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Quantum dots a doorway to nanoscale physics

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W. Dieter Heiss (Ed.)

Quantum Dots:
a Doorway
to Nanoscale Physics



W. Dieter Heiss
University of Stellenbosch

Department of Physics
South Africa

W. Dieter Heiss (Ed.), Quantum Dots: a Doorway to Nanoscale Physics,
Lect. Notes Phys. 667 (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2005), DOI 10.1007/b103740

Library of Congress Control Number: 2005921338
ISSN 0075-8450
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Nanoscale physics, nowadays one of the most topical research subjects, has
two major areas of focus. One is the important field of potential applications
bearing the promise of a great variety of materials having specific properties
that are desirable in daily life. Even more fascinating to the researcher in
physics are the fundamental aspects where quantum mechanics is seen at work;
most macroscopic phenomena of nanoscale physics can only be understood and
described using quantum mechanics. The emphasis of the present volume is
on this latter aspect.
It fits perfectly within the tradition of the South African Summer Schools
in Theoretical Physics and the fifteenth Chris Engelbrecht School was devoted to this highly topical subject. This volume presents the contents of
lectures from four speakers working at the forefront of nanoscale physics. The
first contribution addresses some more general theoretical considerations on
Fermi liquids in general and quantum dots in particular. The next topic is
more experimental in nature and deals with spintronics in quantum dots. The
alert reader will notice the close correspondence to the South African Summer
School in 2001, published in LNP 587. The following two sections are theoretical treatments of low temperature transport phenomena and electron scattering on normal-superconducting interfaces (Andreev billiards). The enthusiasm
and congenial atmosphere created by the speakers will be remembered well
by all participants. The beautiful scenery of the Drakensberg surrounding the
venue contributed to the pleasant spirit prevailing during the school.
A considerable contingent of participants came from African countries outside South Africa and were supported by a generous grant from the Ford
Foundation; the organisers gratefully acknowledge this assistance.
The Organising Committee is indebted to the National Research Foundation for its financial support, without which such high level courses would be
impossible. We also wish to express our thanks to the editors of Lecture Notes
in Physics and Springer for their assistance in the preparation of this volume.
February 2005

WD Heiss



List of Contributors

R. Shankar
Sloane Physics Lab, Yale University,
New Haven CT 06520

J.M. Elzerman
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands
ERATO Mesoscopic Correlation
Project, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

R. Hanson
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands
L.H.W. van Beveren
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands

ERATO Mesoscopic Correlation
Project, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
S. Tarucha
ERATO Mesoscopic Correlation
Project, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033,

NTT Basic Research Laboratories,
Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0129,
L.M.K. Vandersypen
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands
L.P. Kouwenhoven
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands
ERATO Mesoscopic Correlation
Project, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
M. Pustilnik
School of Physics, Georgia Institute
of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
L.I. Glazman
William I. Fine Theoretical
Physics Institute,

University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
C.W.J. Beenakker
Universiteit Leiden,
P.O. Box 9506, 2300 RA Leiden,
The Netherlands




A Guide for the Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Renormalization Group Approach – From Fermi Liquids
to Quantum Dots
R. Shankar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1 The RG: What, Why and How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 The Problem of Interacting Fermions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Large-N Approach to Fermi Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Quantum Dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Semiconductor Few-Electron Quantum Dots
as Spin Qubits

J.M. Elzerman, R. Hanson, L.H.W. van Beveren, S. Tarucha,
L.M.K. Vandersypen, and L.P. Kouwenhoven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Few-Electron Quantum Dot Circuit
with Integrated Charge Read-Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Excited-State Spectroscopy on a Nearly Closed Quantum Dot
via Charge Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Real-Time Detection of Single Electron Tunnelling
using a Quantum Point Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Single-Shot Read-Out of an Individual Electron Spin
in a Quantum Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Semiconductor Few-Electron Quantum Dots
as Spin Qubits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Low-Temperature Conduction of a Quantum Dot
M. Pustilnik and L.I. Glazman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2 Model of a Lateral Quantum Dot System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99





