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Analytical chemistry

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Gary D. Christian

University of Washington

Purnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta

University of Texas at Arlington

Kevin A. Schug

University of Texas at Arlington


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Nikola from Gary—for your interests in science. You have a bright future,wherever

your interests and talents take you
Philip W. West from Sandy—wherever you are Phil, sipping your martini with 1 ppm
vermouth, you know how it was: For he said, I will give you, A shelter from the
storm. . . .
Dad from Kevin—well its not hardcore P. Chem., but it is still quite useful. Thanks
for your love, support, and guidance through the years

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Christian, Gary D., author.
Analytical chemistry. -- Seventh edition / Gary D. Christian, University of Washington, Purnendu K. (Sandy)
Dasgupta, University of Texas at Arlington, Kevin A. Schug, University of Texas at Arlington.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-470-88757-8 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Chemistry, Analytic--Quantitative--Textbooks.
I. Dasgupta, Purnendu, author. II. Schug, Kevin, author. III. Title.
QD101.2.C57 2014
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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Chapter 1
Analytical Objectives, or: What Analytical
Chemists Do


1.1 What Is Analytical Science?, 2
1.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis:
What Does Each Tell Us?, 3
1.3 Getting Started: The Analytical Process, 6
1.4 Validation of a Method—You Have to
Prove It Works!, 15
1.5 Analyze Versus Determine—They Are
Different, 16
1.6 Some Useful Websites, 16

Chapter 2
Basic Tools and Operations of Analytical


2.1 The Laboratory Notebook—Your Critical
Record, 20
2.2 Laboratory Materials and Reagents, 23

2.3 The Analytical Balance—The
Indispensible Tool, 23
2.4 Volumetric Glassware—Also Indispensible, 30
2.5 Preparation of Standard Base Solutions, 42
2.6 Preparation of Standard Acid Solutions, 42
2.7 Other Apparatus—Handling and Treating
Samples, 43
2.8 Igniting Precipitates—Gravimetric Analysis, 48
2.9 Obtaining the Sample—Is It Solid, Liquid,
or Gas?, 49
2.10 Operations of Drying and Preparing a
Solution of the Analyte, 51
2.11 Laboratory Safety, 57

Chapter 3
Statistics and Data Handling in Analytical


3.1 Accuracy and Precision: There Is a
Difference, 62
3.2 Determinate Errors—They Are Systematic, 63
3.3 Indeterminate Errors—They Are Random, 64
3.4 Significant Figures: How Many Numbers
Do You Need?, 65
3.5 Rounding Off, 71
3.6 Ways of Expressing Accuracy, 71
3.7 Standard Deviation—The Most Important
Statistic, 72

3.8 Propagation of Errors—Not Just Additive, 75
3.9 Significant Figures and Propagation of Error, 81
3.10 Control Charts, 83
3.11 The Confidence Limit—How Sure Are You?, 84
3.12 Tests of Significance—Is There a
Difference?, 86
3.13 Rejection of a Result: The Q Test, 95
3.14 Statistics for Small Data Sets, 98
3.15 Linear Least Squares—How to Plot the
Right Straight Line, 99
3.16 Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of
Determination, 104
3.17 Detection Limits—There Is No Such
Thing as Zero, 105
3.18 Statistics of Sampling—How Many
Samples, How Large?, 107
3.19 Powering a Study: Power Analysis, 110
3.20 Use of Spreadsheets in Analytical
Chemistry, 112
3.21 Using Spreadsheets for Plotting Calibration
Curves, 117


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3.22 Slope, Intercept, and Coefficient of
Determination, 118
3.23 LINEST for Additional Statistics, 119
3.24 Statistics Software Packages, 120

Chapter 4
Good Laboratory Practice: Quality Assurance and
Method Validation
4.1 What Is Good Laboratory Practice?, 133
4.2 Validation of Analytical Methods, 134
4.3 Quality Assurance—Does the Method Still
Work?, 143
4.4 Laboratory Accreditation, 144
4.5 Electronic Records and Electronic
Signatures: 21 CFR, Part 11, 145
4.6 Some Official Organizations, 146

Chapter 5
Stoichiometric Calculations: The Workhorse of
the Analyst


5.1 Review of the Fundamentals, 149
5.2 How Do We Express Concentrations

of Solutions?, 152
5.3 Expressions of Analytical Results—So
Many Ways, 159
5.4 Volumetric Analysis: How Do We Make
Stoichiometric Calculations?, 166
5.5 Volumetric Calculations—Let’s Use
Molarity, 169
5.6 Titer—How to Make Rapid Routine
Calculations, 179
5.7 Weight Relationships—You Need These
for Gravimetric Calculations, 180

Chapter 6
General Concepts of Chemical Equilibrium
6.1 Chemical Reactions: The Rate Concept, 188
6.2 Types of Equilibria, 190
6.3 Gibbs Free Energy and the Equilibrium
Constant, 191
6.4 Le Chˆatelier’s Principle, 192

6.5 Temperature Effects on Equilibrium
Constants, 192
6.6 Pressure Effects on Equilibria, 192
6.7 Concentration Effects on Equilibria, 193
6.8 Catalysts, 193
6.9 Completeness of Reactions, 193
6.10 Equilibrium Constants for Dissociating or
Combining Species—Weak Electrolytes
and Precipitates, 194
6.11 Calculations Using Equilibrium

Constants—Composition at Equilibrium?, 195
6.12 The Common Ion Effect—Shifting the
Equilibrium, 203
6.13 Systematic Approach to Equilibrium
Calculations—How to Solve Any
Equilibrium Problem, 204
6.14 Some Hints for Applying the Systematic
Approach for Equilibrium Calculations, 208
6.15 Heterogeneous Equilibria—Solids Don’t
Count, 211
6.16 Activity and Activity Coefficients—
Concentration Is Not the Whole Story, 211
6.17 The Diverse Ion Effect: The
Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant and
Activity Coefficients, 217

Chapter 7
Acid–Base Equilibria



7.1 The Early History of Acid—Base
Concepts, 222
7.2 Acid–Base Theories—Not All Are
Created Equal, 223
7.3 Acid–Base Equilibria in Water, 225
7.4 The pH Scale, 227
7.5 pH at Elevated Temperatures: Blood pH, 231

7.6 Weak Acids and Bases—What Is the pH?, 232
7.7 Salts of Weak Acids and Bases—They
Aren’t Neutral, 234
7.8 Buffers—Keeping the pH Constant
(or Nearly So), 238
7.9 Polyprotic Acids and Their Salts, 245
7.10 Ladder Diagrams, 247
7.11 Fractions of Dissociating Species at a
Given pH: α Values—How Much of Each
Species?, 248
7.12 Salts of Polyprotic Acids—Acid, Base, or
Both?, 255


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7.13 Physiological Buffers—They Keep You
Alive, 261
7.14 Buffers for Biological and Clinical
Measurements, 263

