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Beginning HTML5 and
Richard Clark, Oli Studholme,
Christopher Murphy and Divya Manian
Beginning HTML5 and CSS 3
Copyright © 2012 by Richard Clark, Oli Studholme, Christopher Murphy and Divya Manian
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For K & J.
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Contents at a Glance
Contents v
Forewords xv
About the Authors xvi
About the Technical Reviewers xvii
Acknowledgments xviii
Introduction xix
Chapter 1: HTML5: Now, Not 2022 1
Chapter 2: Your First Plunge into HTML5 19
Chapter 3: New Structural Elements 43
Chapter 4: A Richer Approach to Marking Up Content 89
Chapter 5: Rich Media 141
Chapter 6: Paving the Way for Web Applications 189
Chapter 7: CSS3, Here and Now 231
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Markup Slim Using CSS Selectors 275
Chapter 9: A Layout for Every Occasion 311
Chapter 10: Improving Web Typography 397
Chapter 11: Putting CSS3 Properties to Work 435
Chapter 12: Transforms, Transitions, and Animation 499
Chapter 13: The Future of CSS or, Awesome Stuff That’s Coming 581
Index 591
Contents at a Glance iv
Forewords xv
About the Authors xvi
About the Technical Reviewers xvii
Acknowledgments xviii
Introduction xix
Who is this book for? xix
How is this book structured? xix
Conventions used in this book xix
Chapter 1: HTML5: Now, Not 2022 1
Basic tenets 1
A web standards approach 2
The Dao of web design: embracing uncertainty 4
Accessibility 6
Crafting your markup 7
How was HTML5 created? 8
Beyond HTML 4… 8
XHTML 1.0 8
XHTML 2.0 and the backlash 9
HTML5 moving forward! 10
HTML5 design principles 11
Supporting existing content 12
Degrading gracefully 12
Don’t reinvent the wheel 13
Paving the cowpaths 13
Evolution, not revolution 13
A dozen myths about HTML5 14
1. Browsers don’t support HTML5. 14
2. OK, most browsers support HTML5, but IE surely doesn’t. 14
3. HTML5 won’t be finished until 2022. 14
4. Now I have to relearn everything! 15
5. HTML5 uses presentational elements. 15
6. HTML5 is a return to tag soup. 15
7. HTML5 kills accessibility kittens. 15
8. Flash is dead. 15
9. HTML5 will break the Web! 15
10. HTML5’s development is controlled by browser vendors. 15
11. HTML5 includes CSS3, Geolocation, SVG, and every other modern technology under the sun.
12. So when can I start using HTML5? 16
Summary 16
Homework 17
Chapter 1 homework 17
Directed reading 17
Chapter 2: Your First Plunge into HTML5 19
Homework review 19
Our page 20
84.8% of your markup remains 21
It’s all in the head 22
A more perfect DOCTYPE 23
Declaring languages in HTML5 23
Character encoding 25
Mr. Memory 25
A “Hello World!” journey 26
“Hello World!” in XHTML1.0 style 26
“Hello World!” in HTML4 style 27
“Hello World!” in HTML5 “loose” style 27
“Hello World!” in HTML5 “strict” style 28
Supporting HTML5 cross-browser 29
How do browsers deal with unknown elements? 29
Meet the shiv 31
IE print protector 32
Declaring block-level elements 32
An HTML5 boilerplate page 33
No more type attribute 33
Polyfills and alternatives 34
Validation 35
HTML5 validator 35
HTML Lint 37
Revisiting Miss Baker 38
Summary 40
Homework 41
Chapter 3: New Structural Elements 43
Workflow practices, evolving? 44
A brave new semantic dawn 45
Structural building blocks: <div>, <section>, and <article> 49
The difference between <div>, <section>, and <article> 49
Which one to choose? 50
Basic structures using these elements 51
Headings: <header>, <hgroup>, and <h1>–<h6>, plus <footer> 53
An article with one heading 54
An article <header> with heading and metadata 55
An article with an <hgroup>-enclosed subheading 55
An article with heading, subheading, and metadata 55
Some examples of <hgroup> use 56
The HTML5 outlining algorithm 57
Outlining in action 58
Sectioning root elements 60
The scourge of the untitled section 60
HTML5-style heading element levels 62
Example of nesting heading element levels 63
Example of the new style for heading element levels 63
Even more structural elements: <nav>, <aside>, <figure> (and <figcaption>) 64
Putting it all together 67
New sectioning content elements in a nutshell 68
Converting a simple page to HTML5 69
Introducing “HTML4.5”: Adding HTML5’s semantics via <div class=””> 74
Adding semantics to “HTML4.5” and HTML5 via ARIA landmark roles 79