Thermally-Activated Conduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Activationless Transport
through a Blockaded Quantum Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5 Kondo Regime in Transport through a Quantum Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Andreev Billiards
C.W.J. Beenakker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
2 Andreev Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3 Minigap in NS Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4 Scattering Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5 Stroboscopic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6 Random-Matrix Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
7 Quasiclassical Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8 Quantum-To-Classical Crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
A Excitation Gap in Effective RMT and Relationship
with Delay Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172


A Guide for the Reader

Quantum dots, often denoted artificial atoms, are the exquisite tools by which
quantum behavior can be probed on a scale appreciably larger than the atomic
scale, that is, on the nanometer scale. In this way, the physics of the devices
is closer to classical physics than that of atomic physics but they are still
sufficiently small to clearly exhibit quantum phenomena. The present volume
is devoted to some of these fascinating aspects.
In the first contribution general theoretical aspects of Fermi liquids are
addressed, in particular, the renormalization group approach. The choice of
appropriate variables as a result of averaging over “unimportant” variables is
presented. This is then aptly applied to large quantum dots. The all important scales, ballistic dots and chaotic motion are discussed. Nonperturbative
methods and critical phenomena feature in this thorough treatise. The traditional phenomenological Landau parameters are given a more satisfactory
theoretical underpinning.
A completely different approach is encountered in the second contribution
in that it is a thorough experimental expose of what can be done or expected in
the study of small quantum dots. Here the emphasis lies on the electron spin to
be used as a qubit. The experimental steps toward using a single electron spin –
trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot – as a spin qubit are described.
The introduction contains a resume of quantum computing with quantum
dots. The following sections address experimental implementations, the use
of different quantum dot architectures, measurements, noise, sensitivity and
high-speed performance. The lectures are based on a collaborative effort of
research groups in the Netherlands and in Japan.
The last two contributions are again theoretical in nature and address
particular aspects relating to quantum dots. In the third lecture series, mechanisms of low-temperature electronic transport through a quantum dot –

weakly coupled to two conducting leads – are reviewed. In this case transport is
dominated by electron–electron interaction. At moderately low temperatures
(comparing with the charging energy) the linear conductance is suppressed by



A Guide for the Reader

the Coulomb blockade. A further lowering of the temperature leads into the
Kondo regime.
The fourth series of lectures deals with a very specific and cute aspect of
nanophysics: a peculiar property of superconducting mirrors as discovered by
Andreev about forty years ago. The Andreev reflection at a superconductor
modifies the excitation spectrum of a quantum dot. The difference between a
chaotic and integrable billiard (quantum dot) is discussed and relevant classical versus quantum time scales are given. The results are a challenge to
experimental physicists as they are not confirmed as yet.


The Renormalization Group Approach – From
Fermi Liquids to Quantum Dots
R. Shankar
Sloane Physics Lab, Yale University, New Haven CT 06520

1 The RG: What, Why and How

Imagine that you have some problem in the form of a partition function
Z(a, b) =




+y 2 ) −b(x+y)4



where a, b are the parameters.
First consider b = 0, the gaussian model. Suppose that you are just interested in x, say in its fluctuations. Then you have the option of integrating out
y and working with the new partition function
Z(a) = N




where N comes from doing the y-integration. We will ignore such an xindependent pre-factor here and elsewhere since it will cancel in any averaging
Consider now the nongaussian case with b = 0. Here we have
Z(a , b . . .) =




+y 2 ) −b(x+y)4


x2 −b x4 −c x6 +...



where a , b etc., define the parameters of the effective field theory for x. These
parameters will reproduce exactly the same averages for x as the original ones.
This evolution of parameters with the elimination of uninteresting degrees of
freedom, is what we mean these days by renormalization, and as such has
nothing to do with infinities; you just saw it happen in a problem with just
two variables.