7.15 Diverse Ion Effect on Acids and Bases: c Ka
and c Kb —Salts Change the pH, 266
7.16 log C—pH Diagrams, 266
7.17 Exact pH Calculators, 269

Chapter 8
Acid–Base Titrations

9.5 Other Uses of Complexes, 336
9.6 Cumulative Formation Constants β and
Concentrations of Specific Species in
Stepwise Formed Complexes, 336

Chapter 10
Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation

8.1 Strong Acid versus Strong Base—The
Easy Titrations, 282
8.2 The Charge Balance Method—An Excel
Exercise for the Titration of a Strong Acid
and a Strong Base, 285
8.3 Detection of the End Point: Indicators, 288
8.4 Standard Acid and Base Solutions, 290
8.5 Weak Acid versus Strong Base—A Bit
Less Straightforward, 290
8.6 Weak Base versus Strong Acid, 295
8.7 Titration of Sodium Carbonate—A
Diprotic Base, 296

8.8 Using a Spreadsheet to Perform the
Sodium Carbonate—HCl Titration, 298
8.9 Titration of Polyprotic Acids, 300
8.10 Mixtures of Acids or Bases, 302
8.11 Equivalence Points from Derivatives of a
Titration Curve, 304
8.12 Titration of Amino Acids—They Are
Acids and Bases, 309
8.13 Kjeldahl Analysis: Protein Determination, 310
8.14 Titrations Without Measuring Volumes, 312

Chapter 9
Complexometric Reactions and Titrations


9.1 Complexes and Formation
Constants—How Stable Are Complexes?, 322
9.2 Chelates: EDTA—The Ultimate Titrating
Agent for Metals, 325
9.3 Metal–EDTA Titration Curves, 331
9.4 Detection of the End Point:
Indicators—They Are Also Chelating
Agents, 334


10.1 How to Perform a Successful Gravimetric
Analysis, 343
10.2 Gravimetric Calculations—How Much

Analyte Is There?, 349
10.3 Examples of Gravimetric Analysis, 353
10.4 Organic Precipitates, 353
10.5 Precipitation Equilibria: The Solubility
Product, 355
10.6 Diverse Ion Effect on Solubility: Ksp and
Activity Coefficients, 361

Chapter 11
Precipitation Reactions and Titrations


11.1 Effect of Acidity on Solubility of
Precipitates: Conditional Solubility
Product, 366
11.2 Mass Balance Approach for Multiple
Equilibria, 368
11.3 Effect of Complexation on Solubility:
Conditional Solubility Product, 372
11.4 Precipitation Titrations, 374

Chapter 12
Electrochemical Cells and Electrode
12.1 What Are Redox Reactions?, 384
12.2 Electrochemical Cells—What
Electroanalytical Chemists Use, 384
12.3 Nernst Equation—Effects of
Concentrations on Potentials, 390

12.4 Formal Potential—Use It for Defined
Nonstandard Solution Conditions, 394
12.5 Limitations of Electrode Potentials, 395



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Chapter 13
Potentiometric Electrodes and Potentiometry


13.1 Metal Electrodes for Measuring
the Metal Cation, 400
13.2 Metal–Metal Salt Electrodes for
Measuring the Salt Anion, 401
13.3 Redox Electrodes—Inert Metals, 402
13.4 Voltaic Cells without Liquid
Junction—For Maximum Accuracy, 404
13.5 Voltaic Cells with Liquid Junction—The

Practical Kind, 405
13.6 Reference Electrodes: The Saturated
Calomel Electrode, 407
13.7 Measurement of Potential, 409
13.8 Determination of Concentrations from
Potential Measurements, 411
13.9 Residual Liquid-Junction Potential—It
Should Be Minimized, 411
13.10 Accuracy of Direct Potentiometric
Measurements—Voltage Error versus
Activity Error, 412
13.11 Glass pH Electrode—Workhorse of
Chemists, 413
13.12 Standard Buffers—Reference for pH
Measurements, 418
13.13 Accuracy of pH Measurements, 420
13.14 Using the pH Meter—How Does It Work?, 421
13.15 pH Measurement of Blood—Temperature
Is Important, 422
13.16 pH Measurements in Nonaqueous Solvents, 423
13.17 Ion-Selective Electrodes, 424
13.18 Chemical Analysis on Mars using
Ion-Selective Electrodes, 432

Chapter 14
Redox and Potentiometric Titrations
14.1 First: Balance the Reduction–Oxidation
Reaction, 437
14.2 Calculation of the Equilibrium Constant of
a Reaction—Needed to Calculate

Equivalence Point Potentials, 438
14.3 Calculating Redox Titration Curves, 441
14.4 Visual Detection of the End Point, 445
14.5 Titrations Involving Iodine: Iodimetry and
Iodometry, 447


14.6 Titrations with Other Oxidizing Agents, 452
14.7 Titrations with Other Reducing Agents, 454
14.8 Preparing the Solution—Getting the
Analyte in the Right Oxidation State before
Titration, 454
14.9 Potentiometric Titrations (Indirect
Potentiometry), 456

Chapter 15
Voltammetry and Electrochemical Sensors


15.1 Voltammetry, 467
15.2 Amperometric Electrodes—Measurement
of Oxygen, 472
15.3 Electrochemical Sensors: Chemically
Modified Electrodes, 472
15.4 Ultramicroelectrodes, 474
15.5 Microfabricated Electrochemical Sensors, 474
15.6 Micro and Ultramicroelectrode Arrays, 475

Chapter 16
Spectrochemical Methods


16.1 Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation
with Matter, 478
16.2 Electronic Spectra and Molecular Structure, 484
16.3 Infrared Absorption and Molecular
Structure, 489
16.4 Near-Infrared Spectrometry for
Nondestructive Testing, 491
16.5 Spectral Databases—Identifying
Unknowns, 493
16.6 Solvents for Spectrometry, 493
16.7 Quantitative Calculations, 494
16.8 Spectrometric Instrumentation, 504
16.9 Types of Instruments, 519
16.10 Array Spectrometers—Getting the Entire
Spectrum at Once, 522
16.11 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers, 523
16.12 Near-IR Instruments, 525
16.13 Spectrometric Error in Measurements, 526
16.14 Deviation from Beer’s Law, 527
16.15 Fluorometry, 530
16.16 Chemiluminescence, 538
16.17 Fiber-Optic Sensors, 540


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Chapter 17
Atomic Spectrometric Methods



17.1 Principles: Distribution between Ground
and Excited States—Most Atoms Are in
the Ground State, 550
17.2 Flame Emission Spectrometry, 553
17.3 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, 556
17.4 Sample Preparation—Sometimes
Minimal, 567
17.5 Internal Standard and Standard Addition
Calibration, 567
17.6 Atomic Emission Spectrometry: The
Induction Coupled Plasma (ICP), 569
17.7 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry, 574