Reality rains on our accessible parade 80
Accessibility and HTML5 81
Accessibility techniques, evolving 82
Other HTML5 accessibility issues 86
HTML5 accessibility: A new hope 87
Summary 87
Homework 88
Further Reading 88
Chapter 4: A Richer Approach to Marking Up Content 89
Ex-presentational elements and friends 90
Giving the <i> and <b> elements new semantic meanings 91
The <small> element 95
The <hr> element 95
The <s> element, together with <del> and <ins> 97
The <u> element 99
Presentational elements: relics of a bygone era 100
Block-level links with the <a> element 100
Writing a Block Link 101
Browser caveats with Firefox <4 (for posterity) 102
Other elements with minor changes from HTML 4 103
The <ol> element and related new (and old) attributes 103
The <dl> element 105
The <cite> element 107
New semantic elements 109
The <mark> element 109
Ruby annotations with <ruby>, <rt>, and <rp> 110
The <time> element 116
Extending HTML5 118
The <data> element 119
The custom data attribute (data-*) 119
Microformats 120
A lightning introduction to microformats 121
Microdata: HTML5’s semantic sprinkles 125
Microdata syntax 126
Microdata in action 131
Final thoughts on microdata 138
Summary 139
Further reading and related links 139
Chapter 5: Rich Media 141
The case for Flash 141
Proprietary formats vs. open standards 142
Enter HTML5 and friends 143
Does HTML5 signal the end of Flash? 143
Video the HTML5 way 144
Video formats 147
Browser support 148
Adding video source 150
The track element 153
Do more with video 157
Take out the heavy lifting 158
Audio 162
Audio codecs 162
Browser support 163
Adding audio source 163
Using jPlayer 164
Video and audio summary 164
Canvas 164
Pixel-based freedom 165
Adding/implementing canvas 165
The power and potential of canvas 174
Further canvas resources 182
SVG 182
Vector power 182
Vectors unleashed with SVG 183
SVG-related reading 186
Summary 186
Homework 188
Chapter 6: Paving the Way for Web Applications 189
HTML5 forms 189
A history of HTML5 forms 190
HTML5 forms attributes 190
New input types 197
Validation and how to provide fallbacks 211
Current browser support 213
Forms in action 215
HTML5 forms APIs 219
HTML5 forms summary 219
Web applications 220
Introduction to elements for web applications 220
Introduction to HTML5-related APIs 224
The glorious dawn of the age of the standards-based Web, accessible to all, in a world of compliant
browsers, on a variety of devices 228
Homework: Mark up the “Join Gordo’s Space Cadets” form using the new markup covered229
Chapter 7: CSS3, Here and Now 231
A Refresher on the importance of web standards 232
CSS 1, CSS 2.1, CSS3 232
Is CSS3 ready? 233
Context 233
CSS3 modularity 234
Maturity levels 235
The benefits of CSS3 235
Streamlining design 236
Reduced workarounds and hacks 236
CSS basics refresher 237
Anatomy of a rule (or rule set) 237
A property 237
A value 237
A declaration 238
Declaration block 238
Keywords 238
CSS units 239
Functional notation 239
Selectors 241
Combinators 241
At-rules 241
Vendor-specific extensions 241
CSS shorthand 241
The cascade, specificity, and inheritance 243
CSS cascade 243
Calculating specificity 243
CSS inheritance 245
CSS organization and maintenance 245
CSS conventions 246
Commenting best practices 249
CSS resets and normalize.css 251
CSS frameworks and toolkits 254
Maintainable CSS 254
CSS validation 259
CSS lint 260
Browser support, vendor prefixes, polyfills, and progressive enhancement 261
Progressive enhancement 261
CSS3 browser support 262
Feature detection and polyfills 268
Polyfills 269
IE-specific polyfills 270
Summary 271
Homework 272
Appendix: CSS3 Module Status 273
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Markup Slim Using CSS Selectors 275
Selectors rundown 276
CSS3 selectors 277
Combinators 278
Attribute and substring selectors 279
UI element states pseudo-classes 284
Target pseudo-class 286
Structural pseudo-classes 291
Pseudo-elements 301
Negation pseudo-class 303
Browser support 304
Selectors of the future 305
Summary 306
Homework 307
Appendix 308
Chapter 9: A Layout for Every Occasion 311
The web of many devices . 311
Evolution of monitor sizes . 312
Separate sites optimized for each device? But that’s crazy talk! . 313
The Visual Formatting Model of CSS—it’s boxes all the way down! . 315
The Box Model: content, padding, border, margin . 315
