Critical Acclaim for
SQL: Practical Guide for Developers
The book lives up to its title: it is a very practical guide. The authors clearly know their SQL
and manage to write about the language in a step-by-step style that progresses smoothly
from the simple to the more difficult aspects of the language. The profuse use of examples,
each with an accompanying motivation and explanation of the results, lets the reader follow
even complex topics without a constant struggle. The authors have even included examples
that illustrate common errors programmers make, explaining the right way to perform the
task. It doesn’t hurt that the sample application is based on something everybody uses every
day: food.
I especially enjoyed the manner in which the authors explained the rationale behind most
of the SQL facilities. Even though they have not been an active part of the standard’s devel-
opment efforts, their insight into the underlying reasons for a feature’s inclusion is spot
on. They also do an excellent job of explaining complex sets of rules in easily understood
language—I learned new ways of understanding some of the very rules that I personally
wrote into the standard!
Each chapter ends with a summary of the principle points, and most of them include prac-
tical advice for programmers who intend to use the SQL language features described in the
chapter. The inclusion at every chapter’s end of a set of questions and exercises—all directly
relevant to the chapter’s material—makes this book an excellent candidate for use in the
– Jim Melton, Oracle Corporation, Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL) and Co-Chair, W3C XML
Query Working Group
This book provides a succinct yet complete introduction to the fundamental aspects of the
SQL language. It is not just another SQL text. The authors’ use of simple yet clear examples
to illustrate difficult concepts throughout the text makes this a perfect book for use in an
introductory database systems class as a supplement or as an introductory reference for
the novice practitioner.
– Paul Fortier, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
SQL: Practical Guide
for Developers
The Morgan Kaufmann Practical Guides Series
Series Editor, Michael J. Donahoo
SQL: Practical Guide for Developers
Michael J. Donahoo and Gregory D. Speegle
C# 2.0: Practical Guide for Programmers
Michel de Champlain and Brian G. Patrick
Multi-Tier Application Programming with PHP: Practical Guide for Architects
and Programmers
David Wall
TCP/IP Sockets in C#: Practical Guide for Programmers
David B. Makofske, Michael J. Donahoo, and Kenneth L. Calvert
Java Cryptography Extensions: Practical Guide for Programmers
Jason Weiss
JSP: Practical Guide for Java Programmers
Robert J. Brunner
JSTL: Practical Guide for JSP Programmers
Sue Spielman
Java: Practical Guide for Programmers
Zbigniew M. Sikora
The Struts Framework: Practical Guide for Java Programmers
Sue Spielman
Multicast Sockets: Practical Guide for Programmers
David Makofske and Kevin Almeroth
TCP/IP Sockets in Java: Practical Guide for Programmers
Kenneth L. Calvert and Michael J. Donahoo
TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers
Michael J. Donahoo and Kenneth L. Calvert
JDBC: Practical Guide for Java Programmers
Gregory D. Speegle
For further information on these books and for a list of forthcoming titles, please visit our
Web site at />SQL: Practical Guide
for Developers
Michael J. Donahoo
Gregory D. Speegle
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1 Databasics 1
1.1 Tables 3
1.2 Data Types 4
1.2.1 Character String 4
1.2.2 Numeric 5
1.2.3 Temporal 6
1.2.4 Binary 7
1.2.5 Boolean 8
1.2.6 Other Data Types 8
1.3 NULL 8
1.4 Primary Key 9
1.5 Table Relationships 9
1.5.1 Foreign Key 10
1.5.2 Relationship Types 11
1.5.3 Schemas 14
1.6 Restaurant Database 15
1.7 Wrap Up 21
2 Retrieval: Basic SELECTion 27
2.1 Simple SELECT 27
2.2 Selecting Rows 30