Chapter 18
Sample Preparation: Solvent and Solid-Phase



Distribution Coefficient, 579
Distribution Ratio, 580
Percent Extracted, 581
Solvent Extraction of Metals, 583
Accelerated and Microwave-Assisted
Extraction, 585
18.6 Solid-Phase Extraction, 586
18.7 Microextraction, 590
18.8 Solid-Phase Nanoextraction (SPNE), 593

19.1 Countercurrent Extraction: The
Predecessor to Modern Liquid
Chromatography, 598
19.2 Principles of Chromatographic
Separations, 603

19.3 Classification of Chromatographic
Techniques, 604
19.4 Theory of Column Efficiency in
Chromatography, 607
19.5 Chromatography Simulation
Software, 616




High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, 651
Stationary Phases in HPLC, 654
Equipment for HPLC, 665
Ion Chromatography, 692
HPLC Method Development, 700
UHPLC and Fast LC, 701
Open Tubular Liquid Chromatography

(OTLC), 702
Thin-Layer Chromatography, 702
Electrophoresis, 708
Capillary Electrophoresis, 711
Electrophoresis Related Techniques, 724

Chapter 22
Mass Spectrometry


Performing GC Separations, 620
Gas Chromatography Columns, 623
Gas Chromatography Detectors, 630
Temperature Selection, 638
Quantitative Measurements, 639
Headspace Analysis, 641
Thermal Desorption, 641
Purging and Trapping, 642
Small and Fast, 643
Separation of Chiral Compounds, 644
Two-Dimensional GC, 645

Chapter 21
Liquid Chromatography and Electrophoresis


Chapter 19
Chromatography: Principles and Theory

Chapter 20
Gas Chromatography


Principles of Mass Spectrometry, 735
Inlets and Ionization Sources, 740
Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry, 741
Liquid Chromatography–Mass
Spectrometry, 746
22.5 Laser Desorption/Ionization, 750
22.6 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 752
22.7 Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass
Spectrometry, 753


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22.8 Mass Analyzers and Detectors, 753
22.9 Hybrid Instruments and Tandem Mass
Spectrometry, 764

Chapter 23
Kinetic Methods of Analysis

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Chapter G
Century of the Gene—Genomics and
Proteomics: DNA Sequencing and Protein Profiling G1

23.1 Kinetics—The Basics, 769
23.2 Catalysis, 771
23.3 Enzyme Catalysis, 772

Chapter 24
Automation in Measurements



Principles of Automation, 784
Automated Instruments: Process Control, 785
Automatic Instruments, 787
Flow Injection Analysis, 789
Sequential Injection Analysis, 791
Laboratory Information Management
Systems, 792


Of What Are We Made?, G1
What Is DNA?, G3
Human Genome Project, G3
How Are Genes Sequenced?, G5
Replicating DNA: The Polymerase Chain
Reaction, G6
Plasmids and Bacterial Artificial
Chromosomes (BACs), G7
DNA Sequencing, G8
Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing, G11
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, G11

DNA Chips, G12
Draft Genome, G13
Genomes and Proteomics: The Rest of the
Story, G13


Chapter 25
Clinical Chemistry


25.1 Composition of Blood, C1
25.2 Collection and Preservation of Samples, C3
25.3 Clinical Analysis—Common
Determinations, C4
25.4 Immunoassay, C6


Getting a Meaningful Sample, EN1
Air Sample Collection and Analysis, EN2
Water Sample Collection and Analysis, EN9
Soil and Sediment Sampling, EN11
Sample Preparation for Trace Organics, EN12
Contaminated Land Sites—What Needs to
Be Analyzed?, EN12
26.7 EPA Methods and Performance-Based
Analyses, EN13



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Chapter 26
Environmental Sampling and Analysis


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Table C.1 Dissociation Constants for Acids, 801
Table C.2a Dissociation Constants for Basic
Species, 802
Table C.2b Acid Dissociation Constants for
Basic Species, 803
Table C.3 Solubility Product Constants, 803
Table C.4 Formation Constants for Some
EDTA Metal Chelates, 805
Table C.5 Some Standard and Formal
Reduction Electrode Potentials, 806

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Experiment 13 Determination of Chloride in a
Soluble Chloride: Fajans’ Method, E23

Potentiometric Measurements



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Use of Apparatus
Experiment 1 Use of the Analytical Balance, E1
Experiment 2 Use of the Pipet and Buret and
Statistical Analysis, E2
Experiment 3 Analysis of Volumetric

Measurements Using
Spectrophotometric Microplate
Readers and Spreadsheet
Calculations, E4

Experiment 4 Gravimetric Determination of
Chloride, E6
Experiment 5 Gravimetric Determination of SO3
in a Soluble Sulfate, E9
Experiment 6 Gravimetric Determination of
Nickel in a Nichrome Alloy, E11

Acid–Base Titrations
Experiment 7 Determination of Replaceable
Hydrogen in Acid by Titration
with Sodium Hydroxide, E12
Experiment 8 Determination of Total Alkalinity
of Soda Ash, E14
Experiment 9 Determination of Aspirin Using
Back Titration, E16
Experiment 10 Determination of Hydrogen
Carbonate in Blood Using
Back-Titration, E18

Complexometric Titration
Experiment 11 Determination of Water Hardness
with EDTA, E19

Precipitation Titrations

Experiment 12 Determination of Silver in an
Alloy: Volhard’s Method, E21

Experiment 14 Determination of the pH of Hair
Shampoos, E24
Experiment 15 Potentiometric Determination of
Fluoride in Drinking Water Using
a Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode, E25

Reduction–Oxidation Titrations
Experiment 16 Analysis of an Iron Alloy or Ore
by Titration with Potassium
Dichromate, E27
Experiment 17 Analysis of Commercial
Hypochlorite or Peroxide Solution
by Iodometric Titration, E30
Experiment 18 Iodometric Determination of
Copper, E32
Experiment 19 Determination of Antimony by
Titration with Iodine, E34
Experiment 20 Microscale Quantitative Analysis
of Hard-Water Samples Using an
Indirect Potassium Permanganate
Redox Titration, E36

Potentiometric Titrations
Experiment 21 pH Titration of Unknown Soda
Ash, E38
Experiment 22 Potentiometric Titration of a
Mixture of Chloride and Iodide, E40

Spectrochemical Measurements
Experiment 23 Spectrophotometric Determination
of Iron, E41
Experiment 24 Spectrophotometric Determination
of Iron in Vitamin Tablets Using a
96 Well Plate Reader, E43
Experiment 25 Determination of Nitrate Nitrogen
in Water, E46
Experiment 26 Spectrophotometric Determination
of Lead on Leaves Using Solvent
Extraction, E47
Experiment 27 Spectrophotometric Determination
of Inorganic Phosphorus in Serum, E48
Experiment 28 Spectrophotometric Determination
of Manganese and Chromium in
Mixture, E50