CSS3 layouts . 365
CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 . 366
CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 . 366
Multi-column Layout Module . 367
CSS Regions Module Level 3 . 373
CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 3 . 375
CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 . 376
CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module . 378
The Flexible Box Layout Module . 380
The CSS Grid Layout Module . 388
CSS3 layout modules in summary . 390
Conclusion 391
Further reading 391
Specifications . 393
Homework . 395
Chapter 10: Improving Web Typography . 397
Typeface and fonts 397
Anatomy of type 398
A brief history of web type . 399
Text as image 400
Farhner Image Replacement (FIR) . 400
Leahy/Langridge method. 400
Phark method 401
Gilder/Levin method 401
JavaScript Image Replacement (JIR) . 401
sIFR 402
Cufón 403
SVG fonts 403
@font-face 404
Web fonts 404
In the beginning 404
@font-face strikes back . 404
Dissecting font face syntax: @font-face declaration . 405
Bulletproof syntax for @font-face . 406
Avoiding the flash of unstyled text (FOUT) . 406
Things to keep in mind while using web fonts . 409
Finding web fonts 410
Free web fonts 410
Commercial web fonts 410
Font as a service 411
Designing with web fonts 412
Using web fonts as icons 412
Web fonts in summary 412
Baselines 413
Setting font-family 413
Setting vertical spacing 413
Setting font sizes 414
Designing with a grid 414
With pixels 415
With ems 417
Setting the grid 418
Automating vertical rhythms 419
Baseline grid in summary 419
Fun with web type 419
Choose the weight of glyphs 419
Choosing the right font width 421
Control text overflow 421
Align text vertically from baseline 422
Control the white space between letters of a word 423
Adjust spacing between words 424
Break Long Words 425
Control white space and line breaks 425
Print hyphens 426
Control the quote glyphs 429
Hanging Punctuation 430
Control the rendering of non-latin web type 431
word-break 431
text-emphasis 431
Use ligatures and additional OpenType font features 432
Summary 433
Further Reading 433
Chapter 11: Putting CSS3 Properties to Work 435
Color and transparency 435
RGB 436
RGBa transparency 437
HSLa 439
Opacity 441
Backgrounds 442
background-clip 443
background-origin 445
background-size 448
Multiple backgrounds 452
Borders 460
border-radius 460
border-image 467
Drop shadows 471
box-shadow 471
text-shadow 476
Gradients 478
Gradients 478
Detecting support and helping other browsers 490
Using Modernizr 491
CSS3 Pie 491
Combining CSS3 effects 492
Hold the cheese 495
Summary 497
Homework 498
Chapter 12: Transforms, Transitions, and Animation 499
Translate, rotate, scale, skew, transform: 2D and 3D CSS transforms 500
Using transform and the transform functions 505
Putting 3D things into perspective with perspective and transform:perspective() 515
Changing the origin of perspective with the perspective-origin property 517
Changing transforms via transform-origin 518
3D or flat transforms with transform-style 521
Hiding and showing the back of a transformed element with backface-visibility 522
Browser support for CSS transforms 524
CSS transforms gotchas 527
CSS transforms in summary 528
CSS transitions and CSS animations: compare and contrast 529
CSS transitions: bling in 4D! 531
Setting what to transition with transition-property 532
Controlling the duration of a transition with transition-duration 540
transition-timing-function, cubic Bézier curves, and steps() 540
Delaying the start of a transition with transition-delay 546
Multiple transition values and the transition shorthand property 547
transition shorthand property order 547
Browser support for CSS transitions 547
CSS transitions gotchas 549
CSS transitions in summary 551
Keyframin’ with CSS animations 552
A simple animation example with animation-name and animation-duration 556
Controlling an animation using @keyframes 558
Timing functions with animation-timing-function 559
Changing how an animation starts using animation-delay 562
How many times? animation-iteration-count will tell you! 563
Mixing it up with animation-direction 564
Control how elements behave before and after an animation with animation-fill-mode 564
Pausing an animation using animation-play-state 567