R. Shankar: The Renormalization Group Approach – From Fermi Liquids to Quantum Dots,
Lect. Notes Phys. 667, 3–24 (2005)
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005



R. Shankar

The parameters b, c etc., are called couplings and the monomials they
multiply are called interactions. The x2 term is called the kinetic or free-field
Notice that to get the effective theory we need to do a nongaussian integral.
This can only be done perturbatively. At the simplest tree Level, we simply
drop y and find b = b. At higher orders, we bring down the nonquadratic
exponential and integrate in y term by term and generate effective interactions
for x. This procedure can be represented by Feynman graphs in which variables
in the loop are limited to the ones being eliminated.
Why do we do this? Because certain tendencies of x are not so apparent
when y is around, but surface to the top, as we zero in on x. For example,
we are going to consider a problem in which x stands for low-energy variables
and y for high energy variables. Upon integrating out high energy variables
a numerically small coupling can grow in size (or initially impressive one
diminish into oblivion), as we zoom in on the low energy sector.
This notion can be made more precise as follows. Consider the gaussian
model in which we have just a = 0. We have seen that this value does not
change as y is eliminated since x and y do not talk to each other. This is
called a fixed point of the RG. Now turn on new couplings or “interactions”
(corresponding to higher powers of x, y etc.) with coefficients b, c and so
on. Let a , b etc., be the new couplings after y is eliminated. The mere fact
that b > b does not mean b is more important for the physics of x. This is

because a could also be bigger than a. So we rescale x so that the kinetic
part, x2 , has the same coefficient as before. If the quartic term still has a
bigger coefficient, (still called b ), we say it is a relevant interaction. If b < b
we say it is irrelevant. This is because in reality y stands for many variables,
and as they are eliminated one by one, the coefficient of the quartic term will
run to zero. If a coupling neither grows not shrinks it is called marginal.
There is another excellent reason for using the RG, and that is to understand the phenomenon of universality in critical phenomena. I must regretfully
pass up the opportunity to explain this and refer you to Professor Michael
Fisher’s excellent lecture notes in this very same school many years ago [1].
We will now see how this method is applied to interacting fermions in
d = 2. Later we will apply these methods to quantum dots.

2 The Problem of Interacting Fermions
Consider a system of nonrelativistic spinless fermions in two space dimensions.
The one particle hamiltonian is




RG for Interacting Fermions


where the chemical potential µ is introduced to make sure we have a finite
density of particles in the ground state: all levels up the Fermi surface, a circle
defined by
KF2 /2m = µ
are now occupied and occupying these levels lowers the ground-state energy.
Notice that this system has gapless excitations above the ground state.
You can take an electron just below the Fermi surface and move it just above,
and this costs as little energy as you please. Such a system will carry a dc
current in response to a dc voltage. An important question one asks is if this
will be true when interactions are turned on. For example the system could
develop a gap and become an insulator. What really happens for the d = 2
electron gas?
We are going to answer this using the RG. Let us first learn how to do RG
for noninteracting fermions. To understand the low energy physics, we take a
band of of width Λ on either side of the Fermi surface. This is the first great
difference between this problem and the usual ones in relativistic field theory
and statistical mechanics. Whereas in the latter examples low energy means
small momentum, here it means small deviations from the Fermi surface.
Whereas in these older problems we zero in on the origin in momentum space,
here we zero in on a surface. The low energy region is shown in Fig. 1.
To apply our methods we need to cast the problem in the form of a path
integral. Following any number of sources, say [2] we obtain the following
expression for the partition function of free fermions:
Z0 =



KF + Λ
KF - Λ

Fig. 1. The low energy region for nonrelativistic fermions lies within the annulus
concentric with the Fermi circle



R. Shankar

S0 =

d2 K


dωψ(ω, K) iω −

(K 2 − KF2 )

ψ(ω, K)


where ψ and ψ are called Grassmann variables. They are really weird objects
one gets to love after some familiarity. Most readers can assume they are
ordinary integration variables. The dedicated reader can learn more from [2].
We now adapt this general expression to the annulus to obtain

Z0 =

S0 =






dkψ(iω − v k)ψ .


