3 "Hidden In Plain Sight" Reasons Why Your
Online Insurance Marketing Sucks
By: Jason Hornung – President
Jason Hornung Agency Inc.
In this article, you are going to discover some things about insurance marketing on the internet
that you won't hear anywhere else. And you'll see exactly why these things will prevent you from
ever being successful marketing for insurance online.
So buckle up tight and prepare for the ride partner
This is going to radically change your business and your life forever!
Reason #1 Your Online Insurance Marketing Sucks
The biggest issue that insurance professionals miss the boat on when it comes to developing
insurance marketing strategies, that actually work, is understanding your ideal prospect. 99.99%
of all insurance professionals think that their ideal prospect is everybody. That's a cardinal sin in
You can't possibly craft a marketing message that appeals to everyone. As the old saying goes,
"what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander". Here's what I mean: everyone buys
a product for a different reason. Bob might buy life insurance because his parents did and that's
what he thinks is the right thing to do. Jim might buy life insurance because he wants tax
Now if you tried to craft a marketing message that used the appeal of "buy life insurance because
it's the right thing to do", you'd attract Bob, but you would miss out on Jim.
It's a person's personal experiences that shape the appeals you can use to market your product.
That's why it absolutely crucial to clearly define who your target prospect is. Then you need to
analyze your prospect's common personal experiences and beliefs to find out what the most wide
ranging desperate problem is in their lives.
That's how you can craft an appeal that will get the most amount of people to respond to your
insurance marketing message. It will also attract in exactly the person you want because it's
crafted to do that. You won't have to worry about getting "unqualified" leads because you've
already pre-qualified them to a certain extent with your marketing message.
To sum this up, your insurance marketing sucks because you don't really understand your
prospect and speak to his desperate problem that you can solve in his life.
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
Reason #2 Your Online Insurance Marketing Sucks
Now this reason that your insurance marketing is not successful has to do with the fact that you
don't do anything consistently. All marketing, especially insurance marketing on the internet,
HAS to be done on a repetitive basis because people are very rarely ready to buy when you want
them to. You have to stay in front of them so that you are there when they are ready to purchase
and that takes numerous contacts.
Here's what renowned sales trainer Jeff Garrison has to say about this:
"You can count on it taking at least six contacts on average to get anywhere with a prospect.
Here is the takeaway.
1) Don't give up on a prospect before six touches.
2) Start tracking to learn what is required for you to get your first appointment, a needs analysis
conversation, a sale, or whatever you believe to be an important milestone in your sales process.
3) Build those "touches" into your lead nurturing/sales process. Make it as automatic and
consistent as possible.
4) Experiment with the type and timing of your touches to see if you can shorten the process."
Very few insurance professionals that I know ever make it to that 6th contact. In all of my
experience, I've found that 80% of the sales are made after that point! So if you aren't
consistently marketing and following up with people, you are leaving way too much on the table!
It's no wonder that so many agents fail
The 2nd piece of this pie is what Jeff talked about with automating these contacts with your
prospect. You have to leverage the internet to put systems in place that do this stuff on autopilot
for you. Because it's just not feasible to pick up the phone and continue to call a whole bunch of
people. Plus you have to vary your types of contacts. Here's a resource that can help you do this:
Click here
Reason #3 Your Online Insurance Marketing Sucks
This last reason you aren't being successful with insurance marketing on the internet is pretty
straight forward. You don't know the three strategic pillars of internet marketing and how to
apply them in your business.
You can't just throw up a website and expect to start getting leads. I know that a bunch of so
called experts say that you can do that online, but that's a bunch of crap. You have to carefully
construct your website around the knowledge you have of your prospect. Building your offer,
wording, images - everything around speaking to his desperate problem and how you can solve it
for him. Along with loads of proof that you can back up your claims.
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
This all contributes toward pillar #1 of online marketing, conversion or getting people to take the
action that you want them to take on your website. Conversion doesn't happen by chance. It only
happens from a deep understand of your prospect and a carefully constructed marketing message
that hits a number of psychological buttons.
Only after you have a properly constructed website can you begin pillar #2, which is driving
targeted traffic to your site. Your site can have any conversions until it has people visiting it.
And it won't have any people visiting it until you start doing things that get them there.
Pillar #3 is optimization. That's the scientific process of analyzing the data on your website and
applying tweaks to make everything work better.
As you can see, nobody is talking about this stuff because it's difficult to understand on the
surface and it's even more difficult to master and implement. Here's a place where you can get all
of these things simplified for you: Click here
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved