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1. Farmers normally do the (transplant)_____________ after pumping water into the fields.
2. When you are in that area, you should eat the (local) ____________ grown fruit, which is well-known for
its strange taste.
3. She couldn’t hide her (content) ____________ smile when he saw him appear round the corner.
4. “When must I arrive at the conference?” – “You must be there at (exact) ____________ 7.30 a.m.”
5. I grew up in a (neighbor) ____________ where there were a lot of kids.
6. One of my friends was elected as (lead) ____________ of the campaign group.
7. All the fruit and vegetables sold in this market are grown (local)_____________.
8. There are so many restaurants and coffee shops in this (neighbor) _____________.
9. She smiled (content) _____________ as she watched her baby learning to walk.
10. We have the (physics) ______________ Education lesson on Thursday morning, just before the English
11. My friend, Joe, asked me to give him some (inform) ___________ about life of Vietnamese farmers.
12. _____________ (transplant) of organs from living donors are becoming more popular.

EX2: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. If the field is dry, the farmer usually __________ water into it when he does the transplanting.
A. boils

B. goes

C. breaks

D. pumps

2. Does your father __________ a short rest after lunch before he starts work again in the afternoon?
A. take

B. do

C. make

D. content

3. If you are contented when you have something, it means you are __________.
A. disappointed

B. pleased

C. angry

D. bored

4. I got up late this morning because my alarm didn’t __________ off.
A. put

B. take

C. go

D. run

5. The most important __________ in Hawaii is sugar cane.
A. season

B. tree

C. crop

D. field

6. “Who leads the buffalo __________ the field? Mr. Vy or his wife” – “Mr. Vy does.”
A. to

B. for

C. with

7. Some farmers work all day without a break.

D. by

A. a meal

B. a rest

C. a salary

D. a drink

C. pumps

D. takes

C. charges

D. takes

8. The heart______ blood around the body.
A. transplants

B. goes

9. It_______ him 10 minutes to walk to school.
A. costs

B. spends

10. Can you help me get everything ready for the party?
A. do everything

B. prepare everything

C. take everything

D. A & B are correct

11. He told me to relax after the long working hour.
A. have lunch

B. prepare

C. get up

D. take a rest

12. She purchased a number of shares in the company.
A. invested

B. sold

C. exchanged

D. bought

13. The peasant leads the______ to the field every day.
A. dog

B. animal

C. horse

D. buffalo

14. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t_________.
A. go on

B. go off

C. go away

D. go up

15. Are you contented________ your present job, Mrs. Tuyet?
A. to

B. for

C. with

D. of

C. serious talk

D. long talk

16. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.
A. formal talk

B. informal talk

17. My alarm clock often goes ____________at 5am.
A. up

B. off

C. in

D. down

18. I go home after work, I usually _________ a short rest, watch TV or listen to the radio.
A. give

B. get

C. take

D. spend

19. I don’t know why the plane doesn’t _________ on time.
A. take off

B. take up

C. set up

D. set out

20. She is happy and satisfied with what she has done.
A. contented

B. interested

C. tired

D. bored

21. He told me to relax after the long working hours.
A. have lunch

B. take a rest

C. get up

D. prepare

22. We chat about our work, our children and our plans for the next crop.
A. land

B. field

C. harvest

D. season

1. A. plough

B. brown

C. cloud

D. although

2. A. peasant

B. breakfast

C. leader

D. ready

3. A. during

B. lunch

C. pump

D. buffalo

4. A. gets

B. repairs

C. breaks

D. pumps


A. teacher

B. peasant

C. routine

D. repeat


A. daily

B. ready

C. family

D. satisfy


A. finish

B. village

C. children

D. sometimes


A. lead

B. leave

C. break

D. scream


A. arrive

B. history

C. Chemistry

D. continue

Choose the word which is STRESSED differently from the rest.
10. A. buffalo

B. announce

C. panic

D. fasten

11. A. transplant

B. harrow

C. normal

D. peasant

12. A. neighbourhood

B. continue

C. tobacco

D. appointment

13. A. interesting

B. satisfy

C. passenger

D. contented

14. A. physics

B. purchase

C. routine

D. district

EX4: Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correction.
1. During his break, he often drinks tea with his friends and smoking tobacco.




2. Although their work is hard, they are contented in what they do.




3. It often takes him 45 minutes get ready for work in the afternoon.




4. Large areas of grazing land have been plough up to grow corn.





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