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Experiment 29 Spectrophotometric Determination

of Manganese in Steel Using a 96
Well Plate Reader, E52
Experiment 30 Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric
Determination of Aspirin,
Phenacetin, and Caffeine in APC
Tablets Using Solvent Extraction, E54
Experiment 31 Infrared Determination of a
Mixture of Xylene Isomers, E56
Experiment 32 Fluorometric Determination of
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 ), E57

Atomic Spectrometry Measurements
Experiment 33 Determination of Calcium by
Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry, E57
Experiment 34 Flame Emission Spectrometric
Determination of Sodium, E60

Solid-Phase Extraction and Chromatography
Experiment 35 Solid-Phase Extraction with
Preconcentration, Elution, and
Spectrophotometric Analysis, E61
Experiment 36 Thin-Layer Chromatography
Separation of Amino Acids, E67
Experiment 37 Gas Chromatographic Analysis of
a Tertiary Mixture, E69
Experiment 38 Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis of Fruit Juices for
Vitamin C Using
High-Performance Liquid

Chromatography, E70

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Experiment 39 Analysis of Analgesics Using
High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography, E71

Mass Spectrometry
Experiment 40 Capillary Gas
Spectrometry, E72

Kinetic Analysis
Experiment 41 Enzymatic Determination of
Glucose in Blood, E74

Flow Injection Analysis
Experiment 42 Characterization of Physical
Parameters of a Flow Injection
Analysis System, E76
Experiment 43 Single-Line FIA:
Spectrophotometric Determination
of Chloride, E79
Experiment 44 Three-Line FIA:
Spectrophotometric Determination
of Phosphate, E80

Team Experiments
Experiment 45 Method Validation and Quality

Control Study, E82
Experiment 46 Proficiency Testing:
Determination of z Values of
Class Experiments, E84




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“Teachers open the door, but it is up to you to enter” —Anonymous


his edition has two new coauthors, Purnendu (Sandy) Dasgupta and Kevin Schug,
both from the University of Texas at Arlington. So the authorship now spans three
generations of analytical chemists who have each brought their considerable expertise
in both teaching and research interests to this book. While all chapters have ultimately
been revised and updated by all authors, the three authors have spearheaded different
tasks. Among the most notable changes are the following: The addition of a dedicated
chapter on mass spectrometry (Chapter 22) by Kevin. Sandy provided complete rewrites

of the chapters on spectrochemical methods (Chapter 16) and atomic spectrometric
methods (Chapter 17), and gas and liquid chromatography (Chapters 20 and 21), and
added many new Excel problems and exercises. Gary compiled and organized all old
and new supplementary materials for the textbook companion website and added QR
codes for selected website materials, and he prepared the PowerPoint presentations of
figures and tables.
This text is designed for college students majoring in chemistry and in fields related
to chemistry. It is written for an undergraduate quantitative analysis course. It
necessarily contains more material than normally can be covered in a one-semester
or one-quarter course, so that your instructor can select those topics deemed most
important. Some of the remaining sections may serve as supplemental material.
Depending on how a quantitative analysis and instrumental analysis sequence is
designed, it may serve for both courses. In any event, we hope you will take time to
read some sections that look interesting to you that are not formally covered. They can
certainly serve as a reference for the future.
Analytical chemistry is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter, both
qualitative and quantitative. It is important in nearly every aspect of our lives because
chemicals make up everything we use.
This text deals with the principles and techniques of quantitative analysis, that
is, how to determine how much of a specific substance is contained in a sample.
You will learn how to design an analytical method, based on what information is
needed or requested (it is important to know what that is, and why!), how to obtain a
laboratory sample that is representative of the whole, how to prepare it for analysis,
what measurement tools are available, and the statistical significance of the analysis.



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Analytical chemistry becomes meaningful when you realize that a blood analysis
may provide information that saves a patient’s life, or that quality control analysis
assures that a manufacturer does not lose money from a defective product.
This seventh edition is extensively rewritten, offering new and updated material. The
goal was to provide the student with a foundation of the analytical process, tools,
and computational methods and resources, and to illustrate with problems that bring
realism to the practice and importance of analytical chemistry. We take advantage
of digital technologies to provide supplementary material, including videos, website
materials, spreadsheet calculations, and so forth (more on these below). We introduce
the chapters with examples of representative uses of a technique, what its unique
capabilities may be, and indicate what techniques may be preferred or limited in scope.
The beginning of each chapter lists key learning objectives for the chapter, with page
numbers for specific objectives. This will help students focus on the core concepts as
they read the chapter.
Here are some of the new things:

Professors Favorite Examples and Problems. We asked professors and practicing analytical chemists from around the world to suggest new analytical
examples and problems, especially as they relate to real world practice, that we
could include in this new edition. It is with appreciation and pleasure that we

thank the many that have generously provided interesting and valuable examples
and problems. We call these Professor’s Favorite Examples, and Professor’s
Favorite Problems, and they are annotated within the text by a margin
. We have included these in the text where appropriate and as
space allows, and have placed some on the text website. We hope you find these
interesting and, as appropriate, are challenged by them.
Our special thanks go to the following colleagues who have contributed
problems, analytical examples, updates, and experiments:

Christine Blaine, Carthage College

Gary Hieftje, Indiana University

Andre Campiglia, University of Central

Thomas Isenhour, Old Dominion University

Peter Kissinger, Purdue University

David Chen, University of British Columbia

Samuel P. Kounaves, Tufts University

Christa L. Colyer, Wake Forest University

Ulrich Krull, University of Toronto

Michael DeGranpre, University of Montana

Thomas Leach, University of Washington

Mary Kate Donais, Saint Anselm College

Tarek Farhat, University of Memphis

Dong Soo Lee, Yonsei University, Seoul,

Carlos Garcia, The University of Texas at
San Antonio

Milton L. Lee, Brigham Young University

Wen-Yee Lee, University of Texas at El Paso

Steven Goates, BrighhamYoung University

Shaorong Liu, University of Oklahoma

Amanda Grannas, Villanova University

Fred McLafferty, Cornell University

Peter Griffiths, University of Idaho

Christopher Harrison, San Diego State

Michael D. Morris, University of Michigan

James Harynuk, University of Alberta

Noel Motta, University of Puerto Rico,
R´ıo Piedras

Fred Hawkridge, Virginia Commonwealth

Christopher Palmer, University of Montana

Dimitris Pappas, Texas Tech University

Aleeta Powe, University of Louisville

Alberto Rojas-Hern´andez, Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico

Yi He, John Jay College of Criminal Justice,
The City University of New York
Charles Henry, Colorado State University