To get here we have had to approximate as follows:
K 2 − KF2

· k = vF k


where k − K − KF and vF is the fermi velocity, hereafter set equal to unity.
Thus Λ can be viewed as a momentum or energy cut-off measured from the
Fermi circle. We have also replaced KdK by KF dk and absorbed KF in ψ
and ψ. It will seen that neglecting k in relation to KF is irrelevant in the
technical sense.
Let us now perform mode elimination and reduce the cut-off by a factor s.
Since this is a gaussian integral, mode elimination just leads to a multiplicative
constant we are not interested in. So the result is just the same action as
above, but with |k| ≤ Λ/s. Let us now do make the following additional
(ω , k ) = s(ω, k)
(ψ (ω , k ), ψ (ω , k )) = s−3/2 ψ

ω k
s s

ω k
s s



When we do this, the action and the phase space all return to their old
values. So what? Recall that our plan is to evaluate the role of quartic interactions in low energy physics as we do mode elimination. Now what really
matters is not the absolute size of the quartic term, but its size relative to
the quadratic term. Keeping the quadratic term identical before and after the
RG action makes the comparison easy: if the quartic coupling grows, it is relevant; if it decreases, it is irrelevant, and if it stays the same it is marginal. The
system is clearly gapless if the quartic coupling is irrelevant. Even a marginal
coupling implies no gap since any gap will grow under the various rescalings
of the RG.
Let us now turn on a generic four-Fermi interaction in path-integral form:
S4 =

ψ(4)ψ(3)ψ(2)ψ(1)u(4, 3, 2, 1)



RG for Interacting Fermions



is a shorthand:









At the tree level, we simply keep the modes within the new cut-off, rescale
fields, frequencies and momenta, and read off the new coupling. We find
u (k , ω , θ) = u(k /s, ω /s, θ)


This is the evolution of the coupling function. To deal with coupling constants with which we are more familiar, we expand the functions in a Taylor
series (schematic)
u = uo + ku1 + k 2 u2 . . .
where k stands for all the k’s and ω’s. An expansion of this kind is possible
since couplings in the Lagrangian are nonsingular in a problem with short
range interactions. If we now make such an expansion and compare coefficients
in (14), we find that u0 is marginal and the rest are irrelevant, as is any
coupling of more than four fields. Now this is exactly what happens in φ44 ,
scalar field theory in four dimensions with a quartic interaction. The difference
here is that we still have dependence on the angles on the Fermi surface:
u0 = u(θ1 , θ2 , θ3 , θ4 )
Therefore in this theory we are going to get coupling functions and not a
few coupling constants.
Let us analyze this function. Momentum conservation should allow us to
eliminate one angle. Actually it allows us more because of the fact that these
momenta do not come form the entire plane, but a very thin annulus near
KF . Look at the left half of Fig. 2. Assuming that the cutoff has been reduced
to the thickness of the circle in the figure, it is clear that if two points 1 and
2 are chosen from it to represent the incoming lines in a four point coupling,



K1 + K 2



Fig. 2. Kinematical reasons why momenta are either conserved pairwise or restricted
to the BCS channel



R. Shankar

the outgoing ones are forced to be equal to them (not in their sum, but
individually) up to a permutation, which is irrelevant for spinless fermions.
Thus we have in the end just one function of two angles, and by rotational
invariance, their difference:
u(θ1 , θ2 , θ1 , θ2 ) = F (θ1 − θ2 ) ≡ F (θ) .


About forty years ago Landau came to the very same conclusion [3] that a
Fermi system at low energies would be described by one function defined on
the Fermi surface. He did this without the benefit of the RG and for that
reason, some of the leaps were hard to understand. Later detailed diagrammatic calculations justified this picture [4]. The RG provides yet another way
to understand it. It also tells us other things, as we will now see.
The first thing is that the final angles are not slaved to the initial ones if
the former are exactly opposite, as in the right half of Fig. 2. In this case, the
final ones can be anything, as long as they are opposite to each other. This

leads to one more set of marginal couplings in the BCS channel, called
u(θ1 , −θ1 , θ3 , −θ3 ) = V (θ3 − θ1 ) ≡ V (θ) .


