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Pham Thi Huong Giang

Group Researchers: Luong Phuong Anh
Lo Quang Huy
Phung Tuan Vu
Ngo Mai Huong
Le Hoang Anh

Hanoi, 2022


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First of all, we are extremely grateful to our mentor - our teacher, Ms Pham Thi Huong
Giang for successfully and dedicatedly instructing the research for us. We are really
fortunate to have the chance to receive a lot from her such as exemplary guidance, constant
encouragement, and careful monitoring throughout the progress we have been launching
the research. This experience is so memorable that even our most profound gratitude is not

We would also like to thank all of my team members, as well as anyone who has had
the pleasure of working with us on this and other projects. Each of them has offered
extensive personal and professional advice, as well as teaching other teammates a great
deal about scientific research and life in general. We would like to express our gratitude to
our team leader, Luong Phuong Anh, who is very enthusiastic, responsible, and always
reminds and assists the team members; she is instrumental in the completion of this study.
During the whole time doing the research together, it is hard to avoid arguments
between teammates but overall, we have passed the difficult time and finished this work.
We have all provided a huge amount of our precious time and effort to contribute to the
result of the research. We feel really lucky to be able to collaborate with each other and
then reach the final goal.
Thank you with all our sincerity


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BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Rationale........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Purposes......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Research question..................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Scope.............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Research methods....................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Design of the research............................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. TYPE OF METAPHORS........................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Function of metaphor............................................................................................................. 10

FINDING AND DISCUSSION....................................................................................................... 11
CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................... 16
REFERENCE....................................................................................................................................... 17


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1.1 Rationale
Communication has always been considered the most important function of language.
There are a number of rhetoric devices that students access such as metaphors, synonyms,
antonyms, simile, metonymy, ... These are applied in many fields such as literature, poetry,
music, especially in football.
Football commentary is an extremely important effect in every match. It makes the
football match more interesting and climax.
However, perceiving a football match is not simple and easy. We must have some
basic knowledge of football to understand football commentary.
The English Premier League is the highest division of the football league system in
England. Thus, the amount of people paying attention to this tournament is quite high.
Moreover, metaphors are extremely used in each match of Premier League
Therefore, we demand to help people better understand this field, and get more
inspiration when people watch a match.
For the above reason, I decided to choose the study on the topic:"An investigation into
conceptual metaphor in english football commentary during English Premier League

1.2 Purposes

The study aims,
- To investigate conceptual metaphors are used in football commentary news

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- To detect the reason for using metaphor in football commentaries.
- To recommend some methods for teaching, learning and translating conceptual metaphor

1.3. Research question
- What kinds of metaphors were used in football commentaries in English Premier

League 2021-2022?
- What functions of metaphors did they tend to use in football commentaries?

1.4. Scope
In order to investigate the use of metaphors in this setting. The study's goal is to
identify and analyze conceptual metaphors in football commentary in English national
daily newspapers written about the English Premier League in 2021-2022, specifically
match reports. Because it is well-represented in a wide range of English metaphors, the
Premier League was chosen. Because the material is already in text format and does not
need to be transcribed, written match reports make data collection easier and more
trustworthy than live radio or television broadcasts.
The newspapers used are skysport, the gruadian, the independent. These newspapers,
which are the most widely circulated in the United Kingdom, covered both target matches.
In all, the 16 match reports that resulted had a total word count of around 13000.

1.5 Research methods
I propose that we focus on EPL’s altercation reports that were published in five daily

sports newspaper on English Premier League 2021-2022 to assess metaphor usage in this
context. We choose The Premier League because it is widely covered by a range of

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English language media outlets, allowing multiple sources to be used. Written match
reports make data collection easier and more reliable than live radio or television
broadcasts because the content is in text form so it easy for us to sum up. Because reports
are more readily available than live written minute-by-minute coverage, they were picked
over it.

