Cement and Concrete Chemistry
Wieslaw Kurdowski
Cement and Concrete
1 3
Wieslaw Kurdowski
Instytut Szkła I Materiałów Budowlanych
ISBN 978-94-007-7944-0 ISBN 978-94-007-7945-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7945-7
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London
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Writing a book on the chemistry of cement and concrete is a very responsible task,
and if we take into account very valuable works of Lea and principally of Taylor,
even unusually responsible. His last book is of the highest value and, apart from
its clear presentation of all important problems of cement chemistry, it contains a
different and interesting Taylor’s hypothesis, among others concerning the structure
of C-S-H phase.
The progress in cement chemistry was particularly very quick in the last thirty
years, principally because of the development of new methods and techniques, including the progress in scanning electron microscopy and introduction of some nontypical, quite new methods. To the latter ones I enclose the electrons Auger, which
make possible to determine the superplasticizer layer on cement grains. In my book,
I tried to present the maximum of interesting experimental results and linked them
with hypotheses, leaving for the readers the last choice.
One of my goals was also to remind some scientists, which innovative works
make possible the further development of cement chemistry and which were forgotten, particularly by young researches. A typical example is Professor Hans Kühl,
who already in 1907 had established the accelerating effect of sodium hydroxide
and of sulphate ions on the hardening of granulated blastfurnace slag. In 1908
H. Kühl obtained a German patent for the production of supersulphated cement,
based on his discoveries. During the workshop “Ca(OH)2 in Concrete” J. Gebauer
reminded that the concrete from this cement, used to build the Beervlei Dam in
South Africa, had after forty five years of exploitation the strength of 124 MPa. The
most probable is that only “the lime saturation factor”, which was also introduced
by H. Kühl, is till now linked with his name.
The writing of this book would not be possible without numerous fruitful
discussions with my friends, whom I present my warmest thanks. I owe particularly many to the discussions with the following professors: A. Bielański, H. F. W.
Taylor, F. W. Locher, W. Wieker, and A. Małecki, as well as to Sorrentinos and to
Mike George.
Without crucial help of Professor Wiesława Nocuń-Wczelik, who translated the
majority of the book, appearing of the English version will be not possible.
I present my thanks to my young assistant Aleksandra Bochenek, who wrote
the English version of all tables and figures, as well as text edition, and particularly
the preparation of figures was a very laborious task.
I would like also to thank my former co-worker Barbara Trybalska for the beautiful scanning electron microscope photos that she took me when she worked with me
in the AGH University of Science and Technology.
Kraków, September 2013
Wiesław Kurdowski
In the book there are many figures which enhance its value in a significant degree
and make several phenomena much clearer for the readers. All these figures are
touching very important and, in majority of cases, complicated processes or relations and were included in the papers of world–known authors.
I would like to present my warm thanks for all authors as well as for the publishers, being copyrights holders, who granted me permission to reproduce these
figures in the book. First of all, I address my thanks to Elsevier, because the majority of figures are from the great journal “Cement and Concrete Research”, as
well as to American Ceramic Society, Presses des Ponts et Chaussées and Applied
Science Publishers. I address also my thanks to Editions Septima, which edited the
Proceedings of 7th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cements in Paris in
1980. However, I could not find neither Editions Septima nor the successors of this
Publisher. The same was with the Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées
Publisher, to which I address also my deep thanks. I due also my great thanks to
Chemical Publishing Company, INC. to grant me permission to reproduce some figures from the excellent book of F.M. Lea “The Chemistry of Cement and Concrete”.
All these figures are of crucial importance for my book.