The animation shorthand property and comma-separated animation-* values 568
Browser support for CSS animations 570
A little animation-related JavaScript detour 572
Animation gotchas 573
CSS animations in summary 574
Putting it all together 575
Further Reading 577
Chapter 13: The Future of CSS or, Awesome Stuff That’s Coming 581
Hardware acceleration and CSS performance 582
Internationalization 582
Define your own list counters with the CSS Counter Styles Module 582
The calc() and attr() functions 584
Variables, mixins, and nesting 586
Turning the “OMG!” up to 11 with CSS shaders 586
Go forth and make awesome 587
Appendix: essential links 588
Index 591
HTML5. It's the most significant web spec today, and the first upgrade of the Web's ubiquitous language in a decade.
Together with its cousin CSS 3, it's very powerful, very exciting and very much a buzzword. Some "experts" will tell
you that you can only use HTML5/ CSS 3 in the bleeding-edge nightly build of their favorite browser. Other pundits
will tell you that you can't use them because "the specs aren't finished", or there is no support in Internet Explorer, or
other such blahblahblah.
When you're trying to learn you need trustworthy teachers who are neither pedantic zealots or flatulent marketeers.
You need people like Rich, Oli, Chris and Divya.
Richard Clark is a fellow HTML5 Doctor, curator of HTML5 gallery and, crucially, is a man who builds things. Oli
Studholme is also a fellow HTML5 Doctor and developer working in the trenches, only these trenches are in his
adopted homeland of Japan. Chris is Subject Director of Interactive Multimedia Design, at the University of ulster -
one of the few universities in the world that teaches modern web design that employers actually need graduates to
know. Divya is one of the team behind HTML5 Boilerplate and an Adobe representative on the CSS Working Group.
Bruce Lawson
Co-author Introducing HTML5 (New Riders), Open Web Evangelist, Opera Software
It's hard to believe it, but there was a time when CSS was considered a dying technology. Riven by incomplete and
(worse) incompatible implementations, mired by a legacy not of its own making, it seemed destined to join the
towering scrap-heap of interesting-yet-failed technologies-and now, thanks to some lucky breaks and hard work, here
it is, a fundamental aspect of the web. Indeed, it has spread far beyond the web, showing up as the display
mechanism in software as diverse chat clients and operating systems. If it is less critical to our modern networks
than HTML, it cannot be by much.
Even more exciting, after a relatively quiet period, CSS is being rapidly expanded and enriched on multiple fronts.
Ideas from frameworks and libraries are being merged into the official specifications. Long-standing proposals are
gaining monentum. Ancient omissions are being addressed. All in all, there's so much happening that it could be an
expert's full-time job keeping track of it all.
Fortunately, what you have here in your hands is the product of several experts' combined knowledge, skills, and
insight. Chris, Divya, Oli, and Rich are all veterans at navigating the sometimes dense language of W3C
specifications to extract the shining jewels found within. Furthermore, they excel at taking those rough diamonds and
polishing them to brilliant examples of how and why a feature should be used. If I were starting out, I could hardly
wish for better guides to understanding what's important and interesting in CSS today-and as the old, grizzled codger
I actully am, I look to them forclues regarding where I should or shouldn't be looking, in order to stay abreast of
everything that's happening.
CSS is experiencing nothing short of a Renaissance. Enjoy learning from these four masters of its art.
Eric A. Meyer
Author, 'CSS: The Definitive Guide' (O'Reilly); Co-founder, An Event Apart
About the Authors
Richard Clark is Head of Interactive at KMP Digitata, a digital agency based in Manchester,
UK. With over 10 years industry experience he oversees the user experience, design and
front-end work at KMP and is a regular contributor to industry leading publication, .net
magazine. He’s the founder and curator of HTML5 Gallery (, co-
founder, editor and author for HTML5 Doctor ( You’ll also
occasionally find him organising Speak the Web a series of gig like web conferences.