1.6 Design of the research
The study article is divided into four sections. The background, reason, purpose,
scope, research questions, research technique, and report structure are all identified in the
introduction. The second section is a literature review, which was utilized to determine the
idea of aberrant content on social media and its impact on kids. The following stage is data
analysis and findings, which involves analyzing and combining the information in order to
raise student understanding regarding the use of social media. Finally, the portion
conclusion brings the summing to a close. At the conclusion of the study, limitations and
recommendations for further research will be listed.
2.1. Type of metaphor
Recently, metaphor was thought to be a rhetorical device that was exclusively
examined in the context of stylistics or rhetorics. The phrase "A is B" used to describe
metaphor in classics like "Achilles is a lion." In this way, the metaphor was created by
implicit comparison. This is the primary distinction between metaphor and simile.
"Achilles is courageous as a lion," for example, is a straightforward simile of the
contrasted thing.

Unlike conventional viewpoints that saw cognitive linguists such as Lakoff, Johnson
(1980), and Wray (2002) believed that metaphor is a typical process of thinking that


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occurs regularly in normal speech. Metaphor should be treated more seriously in language
training since it is so common in daily conversation.
There are eight major sorts of metaphors: standard, implied, visual, allegorical,
absolute, mixed, extended, and dead.
2.1.1. Standard metaphor
A standard metaphor is one that uses the fundamental concept X is Y to compare two
dissimilar objects.
Example: Shakespeare’s quotes “All the world’s a stage” .
2.1.2. Implied metaphor.
A sort of metaphor that compares two unrelated items without expressly naming one
of them is an implied metaphor.
Example: “A woman barked a warning at her child.”
2.1.3. Visual metaphor.
A visual metaphor is indeed a comparison of one item to a visual picture that implies
a relationship. Commercial frequently includes visual metaphors.
Example: “a car manufacturer picturing their latest sports car alongside an image of
a panther”. The metaphor is used to suggest the car is as slick, fast, and cool as the
wild animal.
2.1.4. Allegorical metaphor
Allegory is a metaphor which illustrates a comparison between two things through a
long tale using signs instead of actual quotes. In literature, an allegory frequently includes
overt components of a story as well as subtle, nuanced criticism about other events with

which the author desires to draw parallels.

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Example: “love is a rose with thorns”
2.1.5. Absolute metaphor
When compared to other varieties of metaphor, absolute metaphor cannot be
obscured or reduced in any way. A basic equivalency is presented in an absolute metaphor;
for example, light represents wisdom, while snow represents purity. Absolute metaphors
can be symbolic or literal, and they cannot be substituted by other conceptual frameworks,
unlike some of the other types of metaphors.
Example: “life is like a box of chocolates”
2.1.6. Mixed metaphor
Mixed metaphors are by far the most popular metaphors, yet they can seem difficult to
understand. The mixed metaphor is formed by mixing two elements that are completely
mismatched in type but nevertheless communicating the comparison's symbolic meaning.
The mixed metaphor is sometimes utilized on purpose to generate a certain impact.
Example: "There's no place like a home on the range" => blends two well-known
2.1.7. Extended metaphor
A complex comparison with several things is presented in an extended metaphor. It
compared a basic object to a machine and equipment, followed by subsequent items
related to the initial object and other metaphorical object parts.
Example: "All the world's a stage, And the men and women merely players"
2.1.8. Dead metaphor
Rather than a figurative analogy, a dead metaphor presents a physical physical
comparison. The dead metaphor is just a parallel that passes unrecognized though it is


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dependent on an embedded comparison with in language. It often involves the use of an
Example: "the committee will hold a meeting"

While metaphors in football commentary can come from a range of places, they
can also arrive in a variety of forms. They are divided into structural, orientational,
and ontological.