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification���������������������������� 1
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete������������������������������������������������ 1
1.2 Principles of Cement Classification�������������������������������������������������� 10
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
2 Portland Cement Clinker������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
2.1 Portland Cement Clinker Burning����������������������������������������������������� 21
2.2 The Phase Systems Important for Cement Chemistry���������������������� 32
2.2.1 The System CaO–SiO2–Al2O3������������������������������������������������ 32
2.2.2 The System CaO–Fe2O3–SiO2������������������������������������������������ 39
2.2.3 The System CaO–Al2O3–Fe2O3���������������������������������������������� 40
2.2.4 The System CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–Fe2O3������������������������������������ 41
2.2.5 Departure from Equilibrium in the Clinkering Process���������� 46
2.3 The Clinkering Process in Industrial Mixes�������������������������������������� 48
2.3.1 The Clinkering Process Modification in the Presence
of Mineralizers������������������������������������������������������������������������ 55
2.3.2 Clinkering Process in Rotary Kiln������������������������������������������ 63
2.4 Thermochemistry of Clinkering Process������������������������������������������� 69
2.5 Phase Composition of Portland Cements������������������������������������������ 72
2.5.1 Tricalcium Silicate and Alite Phase���������������������������������������� 77
2.5.2 Dicalcium Silicate and Belite Phase��������������������������������������� 88
2.5.3 Ca3 Al2O6 and Aluminate Phase in Clinker���������������������������� 98
2.5.4 Ferrite Phase��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
2.5.5 Minor Phases�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
2.5.6 Methods of Clinker Phase Composition Determination��������� 115
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
3 Hydration of Clinker Phases������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
3.1 Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
3.2 Silicate Hydration������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 131
3.2.1 Tricalcium Silicate Hydration������������������������������������������������� 131
3.2.2 Dicalcium Silicate Hydration������������������������������������������������� 147
3.2.3 C–S–H Phase�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148
3.3 Hydration of Calcium Aluminates���������������������������������������������������� 166
3.3.1 The System CaO–Al2O3–H2O������������������������������������������������ 166
3.3.2 Calcium Sulphoaluminate Hydrates and Other
Aluminate Hydrated Phases��������������������������������������������������� 171
3.3.3 C3A Hydration������������������������������������������������������������������������ 179
3.3.4 C3 A Hydration in the Presence of Gypsum���������������������������� 186
3.3.5 Hydration of Different C3 A Polymorphs�������������������������������� 188
3.4 Hydration of Ferrite Phase���������������������������������������������������������������� 190
3.5 Minor Hydrated Phases in Cement Paste������������������������������������������ 191
3.6 Heat of Hardening����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 192
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
4 Cement Hydration����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
4.1 Cement Hydration at Room Temperature����������������������������������������� 205
4.1.1 Paste Phase Composition�������������������������������������������������������� 212
4.1.2 Role of Gypsum in Hydration and Disturbances
of the Setting Process������������������������������������������������������������� 213
4.1.3 Effect of Selected Compounds on Cement Hydration����������� 226
4.1.4 The Effect of Grinding Aids��������������������������������������������������� 254
4.1.5 Chromium Reducers��������������������������������������������������������������� 256
4.2 Hydration of Cement in Hydrothermal Conditions��������������������������� 258
4.2.1 Phases in the CaO–SiO2–H2O System����������������������������������� 258
4.2.2 The Conditions of Formation and Structures of Some
Selected Phases����������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
4.2.3 Phase Composition of Cement Hydrated in
Hydrothermal Conditions������������������������������������������������������� 265
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
5 The Properties of Cement Paste������������������������������������������������������������� 279
5.1 The Rheological Properties of Concrete������������������������������������������� 280
5.2 Relationship Between the Microstructure and Strength
of Cement Paste��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303
5.3 Deformation of the Paste������������������������������������������������������������������� 332
5.3.1 Volume Changes of the Plastic Paste�������������������������������������� 333
5.3.2 Drying Shrinkage�������������������������������������������������������������������� 341
5.3.3 Volume Changes of Concrete������������������������������������������������� 348
5.3.4 Creep��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 349
5.3.5 Permeability of Paste�������������������������������������������������������������� 351
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
6 Concrete Properties��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
6.1 Effect of Cement Paste on Concrete Properties�������������������������������� 369
6.2 Cement Paste–Aggregate Bond��������������������������������������������������������� 374
6.3 Paste–Reinforcement Bond��������������������������������������������������������������� 386
6.4 Concrete Corrosion��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 392
6.4.1 Paste–Aggregate Reactions���������������������������������������������������� 396
6.4.2 Limestone Aggregates������������������������������������������������������������ 412
6.4.3 Delayed Ettringite Formation������������������������������������������������� 414
6.4.4 Corrosion of Concrete in the Chlorides Solutions������������������ 426
6.4.5 Sulphate Attack����������������������������������������������������������������������� 441
6.4.6 Corrosion in Sea Water����������������������������������������������������������� 454
6.4.7 Miscellaneous Corrosive Media��������������������������������������������� 459
6.4.8 Carbonation of Concrete��������������������������������������������������������� 460
6.4.9 Soft Waters����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
6.4.10 Action of Frost on Concrete��������������������������������������������������� 470
6.4.11 Corrosion of Steel in Concrete����������������������������������������������� 478
6.5 Efflorescence of Concrete����������������������������������������������������������������� 485
6.6 Admixtures Modifying Paste and Concrete Properties��������������������� 489
6.6.1 Water Reducing Admixtures (Plasticizers)����������������������������� 490
6.6.2 Superplasticizers��������������������������������������������������������������������� 495
6.6.3 Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures�������������������������������������������� 510
6.6.4 Air Entraining Agents������������������������������������������������������������� 511
6.6.5 Permeability Reducing Admixtures���������������������������������������� 513
6.6.6 Viscosity Modifying Admixtures������������������������������������������� 514
6.7 Mineral and Chemical Composition of Aggregates�������������������������� 515
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 522
7 Mineral Additions for Cement Production�������������������������������������������� 533
7.1 Classification������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 533
7.2 Metallurgical Slags���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 538
7.3 Slag Cements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 548
7.4 Fly Ash���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 556
7.5 Cements with Fly Ash Addition�������������������������������������������������������� 567
7.6 Silica Fume���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 573
7.7 Fillers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 574
7.8 Metakaolinite������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 577
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 578
8 Hydration of Cements with Mineral Additions������������������������������������� 585
8.1 Hydration of Slag������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 585
8.2 Fly Ash Hydration����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 590
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 600
9 Special Cements��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 603
9.1 Calcium Aluminate Cement�������������������������������������������������������������� 604
9.2 White and Coloured Cements����������������������������������������������������������� 613
9.3 Expansive Cements��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 615
9.4 Rapid Hardening and Fast–Setting Cements������������������������������������� 638
9.5 Low Energy Cements������������������������������������������������������������������������ 641
9.5.1 Alinite Cements�������������������������������������������������������������������� 647
9.6 Oilwell Cement��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 649
9.7 Sorel Cement������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 651
9.8 Very High Strength Pastes����������������������������������������������������������������� 652
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 655
10 New Concretes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 661
10.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 661
10.2 High Performance Concretes���������������������������������������������������������� 662
10.3 Self Compacting Concrete�������������������������������������������������������������� 668
10.4 Reactive Powder Concretes������������������������������������������������������������� 669
10.5 Polymer–Cement Concretes������������������������������������������������������������ 672
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 674
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 677
Chapter 1
Cement Kinds and Principles of their
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete
In the early period of civilisation the buildings were constructed by placing one
heavy rock block on another, which were laying firmly due to friction forces only
as like that of the famous edifices in Mycenae. With the civilisation development
the different binders started to be used [1].