Alexander Scheeline, University of Illinois

Galina Talanova, Howard University

W. Rudolph Seitz, University of New

Yijun Tang, University of Wisconsin,

Paul S. Simone, Jr., University of Memphis

Jon Thompson, Texas Tech University

Nicholas Snow, Seton Hall University

Kris Varazo, Francis Marion University

Wes Steiner, Eastern Washington University

Akos Vertes, George Washington University

Apryll M. Stalcup, City University of Dublin,

Bin Wang, Marshall University

George Wilson, University of Kansas

Robert Synovec, University of Washington

Richard Zare, Stanford University

Mass spectrometry, especially when used as a hyphenated technique with chromatography, is increasingly a routine and powerful analytical tool, and a new
chapter (Chapter 22) is dedicated to this topic. Likewise, liquid chromatography, including ion chromatography for anion determinations, is one of the
most widely used techniques today, even surpassing gas chromatography. There
are a wide variety of options of systems, instruments, columns, and detectors
available, making selection of a suitable system or instrument a challenge for
different applications. The present liquid chromatography chapter (Chapter 21)
uniquely provides comprehensive coverage within the scope of an undergraduate text that not only gives the fundamentals of various techniques, how they
evolved, and their operation, but also what the capabilities of different systems
are and guidance for selecting a suitable system for a specific application.
Revised chapters. All chapters have been revised, several extensively, especially
those dealing with instrumentation to include recent technological innovations, as
done for the liquid chromatography chapter. These include the spectrochemical

chapter (16), the atomic spectrometric chapter (17), and the gas chromatography chapter (20). State-of-the-art technologies are covered. Some of this
material and that of other chapters may be appropriate to use in an Instrumental
Analysis course, as well as providing the basics for the quantitative analysis
course; your instructor may assign selected sections for your course.
Historical information is added throughout to put into perspective how the
tools we have were developed and evolved. Some is this is included in margin
pictures and notes, showing pioneers in development of our profession.
Videos of Excel Programs. Major additions to the text and the text’s website
supplemental material include powerful Excel programs to perform complicated
calculations, and to create plots of titration curves, alpha vs. pH, logC vs. pH,
etc. We have included video tutorials created by students of Professor Dasgupta
to illustrate the use of many of these. The following videos, by chapter and in
order of page appearance, with page numbers listed, are available on the text
website. We have also created QR Codes for these in each chapter (see below)
for those who want to access them on their smartphones. You will find these
useful as you experiment with Excel and its power.

Chapter 3

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7. Error bars, 102

1. Solver, 87

8. Introduction to Excel, 113

2. Data Analysis Regression, 87, 120

9. Absolute Cell Reference, 115

3. F-test, 88

10. Average, 116

4. t-test for Paired Samples, 94

11. STDEV, 116

5. Paired t-test from Excel, 94

12. Intercept Slope and r-square, 119

6. Plotting in Excel, 102, 118

13. LINEST, 120


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Chapter 6
1. Goal Seek Equilibrium, 201
2. Goal Seek Problem 6.2, 219

Chapter 8
1. Excel H3 PO4 titration curve, 302
Chapter 9

Chapter 7
1. Goal Seek pH NH4 F, 238
2. Goal Seek mixture, 244

1. H4 Y alpha plot Excel 1, 328
2. H4 Y alpha plot Excel 2, 328
3. Example 9.6, 339

Thanks are due to the following students at the University of Texas as Arlington for
their contributions: Barry Akhigbe, Jyoti Birjah, Rubi Gurung, Aisha Hegab, Akinde
Kadjo, Karli Kirk, Heena Patel, Devika Shakya, and Mahesh Thakurathi.
It has been almost ten years since the last edition was published and since that time,
much has changed! This seventh edition of Analytical Chemistry is extensively revised
and updated, with new materials, new problems and examples, and new references.

Spreadsheets. Detailed instructions are given on how to use and take advantage
of spreadsheets in analytical calculations, plotting, and data processing. But the
introductory material has been moved to the end of Chapter 3 as a separate
unit, so that it can be assigned independently if desired, or treated as auxiliary
material. The use of Excel Goal Seek and Excel Solver is introduced for solving

complex problems and constructing titration curves (see below). Mastery of
these powerful tools will allow students to tackle complex problems. Several
useful programs introduced in the chapters are placed on the text website and
instructions are given for applying these for plotting titration curves, derivative
titrations, etc. by simply inputting equilibrium constant data, concentrations, and
References. There are numerous recommended references given in each chapter,
and we hope you will find them interesting reading. The late Tomas Hirschfeld
said you should read the very old literature and the very new to know the field.
We have deleted a number of outdated references, updating them with new ones.
Many references are for classical, pioneering reports, forming the basis of current
methodologies, and these remain.
Material moved to the text website. As detailed elsewhere, we have moved
certain parts to the text website as supplemental material and to make room for
updating material on the techniques to be used. This includes:
● The single pan balance (Chapter 2) and normality calculations (Chapter 5),
which may still be used, but in a limited capacity.
● The experiments.
● Auxiliary spreadsheet calculations from different chapters are posted on the
● Chapters dealing with specific applications of analytical chemistry are now
on the text website for those interested in pursuing these topics. These
are Clinical Chemistry (Chapter 25), and Environmental Sampling and
Analysis (Chapter 26).
● Analytical chemistry played a key role in the completion of the historic Human
Genome Project, and the Genomics and Proteomics chapter documents how.
This material is not mainstream in the quantitative analysis course, so it has
been moved to the website as Chapter G. It is available there for the interested
student or for professor assignment.


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Spreadsheets (using Excel) are introduced and used throughout the text for performing
computations, statistical analysis, and graphing. Many titration curves are derived
using spreadsheets, as are the calculations of α-values and plots of α-pH curves, and
of logarithm concentration diagrams. The spreadsheet presentations are given in a
“user-friendly” fashion to make it easier for you to follow how they are set up.
We provide a list of the different types of spreadsheets that are used throughout
the text, by topic, after the Table of Contents.
We have introduced the use of Goal Seek, a powerful Excel tool, for solving
complex problems. Goal Seek performs “trial and error” or successive approximation
calculations to arrive at an answer. It is useful when one parameter needs to be varied
in a calculation, as is the case for most equilibrium calculations. An introduction to
Goal Seek is given in Section 6.11 in Chapter 6. Example applications are given on
the text website, and we list these after the Table of Contents.
Excel Solver is an even more versatile tool. Goal Seek can only solve one parameter
in a single equation, and does not allow for incorporating constraints in the parameter
we want to solve. Solver, on the other hand, can solve for more than one parameter (or
more than one equation) at a time. Example applications are given on the text website,
with descriptions in the text. See the list after the Table of Contents. An introduction

to its use is given in Example 7.21.
Possibly the most powerful tool to calculate all regression related parameters for a
calibration plot is the “Regression” function in Data Analysis. It not only provides the
results for r, r2 , intercept, and slope (which it lists as X variable 1), it also provides
their standard errors and upper and lower limits at the 95% confidence level. It also
provides an option for fitting the straight line through the origin (when you know for
certain that the response at zero concentration is zero by checking a box “constant is
zero”). A video illustrating its use is in the website of the book, Chapter 3, titled Data
Analysis Regression. A description of how to use it is given in Chapter 16 at the end
of Section 16.7, and example applications are given in Chapter 20, Section 20.5, and
Chapter 23 for Examples 23.1 and Example 23.2.
As listed above, there are numerous supplemental materials on the text website,
including Excel spreadsheets for different calculations. Many of these are for specific
examples and are tutorial in nature. But several are suited to apply to different
applications, simply by inputting data and not having to set up the calculation program.
Examples include calculating titration curves and their derivatives, or for solving
either quadratic or simultaneous equations. We list here a number that you should find
useful. You can find them under the particular chapter on the website.
Chapter 2