2.3 Standard Comparison Operators 30
2.4 String Comparisons 31
2.5 Matching String Patterns with LIKE 33
2.6 Getting What We Haven’t Got with NOT 34
viii Contents
2.7 Combining Conditions with AND and OR 35
2.8 Selecting a Range of Values with BETWEEN 37
2.9 Selecting a Set of Values Using IN 38
2.10 IS NULL: Exploring the Unknown 38
2.11 ANDs, ORs, NOTs with NULLs: Three-Valued Logic 41
2.12 Three-Valued Logic and the IN Operator 42
2.13 How WHERE Determines What’s In and Out 43
2.14 Wrap Up 43
3 Reshaping Results 47
3.1 AS: Naming Result Table Columns 47
3.2 DISTINCT and ALL: Dealing with Duplicates 48
3.3 Derived Attributes 50
3.3.1 Numeric 50
3.3.2 Character String 52
3.3.3 Temporal 57
3.3.4 Binary 59
3.4 Computation in the WHERE Clause 60
3.5 ORDER BY: Ordering Result Table Traversal 61
3.6 CAST: Data Type Conversion 64
3.7 CASE, COALESCE, and NULLIF: Conditional Expressions 66
3.7.1 CASE: Value List 66
3.7.2 CASE: Conditional List 67
3.7.3 NULLIF 69
3.7.4 COALESCE 70
3.8 Wrap Up 70
4 Aggregating Results 75
4.1 Aggregation Functions 75
4.1.1 AVG and SUM 75
4.1.2 MIN and MAX 76
4.1.3 COUNT 77
4.2 Removing Rows before Aggregation with WHERE 78
4.3 Removing Repeating Data with DISTINCT before Aggregation 79
4.4 Mixing Attributes, Aggregates, and Literals 79
4.5 Group Aggregation Using GROUP BY 80
4.6 Removing Rows before Grouping with WHERE 82
4.7 Sorting Groups with ORDER BY 83
4.8 Removing Groups with HAVING 83
4.9 Aggregates over Expressions 85
4.10 Wrap Up 87
Contents ix
5 Joins 91
5.1 Two Table Joins with WHERE 91
5.2 Table Aliases 94
5.3 Joins Needing More Than Two Tables 95
5.4 Self-Join: Joining a Table with Itself 97
5.5 Example Joins 97
5.6 How Does a Join Really Work? 99
5.7 Theta Joins: Generalizing Join Predicates 101
5.8 JOIN Operator 104
5.8.1 INNER JOIN 104
5.8.2 OUTER JOIN 106
5.8.3 NATURAL JOIN 109
5.8.4 CROSS JOIN 111
5.9 Join Strategies 111
5.10 Wrap Up 112
6 Set Queries: UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT 117
6.1 UNION 117
6.3 EXCEPT 121
6.4 Wrap Up 124
7 Subqueries 127
7.1 What Are Subqueries? 127
7.2 Multilevel Subquery Nesting 132
7.3 Subqueries Using NOT IN 134
7.4 Subqueries with Empty Results 136
7.5 Combining JOIN and Subqueries 137
7.6 Standard Comparison Operators with Lists Using ANY, SOME,
or ALL 138
7.6.1 ANY or SOME 139
7.6.2 ALL 142
7.7 Correlated Subqueries 144
7.8 EXISTS 146
7.9 Derived Relations—Subqueries in the FROM Clause 148
7.10 Subqueries in the HAVING Clause 150
7.11 Subset Queries 151
7.11.1 Subset Using EXISTS and EXCEPT 152
7.11.2 Subset Using Set Cardinality 155
7.11.3 Comparing Set Cardinality and Subsets 156
7.12 Subqueries in the SELECT Clause 157
7.13 Wrap Up 159
x Contents
8 Modifying Data 165
8.1 INSERT: Adding New Rows 165
8.1.1 INSERTing a Row with VALUES 165
8.1.2 INSERTing Multiple Rows with SELECT 168
8.2 DELETE: Removing Rows 169
8.3 UPDATE: Changing Row Values 171
8.4 Testing Your DELETE and UPDATE WHERE Conditions 174
8.5 Living within Constraints 174
8.6 Wrap Up 176
9 Creating, Deleting, and Altering Tables 179
9.1 Creating Simple Tables 179
9.2 DEFAULT Values 180
9.3 Constraints 181
9.3.1 NOT NULL 181
9.3.2 UNIQUE 182
9.3.3 PRIMARY KEY 183
9.3.4 FOREIGN KEY 184
9.3.5 CHECK 185
9.3.6 Naming Constraints 186
9.4 Creating a Table from Tables 187
9.6 Referential Actions: The Autopilot of Foreign Key
Maintenance 189
9.7 Indexes 190
9.7.1 CREATE INDEX 191
9.7.2 DROP INDEX 192
9.7.3 Indexes Are NOT in SQL 2003 192
9.8 DROP TABLE 192
9.10 Generated Values 195
9.11 Sequences 195
9.12 Global and Local Temporary Tables 197
9.13 Creating a Database 198
9.14 Wrap Up 199
10 Views 205
10.1 Why Views? 206
10.2 Querying Views 207
10.3 Updating Views 209
10.4 DROP VIEW 211
10.5 Wrap Up 211
Contents xi
11 Transactions 215
11.1 Ending a Transaction—COMMIT and ROLLBACK 217
11.2 Starting a Transaction—START TRANSACTION 217
11.3 Auto-Commit 218
11.4 SAVEPOINTs 218