In Egypt the dried clay bricks without burning were linked with Nile slim (2).
Such construction was effective in dry climatic zone only, because low moisture
durability of these materials. Also the blocks in first stairs Djoser’s pyramid were
linked with clay (twentyseventh century before Christ) in Sakkara [2].
The plaster found wide application in ancient Egypt [2]. It was applied as mortar
and to stucco decoration, for example in Tutankhamen’s tomb, for finishing the
tombstones of calcite (called alabaster). As mortar it was used in pyramids, in Giza.
The beginning of its application is not establish; it is regarded that it falls in the
period from 5,000 to 3,400 year before Christ [2]. The plaster application, instead
of lime Jaworski explains by the lack of fuel, because the limestone are more easily
accessible than gypsum raw materials [2].
The lime mortars were introduced to Egypt only about 300 year before Christ the
Romans and the Greeks, which on turns did not know gypsum because of its limited
usefulness in the humid climate of Italy and Greece.
The lime was applied very long ago by Greeks, and even earlier on Crete [2]. In
turn from Greeks it was adopted by Romans. The correct technology of lime slacking and mixing it with sand. The mortar was mixed very carefully and compacted,
which assured it a high density, thus to our times the edifices can be found in which
inside the mortar non–carbonated calcium hydroxide is preserved [1].
Both Greeks and Romans knew the properties of some volcanic deposits, which
finely ground and mixed with lime and sand give the mortars not only of higher
strength, but also of higher durability on water influence, also of sea water [1].
Greeks applied for this purpose volcanic tuff from island of Santorin (known for
to–day as Santorin earth), and Romans different raw materials and tuffs from the
Neapolitan gulf. The origin of the best material was Pozzuoli (Puteoli) to whom
the name was given pozzolana. Vitruvius writes about it: “There is a kind of sand,
W. Kurdowski, Cement and Concrete Chemistry,
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7945-7_1, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2014
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
which in natural state has the extraordinary properties. It was discovered in a gulf
in proximity of the Vesuvius mountain; blended with lime and broken stone hardens
as well under water as in ordinary building” [1]. Probably also very long ago the
Romans started to apply Rheine tuff, known as trass [1].
The Romans replaced also the natural pozzolana by the ground roofing–tiles,
bricks and porcelain. Lea states that the name “cement” in the Late–Latin or Old–
French languages was for the first time used to determine the materials which now
are called artificial pozzolanas [1]. Later on this name was used for mortar produced
from three components, and only recently the to–day mining was adopted.
To Romans we also owe the name “hydraulic cement” as they defined the
binders hardening under water and thanks to the reaction with water [3]. Some
blended materials, in order to better define their composition, was called pozzolanic
There are proofs that already in buildings in Create the crushed ceramic potsherds (minoyen culture) were added to lime to give it the hydraulic properties
[1]. On this basis the assumption was developed that Romans used firstly artificial
pozzolanic materials, before they check the natural pozzolanas. Jaworski stats that
in twelveth century before Christ Phoenician used hydraulic lime to mortar building
the temple in Cyprus [2].Already about tenth century before Christ they used the
bricks flour as the admixture giving to lime mortar hydraulic properties [2].
After the decay of Romans Empire the art of good binders production disappears.
Lea cites the opinion of Viollet–le–Duc that in the period from nineth to eleventh
centuries totally fell through the art of lime burning and it was applies as badly
burned lumps, without the addition of crushed ceramic materials [1]. The quality of
mortars became only improved in twelveth century, however, from fifteenth century
their quality were already again very good, among others the washed sand, without
clay impurities was used. There are proofs that in England from seventeenth century
pozzolanas were again used. The mortars were still named cements which proofs
can be found in Bartholomew Anglicus. However, the name “mortar” was also used
already from the year 1290 [1].