The next point is that since F and V are marginal at tree level, we have
to go to one loop to see if they are still so. So we draw the usual diagrams
shown in Fig. 3. We eliminate an infinitesimal momentum slice of thickness
dΛ at k = ±Λ.
K ω 2
(a) 2

3 K+Q ω -3
1 K ω -1

2 K+Q ω 1

-3 K+Q’ω 3










Kω -1





Fig. 3. One loop diagrams for the flow of F and V . The last at the bottom shows
that a large momentum Q can be absorbed only at two particular initial angles (only
one of which is shown) if the final state is to lie in the shell being eliminated


RG for Interacting Fermions


These diagrams are like the ones in any quartic field theory, but each
one behaves differently from the others and its its traditional counterparts.
Consider the first one (called ZS) for F . The external momenta have zero
frequencies and lie of the Fermi surface since ω and k are irrelevant. The momentum transfer is exactly zero. So the integrand has the following schematic

dθ dkdω
(iω − ε(K)) (iω − ε(K))
The loop momentum K lies in one of the two shells being eliminated. Since
there is no energy difference between the two propagators, the poles in ω lie
in the same half-plane and we get zero, upon closing the contour in the other
half-plane. In other words, this diagram can contribute if it is a particle-hole
diagram, but given zero momentum transfer we cannot convert a hole at −Λ
to a particle at +Λ. In the ZS’ diagram, we have a large momentum transfer,
called Q in the inset at the bottom. This is of order KF and much bigger
than the radial cut-off, a phenomenon unheard of in say φ4 theory, where all
momenta and transfers are bounded by Λ. This in turn means that the loop
momentum is not only restricted in the direction to a sliver dΛ, but also in
the angular direction in order to be able to absorb this huge momentum Q
and land up in the other shell being eliminated (see bottom of (Fig. 3). So we
have du dt2 , where dt = dΛ/Λ. The same goes for the BCS diagram. Thus
F does not flow at one loop.
Let us now turn to the renormalization of V . The first two diagrams are
useless for the same reasons as before, but the last one is special. Since the
total incoming momentum is zero, the loop momenta are equal and opposite
and no matter what direction K has, −K is guaranteed to lie in the same shell
being eliminated. However the loop frequencies are now equal and opposite
so that the poles in the two propagators now lie in opposite half-planes. We
now get a flow (dropping constants)
dv(θ1 − θ3 )


dθv(θ1 − θ) v(θ − θ3 )


Here is an example of a flow equation for a coupling function. However by
expanding in terms of angular momentum eigenfunctions we get an infinite
number of flow equations
= −vm
one for each coefficient. These equations tell us that if the potential in angular momentum channel m is repulsive, it will get renormalized down to zero
(a result derived many years ago by Anderson and Morel) while if it is attractive, it will run off, causing the BCS instability. This is the reason the V ’s
are not a part of Landau theory, which assumes we have no phase transitions.
This is also a nice illustration of what was stated earlier: one could begin with
a large positive coupling, say v3 and a tiny negative coupling v5 . After much
renormalization, v3 would shrink to a tiny value and v5 would dominate.



R. Shankar

3 Large-N Approach to Fermi Liquids

Not only did Landau say we could describe Fermi liquids with an F function,
he also managed to compute the response functions at small ω and q in terms
of the F function even when it was large, say 10, in dimensionless units. Again
the RG gives us one way to understand this. To this end we need to recall the
the key ideas of “large-N” theories.
These theories involve interactions between N species of objects. The largeness of N renders fluctuations (thermal or quantum) small, and enables one
to make approximations which are not perturbative in the coupling constant,
but are controlled by the additional small parameter 1/N .
As a specific example let us consider the Gross-Neveu model [5] which is
one of the simplest fermionic large-N theories. This theory has N identical
massless relativistic fermions interacting through a short-range interaction.
The Lagrangian density is

ψ¯i ∂ψi −



ψ¯i ψi



Note that the kinetic term conserves the internal index, as does the interaction term: any index that goes in comes out. You do not have to know
much about the GN model to to follow this discussion, which is all about the
internal indices.
Figure 4 shows the first few diagrams in the expression for the scattering
amplitude of particle of isospin index i and j in the Gross-Neveu theory. The
“bare” vertex comes with a factor λ/N . The one-loop diagrams all share a
factor λ2 /N 2 from the two vertices. The first one-loop diagram has a free
internal summation over the index k that runs over N values, with the contribution being identical for each value of k. Thus, this one-loop diagram
acquires a compensating factor of N which makes its contribution of order
λ2 /N , the same order in 1/N as the bare vertex. However, the other oneloop diagrams have no such free internal summation and their contribution