11.5 Immediate or Deferred Constraints 219
11.6 Testing Changes with Transactions 221
11.7 Transaction Characteristics 222
11.8 Locking Issues 223
11.9 Wrap Up 223
12 Database Privileges 227
12.1 GRANT 228
12.2 REVOKE 230
12.3 PUBLIC 230
12.4 Creating a Set of Privileges Using ROLEs 231
12.5 Using Privileges and Views 232
12.6 Wrap Up 233
13 Introduction to Cursors, Embedded SQL, Stored Procedures,
and Triggers 237
13.1 CURSORs 237
13.2 Programming with SQL 239
13.2.1 Stored Procedures 239
13.2.2 Executing SQL in Other Programming Languages 240
13.3 Triggers 243
13.3.2 Trigger Firing Rules 245
13.3.3 DROP TRIGGER 245
13.3.4 Using Triggers 245
13.4 Wrap Up 246
Index 249
The value of the relational database is indisputable. It is by far the most commonly used,
modern database system. The primary language for relational databases is SQL, making
it the gateway to the data of the small business and corporate enterprise. Many of the
applications that you see on the Internet, in your local library, and so on, access and
manipulate their data using SQL.
Intended Audience
We wrote this book for technically competent readers who want a short, focused, and inex-
pensive introduction to the main features of SQL. Our general approach revolves around
creating the resource we have wished for in our classes. We believe that this book is
appropriate for both students and professionals.
This is not a guide to using a specific database product. We assume that you have
a database system installed and sufficient access privileges to perform the operations
described in this book. There are many database products readily available if you do
not have access to an existing one. Many such systems are available for download from
the Internet for trial or even free use. See the book Web site ( />practical/sql) for a partial list of products.
Chapter 1 provides a general overview of basic relational database and SQL concepts.
It is not a comprehensive introduction to the database area; instead, it is intended to
introduce the terminology and concepts used in the book. Chapters 2 through 7 cover
xiv Preface
querying data. After reading these chapters, you should be able to answer a broad range
of queries on an existing database. Chapter 8 describes data creation and manipulation.
Chapters 9 and 10 deal with creation of the structures to represent stored data. Finally,
Chapters 11 through 13 address advanced database features such as transactions, security,
and database application development.
You may wish to begin your exploration of SQL with database creation instead of
querying an existing database. To take this approach in our book, begin by reading the
relational database and SQL introduction in Chapter 1. Next, read Chapter 9 on creating
database tables, followed by Chapter 8 on manipulating data. Skim over the creation and
population of tables from existing tables as these assume an understanding of database
querying. It will be easy to read these sections later. At this point, you should be able
to create a database and fill it with data. Next, read Chapters 2 through 7 on querying
your new database. Finally, read Chapters 11 through 13 to understand some advanced
database features.
We would like to thank all the people who helped make this book a reality. Despite the
book’s brevity, many hours went into reviewing the original proposal and the draft, and
the reviewers’ input has significantly shaped the final result.
We thank those who reviewed the original proposal and offered advice on what to
put in and what to leave out. We especially thank those who meticulously reviewed the
various drafts of the text and made suggestions for improvement. Any errors that remain
are, of course, our responsibility. We are very interested in weeding out such errors in
future printings, so if you find one, please send an email to either of us. We will maintain
an errata list on the book’s Web site.