2.1.9. Structural conceptual metaphors
A structural metaphor is a metaphorical system in which one complicated (usually
abstract) topic is represented by another concept. In various aspects, it departs from the
organizational metaphor.
John Goss claimed that a structural metaphor "need not be explicitly articulated or
defined," “but it operates as a guide to meaning and action in the discursive context within
which it operates" ("Marketing the New Marketing" in Ground Truth, 1995).
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson proposed three overlapping kinds of conceptual
metaphors in their book Metaphors We Live By. Structural metaphor is one of them (1980).
(Orientational and ontological metaphors are the other two categories). Lakoff and Johnson
claimed that "Each individual structural metaphor is internally consistent," and it "imposes
a consistent structure on the concept it structures." The conceptual metaphor
"ARGUMENT IS WAR" is a common example used to describe this kind.
Examples in football commentary: “team are human beings”, “football is a duel”,
“the opponent is an object”, “league playing is racing”
2.1.10. Orientational conceptual metaphors

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A system of concepts is arranged in relation and interaction in space, such as updown, inside-out, front-back, shallow-deep, center-periphery, and so on, in an orientational
conceptual metaphor. This group is known as the orientational metaphor, according to
Lakoff and Johnson (1980), since it is linked to spatial orientation.
In their book Metaphors We Live By, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson established
three main kinds of conceptual metaphors. Orientational metaphor is one of them (1980).
Other two types of metaphor are structural and ontological. It differs from the organization
metaphors in several ways.
"HAPPY IS UP, SAD IS DOWN" (Lakoff & Johnson 1980) is a common example
used to illustrate the orientational conceptual metaphor group.
Examples in football commentary: “victory is forwards”, “control is up, lack of
control is down”
2.1.11. Ontological conceptual metaphors
An ontological metaphor is a metaphor in which an abstraction, such as an activity,
emotion, or idea, is represented as something concrete, such as an object, substance,
container, or person.
One of the three overlapping kinds of conceptual metaphors established by George
Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By is ontological metaphor (a figure that
provides "means of understanding events, activities, emotions, ideas, and other things as
entities and substances") (1980). The structural and orientational metaphors are the other
two types of metaphor.
According to Lakoff and Johnson, ontological metaphors "are so natural and
compelling in our mind that they are typically treated as self-evident, direct explanations
of mental occurrences." Ontological metaphors, they claim, are "among the most
fundamental methods we have for grasping our experience."


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The basis for a wide range of words and concepts in which activities, actions,
emotions, thoughts, and so on are believed the substance is realized via an interaction with
a specific object or substance. Human brain, for instance, is considered as a common thing
in English, which may be a mechanical or even a delicate character.
Examples in football commentary: “football flowed beautifully”, “football just is not
fair”, “football at its best”.
2.2 Function of metaphor
Metaphors have seemed to be used for a variety of purposes, with the most common
being to describe game action. The most common structural metaphors are used to describe
how the players interact with one another. It's unusual to see such a direct, nonmetaphorical description of an interaction. Regarding the ubiquity of metaphors in this
context, it's reasonable to infer that metaphors serve a special aim that non-metaphorical
language cannot. I'll offer some suggestions for their potential role in this context and
discuss them much farther down.
2.2.1 Delivering information
It appears unlikely that metaphors' sole purpose is to convey information. "Elano
tumbled over a Jonas Olsson challenge in the area and picked himself up to win a battle of
wits with Carson," according to the Daily Mail (Manchester City–West Bromwich Albion),
does not convey any more factual information, nor does it make it clearer. It is very likely
that such writing, if anything, obscures what is going on for those who aren't familiar with
it. However, that function of concealing what is going on from those who aren't familiar
with it could serve a purpose. Goatly writes about "cultivating intimacy," which entails
using common metaphors and metaphors that refer to common experiences to create a
sense of intimacy or community among a group of people. It's possible that this is one
function of what appears to be unnecessary fact obfuscation.
2.2.2 Facts and their interpretation