j j

j i




j i

j i




j +





j i



Fig. 4. Some diagrams from a large-N theory



RG for Interacting Fermions


is indeed of order 1/N 2 . Therefore, to leading order in 1/N , one should keep
only diagrams which have a free internal summation for every vertex, that
is, iterates of the leading one-loop diagram, which are called bubble graphs.
For later use remember that in the diagrams that survive (do not survive), the
indices i and j of the incoming particles do not (do) enter the loops. Let us
assume that the momentum integral up to the cutoff Λ for one bubble gives a
factor −Π(Λ, qext ), where qext is the external momentum or frequency transfer at which the scattering amplitude is evaluated. To leading order in large-N
the full expression for the scattering amplitude is
Γ (qext ) =

N 1 + λΠ(Λ, qext )


Once one has the full expression for the scattering amplitude (to leading
order in 1/N ) one can ask for the RG flow of the “bare” vertex as the cutoff
is reduced by demanding that the physical scattering amplitude Γ remain
insensitive to the cutoff. One then finds (with t = ln(Λ0 /Λ))
dΓ(qext )
dΠ(Λ, qext )


= −λ2


which is exactly the flow one would extract at one loop. Thus the one-loop RG
flow is the exact answer to leading order in a large-N theory. All higher-order
corrections must therefore be subleading in 1/N .
3.1 Large-N Applied to Fermi Liquids
¯ − ψψ
¯ correlation function (with vanishing values of
Consider now the ψψ
external frequency and momentum transfer). Landau showed that it takes the
1 + F0
where F0 is the angular average of F (θ) and χ0 is the answer when F = 0.
Note that the answer is not perturbative in F .
Landau got this result by working with the ground-state energy as a functional of Fermi surface deformations. The RG provides us with not just the
ground-state energy, but an effective hamiltonian (operator) for all of lowenergy physics. This operator problem can be solved using large N -techniques.
The value of N here is of order KF /Λ, and here is how it enters the
formalism. Imagine dividing the annulus in (Fig. 1) into N patches of size (Λ)
in the radial and angular directions. The momentum of each fermion ki is a
sum of a “large” part (O(kF )) centered on a patch labelled by a patch index
i = 1, . . . N and a “small” momentum (O(Λ) within the patch [2].

Consider a four-fermion Green’s function, as in (Fig. 4). The incoming
momenta are labelled by the patch index (such as i) and the small momentum
is not shown but implicit. We have seen that as Λ → 0, the two outgoing



R. Shankar

momenta are equal to the two incoming momenta up to a permutation. At
small but finite Λ this means the patch labels are same before and after.
Thus the patch index plays the role of a conserved isospin index as in the
Gross-Neveu model.
The electron-electron interaction terms, written in this notation, (with
k integrals replaced by a sum over patch index and integration over small
momenta) also come with a pre-factor of 1/N ( Λ/KF ).
It can then be verified that in all Feynman diagrams of this cut-off theory
the patch index plays the role of the conserved isospin index exactly as in
a theory with N fermionic species. For example in (Fig. 4) in the first diagram, the external indices i and j do not enter the diagram (small momentum
transfer only) and so the loop momentum is nearly same in both lines and
integrated fully over the annulus, i.e., the patch index k runs over all N values. In the second diagram, the external label i enters the loop and there is
a large momentum transfer (O(KF )). In order for both momenta in the loop
to be within the annulus, and to differ by this large q, the angle of the loop
momentum is limited to a range O(Λ/KF ). (This just means that if one momentum is from patch i the other has to be from patch j.) Similarly, in the
last loop diagram, the angle of the loop momenta is restricted to one patch.
In other words, the requirement that all loop momenta in this cut-off theory
lie in the annulus singles out only diagrams that survive in the large N limit.
The sum of bubble diagrams, singled out by the usual large-N considerations, reproduces Landau’s Fermi liquid theory. For example in the case of χ,

one obtains a geometric series that sums to give χ = 1+F
Since in the large N limit, the one-loop β-function for the fermion-fermion
coupling is exact, it follows that the marginal nature of the Landau parameters
F and the flow of V , (20), are both exact as Λ → 0.
A long paper of mine [2] explains all this, as well as how it is to be generalized to anisotropic Fermi surfaces and Fermi surfaces with additional special
features and consequently additional instabilities. Polchinski [6] independently
analyzed the isotropic Fermi liquid (though not in the same detail, since it
was a just paradigm or toy model for an effective field theory for him).