Christopher Murphy ( is a writer, designer and educator
based in Belfast. Creative Review described him as, “a William Morris for the digital age,” an
epithet that he aspires to fulfill daily.
Informing his role as an educator, Murphy is a practicing designer whose work spans a
variety of media. His work has featured in numerous magazines and books including Eye
Magazine, widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading design journals, and
Influences: A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice.
A writer on the 8 Faces team, he has also written for The Manual, 24 Ways, and .net
magazine. As an internationally respected speaker he is invited to speak regularly on web
standards and the importance of improving design education, and has spoken at
conferences worldwide, including: Build, New Adventures and The Future of Web Design.
Oli Studholme is a New Zealander living in the bright lights of Tokyo, Japan. His love of
the web began in with his first website in 1995, and sharing this love has involved helping
organize Web Directions East and becoming an HTML5 Doctor. He’s currently a developer
for internationally renowned design agency Information Architects, Inc.
Divya Manian A Computer Engineer by training, Divya made the jump from developing
device drivers for Motorola phones to designing websites and has not looked back since.
Divya Manian is part of the Adobe Web Platform Team in San Francisco and a member of
the CSS Working Group. She takes her duties as an Open Web vigilante seriously which
has resulted in collaborative projects such as HTML5 Please and HTML5 Boilerplate.
About the Technical Reviewers
Chris Mills is a web technologist, open standards evangelist, and education agitator working at Opera Software. He
writes about open standards for, .net magazine, A List Apart, and more, and speaks at universities
and industry conferences worldwide. Chris is the creator of the Opera Web Standards Curriculum and co-chair of the
W3C Web Education Community Group. Outside work he is a heavy metal drummer, beer lover, and proud father of
Andrew Zack is the CEO of ZTMC, Inc. ( specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO and Internet
marketing strategies. His project background includes almost twenty years of site development and project
management experience and over fifteen years as a SEO and Internet Marketing expert.
Mr. Zack has also been very active in the publishing industry having co-authored Flash 5 studio and served as a
technical reviewer on over ten books and industry publications.
Having started working on the Internet close to its inception Mr. Zack has continually focuses on the cutting edge and
beyond focusing on new platforms and technology to continually stay in the forefront of the industry.
I would firstly like to thank my fellow authors for their help in writing this book, specifically the feedback I received on
my work. To Chris Mills and Matthew Moodie who provided constructive feedback during the writing process, that
improved chapters no end and ensured that we weren’t making things up as we went along.
Thank you to my fellow HTML5 Doctors and HTML5 Gallery curators for sharing your feedback, knowledge, insight
and experience. Also for your help, encouragement advice and most importantly humour.
To all the various designers, developers, architects and other web craftsmen I’ve met, read or worked with at one
time or another, you’ve all given me something to go away and think about which has in some small way influenced
what and how I’ve written my sections of this book.
A final thank you to my family and specifically my wife, Kate. Thank you for helping keep me sane during the writing
process. I can’t put into words how grateful I am for your support, patience and encouragement.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this book a reality, for all your help and patience. Thank you to the many
web devs who have generously shared their knowledge with me, both directly and without even realising it. Finally,
thank you to my family. Karen, Dante, Miwa, I love you.
I am very grateful for feedback given by other web practitioners in the process of development of this book.
Who is this book for?
Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved is aimed at anybody with a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. If
you have just recently dipped your toes into the world of HTML or CSS, or if you’ve been developing sites for years,
there will be something in this book for you. However, you will get the most out of this book if you’ve had a play with
HTML5 and CSS3 but don’t yet fully understand all it has to offer. This book is packed full of practical, real-world
advice and examples to help you master modern web standards.
How is this book structured?
This book is split into two major sections. The first six chapters cover HTML5 and the second seven chapters cover
CSS3 complemented by a look to what is coming in the future of Web Standards.
In the first part we will look at where HTML5 came from and how to transition to HTML5 from HTML4. We’ll then show
you how to create a HTML5 Boilerplate. This will be followed by introducing new elements, attributes and input types
before discussing some of the new, shiny, HTML5 API’s.
