Cụm động từ tiếng Anh
Ví dụ
Account for:
- form the total of st
- to explain
- chiếm bao nhiêu
- The Japanese market accounts
for 35% of the company’s
- giải thích
- The poor weather may have
accounted for the small crowd.
Exercise 1:
1. Recent pressure at work may ______ his strange behavior.
A. look for
B. account for
C. ask for
D. come in for
2. High-tech companies ______ 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the area.
A. go in for
B. ask for
C. look for
D. account for
Act as st:
- do a particular job
- làm một công việc
- He was asked to act as an
cụ thể
adviser on the project.
- có tác dụng/vai trò
- The launch of the new
nhất định
investment trust will act as a
Act for sb/st = on behalf of
- đại diện cho ai/ cái
support for this market.
- The Council of Mortgage
Lenders claims to act for 98% of
Act on/upon st = do st
- làm việc gì theo chỉ
- The Board of Directors will act
following (advice/
dẫn/lời khuyên của ai
on the findings in the report.
instructions, ect.)
- have a particular effect
Act up:
- behave badly/ wrongly
- cư xử tệ, phá đám
- Sophie got bored and started
acting up.
- not perform as well as it
Act out = behave badly
- không hoạt động tốt
- My car always acts up in cold
- quấy, nhiễu
- These kids act out because their
because of unhappiness
lives are a mess.
Act st out
- role-play
- đóng kịch
- Jennifer did a superb job acting
out the role of Auntie Marne in
the play.
- express one’s negative
- bộc lộ cảm xúc
- I got tired of Mark constantly
(thường là tiêu cực)
acting his anger out on me, so I
ended our relationship.
Exercise 2:
3. My son is always so happy at home, so I can’t understand why he’s suddenly ______ at
A. acting out
B. acted on
C. acting as
D. acted for
4. Abraham was able to act ______ interpreter and interlocutor for our group.
A. out
B. up
C. for
D. as
5. “Don’t act your aggressions ______ on me!”, she cried.
A. upon
B. out
C. for
D. up
6. Some people say that capital punishment ______ a deterrent.
A. acts for
B. has acted on
C. acts as
D. is acting out
7. She was authorized by the Commission to act ______ its behalf.
A. out
B. on
C. for
D. as
8. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act ______ both seller and buyer.
A. out
B. on
C. for
D. as
9. There have been concerns as to why the Board didn’t act ______ a recommended pay raise.
A. out
B. on
C. for
10. Children’s negative feelings often get ______ in bad behavior.
D. as
A. acted out
B. act upon
C. acting up
D. acted as
11. The children were acting ______ the story of the birth of Jesus.
A. out
B. on
C. for
D. as
Agree on/upon st:
- discuss and come to the same
- đồng ý sau khi thảo - We couldn’t agree on
decision about st
what to buy.
- have the same opinion
- có cùng ý kiến với
- My father and I don’t
Agree to st = accept st
người khác
- chấp nhận điều gì
agree on very much.
- I should never have
agreed to her
Agree with st = think that something
- tán thành cái gì
- I don’t agree with
is morally acceptable
(xét về góc độ đạo
Agree with sb = be good for health
- có lợi cho sức khỏe
- You look well - the
mountain air must agree
Agree with sb about/ on st
- đồng tình với ai về
with you.
- He agreed with them
Agree to do st
vấn đề gì
- đồng ý làm gì
about the need for change.
- He agreed to help us.
Exercise 3:
12. They are unlikely to agree ______ these plans unless the cost is reduced.
A. to
B. on
C. with
D. about
13. After discussion, we all agree ______ that point.
A. to
B. on
C. with
D. about
14. In settling the dispute, he agreed ______ $60,000 in damages.
A. to pay
B. to paying
C. paying
D. pay
15. Although we like his plan in general, we don’t agree ______ him ________ every issue.
A. to - on
B. with - on
C. on - about
16. I don’t agree ______ hitting children as a punishment.
D. with - to
A. to
B. on
C. with
D. about
C. to
D. on
17. Too much meat does not agree ______ me.
A. about
B. with
Ask about = try to get
- hỏi về cái gì
- The interviewer asked me
Ask after = ask for news
- hỏi thăm ai
about my future plans.
- He always asks after you in
about sb (especially about
his letters.
their health)
Ask around = ask several
- hỏi nhiều người khác
- I don’t know of any vacancies
people in various places
in the company but I’ll ask
Ask back:
- ask sb to come back for a
- mời ai quay lại buổi
- I made a mess of the interview
second interview for a job
phỏng vấn thứ hai
and I wasn’t asked back.
- invite sb to come back to
- mời ai quay trở lại nhà
- I hoped he wouldn’t ask me
your house when you are
bạn khi cả hai đang cùng
both out together
Ask for = speak/write to sb
nhau ở ngồi
- xin cái gì
- He’s always reluctant to ask
because you want them to
for anyone’s help.
give you st
Ask sb out = invite sb to
- mời ai đó đi ăn/đi chơi
- She asked Steve out to the
go out
(nhất là khi mói bắt đầu
cinema this evening.
Ask in = invite sb to come
một mối quan hệ)
- mời ai vào trong
- I’d ask you in for a coffee if I
into st
(nhà, phòng)
did not have to get up early for
work in the morning.
Exercise 4:
18. I spoke to James today. He was ______ you.
A. asking around
B. asking back
C. asking for
D. asking after
19. I have no idea, but I’ll ______ at work and see if anyone can help.
A. ask in
B. ask out
C. ask after
D. ask around
20. After the way you behaved, they’ll never ______ us ______.
A. ask - in
B. ask - back
C. ask - round
D. ask - after
C. ask for
D. ask back
21. I called them to ______ more details.
A. ask out
B. ask round
22. It took Juan a long time to build up the courage to ______ Mariella ______ ,but at last he did
and she said yes.
A. ask - out
B. ask - round
C. ask - back
D. ask - after
23. They’re Bill’s friends, so I ______ them ______.
A. ask - after
B. asked - in
C. ask - back
D. ask - for
24. First I’d like to ______ you a few questions ______ your childhood.
A. ask - out
B. ask - about
C. ask - back
D. ask – after
Back away:
- move backwards away from
- lùi lại phía sau vì sự
st or sb, usually because of
- She saw that he had a gun
and backed away.
- không ủng hộ kế
- The government has backed
- not support a plan or idea
hoạch/ý tưởng nữa
away from plans to increase
any longer
Back down:
- admit that you were wrong
- thừa nhận mình đã
- Eventually, Roberto backed
or that you have been
sai/thất bại
down and apologized.
- bỏ, chùn lại, thoái lui
- She backed down in the face
- give up one’s opinion
Back off:
- choose not to take action, in
of strong opposition.
- rút lui, nhượng bộ
order to avoid a difficult
- The government backed off
from a confrontation.
- stop threatening, criticizing
- ngừng đe doạ, chỉ
- The press have agreed to
or annoying sb
trích, làm phiền ai
back off and leave the couple
Back out = decide not to do
- rút lại lời hứa
st that you had said you
- You agreed to come. You
can’t back out now!
would do
Back up:
- delay
- đình trệ, trì hoãn
- The traffic is starting to back
up on the M25.
- support
- ủng hộ
- I’ll back you up if they don’t
believe you.
- make a copy of information
stored on a computer
- sao lưu (dữ liệu)
- It’s a good idea to back up
your files onto a memory