4 Quantum Dots
We will now apply some of these ideas, very successful in the bulk, to twodimensional quantum dots [7, 9] tiny spatial regions of size L 100 − 200 nm,
to which electrons are restricted using gates. The dot can be connected weakly
or strongly to leads. Since many experts on dots are contributing to this
volume, I will be sparing in details and references.
Let us get acquainted with some energy scales, starting with ∆, the mean
single particle level spacing. The Thouless energy is defined as ET = /τ ,
where τ is the time it takes to traverse the dot. If the dot is strongly coupled
to leads, this is the uncertainty in the energy of an electron as it traverses


RG for Interacting Fermions


the dot. Consequently the g (sharply defined) states of an isolated dot within

ET will contribute to conductance and lead to a (dimensionless) conductance
g = E∆T .
The dots in question have two features important to us. First, motion
within the dot is ballistic: Lel , the elastic scattering length is the same as
, where vF is the Fermi velocity. Next,
L, the dot size, so that ET = L
the boundary of the dot is sufficiently irregular as to cause chaotic motion
at the classical level. At the quantum level single-particle energy levels and
wavefunctions (in any basis) within ET of the Fermi energy will resemble those
of a random hamiltonian matrix and be described Random Matrix Theory
(RMT) [8]. We will only invoke a few results from RMT and they will be
explained in due course.
At a generic value of gate voltage Vg the ground state has a definite number
of particles N and energy EN . If EN +1 −EN = αeVg (α is a geometry-dependent
factor) the energies of the N and N + 1-particle states are degenerate, and
a tunnelling peak occurs at zero bias. Successive peaks are separated by the
second difference of EN , called ∆2 , the distribution of which is measured. Also
measured are statistics of peak-height distributions [10, 11, 12], which depend
on wavefunction statistics of RMT.
To describe the data one needs to write down a suitable hamiltonian
εα c†α cα +

HU =


Vαβγδ c†α c†β cγ cδ



(where the subscripts label the exact single particle states including spin) and
try to extract its implications. Earlier theoretical investigations were confined
to the noninteracting limit: V ≡ 0 and missed the fact that due to the small
capacitance of the dot, adding an electron required some significant charging
energy on top of the energy of order εα it takes to promote an electron by one
level. Thus efforts have been made to include interactions [9, 13, 14, 15, 16].
The simplest model includes a constant charging energy U0 N 2 /2 [7, 13].
Conventionally U0 is subtracted away in plotting ∆2 . This model predicts a
bimodal distribution for ∆2 : Adding an electron above a doubly-filled (spindegenerate) level costs U0 + ε, with ε being the energy to the next singleparticle level. Adding it to a singly occupied level costs U0 . While the second
contribution gives a delta-function peak at 0 after U0 has been subtracted,
the first contribution is the distribution of nearest neighbor level separation
ε, of the order of ∆. But simulations [16] and experiments [17, 18] produce
distributions for ∆2 which do not show any bimodality, and are much broader.
The next significant advance was the discovery of the Universal Hamiltonian [14, 15]. Here one keeps only couplings of the form Vαββα on the grounds
that only they have a non-zero ensemble average (over disorder realizations).
This seems reasonable in the limit of large g since couplings with zero average
are typically of size 1/g according to RMT. The Universal Hamiltonian is thus