We are also grateful to the folks at Morgan Kaufmann. They take a hands-on approach
to development that contributes significantly to the ultimate text quality. Diane Cerra, our
editor, worked hard to provide valuable guidance throughout this process. We are also
grateful to Lisa Royse, our production editor from Graphic World Publishing Services, who
has been very willing to work with us on the design and “look and feel” of the text; we hope
you like the result.
We invite your suggestions for improvement of any aspect of this book. You can send
feedback via the book’s Web site ( or you can send us
an email to the addresses below.
Michael J. Donahoo
Gregory D. Speegle
SQL: Practical Guide
for Developers
chapter 1
A database is a repository designed for organizing and accessing information. For
simple data, management is easy. For example, a grocery list may be written on scratch
paper, and contact information may be kept in an address book. Both the scratch paper
and address book are examples of databases.
Grocery List
SQL book
Home phone:____________________
Work phone:
Bob Feakins
123 Pine St
(251)887-2391 (pager)
TX 78909
2 Chapter 1: Databasics
Basic lists may work for very simple databases. However, the limitations of this
approach can make even simple tasks difficult. Let’s look at our address book example
again. One problem is that it has space for information we don’t know/need (e.g., home
address), whereas it does not have space for information we need to know (e.g., pager
number). Searching presents another problem. An address book is typically organized
alphabetically by name. What if we want to search using some other criteria? Finding all
of our friends who live in a particular city requires an exhaustive search. Data entry and
maintenance can also be problematic. Paper-based address books are fine for a small set
of people; however, it would be very time-consuming to add all of the people in your com-
pany. Keeping up with the changes quickly becomes unmanageable. Another problem is
relating our paper-based address book with other databases. If we wanted to call all of
the individuals on our softball team, we would need to combine the information from our
team roster with our address book. Clearly, additional complexity makes it harder and
harder to effectively represent the various data relationships. Likewise, as the volume of
data increases, the complexity of managing and querying information grows.
Lucky for us, computers are especially adept at managing and quickly accessing infor-
mation. Software designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve data in a database is called a
Database management system (DBMS). Here, we focus exclusively on a specific (and by far
the most common) type of DBMS, the relational DBMS. There are many relational DBMSs
(see the book Web site for pointers to some examples). Fortunately, relational DBMSs speak
a common language called SQL. Using SQL, we can define, manipulate, and query our data.
SQL is correctly pronounced as S-Q-L; however, many people also pronounce it see-kwel.
This text is based on the ANSI 2003 SQL standard. NOTE: Each DBMS does things dif-
ferently, and no major DBMS follows the specification exactly. The specifics of a particular
DBMS can be found in its documentation. There are many reasons a DBMS may vary from
the standard, including performance, legacy, or marketing. Fortunately, the basic syntax
of SQL is the same for all DBMS. See the book Web site for information on DBMS-specific
SQL is divided into three major parts. Data manipulation language (DML) is used to
store and retrieve data from the database. The majority of this book is on SQL DML, and
that will be the part of SQL used by the most people. Data description language (DDL) is
used to define the structure of the data. Chapters 9 and 10 cover the basics in SQL DDL.
Data control language (DCL) is used to restrict access to data by certain users. We introduce
DCL in Chapter 12.
We assume that you have a DBMS already installed and are able to enter SQL com-
mands. Consult your DBMS documentation for instructions on how to do this. If you do
not have a DBMS, consider downloading one from the Internet. There are some free rela-
tional databases, and several commercial DBMSs provide a free version of their product
for experimentation. See the book Web site for suggestions of DBMSs.
The best way to understand how a relational database works is to consider a spe-
cific application. Imagine that you are the proud owner of a restaurant named Garden
Variety Salads. You need to manage information about a variety of real-world entities to
run your establishment. For example, you need to maintain a list of food items so your
customers will have something to purchase. Each food item is made from one or more
1.1 Tables 3
different ingredients, such as lettuce, tomatoes, and so on. You also want to track how
much each ingredient costs so you can determine how much to charge and how much
profit you’re making. If you don’t want to grow the ingredients yourself, you should keep
a list of vendors.