During long time it was believed that the only one hydraulic binder is the mixture of lime with natural or artificial pozzolanas. It is proved by the Rondelet works
on surprising level from 1805 and additionally, which underlines Lea, Rondelet
cites the old authors, which were authorities, namely Pliny, Vitruvius, and saint
Augustine [1]. The clarity of judgements, and also the extraordinary intuition of
these authors surprises till today.
Revolution in the field of hydraulic binders production makes John Smeaton
who made inquiries to the best material for the construction of the lighthouse in
Eddystone Rock in 1756. He found that the better properties have the mortars of the
lime burned from the raw material reach in clayey matter. It was equivalent to the
discovery of hydraulic lime. Probably Smeaton was the first to use this name. Forty
years later James Parker from Northfleet obtained a patent for the product from
burned marl, which was named some years later as Roman cement. It was rapid
setting cement. This cement started to be produced soon from the raw materials
occurring near Boulogne.
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete
The author of artificial hydraulic lime, produced by the burning of the interground mixture of choc and clay was L.J. Vicat, which published his results in
1818. He can be recognised as the predecessor of the technology of Portland cement
Joseph Aspdin is recognised as one of the inventor of Portland cement, which in
1824 patented the method of binder production from the burned mixture of limestone and clay, for the first time using the name Portland cement, because its colour
resembled the stone from Portland. However, he burned the limestone at too low
temperature, and the quality of product was bad.
Lea [1] and Bogue [3] state that the actual creator of Portland cement was Isaac
Charles Johnson, which after several experiments established the correct proportion
of clay and limestone, and also chose the advantageous, higher burning temperature. It happened at about 1845 year. It cannot be forgotten that he had taken advantage of the experiences of many his predecessors in England, chiefly J. Smeaton,
Higgins, J. Parker and J. Frost, and also of Swede Bergmann, Dutchman J. John,
and mainly L.J. Vicat.
Some authors claim that the higher burning temperature introduction we owe
to Aspdin. Johnson applied this method in the factory in Gateshead, which he had
taken after Aspdin leaved it in 1851 [4]. Johnson obtained a patent for improvement
of Portland cement production in the year 1872. The Johnson achievement was
recognised also by Michaelis, it is, however, the open matter to whom of two precursors of Portland cement producing—Aspdin or Johnson—this invention should
be attributed [1, 4].
There are few information on the production of hydraulic lime in Poland.
Górewicz states that it was used by the Teutonic knights for castle Malbork
construction [5]. He states further the textile factory in Tomaszów Mazowiecki,
which was build in 1828. The lime mortar was used for bonding of erratic boulders, from which the foundations were build. The significant importance ascribes
Górewicz to the production, in the same period, of hydraulic lime used for the
construction of Augustowski Channel. It was the hydraulic lime of excellent
quality, and made of it mortars and concretes has today the compressive strength
equal 15–50 MPa [5]. The hydraulic lime factory was erected in the neighbourhood of the foreseen channel location, and in the technology the advantage of
L.J. Vicat works was taken [5]. During the production technology elaboration the
experiments were made by professor Joseph Nowicki from Professional School
in Warsaw.
Thirty years later the first cement plant on Polish Land was build in Grodziec and
started production in 1857, which was the fifth working cement plant in the World
(Fig. 1.1). In the twenty year of inter war period it was sell by the owner Stanislaw
Ciechanowski to Solvay and significantly developed. In 1939 its capacity achieved
390 thousand tons per year [6].
Cement production on Polish Land increased quickly after the year 1884, and
its development lasted till 1914. With exception of the small factory in Wejherowo,
which was build in 1872, the remaining cement plants was erected after 1884 year—
still in this year plant “Wysoka” in Łazy, in 1885 “Szczakowa” in Szczakowa and
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
Fig. 1.1 Cement plant “Grodziec” in 1957, general view
“Bonarka” in Podgórze, near Kraków. In 1889 started the exploitation of “Goleszów”
factory in Goleszów, and in 1894 “Firlay” in Lublin. During the years 1897–1898
further two cement plants were build, namely “Rudniki” near Częstochowa and
“Klucze” near Rabsztyn. Very quickly further plants were erected, in total 15, but in
this number the most ten in Russian Partition. During the First World War cement
industry in Russian Partition was significantly destroyed, however, the remaining
cement factories were not affected during war. From the year 1920 the progressive
increase of cement production in Poland was noted, which, with the exception the
crisis period, achieved a quick development (Fig. 1.2). The capacity was in year
1939 was equal 1.98 million, however the production was the highest in 1938 close
to 1.72, due to the outbreak of the Second World War.
Cement from Poland was exported all over the world and was very well reputed.
The new kinds of cement are introduced: high strength, with low heat of hydration
[7]. As a curiosity can be reminded that people from cement plant “Saturn” patented
the addition of siliceous fly ash to cement, which should increase the durability of
concrete to sulphates.