Glassware calibration, Table 2.4


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Chapter 6
● Calculate activity coefficients, equations 6.19 and 6.20 (Auxiliary data)
● Quadratic equation solution (Example 6.1) (See also Goal Seek for solving
quadratic equations)
Chapter 7
● Stig Johannson pH calculator. For calculating pH of complex mixtures. Easy to
● CurtiPotpH calculator (Ivano Gutz) for calculating pH of complex mixtures, as
well as constructing pH related curves. Learning curve higher, but very powerful.
● logC-pH Master Spreadsheet. See Section 7.16 on how to use it.
Chapter 8
● Derivative titrations—Easy method (Section 8.11)
● Universal Acid Titrator—Alex Scheeline—Easy method (Section 8.11). For
polyprotic acid titration curves.
● Master Spreadsheet for titrations of weak bases—Easy method
Chapter 10
● Solving simultaneous equations (Example 10.5)
Chapter 14
● Derivative titration plots (for near the endpoint)
Chapter 16
● Calculation of unknown from calibration curve plot
● Standard deviation of sample concentration
● Two component Beer’s Law solution
Chapter 17
● Standard additions plot and unknown calculation
Chapter 20

● Internal standard calibration plot and unknown calculation (Section 20.5)
There are 46 experiments, grouped by topic, illustrating most of the measurement
techniques presented in the text, and they can be downloaded from the text website.
Each contains a description of the principles and chemical reactions involved, so the
student gains an overview of what is being determined and how. Solutions and reagents
to prepare in advance of the experiment are listed, so experiments can be performed
efficiently. All experiments, particularly the volumetric ones, have been designed to
minimize waste by preparing the minimum volumes of reagents, like titrants, required
to complete the experiment.
Two team experiments are included (Experiments 45 and 46) to illustrate the
principles presented in Chapter 4 on statistical validation. One is on method validation
and quality control, in which different members of teams perform different parts of the
validation for a chosen experiment. The other is on proficiency testing in which students
calculate the z-values for all the student results of one or more class experiments and
each student compares their z-value to see how well they have performed.


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New experiments were contributed by users and colleagues. Included are three
experiments from Professor Christopher Palmer, University of Montana using a
spectrophotometric microplate reader (Experiments 3, 24, and 29).
Experiment Video Resource. Professor Christopher Harrison from San Diego

State University has a YouTube “Channel” of videos of different types of experiments, some illustrating laboratory and titration techniques: />user/crharrison.
We would recommend that students be encouraged to look at the ones dealing
with buret rinsing, pipetting, and aliquoting a sample, before they begin experiments.
Also, they will find useful the examples of acid-base titrations illustrating methyl red
or phenolphthalein indicator change at end points. There are a few specific experiments
that may be related to ones from the textbook, for example, EDTA titration of calcium
or Fajan’s titration of chloride. The video of glucose analysis gives a good illustration
of the starch end point, which is used in iodometric titrations.
WEBSITE URLs and QR CODES. There are some 200 website URLs, i.e., website
addresses, given throughout the text for access to useful supplemental material. To
efficiently access the websites, lists of all the URLs are posted on the text website for
each chapter. These lists can be used to access the websites without typing the URLs.
The lists of URLs for each chapter are also added as QR codes at the beginning
of each chapter, facilitating access on smartphones. QR codes for selected ones are
also given on the text pages where they appear (see below). We list in the QR code
here all the chapter URL lists.
QR codes are created for selected website materials in several chapters, as
referred to in the chapter text. This will allow access to supplemental material using a
smartphone, iPad, etc. So by accessing QR codes in a given chapter, one can browse
for the videos and the selected URL links, alongside other valuable materials.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. maintains a companion website for your Analytical Chemistry
textbook that contains additional valuable supplemental material.
The website may be accessed at: www.wiley.com/college/christian
Materials on the website include supplemental materials for different chapters
that expand on abbreviated presentations in the text.
Following is a list of the types of materials on the website:

Supplemental Material: WORD, PDFs, Excel, PowerPoint, JPEG

All figures and tables in the text are posted on the text website as PowerPoint slides
for each chapter, with notes on each for the instructor, and can be downloaded for
preparation of PowerPoint presentations.
A comprehensive saleable solutions manual is available for use by instructors and
students in which all problems are completely worked out and all questions are


Complete URL list

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answered, a total of 824. More information on the solutions manual can be found
at www.wiley.com, including where/how to purchase it. Answers for spreadsheet
problems, which include the spreadsheets, are given on the text website. Answers to

all problems are given in Appendix F.
The production of your text involved the assistance and expertise of numerous
people. Special thanks go to the users of the text who have contributed comments
and suggestions for changes and improvements; these are always welcome. A
number of colleagues served as reviewers of the text and manuscript and have aided
immeasurably in providing specific suggestions for revision. They, naturally, express
opposing views sometimes on a subject or placement of a chapter or section, but
collectively have assured a near optimum outcome that we hope you find easy and
enjoyable to read and study.
First, Professors Louise Sowers, Stockton College; Gloria McGee, Xavier
University; and Craig Taylor, Oakland University; and Lecturer Michelle Brooks,
University of Maryland and Senior Lecturer Jill Robinson, Indiana University offered
advice for revision and improvements of the 6th edition. Second, Professors Neil
Barnett, Deakin University, Australia; Carlos Garcia, The University of Texas at
San Antonio; Amanda Grannas, Villanova University; Gary Long, Virginia Tech;
Alexander Scheeline, University of Illinois; and Mathew Wise, Condordia University,
proofed the draft chapter manuscripts of this edition and offered further suggestions
for enhancing the text. Dr. Ronald Majors, a leading chromatography expert from
Agilent Technologies, offered advice on the liquid chromatography chapter.
The professionals at John Wiley & Sons have been responsible for producing
a high quality book. Petra Recter, Vice President, Publisher, Chemistry and Physics,
Global Education, shepherded the whole process from beginning to end. Her Editorial
Assistants Lauren Stauber, Ashley Gayle, and Katherine Bull were key in taking care
of many details, with efficiency and accuracy. Joyce Poh was the production editor,
arranging copyediting to printing, attending to many details, and assuring a quality final
product. Laserwords Pvt Ltd was responsible for artwork in your text. We appreciate
the efforts of Marketing Manager, Kristy Ruff, in making sure the text is available to
all potential users. It has been a real pleasure for all of us working with this team of
professionals and others in a long but rewarding process.