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Inherently, the purpose of a match report is to not only describe the situation, but to do
so in an engaging manner for the audience. Even when the writer was possible to provide
an objective description of what happened during the match, it is unusual that it would be
interesting to read. The journalists clearly provide their own point of view and comment on
the match's events in all of the match reports used in the match's events.
It's possible that this explanation is required in order to communicate facts in a clear
and understandable manner. "A given metaphor may be the only way to highlight and
coherently organise exactly those aspects of our experience," Lakoff and Johnson propose,
emphasizing the importance of metaphor. "Metaphors can explain some relatively abstract
concept in terms that are more familiar to the hearers," Goatly commented. While football
as a sport isn't an abstract idea in and of itself, the regulations and conventions of
association football are anything but natural. Thereby, in match reports, one of metaphor's
roles could be to make these abstract concepts more understandable. Football becomes
more comprehensible in terms of a human activity that is natural to humans if it can be
described as a physical confrontation.
Even though metaphor is considered necessary to express specific events, the
journalist must still select the metaphor. "Elano tumbled over a Jonas Olsson challenge in
the area and picked himself up to win a battle of wits with Carson," according to the Daily
Mail (Manchester City–West Bromwich Albion), while "Jonas Olsson stupidly tripped
Elano in the box and the Brazilian got up to restore City's lead from the spot," according to
the Daily Star (Manchester City–West Bromwich Albion).
Using structural metaphors is another way to promote various interpretations. By
characterizing the action in terms of anything else, such as animals or armed conflicts, the
writer can focus on specific aspects of what is going on. Goatly describes this function as
"decoration, disguise, and hyperbole." He goes on to say that metaphors can "dress up
concepts in pretty, attention-grabbing, or concealing clothes." Having a look back on

previous illustration, it's clear that one journalist is concentrating on Elano's sloppiness
while the other is focusing on Olsson's folly.

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2.2.3. Cohesion
The journalist can build a more coherent narrative by metaphorically linking the
different elements of the game. It is self-evident that more occurs during a match than can
be written about, at least within the confines of a newspaper. The writer must first decide
what to report on before piecing everything together. Metaphors can significantly help in
this scenario by forming connections between seemingly unrelated actions. Lakoff and
Johnson refer to this phenomenon "creation of similarity," and they explain how new
metaphors can affect us to notice heretofore overlooked similarities.

The information supplied above would be analyzed using current metaphor theory.
The analysis would attempt to show how the metaphors are operated in football
commentary. The following are some metaphorical terms derived from the commentary:
(Note that the actual words which are used metaphorically are put in bold).
The research first looks at structural metaphors in football commentary. The conceptual
domain of war is employed as a source to describe the conceptual domain of football as a
target based on the collected data:
1. “The Portuguese star has forced his way into regular contention in the team's front

three with Luis Diaz now entering the fray.”
2. “He has not hit the heights of last season but continues to register impressive numbers”
3. “Mahrez has taken on penalty duties”
4. “Son has notched 13 times for Tottenham, with his shot accuracy the most of any


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player who's hit double digits in the goalscoring charts”
5. “Recent wins for the Whites have given”
6. “Report and free match highlights from the Barclays Premier League clash between

Tottenham and West Ham at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium”
7. “Heung-Min Son was Tottenham's hero as his double sealed a crucial 3-1 win over

rivals West Ham”
8. “He beat Emiliano Martinez with a shot that came through a crowd of defenders.”
9. “Leicester continued to pressurise” (the Independent, Leicester- Brentford)
10. “Liverpool dig deep to beat Arsenal” (the Independent, Liverpool- Arsenal)
11. “Everton’s season might have been revived” (the Guardian, Everton- Newcastle)
12. “West Ham pulled one back through Said Benrahma” (the Independent, West-ham-

13. “Timothy Castagne and James Maddison fire Leicester to win” (the Independent,

Leicester- Brentford)
14. “Yet even an Iwobi strike was not the strangest goalmouth action of the night.”