In the second part of the book, we’ll learn about the history of CSS and look at some CSS fundamentals. We’ll then
introduce new CSS selectors, layout modules and techniques. We then move on to look at web typography, new
CSS3 properties and more before guiding you through CSS transitions, transformations and animations.
The book closes with a look at the future of CSS and web standards showing what we’re likely to see in a browser
near you in the coming years.
If you want to follow along with the examples in this book, and download any homework files you may require you can
do this from
This book can be read from cover to cover or kept by your computer as a reference of modern tips, tricks, and
techniques. The choice is up to you.
Conventions used in this book
This book uses a couple of conventions that are worth noting. The following terms are used throughout this book:
HTML refers to both the HTML and XHTML languages.
Unless otherwise stated, CSS relates to the CSS 3 specification.
Modern browsers are considered to be the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, and Opera along with IE 9 and
It is assumed that all the HTML examples in this book are nested in the <body> of a valid document, while the CSS is
contained within an external style sheet. Occasionally, HTML and CSS have been placed in the same code example
for brevity. However, in a real document, these items need to go in their respective places to function correctly.
p {color: red;}
<p>I'm red</p>
Finally, for HTML examples that contain repeating data, rather than writing out every line, the ellipsis character (. . .)
is used to denote code continuation:
With the formalities out of the way, let’s get started.
Chapter 1
HTML5: Now, Not 2022
Congratulations, you’ve reached Chapter 1! Your journey through the evolution of the Web is about to
begin. This chapter establishes the basic principles. Its focus, along with the rest of the first half of this
book, is mostly HTML5. We'll cover how HTML5 came about, what problems it aims to solve, what design
principles have guided its development, and what new features it brings to the table. We'll also debunk
some HTML5 myths. We'll start off, however, by looking at the basic tenets we follow in our web
development work, why standards are so important, and why we should strive to make our markup
universally accessible and well crafted.
It’s a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but it’s an exciting journey. Without further ado, let’s get
Basic tenets
The information in this book is built on a number of strongly held principles: the importance of open web
standards, the craft of well-structured semantic markup, and a firm belief that well-written HTML is a part of
the design process. Our solid HTML structure should be styled with CSS (an approach we’ll cover when
we look at separation of layers later in this chapter).
Chapter 1
A web standards approach
The movement towards a standards-driven Web has been thanks in no small part to the Web Standards
Project, or WaSP (
). In the late ’90s, Internet Explorer and
Netscape were fighting to gain supremacy of the Web in a period known as "the browser wars." This was a
horrible time, as these rivals were trying to win users over by introducing countless new features that were
incompatible across browsers. The result was sites that either only worked in one browser or had two
different versions to support both the major players. This was a nightmare for web developers, and it hurt
the users.
Founded in 1998, WaSP campaigned for standard implementations across the different browsers and a
standards-based approach to web design. The aims were to reduce the cost and complexity of web
development and to increase the accessibility of web pages by making web content more consistent and
more compatible across devices and assistive technologies. They lobbied browser and tool vendors to
improve support for web standards recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), such as
Note: The World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, is an international community that
develops standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web. In its own words, “the
W3C mission is to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols
and guidelines that ensure the long-term growth of the Web.”
And they had a lot of success. Skip forward to the modern day, and web standards are consistently
implemented across all major browsers. Although you do still get the occasional weird bit of browser
behavior, it is miles better than it was. Let's now take a brief look at what web standards actually are.
What are web standards?
We use standards on a daily basis, often without realizing it. When we buy a light bulb, for example, we
know that if we buy a screw-in or bayonet bulb, it will fit our light fittings when we get it home. Standards
ensure that the bulb we buy isn’t just a little too large or just a little too wide to fit our light fixture.
Standards are all around us: look at the plugs in your home, the power rating of your appliances, and the
time, distance, and temperature measurements used by everything in our society.
