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Writer: Nguyễn Quỳnh Lê
Position: Teacher
Place of work: Quang Tien 2 primary school
Initiative field: English

SAM SON, 2022


1. Introduction
1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic


1.2. Objectives of the research


1.3. Research object


1.4. Research methodology


1.5. New points of the experience initiative


2. Content


2.1. The theoretical background knowledge


2.2. Current situation before applying the initiative


2.2.1. Advantages


2.2.2. Disadvantages


2.3. The solutions applied to solve the problems


2.3.1. Consolidating English knowledge through games


2.3.2. Consolidating English knowledge through worksheets


2.3.3. Consolidating English knowledge through educational
applications and websites


2.4. The efficiency of the research


3. Conclusion and recommendations


3.1. Conclusion


3.2. Recommendations



1. Introduction
1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic
Grade 5 is considered the most important point because students are about
to finish their primary learning process and move to secondary level.
Accordingly, they have been provided with difficult knowledge from many
subjects in general and English in particular. Longer and more difficult
vocabulary and sentence patterns are introduced which give students a lot of


challenges in their learning process. If student cannot absorb this knowledge,
they definitely cannot build up their four skills of listening, speaking, reading
and writing. As a result, together with supplying students with new knowledge,
it is highly recommended that teachers should spend the certain amount of time
on consolidation activities to check students’ ability after each lesson.
Consolidate learning could mean asking students to test out the new skills,
language or knowledge they have gained through the course of the lesson or
overall topic. Consolidate learning is an excellent way of enforcing the
information learned during a lesson and making sure none of your students are
left uncertain. As a teacher, this gives the chance to clarify aspects of the lesson,
answer any questions and revisit the lesson objectives. Consolidating activities

not only help teachers evaluate the level of students acquiring knowledge to give
proper adjustments but also help students assert themselves. However,
consolidating knowledge has been carried out in the traditional way such as
asking and answering for a long time. This approach somehow produces some
certain effects; yet it is no longer appropriate in the current requirements of
teaching method innovation, especially for students in Grade 5. Accordingly, it
requires teachers to change the old ways of consolidating knowledge into
attractive and effective ones in order to attract students to actively participate in.
To primary students especially, they will memorize knowledge faster and more
deeply if they have chance to study and participate in activities as well. This also
creates a comfortable spirit in studying which make students more passionate
and interested in English.
Personally, I always spend a certain amount of time each lesson to
reinforce students’ knowledge in new ways to not only help students in Grade 5
to deepen their knowledge but also create fun and comfortable learning
atmosphere. Through the implementation process, it brings about a lot of
appreciate effects as the students show their interests in English generally and
consolidation activities particularly. In the scope of this report, I would also like
share some activities that I myself have implemented for Grade 5 students at
Quang Tien 2 Primary School - Sam Son City.
1.2. Objectives of the research
The paper focuses on studying several creative activities to help Grade 5
students at Quang Tien 2 Primary School to consolidate their own knowledge
after each lesson through the use of games, handouts and applications.
Accordingly, suggest some recommendations to improve the learning
environment in an active and effective way. In details:
- Through some suggested games, students will have a chance to review
how they absorb the knowledge as well as have fun times together after each
- Through quick handouts, it is a good opportunity for students to not only

recall the knowledge through well-designed questions but also have better
assessment of their own ability of mastering knowledge afterwards.


- Through PowerPoint, students have a chance to review the knowledge in
a visual way with helps of illustrations.
- Through the website www.liveworksheets.com, students are hoped to
have an efficient method of consolidating English language at home with the
assistant of the Internet. This is also a good opportunity for them to get
acquainted to technological approach, especially when they have to be at home
because of Covid-19 pandemic.
1.3. Research object
Examine the present situation of teaching English at primary school and
suggesting some solutions to help students consolidate English knowledge well
(focusing mainly on vocabulary and model sentences).
Research time: School year 2021-2022
Research location: Quang Tien 2 Primary School
Research Object: Some solutions to help Grade 5 students (5A, 5B, 5C,
5D, 5E) at Quang Tien 2 primary school consolidate English knowledge.
1.4. Research Methodology
There are some methods that have been used in the paper, namely:
- Investigative method
- Experimental method
- Studying language teaching theory method
1.5. New points of the experience initiative
Instead of using “Quizziz” as an useful tool of consolidating English
knowledge online, www.liveworksheets.com has been suggested as the other
effective tools of learning in the period of Covid-19 pandemic. This