(The Guardian, Everton – Newcastle)
15. “No sooner had the fourth official, Michael Salisbury, who had the thankless task of

pacifying two bickering benches throughout an ill-tempered, illogical and, frankly,
ludicrous contest, indicated there would be at least eight more minutes of mayhem

in this bonkers match, Leeds contrived to register one final, barmy twist.”
(The Guardian, Wolves – Leeds)


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16. “Antonio Conte will see this victory as progress: weary but persistent opponents

held at arm’s length, the rare sensation of successive wins and enough vigour in
attack to suggest that Tottenham have no intention of letting Arsenal out of their
(The Guardian, Tottenham – West Ham)
17. “Kane dropping deep, escaping Declan Rice and spraying a gorgeous diagonal

pass to the South Korean, who unleashed a vicious shot that flew past Fabianski
thanks to a slight touch off an increasingly hapless Zouma.”
(The Guardian, Tottenham – West Ham)

This reinforces Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) and Kovesces' (2010) claims that metaphor
permits one conceptual field to be seen through the perspective of another. Football
commentators can describe a game of football by using metaphorical words like win, hit,
clash, hero, beat, duties, shot, fray, which are generally connected with war. The above
examples show that many actions that players do in a football match are structured from the
concept of war. They can "win" or "lose" in a match. During the match, they consider the
one they resist as the opponent. Therefore, they "clash" the opponents then they can "beat"
or be defeated. In this case, even without a fight causing casualties, obviously the writer has
a war of words through the words of war that they use. This could be due to the fact that

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football, like war, is played ferociously, aggressively, and competitively.
The football is not only war but also journey
1. “The Liverpool forward broke records earlier this term as he scored in seven

consecutive outings”
2. “Salah enjoyed a sensational start”
3. “Castagne made a dream return after nearly three months out injured as he scored

Leicester's open”
4. “Tottenham made an impressive start” (the Independent, West-ham- Tottenham)

From the above evidence, football competition not only has the properties of a battle but it
also has the characteristics of a journey. Each player is fulfilling their dream and they enjoy
the joy of playing.
Other examples of structural metaphors such as kick is animal, football is game, a
leaderboard is object, human body:
1. “He evolved his game”
2. “the home crowd for his cat-kicking”
3. “Son made West Ham pay for Michail Antonio's missed second-half sitter”
4. “win over Brentford that lifts them into the top half of the Premier League table.”
5. “and got their reward in the 30th minute.”
6. “Arsenal withstood late pressure to move onto 54 points - four clear of Manchester

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United in fifth place with a game still in hand.”
7. “Kane was at the heart of the move with the England captain playing his favourite

team-mate through on goal down the left”
8. “Bees stung by two super strikes from Leicester City’

(The Guardian, Brentford – Leicester City)
9. “club to throw their hat in the ring for the 25-year-old”. (the Independent,

Barcelona- Leeds)

The second type is the orientational metaphor. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) called
his group the orientational metaphor because they are related to the orientation in space.
1. “He evolved his game by dropping deep and influencing play.”
2. “Spurs took the lead inside the first.”
3. “Martin Odegaard had a great chance to put Arsenal ahead” (the Independent,

4. “went ahead in the ninth minute” (the Independent, West-ham- Tottenham)

This metaphor is coherent with Lakoff and Johnson's orientational metaphor. Future
occurrences are up (or ahead) in the foreseeable future ". While it is impossible to predict
which team will win, it is reasonable to think that one of the teams will.
The author uses the characteristics of depth to illustrate the players' ferocious participation
in the match. On the field, the variety of player movement and combative energy is remarkable.