Let’s look at representing this information in a relational database called the
Restaurant Database. Our design is contrived solely for the purpose of teaching SQL, not
database design. Proper database design is a difficult problem, well beyond the scope of
this text. Most introductory database texts address design.
1.1 Tables
In the relational model, a database contains a set of tables. A table is made up of rows and
columns. Each table has a name, which is unique within the database. Each column has a
name and a data type. We discuss data types in the next section. The name of a column
need only be unique within a table so other tables in the same database can have columns
of the same name. Each row constitutes one record in the table. A table may contain zero
or more rows. A row is subdivided into fields, one per column. Tables may be used to
model real-world objects and relationships.
Let’s look at an example table. In our Restaurant Database, we record information
about the suppliers of our ingredients in a table named vendors.
Don’s Dairy
Flavorful Creams
"Fruit Eating" Friends
Ed’s Dressings
Spring Water Supply
table name
Each row in the vendors table records information about a particular vendor. For example,
the row with a vendorid of VGRUS is a record representing the vendor named Veggies_R_Us.
The attributes that we wish to record for each vendor are represented by the five columns
of the vendors table: a unique vendor identifier (vendorid), the name of the vendor
(companyname), the first and last name of the vendor representative (repfname and
replname), and an identifier for the vendor (referredby) who recommended this vendor.
Not everybody uses the same terminology. A table may also be called a relation.
Technically, a table and a relation are not exactly the same thing. Unlike a table, a relation
4 Chapter 1: Databasics
cannot contain duplicate rows. A row is sometimes called a tuple. Finally, a column may
also be called an attribute of the relation. A table may be represented by its name followed
by a comma-delimited list of columns:
vendors(vendorid, companyname, repfname, replname, referredby)
We refer to individual columns of a table using the tablename.columnname notation (e.g.,
1.2 Data Types
Every column has a declared data type, which specifies what kind (e.g., characters, num-
bers, time, etc.) of information may be contained in the column. Your DBMS may not
support all of these types, and it may have some additional types as well. Consult
your DBMS documentation for details. We divide the SQL data types into five categories:
character string, numeric, temporal, binary, and boolean.
1.2.1 Character String
Attributes such as names and addresses are typically represented by strings of characters
(e.g., 'Bob Smith'). There are many database types for character strings. The most common
are as follows:
CHARACTER[(L)] specifies a fixed-length character string containing exactly L characters.
If the length is not specified, SQL uses a length of 1. If the string contains fewer than
L characters, the remaining characters contain padding characters (usually spaces).
CHARACTER may be abbreviated as CHAR.
CHARACTER VARYING(L) specifies a variable-length character string that may hold up
to L characters. Only the specified characters are stored so there is no padding.
CHARACTER VARYING may be abbreviated as CHAR VARYING or, most often,
String literals are enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'Bob'). A single quote within a literal is
indicated by two single quotes (e.g., 'Bob"s Car').
The inclusion of trailing spaces is the primary difference between CHAR and
VARCHAR. For example, vendorid is defined as CHAR(5) and repfname is defined as
VARCHAR(20). Assume we add a row such as the following:
BOB Bob’s Bakery Bob Bobson VGRUS
to vendors. Because vendorid is CHAR(5), two extra spaces are stored. However, repfname
is VARCHAR(20), so no extra spaces are added. This also makes a difference when we
retrieve data from the database. The vendorid 'BOB' will match 'BOB' or 'BOB', but
the repfname 'Bob' will not match 'Bob'.
1.2 Data Types 5
The default character set for your DBMS may be limited in the kinds of characters it
can represent. For example, if your DBMS uses the ASCII (American Standard Code for Infor-
mation Interchange) character encoding, it can only represent English characters. Unfor-
tunately, this doesn’t work well for internationalization. The national character string
type can represent internationalized character sets such as Unicode. The fixed-length
national character string type is NATIONAL CHARACTER (abbreviated NATIONAL CHAR
or NCHAR). The variable-length national character string type is NATIONAL CHARACTER
VARYING (abbreviated NATIONAL CHAR VARYING or NCHAR VARYING). String literals for
NATIONAL CHARACTER types are prefixed with an N (e.g., N'Bob').