We each owe special thanks to our families for their patience during our long
hours of attention to this undertaking. Gary’s wife, Sue, his companion for over 50
years, has been through seven editions, and remains his strong supporter, even now.
Purnendu owes his wife, Kajori, and his students, much for essentially taking off from
all but the absolute essentials for the last three years. He also thanks Akinde Kadjo in
particular for doing many of the drawings. Kevin’s wife, Dani, put up with yet another
“interesting project” and lent her support in the form of keeping the kids at bay and
making sure her husband was well fed while working on the text.
Seattle, Washington
Arlington, Texas
September, 2013

“To teach is to learn twice.” —Joseph Joubert


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List of Spreadsheets Used Throughout the Text
The use of spreadsheets for plotting curves and performing calculations is introduced in different chapters. Listed
in the Preface are several that are ready to use for different applications. Following is a list of the various other
applications of Microsoft Excel, by category, for easy
reference for different uses. All spreadsheets are given in
the text website. The Problem spreadsheets are only in

the website; others are in the text but also in the website.
You should always practice preparing assigned spreadsheets before referring to the website. You can save the
spreadsheets in your website to your desktop for use.
Use of Spreadsheets (Section 3.20)
Filling the Cell Contents, 112
Saving the Spreadsheet, 113
Printing the Spreadsheet, 113
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References, 114
Use of Excel Statistical Functions (Paste functions), 115
Useful Syntaxes: LOG10; PRODUCT; POWER; SQRT;
Statistics Calculations
Standard Deviation: Chapter 3, Problems 14, 15,
16, 22, 24
Confidence Limit: Chapter 3, Problems 22, 24,
25, 29
Pooled Standard Deviation: Chapter 3, Problem 34
F-Test: Chapter 3, Problems 31, 33, 35
t-Test: Chapter 3, Problems 37, 38
t-Test, multiple samples: Chapter 3, Problem 53
Propagation of Error: Chapter 3, Problems 18
(add/subtract), 19 (multiply/divide)
Using Spreadsheets for Plotting Calibration
Trendline; Least squares equation; R2 (Section 3.21,
Figure 3.10)

Slope, Intercept and Coefficient of Determination
(without a plot) (Section 3.22; Chapter 3, Problems 47,
51, 52)

LINEST for Additional Statistics (Section 3.23,
Figure 3.11)
Ten functions: slope, std. devn., R2 , F, sum sq. regr.,
intercept, std. devn., std. error of estimate, d.f., sum sq.
Plotting α vs. pH Curves (Figure 7.2, H3 PO4 ), 251
Plotting log C vs. pH Curves
Chapter 7, Problem 66 (HOAc)
Plotting log C vs. pH Curves Using Alpha Values
(Section 7.16)
Chapter 7, Problem 69 (Malic acid, H2 A)
Chapter 7, Problem 73 (H3 PO4 , H3 A)
Plotting Titration Curves
HCl vs. NaOH (Figure 8.1), 283, 285
HCl vs. NaOH, Charge Balance (Section 8.2), 285
HOAc vs. NaOH (Section 8.5), 293
Hg2+ vs. EDTA: Chapter 9, Problem 24
SCN− and Cl− vs. AgNO3 : Chapter 11, Problem 12
Fe2+ vs. Ce4+ (Figure 14.1): Example 14.3
Derivative Titrations (Section 8.11), 305; Chapter
14, 458
Plotting log K’ vs. pH (Figure 9.2): Chapter 9,
Problem 23
Plotting β-values vs. [ligand] (Ni(NH3 )6 2+ betavalues vs. [NH3 ]):
Chapter 9, Problem 25
Spreadsheet Calculations/Plots
Glassware Calibration (Table 2.4), 38



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Weight in Vacuum Error vs. Sample Density (Chapter 2)
Gravimetric Calculations
Spreadsheet Examples-Grav. calcn. %Fe, 378
Chapter 10, Problem 40 (Example 10.2, %P2 O5 )
Solubility BaSO4 vs. [Ba2+ ] Plot (Figure 10.3):
Chapter 10, Problem 41
Solubility vs. Ionic Strength Plot (Figure 10.4):
Chapter 10, Problem 42
Van Deemter Plot: Chapter 19, Problem 13
This program can be used to solve several parameters
or equations at a time. An introduction is given in
Example 7.21.
Chapter 3 video Solver (solving quadratic equation,
Example 6.1)

Example 7.21 Solver pH calculations of multiple solutions
(H3 PO4 , NaH2 PO4 , Na2 HPO4 , Na3 PO4 ); 258
Example 7.24 Solver calculation (buffer
composition), 264
Solubility from Ksp : Chapter 10, Problem 43
(Example 10.9)
The spreadsheets listed below are on the text website for
the particular chapter. The page numbers refer to corresponding discussions on setting up the programs. See
Section 6.11 for introduction to and application of Goal
Seek. It can be used to solve one parameter in an equation,
as in most equilibrium problems.
Excel Goal Seek for Trial and Error Problem Solving
(Section 6.11):
Equilibrium problem—introduction to Goal Seek, 197;
Practice Goal Seek—setup, answer
Goal Seek to Solve an Equation (Example 6.1—quadratic
equation), 199
Solving a quadratic equation by Goal Seek—setup
Goal Seek answer quadratic equation
Chapter 6 video Goal Seek Equilibrium, 201
Goal Seek shortcomings (how to get around them)—setup
(Example 6.4); 202
Goal Seek answer Example 6.4
Solving Example 6.13 Using Goal Seek (charge balance);
Chapter 6 video Goal Seek Problem 6.2
Goal Seek answer Problem 26 (quadratic equation),
Chapter 6

Example 7.7 Goal Seek solution (pH HOAc)
Example 7.8 Goal Seek solution (pH NH3 )
Example 7.9 Goal Seek solution (pH NaOAc)
Example 7.10 Goal Seek solution (pH NH4 Cl)
Chapter 7 video Goal Seek pH NH4 F, 238
Chapter 7 video Goal Seek mixture (NaOH + H2 CO3 ),
Example 7.19 Charge balance and Goal Seek to calc
H3 PO4 pH (See the example for details of setting up the
Example 7.19b Goal Seek solution (pH H3 PO4 + NaOAc
+ K2 HPO4 ) (See Example 7.19 discussion for spreadsheet
77PFP Goal Seek calculations—there are three tabs
(Chapter 7, Problem 77). See 77PFP solution on the
website for a detailed description of the problem solution
and appropriate equations.
Example 9.6—Goal Seek (complexation equilibria);
(Section 9.6), 339 (See the example for the equation
Example 11.1 Goal Seek (solubility of CaC2 O4 in 0.001M
Example 11.2 Goal Seek (charge balance, solubility of
MA in 0.1M HCl)
Example 11.5 Goal Seek (solubility of MX in presence of
complexing ligand L)