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The last element that the data mention in football commentary is the ontological metaphor.
According to Lakoff and Johnson, the foundation for a wide variety of conceptual metaphors
in which events, activities, feelings, thoughts, and so on are regarded as the essence is
experience in an interacting process with the specific object or substance.
1. “when Kane's future saw him omitted from the first-team squad, “
2. “another swift breakaway saw Son hit the post just minutes after the opener”
3. “Arsenal tightened their grip on fourth spot in the Premier League as Bukayo Saka's

first-half strike”
4. “Alex Iwobi’s 99th-minute winner prompted such delirium “( the Guardian,

Everton-Newcastle )
5. “the Bees’ efforts came to nothing” ( Dailymail, Leicester- Brentford)
6. “His manager broke his hand bouncing around in joyful abandon” (The Guardian,

Everton – Newcastle)
7. “It should have been 2-0 two minutes later. This time Dejan Kulusevski caused

problems, dribbling through on the right and teeing up Son, who shot wide of the
empty net.”
(The Guardian, Tottenham – West Ham)
8. Everton were buoyed by a half-hour talk by chairman Bill Kenwright on

Wednesday and a tour de force from their captain.
(The Guardian, Everton – Newcastle)
The above ontological metaphor allows us to focus attention on the actions of the
appearing beings. The author has humanized the "future", the "swift breakaway" and the

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team with "saw" and "tightened" action. For example, although bees are not human, they
are linked to human behavior, specifically effort. The metaphor helps to characterize effort
in terms of the bee's hardworking quality in this way. Can apply the same analysis of the
word “delirium”. In the sixth sentence, the manager was described as a ball bouncing
around the field in celebration. Through this metaphor, reader can see exactly how excited
he is in the celebration. This ontological metaphor has the consequence of making things
richer and easier to visualize and access for readers.
In conclusion, the conceptual metaphors found in the data and their distribution are
summarized in Table 1 below:

Structural metaphor
Orientational metaphor
Ontological metaphor
Table 1: Conceptual metaphors found in the data
Noticeably, the most type of conceptual metaphors which was used in the data is
structual metaphor, occupying 58,6%, whereas only 8 examples of ontological metaphor
are found in the data (27,6%). The third rank is orientational metaphor accounted for
13,8%. Generally, according to the above data, football commentary is usually used the
word of war, or it can be said “Football is war”. Lakoff and Turner (1989:135) argue
“metaphors allow us to understand one domain of experience in terms of another. To serve
this function, there must be some grounding, some concepts that are not completely
understood via metaphors to serve as source domains”. As a result, football commentators'
use of war as a source domain is well understood in this context. Football pundits use war
as a source domain to discuss a target domain, which in this case is football, because war is
largely interpreted literally.


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According to the findings, metaphor is clearly a linguistic as well as a concept quality.
Through a cognitive semantic method, one can learn that metaphorical terms can be found
not only in literary works, but also in everyday conversation. The information supplied and
analyzed above demonstrates that a football game is no longer viewed as merely a
spectator sport. Football is a business for those who work in the sport, such as players,
coaches, club directors, presidents, corporate sponsors, commentators, and so on. As a
result, it is only natural to think of football as a war. The employment of war-related
terminology in relation to football actions, such as combat, missile, attack, shot, and
collide, further supports this idea. The fields of football and war have been merged through
the use of conceptual metaphor. Through the inclusion of terminology from the higher
domain (war) in the domain of football, the domain of football is regarded as a sub-domain
in the conceptual field of war.
As mentioned in the results section, it is obvious that the initial premise that football
commentary contains a lot of metaphor is correct. It's impossible to state that most
metaphors come from a single source domain, although the source domains referred to
here as physical struggle, military conflict, and animal behavior appear to be the domains
that contribute the most metaphors. Furthermore, all three types of metaphors, namely
orientational, ontological, and structural metaphors, were found in the match reports
Oriental metaphors are used to describe victory in the current material, ontological
metaphors are used to describe victory and also football itself, and structural metaphors,
which are the most common, are used to describe nearly any type of activity that is judged
worthy of inclusion in the report. However, the use of structural metaphor in depicting
events between players on the field is especially notable. Metaphors are frequently

complex, and it's rare that their primary function is to depict what happened. Rather, it
appears that metaphors are utilized to transform the reality of what has occurred into
language that appeals to the reader, by selecting some of the occurrences and building a

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cohesive story of the match in this method. By doing this, the journalist also has the
chance to offer his or her personal interpretation of events.
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