representative website consists of various kinds of worksheets that are welldesign and uploaded. With the help of the Internet, students can easily access to
those worksheets using smart phones or computer.
2. Content
2.1. The theoretical background knowledge
Primary education is considered as a single-phase where programmes are
typically designed to provide fundamental skills in reading, writing and
mathematics and to establish a solid foundation for learning. This is an
important period in which students are going to be supplied with necessary
knowledge and skill for a better upcoming educational level. Due to the unique
characteristics of the early age, good teaching methods are highly recommended
as N.X.Leytex has demonstrated that “Primary age is the period when children
start their knowledge absorption in a natural way”. Primary students have a great
tendency of easy remembering or easy forgetting or easy getting tired of the
lesson at the point of time. Proper methods together with interesting activities
can be considered as the key to solve this problem, especially in English lessons.
It is undeniable that consolidation plays an important part after each
lesson in way it is always presented in each lesson plan. As for N.M.IACOPLEP,
“Consolidation is an important pace of teaching. It expresses the integrity of the
lesson and teacher can emphasize the knowledge through consolidating


activities”. Consolidation can be compared with revision, which takes place at a
later time and serves to remind learners. Consequently, taking the time to have
students summarize and synthesize is the key to teaching for transfer.
It is definitely true that using games in a lesson as part of teaching and
learning helps to create positivity around the lesson, motivating students with
their participation and creating a positive attitude towards learning. Games can
also create a positive memory and experience of learning for students in the

classroom. Using games in teaching English is always a good approach as
“playing is a child’s natural way of learning” (Genevieve Roth). Games are a
great tool to use in the classroom to consolidate new knowledge. After teaching
new content to the class, provide students with a game that will consolidate their
understanding and make connections with what they already know. Accordingly,
it not only becomes a good tool of assessment but also creates friendly and
happy learning atmosphere in the last minutes.
In addition, as an assessment tool, worksheets can be used by teachers to
understand students' previous knowledge, outcome of learning, and the process
of learning; at the same time, they can be used to enable students to monitor the
progress of their own learning. According to Cindy Wyels, “Worksheets are an
effective tool in ongoing efforts encouraging our students to engage their brains
during class”. A well set out and informative worksheet is one that allows
students to move towards understanding, applying and. The best kind of
worksheets really push students to evaluate and give them the opportunity to
create. Good worksheets work for teachers as well. They provide teachers with
inspiration and direction on how to teach a new subject and give experienced
teachers a refreshing outlook on how to structure content to learners' needs.
They also provide valuable feedback to teachers and parents as a moderation
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program, created by Robert
Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software company named Forethought, Inc.
PowerPoint presentations can be used in many ways in the ESL classroom as
well as in other classrooms. Presentations can be used for initial teaching, for
practice and drilling, for games, for reviews, and for tests. As PowerPoint
presentations are easy to obtain, modify, and create; they are versatile and a
great asset to any classroom. PowerPoint presentations can be used right after
each lesson for consolidating English knowledge in a quick and convenient way.
Together with some typical educational applications, online learning
through websites has been developed these days, especially through the Covid19 pandemic. This kind of learning gives hands to help students keep track to the

knowledge they have learnt. The website www.liveworksheets.com is the
representative example for this case in which exercises are well-designed and
upload through the base of online learning. Therefore, students can easily
approach the worksheets through smart phones, computers or tablets with the
help of Internet. The result from each worksheet is also displayed for students to
find how good they are when they doing.


2.2. The current situation before applying the initiative
2.2.1. Advantages:
+ About the School Managing Board: The School Managing Board
always support as well as give the best conditions for me to teach English for
Grade 5 students at Quang Tien 2 primary school. Accordingly, teaching
materials and teaching aids are very supportive thanks to the concern of the
School Managing Board.
+ About the teachers:
I myself have a high awareness of trying harder and harder to improve my
teaching career in order to bring about the best teaching results. In spite of my
short time being as a primary teacher, I still look for valuable materials relating
to primary age as well as teaching methods with aims to have remarkable
improvements. Moreover, I frequently let myself get updated to technological
achievements as well as apply them into my lessons properly to have better
In addition, it would be very supportive because I have received a lot of
assistance from my colleagues at school. This definitely is a great help which
gives me a good opportunity to understand my students more and have
appropriate teaching methods basing on each individual as well.
+About the parents:

Most of the parents show their consideration on their children’s studying
process. They usually spend time discussing with the teacher in order to find the
best direction to help their children in studying.
+ About the students:
Students have chance to get acquaintance to English from the early age
when English has been taught as the optional choice in Grade 1 and 2. Some
students have shown their interest and attention on the lessons.
They also get addicted to the activities and become very active and
cooperative in class.
In order to understand their learning situation, at the beginning of the
school year, I conducted a survey to assess the learning ability of English for
Grade 5 students.
The results are as follows:
Survey results
Total students
of Grade 5

