Web standards pick up from the same principle. As browser manufacturers and web developers have
moved toward embracing standards, the need to write browser-specific markup has diminished. By using
well-structured HTML to mark up content and CSS to control presentation, we should now be able to
design one web site that will display consistently across standards-compliant browsers regardless of
operating system (although the occasional quirk still exists). Equally importantly, when the same markup is
rendered by less-capable, non-standards-compliant browsers—in older text-based or mobile browsers—
the content should still remain accessible. Web standards save us time as designers and allow us to sleep
HTML5: Now, Not 2022
at night, safe in the knowledge that our carefully crafted masterpiece is accessible regardless of who’s
viewing it on which browser and which platform.
Note: What we call standards are officially termed "Recommendations" by the W3C.
They are the recommended way that web technologies should work. There is nothing in
law forcing browsers and tool vendors to adopt them; rather, adoption is agreed upon for
the good of the Web and the mutual benefit of everyone.
Why use web standards?
Perhaps a better question to ask is, “Why ignore web standards?” The benefits of adopting a web
standards approach are so compelling, why wouldn’t you use them?
The benefits of using web standards include the following:
Cuts down on development time: You can build a single site that will work across all platforms,
browsers, devices, etc. Without standards, you'd probably have to develop a different site for
each browser, etc.
Creates sites that are easy to update and maintain: With web standards and best practices, you
can, for example, update a single CSS file to change styling for a whole site of many HTML
pages. Before this was the norm, we used to put the styling information inside the HTML, which
meant changing the information on every page. This was really repetitious and inconvenient.
Improves search engine rankings: The content inside HTML is text-based and therefore readable
by search engines. In addition, writing good copy and using semantic HTML (like headings)
appropriately can give more weight to appropriate keywords and send your pages shooting up the
Google charts.
Improves accessibility: Well-written HTML and CSS makes web sites more accessible to diverse
user groups such as people with disabilities, people using mobile devices, people on low
bandwidth connections, etc.
Now that we’ve got a clear insight into the main benefits of a web standards approach, let’s take a look at
two principles we’ll be looking at in depth in this book: the importance of semantic markup and the
infamous web trifle.
Semantic markup
We believe in the importance of semantic markup (sometimes called POSH for Plain Old Semantic HTML).
We believe that HTML is a design element and that, before adding a presentational layer (which enhances
the underlying markup), it’s important to focus on building a solid foundation of well-structured content.
Semantic markup is self-describing and uses the correct HTML elements for the correct job. For example,
you could mark up a heading like this:
<div id="heading" style="font-size:300%; padding: 10px;">My heading</div>
Chapter 1
It would look like a heading, sure, but it would not function as a heading in terms of meaning or purpose.
Therefore, it would have a negative effect on search engine optimization (keywords in headings have more
weight), accessibility (screen readers use heading elements as navigational signposts), development (it is
a lot trickier to target elements with styles and scripts when you don't use proper semantic elements), and
It’s much better to use the proper element, like so:
<h1>My heading</h1>
Semantic markup should also be as lightweight as possible, which means removing all those nested
<divs> and other spaghetti code. This makes file sizes smaller and coding easier.
Now that we understand the importance of crafting a solid HTML foundation, it’s time to meet the Web
The web trifle: separating those layers
Everyone loves a trifle, especially at Christmas.
Andy Clarke, writing in Stuff &Nonsense ( />2
) in 2005, took the metaphor
of the humble trifle to new heights when he used it to describe the “Web Standards Trifle,” a heady mixture
of sponge, fruity jelly, custard, cream, and the all-important topping. You can read his original post at
. Most of it still hold true today.
The essence of what he is saying is that you should separate your data structure, styling information, and
scripting/behavior into separate layers.
Semantic HTML provides the data structure, a clean, easy-to-access set of content. HTML5
provides this nicely. You should make this data as accessible and usable as possible, without any
styling of scripting enhancements.
CSS provides the styling information, which takes our data and gives it the visual presentation we
desire. CSS3 provides more powerful tools than its predecessor, CSS2.
JavaScript (including the base language and scripting APIs defined inside HTML5 and elsewhere)
provides the scripting/behavior layer, which adds usability enhancements and richer functionality
to our sites.
The Dao of web design: embracing uncertainty
The browser landscape is rapidly evolving. However, unlike the Wild West days of the browser wars,
today’s landscape is evolving and converging towards standards. Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and, of
course, our old friend IE are all—admittedly at different rates—moving forward towards supporting all the