Most DBMSs place an upper limit on the size of a character string. To store large
strings, SQL provides the CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT data type (abbreviated as CHAR
LARGE OBJECT or CLOB). SQL allows the use of the national character string encoding with
1.2.2 Numeric
SQL includes several different types to store numeric information, such as age and salary.
In specifying a numeric type, we need to consider three questions: 1) Are our data limited
to whole numbers, 2) What range of values do we wish to support, and 3) How much control
do we need over precision?
numbers. The range of possible values is DBMS dependent; however, the range of
values for SMALLINT is less than or equal to the range of value for INTEGER, which
is less than or equal to the range of values for BIGINT. INTEGER may be abbreviated
as INT.
NUMERIC[(P [,S])] and DECIMAL[(P [,S])]—NUMERIC(P, S) specifies a signed, fixed-
point number where P (precision) specifies the total number (to the left and right
of the decimal) of digits in the number and S (scale) specifies the number of digits to
the right of the decimal place. For example, NUMERIC(5, 2) specifies a type ranging
from −999.99 to 999.99. DECIMAL(P, S) is the same as NUMERIC(P, S) except that the
actual precision may exceed the specification. For both NUMERIC and DECIMAL, if P
or S are not specified, default values will be used. DECIMAL may be abbreviated as
REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION—REAL specifies a signed, single-precision, floating-point
number. The range is DBMS specific. DOUBLE PRECISION is the same as REAL except
it supports a greater range of values.
FLOAT[(P)]—FLOAT(P) specifies a signed, floating-point number with a precision of at
least P. Here P specifies the number of binary digits.
Numeric literals look like you would expect. For REAL, DOUBLE, and FLOAT, literals may be
written in exponential notation as nEp representing n ×10
where n is a signed, floating-
point number and p is a signed, whole number (e.g., 7.4E-3).
6 Chapter 1: Databasics
If you try to use a number with an absolute value that is too large for the data type,
the database should generate an exception. For example, an exception would be raised if
we tried to put −1000 into a NUMERIC(5,2) field. If you use a number with too many digits
to the right of the decimal point, the DBMS may either truncate or round the value. So,
placing 0.0001 into a NUMERIC(5,2) field results in a value of 0.00. A number with fewer
digits than the limit of the data type can be placed into a column without exception or
change. For example, 9.9 fits in a NUMERIC(5,2) field.
1.2.3 Temporal
SQL provides several data types specific to storing information about temporal infor-
mation. Representing and utilizing data and time information can be complicated with
considerations of time zone, daylight savings time, and so on. As a result, temporal data
tend to be more DBMS specific than other types. If the syntax presented here does not
work on your database, check your DBMS documentation. SQL divides its temporal types
into two categories: datetime and interval. We begin by looking at the date and time types
in SQL.
Datetime types store date, time information, or both.
Type Stores Literal
DATE year, month, day DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD'
TIME hour, minute, and second TIME 'HH:MM:SS'
TIMESTAMP year, month, day, hour, TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
minute, and second
Seconds may contain fractional values (e.g., 32.456 seconds). An optional precision for
fractional seconds may be given for TIME and TIMESTAMP. TIME and TIMESTAMP may
include time zone information. Consult your DBMS documentation for details on WITH
Use DATE for columns where you do not care about the time of an event, only the
specific day (e.g., birthday). Use TIME type where you do not care about the date, only
the specific time. An example is the time of a college class, which might be at 8 am on
Tuesday and Thursday for a semester. TIMESTAMP covers the other cases. An example of
a TIMESTAMP might be the time when an order is placed. In this case, we want to know
both the date and the time.
In addition to dates and times, SQL can represent time intervals. Such a data type might
be useful for representing concepts such as a warranty period (e.g., 90 days). Interval data
1.2 Data Types 7
types come in two flavors:
Year–Month—Interval expressed in years and/or months. A Year–Month interval data type
Day–Time—Interval expressed in days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds. A Day–Time
interval data type is of the following form:
INTERVAL <start interval value> [TO <stop interval value>]
where the possible interval values are DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. If the optional
<stop interval value> is specified, it must be an interval with a smaller granularity than the
<start interval value>. For example, if the <start interval value> is HOUR, the only valid
values for the <stop interval value> are MINUTE and SECOND.
