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► Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 10.

Just as optical fibers have transformed communication, they are also revolutionizing
medicine. These ultrathin, flexible fibers have opened a window into the living tissues of the
body. By inserting optical fibers through natural openings or small incisions and threading
them along the body's established pathways, physicians can look into the lungs, intestines,
heart and other areas that were formerly inaccessible to them.
The basic fiber-optics system is called fiberscope, which consists of two bundles of
fibers. One, the illuminating bundle, carries light to the tissues. Is is coupled to a highintensity light source. Light enters the cores of the high-purity silicon glass and travels along
the fibers. A lens at the end of the bundle collects the light and focuses it into the other
bundle, the imaging bundle. Each fiber in the bundle transmits only a tiny fraction of the
total image. The reconstructed image can be viewed through an eyepiece or displayed on a
television screen.
During the last five years, improved methods of fabricating optical fibers have led to a
reduction in fiberscope diameter and an increase in the number of fibers, which in turn has
increased resolution. Optical fibers can also be used to deliver laser light. By use of laser
beams, physicians can perform surgery inside the body, sometimes eliminating the need for
invasive procedures in which healthy tissue must be cut through to reach the site of disease.
Many of these procedures do not require anesthesia and can be performed in a physician's
office. These techniques have reduced the risk and the cost of medical care.

Question 1: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. A revolution in communication

B. The invention of optical fibers

C. New surgical techniques

D. The roles of optical fibers in medicine

Question 2: In line 2, the author uses the expression have opened a window to indicate that
the use of optical fibers

has enabled scientists to make amazing discoveries


sometimes requires a surgical incision


allows doctors to see inside the body without major surgery


has been unknown to the general public until quite recently

Question 3: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word formerly?
A. Previously


C. Usually


Question 4: The word them in line 4 refers to
A. optical fibers

B. physicians

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D. other areas of the body

Question 5: According to the passage, what is the purpose of the illuminating bundle in a
A. To carry light into the body
B. To collect and focus light
C. To reconstruct images
D. To perform surgery inside the body
Question 6: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word cores?
A. Tips

B. Centers

C. Clusters


Question 7: According to the passage, how do the fiberscopes used today differ from those
used in five years ago?
A. They use brighter light

B. They are longer

C. They contain more fibers

D. They are larger in diameter

Question 8: The word resolution is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. Strength



C. Inconvenience

D. Efficiency

Question 9: Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as one of the
advantages of laser surgery techniques?

They can be performed in a physician's office.


They are safer than conventional surgery.


They can often be performed without anesthesia.


They are relatively easy to teach to physicians

Question 10: Where in the passage does the author provide a basic description of a
A. Line 1-2

B. Line 6

C. Line 9

D. Line 12

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Question 1:
Nội dung chính của bài viết là?

Một cuộc cách mạng về thông tin


Những kĩ thuật phẫu thuật mới


Sự phát minh về các sợi quang học


Những vai trò cùa sợi quang học trong y học

Just as optical fibers have transformed communication, they are also revolutionizing
medicine. These ultrathin, flexible fibers have opened a window into the living tissues of the
=> D
Question 2:
In line 2 the author uses the expression have opened a window to indicate that the use of
optical fibers (ở dòng 2, tác giả sử dụng cách diễn đạt "mở ra một cánh cửa" để chỉ ra rằng
việc sử dụng các sợi quang học)
A. cho phép các nhà khoa học có những khám phá tuyệt vời
B. đơi lúc u cầu một vết rạch phẫu thuật
C. cho phép các bác sĩ nhìn thấy bên trong cơ thể mà khơng cần pháu thuật
D. vẫn chưa được phổ biến tới công chúng cho đến tận gần đây

These ultrathin, flexible fibers have opened a window into the living tissues of the body.
By inserting optical fibers through natural openings or small incisions and threading them
along the body's established pathways, physicians can look into the lungs, intestines, heart
and other areas that were formerly inaccessible to them
=> B
Question 3:


formerly (adv): trước đó = previously


completely (adv): hồn tồn


usually (adv): thường


theoretically (adv): một cách lí thuyết.
=> A

Question 4:
By inserting optical fibers through natural openings or small incisions and threading
them along the body's established pathways, physicians can look into the lungs, intestines,
heart and other areas that were formerly inaccessible to them.
=> C
Question 5:
According to the passage, what is the purpose of the illuminating bundle in a
fiberscope? (mục đích của bọc sáng trong một kính quang thể)

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A. đế mang ánh sáng vào bên trong cơ thể
B. để tập hợp và tập trung ánh sáng
C. để tái tạo lại những hình ảnh
D. để phẫu thuật bên trong cơ thể

One, the illuminating bundle, carries light to the tissues (bọc sáng, mang ánh sáng tới
các tế bào)
=> A
Question 6:
- core (n): the most important or central part of something - điểm cốt lõi, phần trung
tâm hoặc quan trọng nhất của cái gì (theo từ điển Oxford Learner's Dictionary) = center (n):
vùng trung tâm, phần quan trọng.
- tip (n): đỉnh, đầu, chóp, búp
- cluster (n): đám, cụm, đàn, bầy
- line (n): dây, dây thép/ hàng, dòng

=> B
Question 7:
According to the passage, how do the fiberscopes used today differ from those used in
five years ago? Các kính quang thể ngày nay khác với 5 năm trước như thế nào?
A. chúng sử dụng ánh sáng mạnh hơn
B. chúng dài hơn
C. chúng chứa nhiều sợi hơn
D. chúng có đường kính rộng hơn

During the last five years, improved methods of fabricating optical fibers have led to a
reduction in fiberscope diameter and an increase in the number of fibers, which in turn has
increased resolution, (sự giảm vể đường kính của kính quang thể và sự tăng về số lượng các

=> C
Questions 8:
- resolution (n): the power of a computer screen, printer, etc. to give a clear image,
depending on the size of the dots that make up the image-khả năng của một máy tính, máy
in... cho một hình ảnh rõ ràng, dựa vào kích thước của những điểm tạo nên hình ảnh /độ phân
giải, sắc nét (theo từ điển Oxford Learner's Dictionary)
- strength (n): sức mạnh, độ khỏe
- sharpness (n): sự sắc nét/ rõ nét
- inconvenience (n): sự bất tiện, không tiện lợi
- eficiency(n): sự hiệu quả, hiệu suất

=> B
Question 9:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as one of the advantages of

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laser surgery techniques? Điều nào không được đề cập như là một trong những ưu điểm của
các kĩ thuật giải phẫu la-ze.
By use of laser beams, physicians can perform surgery Inside the body, sometimes
eliminating the need for invasive procedures in which healthy tissue must be cut through to
reach the site of disease. Many of these procedures do not require anesthesia and can be
performed in a physician's office. These techniques have reduced the risk and the cost of
medical care. (rất nhiều trong số các bước không yêu cầu gây mê và có thể thực hiện tại văn
phịng bác sĩ. Những kĩ thuật này cũng làm giảm sự nguy hiểm...)
A. Chúng có thể được thực hiện tại văn phòng của bác sĩ
B. Chúng an tồn hơn những phẫu thuật thơng thường

C. Chúng có thể được thực hiện mà khơng cần gây mê
D. Chúng khá dễ để truyền đạt lại cho các bác sĩ

=> D
Question 10:
Where in the passage does the author provide a basic description of a fiberscope? tác giả
cung cấp định nghĩa về kính quang phổ ở đâu:
Thơng tin nằm ở dòng 6 của bài viết:
The basic fiber-optics system is called fiberscope, which consists of two bundles of
=> B

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