R. Shankar

HU =

U0 2 J 2
N − S +λ
εα c†α,s cα,s +

c†α,↑ c†α,↓

cβ,↓ cβ,↑  (26)


where s is single-particle spin and S is the total spin. The Cooper coupling λ
does not play a major role, but the inclusion of the exchange coupling J brings
the theoretical predictions [9, 14, 15] into better accord with experiments,
especially if one-body “scrambling” [19, 20, 21, 22] and finite temperature
effects are taken into account. However, some discrepancies still remain in
relation to numerical [16] and experimental results [18] at rs ≥ 2.
We now see that the following dot-related questions naturally arise. Given
that adding more refined interactions (culminating in the universal hamiltonian) led to better descriptions of the dot, should one not seek a more
systematic way to to decide what interactions should be included from the
outset? Does our past experience with clean systems and bulk systems tell us

how to proceed? Once we have written down a comprehensive hamiltonian,
is there a way to go beyond perturbation theory to unearth nonperturbative
physics in the dot, including possible phases and transitions between them?
What will be the experimental signatures of these novel phases and the transitions between them if indeed they do exist? These questions will now be
4.1 Interactions and Disorder: Exact Results on the Dot
The first crucial step towards this goal was taken by Murthy and Mathur [23].
Their ideas was as follows.
• Step 1: Use the clean system RG described earlier [2] (eliminating momentum states on either side of the Fermi surface) to eliminate all states
far from the Fermi surface till one comes down to the Thouless band, that
is, within ET of EF .
We have seen that this process inevitably leads to Landau’s Fermi liquid
interaction (spin has been suppressed):

V =

um ∆

cos[m(θ − θ )]c†k ck c†k ck



where θ, θ are the angles of k, k on the Fermi circle, and um is defined by
um eimθ .

F (θ) =



A few words before we proceed. First, some experts will point out that the
interaction one gets from the RG allows for small momentum transfer, i.e.,
there should be an additional sum over a small values q in (27) allowing
k → k + q and k → k − q. It can be shown that in the large g limit


RG for Interacting Fermions


this sum has just one term, at q = 0. Unlike in a clean system, there is
no singular behavior associated with q → 0 and this assumption is a good
one. Others have asked how one can introduce the Landau interaction
that respects momentum conservation in a dot that does not conserve
momentum or anything else except energy. To them I say this. Just think
of a pair of molecules colliding in a room. As long as the collisions take
place in a time scale smaller than the time between collisions with the
walls, the interaction will be momentum conserving. That this is true for
a collision in the dot for particles moving at vF , subject an interaction of
range equal to the Thomas Fermi screening length (the typical range) is
readily demonstrated. Like it or not, momentum is a special variable even
in a chaotic but ballistic dot since it is tied to translation invariance, and

that that is operative for realistic collisions within the dot.
• Step 2: Switch to the exact basis states of the chaotic dot, writing the
kinetic and interaction terms in this basis. Run the RG by eliminating
exact energy eigenstates within ET .
While this looks like a reasonable plan, it is not clear how it is going to be
executed since knowledge of the exact eigenfunctions is needed to even write
down the Landau interaction in the disordered basis:
Vαβγδ =



u(θ − θ ) φ∗α (k)φ∗β (k ) − φ∗α (k )φ∗β (k)
× [φγ (k )φδ (k) − φγ (k)φδ (k )]


where k and k take g possible values. These are chosen as follows. Consider
the momentum states of energy within ET of EF . In a dot momentum is
defined with an uncertainty ∆k
1/L in either direction. Thus one must
form packets in k space obeying this condition. It can be easily shown that
g of them will fit into this band. One way to pick such packets is to simply
take plane waves of precise k and chop them off at the edges of the dot and
normalize the remains. The g values of k can be chosen with an angular spacing
2π/g. It can be readily verified that such states are very nearly orthogonal.
The wavefunction φδ (k) is the projection of exact dot eigenstate δ on the state
k as defined above.

We will see that one can go a long way without detailed knowledge of the
wavefunctions φδ (k).
First, one can take the view of the Universal Hamiltonian (UH) adherents
and consider the ensemble average (enclosed in ) of the interactions. RMT
tells us that to leading order in 1/g,
φ∗α (k1 )φ∗β (k2 )φγ (k3 )φδ (k4 ) =

δαδ δβγ δk1 k4 δk2 k3
δαγ δβδ δk1 k3 δk2 k4
δαβ δγδ δk1 ,−k2 δk3 ,−k4

It is seen that only matrix elements in (29) for which the indices αβγδ are
pairwise equal survive disorder-averaging, and also that the average has no