Creating an interval literal is a two-step process. First, determine the interval type
(e.g., DAY TO MINUTE). Second, place an interval literal string between INTERVAL and the
interval value range specification. Here are some example interval literals:
Type Example Literal Description
Year–Month INTERVAL '5' YEAR 5 years
INTERVAL '2' MONTH 2 months
INTERVAL '3-1' YEAR TO MONTH 3 years and 1 month
Day–Time INTERVAL '5 10:30:22.5' DAY TO SECOND 5 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes, and
22.5 seconds
INTERVAL '-5' DAY 5 days ago
INTERVAL '2 18:00' DAY TO MINUTE 2 days and 18 minutes
1.2.4 Binary
Although everything on the computer is ultimately stored as binary data, SQL binary data
types are designed to store sequences of binary digits. Binary types differ from charac-
ter string and numeric types in that they are more limited in the allowable comparisons,
searches, and other functions. Common uses for binary types include storage of multi-
media, such as photographs, sounds, and movies, and storage of scanned images, as in a
document imaging and retrieval system.
BIT[(L)] specifies a fixed-length binary string containing exactly L bits. If the length, L,
is not specified, SQL uses a length of 1. The behavior for attempting to insert fewer
than L bits is system specific. Some systems will reject the insertion attempt; others
will pad with zeros.
BIT VARYING(L) specifies a variable-length binary string that may hold up to L bits.
8 Chapter 1: Databasics
BINARY LARGE OBJECT[(L)] specifies a large, variable-length binary string that may hold
up to L bytes. If the length, L, is not specified, the system default length is used.
BINARY LARGE OBJECT may be abbreviated as BLOB.
BIT and BIT VARYING literals may be written either in binary form—a single quote
enclosed sequence of 0s and 1s prefixed with a B (e.g., B'10110')—or hexadecimal form—a
single quote enclosed sequence of hexadecimal digits prefix with an X (e.g., X'3AF'). Note
that the 2003 SQL specification drops both BIT and BIT VARYING so systems supporting
these types may exclude them in future releases.
1.2.5 Boolean
Truth gets a category all its own in SQL with the BOOLEAN data type. The BOOLEAN data
type has three possible values: true, false, and unknown. The unknown value may sur-
prise those familiar with boolean types in most programming languages. We discuss the
unknown value in Section 2.8. BOOLEAN literals are (surprise) TRUE, FALSE, and UNKNOWN.
The BOOLEAN type is not widely supported, but it is hoped that it will be in the near future.
1.2.6 Other Data Types
Most DBMSs include a slew of custom data types (e.g., money, network, geometric). Using
such data types is convenient but may limit portability. Note that not all SQL standard
data types are supported by every DBMS. Consult your DBMS documentation for a list of
supported types.
1.3 NULL
What if a particular attribute for a row isn’t known? A value may be unknown because
there is no applicable value, the value is currently missing, or the value is purposefully
omitted. Let’s look more carefully at the referredby column in the vendors table. For each
vendor, this field contains the identifier of the recommending vendor. Flavorful Creams
was recommended to you by Veggies_R_Us so the referredby field of the row in vendors
for Flavorful Creams contains the value VGRUS. What value should referredby contain for
a vendor without a recommendation? We could try to pick a special identifier value to
indicate that the referredby identifier is not valid (say, XXXXX); however, we would need
to ensure that this identifier could never be a valid vendor identifier. Also, any application
using this database would have to know about this special identifier and enforce its special
To avoid these difficulties, relational databases provide a special value, called NULL,
indicating that a field’s value is unknown. In the vendors table, referredby is NULL for
all vendors where we do not have a recommending vendor. Unless explicitly forbidden,
NULL is a valid value for a column of any data type. For example, NULL is a valid value
for a column of type NUMERIC. This means that NULL can be a valid value in a column