After the Second World War there is a very quick development of cement industry
in Poland. Already in the year 1948 cement production was higher than before the
war, reaching 1.8 million ton and in 1955 was doubled, exceeding 3.8 million ton.
The most tempestuous development period of cement industry was in the decennium
1965–1975, in which the production was increased from 8 to 16 million ton. The highest production was achieved in 1979, in which I was close to 23 million ton (Fig. 1.3).
Similar development was noted in others European countries and as an example
cement production in Italy and Spain is given in Table 1.1, thanks to courtesy of
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete
thousand ton
Polish market
1938 year
Fig. 1.2 Production and cement market in Poland in interwar period
thousand ton
25 000
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
Fig. 1.3 Production of clinker and cement in Polish cement industry
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
Table 1.1 Cement production in Italy and Spain, thousand tone
Cement Associations of these countries. After 1980 significant fluctuations of cement production are typical, similarly as in Poland.
The economic crisis, which arrived in Poland after the 1979 embraced also cement
industry. The quick decrease of cement market caused the diminution of its production (Fig. 1.3). The lowest level equal 14 million ton was in 1981, and after it was
oscillating in the range from 15 to 16 million ton yearly. The change of political
system in Poland brings the privatisation of cement industry, which takes place in the
period from 1992 to 1998. The owners of about 90 % of production capacity of cement
industry became the big concerns, namely Lafarge, Heilderberg, Cement Roadstone
Holding, Cemex and Dyckerhoff. This privatisation was very successful and resulted
in cement industry as modernisation, the elimination of wet method and the reconstruction of almost all factories, with introduction of modern technical solutions. The
kilns with precalciners, the roller press, closed circuit in cement grinding, with the
application of the most modern separators. In cement plant “Chełm” the world unique
technology of clinker burning, without raw materials grinding and in “Ożarów” plant
the biggest kiln in Europe for dry method was erected, with the capacity of 8,000
tpd. Also in “Górażdże” and “Kujawy” the very modern technological lines on world
level were introduced and there are only the most important solutions. Others numerous, not mentioned smaller modernisation, gave the lowering of energy consumption
in industry by 25 % and dust emission by 95 %.
The concrete history is also of great antiquity. Basing on Lea definition [1],
which names concrete as an artificial conglomerate of gravel or broken stone with
sand and lime or cement, we can relate the beginning of concrete use by people with
lime binder. Thus we do not relate to concrete the ancient buildings composed of the
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete
aggregate bind with clay, but we will link the concrete with lime binder. The most
ancient concrete elements based on lime are the Yiftah in South Galilean in Israel
which are dated back to 7,000 year before Christ. They were discovered in 1985 and
are described by Malinowski and Garfinkel [8]. This housing from Neolithic epoch
embraces several buildings in which the floors and parts of walls were made of lime
concrete with aggregate of crushed limestone. Malinowski and Garfinkel [8] state
the vast concrete floors surfaces testify of the mass application of lime binder which
proves the good knowledge of their production. The concrete production was also
well known of which testify its good quality and measured compressive strength
was in the range from 15 to 40 MPa and in one case was even 60 MPa [8].
The next examples of ancient concrete were found in Lepen Whirl, in Danube
bend, in Serbia [9, 10]. They are linked with buildings, which origin is dated back to
5,600 year before Christ and are concerning also mainly the floors in the fishermen
The numerous concrete constructions are linked with Roman times, because in
ancient Rome the technology of good lime mortar production was well developed,
including also the hydraulic lime, which was applied for concrete production. Many
such examples are described by Vitruvius, using the Greek term emplechton as a
name of today concrete precursor, which was called in Rome opus caementitium.
However, probably Greeks were the first which used hydraulic binders for concrete
production. It was the mixture of lime with volcanic ash from Nisiros island, but
also from Pozzuoli, from Greek colony in Italy, near Napoli. With this binder the
pieces of stone were mixed and this concrete served among others for the production of water cisterns of the volume of 600 m3 in Athena’s temple, in Rhodes island
and in Piraeus port. They were also described by Pliny [1]. Instead of stone pieces
Greek used also the crushed tiles, among others in maritime constructions in Delos
and Rhodes. The Romans adopted these knowledge from Greeks at about 300 year
before Christ, and in production of hydraulic lime they used principally the tuff
from Pozzuoli. The proofs of the durability of these materials are among others the
numerous concrete constructions on the sea embankment between Napoli and Gaeta
“polished by sea water, but not destroyed” [1]. Great Roman concrete construction
retained to our times are Colosseum (82 year before Christ), Pantheon (123 year
before Christ), theatre in Pompeii for 20 thousand spectators 75 year before Christ).
The dome in Pantheon, with the diameter of about 44 m, was also made of concrete.
Also in North America the ancient concrete was found. Already in 1785 the ruin
of El Tajin town, located in state Veracruz in Mexico, was discovered, but only
during its reconstruction in 1924 the destructed concrete roofs in different houses
were found [11]. The building of these houses in which the concrete roofs were
applied are dated 1,000 year before Christ. This concrete, examined by Cabera et al.