This Excel tool calculates all regression related parameters for a calibration plot. It provides the results for r,

r2 , intercept, and slope, and also provides their standard
errors and upper and lower limits at the 95% confidence
Chapter 3 video Data Analysis Regression; 87, 120
Chapter 16, end of Section 16.7, Excel Exercise. Describes
the use of the Excel Regression function in Data Analysis
to readily calculate a calibration curve and its uncertainty,
and then apply this to calculate an unknown concentration
and its uncertainty from its absorbance; 502
Section 20.5, GC internal standard determination, 640
Chapter 20, Problem 11. GC internal standard determination
Example 23.1, Lineweaver-Burk Km determination
Example 23.2, Calculating unknown concentration from
reaction rate
Problem 23.17, Lineweaver-Burk Km determination


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About the Authors
Gary Christian grew up Oregon, and has had a lifelong interest in teaching and
research, inspired by great teachers throughout his education. He received his B.S.

degree from the University of Oregon and Ph. D. degree from the University of
Maryland. He began his career at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, where he
developed an interest in clinical and bioanalytical chemistry. He joined the University
of Kentucky in 1967, and in 1972 moved to the University of Washington, where he
is Emeritus Professor, and Divisional Dean of Sciences Emeritus.
Gary wrote the first edition of this text in 1971. He is pleased that Professors
Dasgupta and Schug have joined him in this new edition. They bring expertise and
experience that markedly enhance and update the book in many ways.
Gary is the recipient of numerous national and international awards in recognition
of his teaching and research activities, including the American Chemical Society (ACS)
Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching and the ACS
Fisher Award in Analytical Chemistry, and received an Honorary Doctorate Degree
from Chiang Mai University. The University of Maryland inducted him into their
distinguished alumni Circle of Discovery.
He has authored five other books, including Instrumental Analysis, and over 300
research papers, and has been Editor-in-Chief of the international analytical chemistry
journal, Talanta, since 1989.
Purnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta is a native of India and was educated in a college
founded by Irish missionaries and graduated with honors in Chemistry in 1968. After a
MSc in Inorganic Chemistry in 1970 from the University of Burdwan and a brief stint
as a researcher at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (where Raman
made his celebrated discovery), he came as a graduate student to Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge in 1973. Sandy received his PhD in Analytical Chemistry
with a minor in Electrical Engineering from LSU in 1977 and managed to get a diploma
as a TV mechanic while a graduate student. He joined the California Primate Research
Center at the University of California at Davis as an Aerosol research Chemist in 1979
to be part of a research team studying inhalation toxicology of air pollutants. In his
mother tongue, Bengali, he was once a well-published poet and a fledgling novelist
but seemingly finally found his love of analytical chemistry as salvation. He joined
Texas Tech in 1981 and was designated a Horn Professor in 1992, named after the

first president of the University, the youngest person to be so honored at the time. He
remained at Texas Tech for 25 years, joining the University of Texas at Arlington in
2007 as the Department Chair. He has stepped down as Chair, and currently holds the
Jenkins Garrett Professorship.
Sandy has written more than 400 papers/book chapters, and holds 23 US
patents, many of which have been commercialized. His work has been recognized by
the Dow Chemical Traylor Creativity Award, the Ion Chromatography Symposium




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Outstanding Achievement Award (twice), the Benedetti-Pichler Memorial Award in
Microchemistry, American Chemical Society Award in Chromatography, Dal Nogare
Award in the Separation Sciences, Honor Proclamation of the State of Texas Senate
and so on. He is the one of the Editors of Analytica Chimica Acta, a major international
journal in analytical chemistry. He is best known for his work in atmospheric
measurements, ion chromatography, the environmental occurrence of perchlorate and
its effect on iodine nutrition, and complete instrumentation systems. He is a big
champion of the role of spreadsheet programs in teaching analytical chemistry.

Kevin Schug was born and raised in Blacksburg, Virginia. The son of a physical
chemistry Professor at Virginia Tech, he grew up running around the halls of a
chemistry building and looking over his father’s shoulder at chemistry texts. He
pursued and received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from the College of William &
Mary in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry under the direction of Professor
Harold McNair at Virginia Tech in 2002. Following two years as a post-doctoral fellow
with Professor Wolfgang Lindner at the University of Vienna (Austria), he joined the
faculty in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at The University of Texas
at Arlington in 2005, where he is currently the Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of
Analytical Chemistry.
The research in Kevin’s group spans fundamental and applied aspects of sample
preparation, separation science, and mass spectrometry. He also manages a second
group, which focuses their efforts on chemical education research. He has been
the recipient of several awards, including the Eli Lilly ACACC Young Investigator
in Analytical Chemistry award, the LCGC Emerging Leader in Separation Science
award, and the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Award
for Young Investigators in Separation Science.
At present, he has authored or coauthored 65 scientific peer-reviewed
manuscripts. Kevin is a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards for Analytica
Chimica Acta and LCGC Magazine, and is a regular contributor to LCGC on-line
articles. He is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Separation Science.


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Chapter One

“Unless our knowledge is measured and expressed in numbers, it does not
amount to much.”
—Lord Kelvin

Chapter 1 URLs

Learning Objectives

Analytical science deals with the chemical characterization of
matter—what, how much?, p. 2

You must select the appropriate method for measurement,
p. 12

The analyst must know what information is really needed, and
obtain a representative sample, pp. 6, 9

Validation is important, p. 15

Few measurements are specific, so operations are performed
to achieve high selectivity, p. 11

There are many useful websites dealing with analytical chemistry, p. 16

Analytical chemistry is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter and
the answer to two important questions: what is it (qualitative analysis) and how much
is it (quantitative analysis). Chemicals make up everything we use or consume, and
knowledge of the chemical composition of many substances is important in our daily
lives. Analytical chemistry plays an important role in nearly all aspects of chemistry, for
example, agricultural, clinical, environmental, forensic, manufacturing, metallurgical,
and pharmaceutical chemistry. The nitrogen content of a fertilizer determines its value.
Foods must be analyzed for contaminants (e.g., pesticide residues) and for essential
nutrients (e.g., vitamin content). The air we breathe must be analyzed for toxic gases
(e.g., carbon monoxide). Blood glucose must be monitored in diabetics (and, in fact,
most diseases are diagnosed by chemical analysis). The presence of trace elements
from gun powder on a perpetrator’s hand will prove a gun was fired by that hand.
The quality of manufactured products often depends on proper chemical proportions,
and measurement of the constituents is a necessary part of quality assurance. The
carbon content of steel will influence its quality. The purity of drugs will influence
their efficacy.
In this text, we will describe the tools and techniques for performing these
different types of analyses. There is much useful supplemental material on the text
website, including Excel programs that you can use, and videos to illustrate their use.
You should first read the Preface to learn what is available to you, and then take
advantage of some of the tools.

Lord Kelvin (William Thomson,

Everything is made of chemicals.
Analytical chemists determine
what and how much.



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