, năng tự vận hành hoặc phát triển, mà
but as requiring continual stimulus cần sự kích thích liên tục từ các cơ
from social agencies, and finding its quan xã hội và tìm nguồn dinh dưỡng
nutrition in social supplies. The idea từ các nguồn cung cấp xã hội. Ý
of heredity has made familiar the tưởng về tính di truyền đã quen thuộc
notion that the equipment of the với khái niệm trang thiết bị của cá




as nhân, tinh thần cũng như thể chất, là

physical, is an inheritance from the di sản từ chủng tộc: vốn do cá nhân
race: a capital inherited by the thừa kế từ quá khứ và được đứa trẻ
individual from the past and held in tin tưởng cho tương lai.
Student: Dinh Thi Huyen Trang – K23NAB3



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