[11] appeared to be light concrete from hydraulic lime binder, and sand as well as
aggregate were obtained from pumice (Fig. 1.4).
Hydraulic binder was produced by adding volcanic tuff to the lime, disintegrated
to powder. Thus it became evident that the use of concrete in North America is dated
to the same times as Roman buildings and the base of this composite was also lime
with the addition of volcanic tuff.
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
Fig. 1.4 Microstructure of
light concrete from El Tajin
under SEM
The production of good lime and also of concrete was significantly declined in
Middle Ages and was developed only after the discovering of Portland cement. The
most important dates in the history of the development of contemporary concrete
are the following:
• 1867—Joseph Monier introduced the reinforcement of concrete,
• 1870—the production of precast elements begun,
• 1877—T. Hayatt constructed in London the house with the use of reinforced
• 1896—Feret proposed the formula for concrete strength calculation,
• 1907—Koenen introduced the prestressed concrete,
• 1924—Bolomey proposed the formula for concrete strength calculation, applied
till today,
• 1929—Freyssinet constructed the reinforced concrete bridge, of the length of
180 m,
• 1980—the paste with reactive powders and very low w/c ratio started to be
• 1980—Aïtcin was the first to introduce HPC,
• 1988—Aïtcin was the first to introduce the concrete from reactive powders,
• The end of eightieth—Okamura applied the self compacting concrete.
Parallel with cement production development the significant progress in cement
chemistry was achieved. The real revolution we owe to French scientist Le Chatelier. This great chemist determined the phase composition of Portland cement clinker and the hypothesis of hydration process. Le Chatelier stated that, similarly as in
the case of gypsum, the anhydrite cement components dissolve, the solution became
oversaturated in relation to hydrates, which causes their crystallization [3].
The quick development of chemistry with the introducing of new research
methods, and principally by Laue discovery in 1912 of the X–ray diffraction on the
1.1 The History of Binders and Concrete
crystal lattice. It was creating the base of modern cement chemistry. Further methods,
which was the source of further new information, was the electronic microscopy
coupled with X–ray microanalysis, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance and recently atomic forces microscopy. These methods gave first of all the
advancement of learning the structure of hydrates, including the C–S–H phase.
Many scientists had the significant contribution in the development of this discipline of science and at least some of them deserves to be mentioned. Parallel to Le
Chatelier in Germany worked Michealis, who justified the importance of colloidal
processes in cement hydration. The next was Eitel, which works are till today the
source of important information of silicate chemistry [12]. Changed and significantly widen second edition of his book “Silicate Science”, which was edited in
1966 is a beautiful achievement of the works of this author [13].
Probably even more important was the consecutive edition of chemistry of cement
and concrete by English scientist F.M. Lea (first edition together with Desch) [14].
Impossible to omit also professor Hans Kühl from Berlin, which modulus of lime
saturation are used till today [15]. He was also the inventor of the alkali activated
granulated blast furnace slag as well as of supersulphated cement [16]. Similar position had after the Second World War Bogue and his method of phase composition
calculation of Portland clinker is till now commonly used [3]. From many Russian
scientists, which contribution to cement chemistry cannot be overestimated, it is
necessary to mention P.P. Budnikov which works covered all important problems
of binders chemistry [17], but the most important was linked with the chemistry of
hydration processes. Finally the contribution of Hall Taylor [18] should be underlined, especially concerning the structure of C–S–H phase and the role of ettringite,
which he differentiated into “good” and “wrong” [19].
Also in Poland, parallel to the cement industry development during the interwar
period, several problems of cement chemistry were studied. They were concentrated in the chair of Cement Technology in Warsaw Technical University, under
the scientific leadership of professor Zawadzki. There are principally the works of
Konarzewski, concerning the formation of calcium silicates and ferrites [20, 21].
Good position had also the works of Eiger on cement hydration which was one of
the first to present the hypothesis of solid solution C3AH6– C3FH61 [22]. He cooperated also with Zawadzki’s chair, where the experiments linked with his works were
executed. Eiger was the first, which has shown that the paste strength is directly
proportional to the degree of cement hydration [23]. Eiger works were concerned
also the most favourable cement grains size composition [21]. He participated in the
Second Congress on Cement Chemistry in Stockholm in 1938. The importance of
his works is testified by five citations in Lea’s book, edited in 1971 [1].
In Poland, after the Second World War, the researches on cement chemistry were
significantly developed with the formation in 1949 of the faculty of Ceramics in the
University of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków, and in 1954 of the Institute of Building Materials in Opole. Among the several scientists working in Cement Chemistry
The author use the well known abbreviation: C – CaO, S – SiO2, A – Al2O3, F – Fe2O3, M – MgO,
H – H2O, S – SO3, N – Na2O, K – K2O
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
prof. George Grzymek, the author of complex technology of alumina oxide and
rapid–hardening cement production [24, 25] and prof. Sulikowski, which works were
devoted to the raw mix sintering and some disturbance of cement setting [26].
1.2 Principles of Cement Classification
Cement is a powder, which mixed with water forms plastic mass, easy to shape
(paste), setting with time and hardening gradually with strength increase. In many
standards the more exact Portland cement definitions were introduced. It is necessary because the name of cement is given to other binding materials, for example to
anhydrite or magnesium oxychloride (the last is called Sorel cement).
Already Romans introduced first binders classification, dividing them to non–
hydraulic and hydraulic. Frequently by defining the properties of these two kinds
of binding materials there were customary assumed that the first sets only in the
air, thus the setting process requires drying (lime) and the second under water. It is
not exact and better as a base of division assumes their water durability. Since for
example plaster of Paris sets under water, but is not water durable, while lime with
ash addition gains gradually hydraulic properties, but initially, at least during 7 days
should be cured in the moist air.
Presenting the rules of Portland cements classification and derived from them
others kind of hydraulic binders, it must be underlined that the basis of this classification are their useful properties. In relation to this that cement is an intermediate
product—the raw material for concrete production, these properties will concern
the conventional “micro–concrete” or the mortar, sometimes paste, and now and
again cement itself, for example phase composition. Some experts reckon the mortar to some kind of concrete, however, it is a subject of controversy.
Cement composition is the basis for division of cements into kinds: Portland,
Slag, Pozzolanic; the last two with high addition of slag and pozzolana, respectively.
The hydraulic or pozzolanic additions bring about, that the pastes of these
cements have usually different properties, particularly the rate of strength development (early strength), heat of hydration, resistance to corrosion factors. It found
the expression in standards introduced at the end of seventies of twentieth century
in France and Germany, in which Portland cements were divided into two groups:
without and with additions. However, there is a pretty common opinion, particularly
among cement producers, that the users should be interested only in paste (mortar)
properties and to this should be limited their requirements. Thus the user can have
the requirements concerning, for example, the rate of strength development, the
strength immediately after heat treatment, heat of hydration, or setting time, but
should not put conditions, what methods can be used by producer to fulfil these
demands. Consequently in the past in the regulations of different cements applying,
for example in France, grouped cements according to strength class and strength
development rate and not on the basis of additions content or their lack. For example the paste of Portland cement without additions, having specific surface area
1.2 Principles of Cement Classification
equal 280 m2/kg, shows, under the suitable clinker phase composition, very similar
properties to the paste of cement with the surface area equal 340 m2/kg and with
30 % addition of fly ash.
In the European standards, above all in EN 197–1, another principle was adopted,
dividing cement on kinds according to the quantity and kind of mineral additions.
However, the division on class is common, independently of cement kind. These
rules of division facilitate the classification of cements for concrete production,
designated for constructions exploiting in different expositions.
The fundamental performance properties of cements, being the basis of classification are the following:
• the strength of the mortar after 28 days of hardening (class of cement),
• the rate of strength development: strength after 2 days of hardening, and exceptionally in the case of 32.5 N cement after 7 days,
• setting time.
There are few differences in the setting time in the world standards: initial setting
time is in the range 40–90 min, the final is 6, 8, and 10 or 12 h. Much higher differences are embracing special cements beyond the standards (see Chap. 8). In EN
197–1 standard there is even no requirement for final setting time. This approach is,
however, at least discussable.
From other important cement properties the following should be mentioned:
• heat of hydration,
• resistance to aggressive environment.
Resistance of concrete to external attack is only limited to the corrosion of sulphate
water solution, in this connection only the C3A content is normalised, respectively
additionally the sum 2C3A + C4AF. Exceptionally in France were normalised the
requirements concerning cements designed to sea constructions (ciments “prise
mer”). The composition of these cements should fulfil the following condition:
SiO 2 + Al2 O3 2Al2 O3
≥ 0.31
CaO + MgO
Additionally the C3A content < 10 %. They should also gave the positive results of
the following long–term tests:
• the concrete cubes cured in open sea should not exhibit the properties worsening,
• the samples cured in sea water in laboratory should maintain good strength.
The following important property of cement is soundness. With this criterion three
requirements are linked:
a. the volume change according to Le Chatelier test equal to standard requirement,
b. the content of MgO in clinker lower than 5 %,
c. limited to 3.5 % or 4 % SO3 content.
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
The limit of MgO content is linked to the lack of respective standardised test of
potential expansion, caused by the periclase from clinker. In ASTM standards the
method of volume stability testing in autoclave was introduced, and after the United
States also nine countries have adopted this method, among others Canada, Finland,
Belgium and Argentine [27].
The objections towards the autoclave method were interposed, stating that it is
too severe and not adopted to concrete. Mehta [28] states that in the conditions of
this test the periclase is hydrated very quickly causing expansion, while in concrete
this process is slow, proceeding gradually, without stress. Additionally the expansion in the paste is significant, but in concrete to low to cause cracks. For these
reasons there is no correlation between the standard requirements for MgO content,
which gives good result in autoclave test, and soundness of concrete. It is commonly considered that cements from clinker containing 7–8 % MgO do not cause
expansion of concrete, neither in laboratory tests, nor in field trials. Gonnermann
[29] found that the concrete cubes from cements containing 7–10 % MgO do not
show the strength decrease even after 15 years water curing Gebauer [30] had published the first results of the research of concrete behaviour cured in open air and in
laboratory. Concrete produced from cements containing 7.1 % MgO and showing
expansion in autoclave higher than 7 %, did not show disadvantageous changes
after 4 years. The degree of periclase hydration was 30 % and its crystals was seen
in hydrated paste. Without doubt this problem needs further studies.
In connection with the requirements for concrete durability cements are divided
also according to alkalis content (see Chap. 6). Cements with high and low alkalis
content are distinguished and the threshold value is the sum Na2O + 0.658K2O = 0.6.
Certainly there are cements with even lower content of alkalis.
In the past the division of cements on the basis of phase composition was applied,
as follows: alite, alite–celite (Törnebohm called brownmillerite celite), alite–
aluminate and others (Fig. 1.5) [31]. Such division, although fully justified, gives
few information to the user—properties of several classes are very approximate, it
has no application to cements with additions and for these reasons has no practical
use. However, the chemists use it frequently enough for cement kind definition,
especially in the case of special cements, which are discussed in Chap. 9.
The presented important principles of cements classification can be divided into
three groups form the point of view of paste influence on concrete properties. They
are the following:
1. the properties of concrete mix (chiefly consistency and workability, setting time,
C3A content, water demand),
2.concrete properties during hardening process (rate of strength development,
strength after 28 days, heat of hydration, shrinkage), concrete durability
(soundness, MgO, SO3, C3A, Na2Oe2, hydraulic or pozzolanic addition content).
On the end of aforementioned rules of classification the position should be taken on
the methods of cement properties testing. It is, however, not necessary to justify that
Na2Oe we should call the sodium equivalent of alkalis total content, thus Na2O + 0.658K2O
1.2 Principles of Cement Classification
Fig. 1.5 Classification of cements on the basis of phase composition
Fig. 1.6 Powder specimen
of slag cement, transparent grains—slag, dark
the classification has only sense when there are suitable methods for determination
of individual material properties with sufficient accuracy in relation to the requirements contained in this classification.
The basis for rate cements to individual kinds is cement composition based
principally on chemical determinations, to which belong insoluble residue and
loss on ignition. They are principally linked with cement additions. For quantitative slag content determination from long time the light microscopy is used,
and the accuracy of this method is assessed to be ± 5 % (Fig. 1.6). Lastly also the
methods of separation in heavy liquids are recommended, based on the density
differences of individual cement components: clinker about 3.1 g/cm3, slag 2.85 g/
1 Cement Kinds and Principles of their Classification
Table 1.2 Requirements concerning the chemical composition of cements. (Content of Cr(VI)
cannot exceed 2 mg/kg; in the case of higher chromium content it must be reduced by addition for
example iron(II) sulphate)
Control test
Cement kind
Strength class Required value
Loss on ignition
EN 196–2
≤ 5.0 %
Insoluble residue
EN 196–2a
≤ 5.0 %
Sulphates content
32.5 N
EN 196–2
≤ 3.5 %
(as SO3)
32.5 R
42.5 N
42.5 R
≤ 4.0 %
52.5 N
52.5 R
Chlorides content
EN 196–2
≤ 0.10 %e
Pozzolanic activity
EN 196–5
Favourable result
Determination of insoluble residue in hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate
Cement CEM III/B–T can contain up to 4.5 % of sulphate in all strength classes
Cement CEM III/C can contain up to 4.55 of sulphate
Cement CEM III can contain more than 0.10 % of chlorides, but in that case the maximal chlorides content must be given on package and/or in delivering document
For prestressed concrete cements can be produced with lower chlorides content
cm3, fly ash from hard coal about 2.6 g/cm3. However it is a much more difficult
method demanding well skilled laboratory staff. From the new methods the using
of solubility differences of individual cement components in some solvents is
proposed [32]. However these methods did not found practical application. For the
content of siliceous fly ash
determination the method of insoluble residue is currently used (Table 1.2 and 1.3),
which is multiplied by 1.25. This coefficient is the result of assumption that the
siliceous fly ash contains 80 % of glass.
The standard methods used for rheological studies of cement paste and water
demand, assuring the normal consistency are not satisfying. Traditionally the Vicat
apparatus is used, which gives no information about the initial concrete stiffening, so important for concrete mix producing and moulding. We have of course
much better equipment, to which the viscometers with coaxial cylinders should be
included, and also penetrometers of Bombled [33] and Banfill [34] (see also point
5.1). The methods with the use of these apparatus do not became so familiarised to
bring about the conditions for standardisation. They are too sophisticated and need
expensive equipment, which is important in standard methods [33]. Odler [35] proposed an interesting acoustic method of setting time measurement.
The initial paste stiffening can be detected with Vicat apparatus equipped additionally in hydraulic oil retarder of needle dip. This method is popular in
Scandinavian countries, and the requirements for the paste are the same as for