2.2.2. Disadvantages
+ About the teachers:
As I mentioned above, my short experience as an English teacher in a
primary school somehow challenges me in my own teaching career.
+ About the students:


It is until in Grade 3 when most students study English in a serious way.
This definitely challenges them in way they master the new language. Also,

there are a lot of students having bad ability of mastering knowledge; hence, it
affects their learning process a lot. Some students have bad living conditions in
which they do not receive enough care from their parents.
+ About the parents:
A lot of students were born in families in which their parents do not have
a lot of time caring about their learning. Some of them do not receive enough
family education because they have to live with grandparents when their parents
have to work far from home. In other cases, parents cannot assist their own kids
in learning English because they are not good at it.
2.3. The solutions applied to solve the problems
2.3.1. Consolidating English knowledge through games
Frankly speaking, teaching through games a lot of benefits to any classes
in general and to English lessons in particular. The teacher can use games to
warm the lesson up or to consolidate English vocabulary and sentence patterns
in a different and exciting way.
Using games to reinforce English knowledge for students is an extremely
useful method which brings positive effects in helping students consolidate their
knowledge as well as creating a comfortable and dynamic learning atmosphere.
Teachers need to be flexible enough to turn the-new-in-knowledge into effective
educational activities.
Personally, when applying them for Grade 5 students at Quang Tien 2
Primary School - Sam Son City, I focus on reinforcing vocabulary and sentence
patterns that I have just taught to design some simple consolidating activities.
Accordingly, students both play and study in the most effective way.
The key point for carrying out any games in English class is that the
teacher has to make students get involved in the activity to give them a good
chance to express themselves. Moreover, rules must be set directly and clearly to
make sure things go right when games are being played to avoided mistakes and
Some games to consolidate English vocabulary can be carried on as

a. Changing pictures
Objective: Help students to recognize and remember words and phrases
they have studied.
Teaching aids: Flashcards
Form: Individually
Time: 5 minutes
Rules: Teacher call out 5 – 6 students to hold pictures while asking other
students to remember each student’s picture. Then ask students to turn the
pictures as their friends cannot see them at all, then ask the class to recall the
vocabulary. Questions can be used as “Where is ……?” or “Who has …...?”.


The game can be more interesting when the position of students is changed or
teacher can assign some representatives to be the host of the game.
Example: Grade 5 - Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
I have used pictures relating to countries such as Ho Chi Minh City, Ha
Noi City, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hue Imperial City, Phu Quoc Island to be
applied in this changing picture game. Students are fully involved in the game as
they not only remember words but also practice structures by answering “Where
did …go on holiday?”. Some photos have been taken when I applied this game
to Grade 5 at Quang Tien II Primary school as follows.
b. Matching eggs
Objective: Help students to recognize and remember long phrases
Teaching aids: Separated egg pieces
Form: Individually
Time: 5 minutes
Rules: Teacher prepares separated egg pieces with separated words in a

phrase. Students have to match the right pieces correctly and quickly. Teacher
can ask students to read the phrases again together with give feedback and
compliments in a proper way.
Example: Grade 5 - Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you?
I have prepared separated egg pieces showing phrases in Unit 2 such as:
study/ with a partner, go/shopping, talk/ with friends online, surf/the Internet,
ride/a bicycle, listen/to music. I called out 3 students who were given 2 pieces.
They had to quickly match the correct pieces of eggs to make correct phrases.
The student with the most correct answer in the shortest time will be the winner.


c. Missing pictures
Objective: Help students to recognize and remember words and phrases
they have studied
Teaching aids: Pictures and magnets
Form: Individually
Time: 3 minutes
Rules: Teacher stick 8-10 pictures relating to words students have learnt.
Then ask them to close their eyes while teacher quickly take out a random one.
Students then open their eyes and raise their hands to recognize which picture
has been taken out. Teacher can assign students to be the host of the game to
make it more interesting.
To make it more challenging for students, the teacher can ask students to
retell the missing word and write that word again as well in order to get the point
for their team.
Example: I have sticked pictures relating to Unit 4: Did you go to the
party? (go on a picnic, enjoy the party, join the funfair, watch TV, go to the zoo,
play hide-and-seek, have nice food and drink, study with a partner, go fishing).

Then I took out one picture in each turn while students were closing their eyes.
Students then had to guess which picture has been taken. Here are some pictures
when this game has been carried on.


d. Stars and


Help students
phrases G
learnt. It can be
students have
units or to L

















to write words

from the lower
Boys versus

aids: Board of
Time: 5
Rules: Teacher shows the class the Board of letters. Each team will
choose a letter and then write down the words they have learnt starting with the
letter they choose. They then choose the around letters in order the make a threeblock line vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The icon star (✮) and flower
(✿) are given to Boys and Girls team in order to mark on the letter board.
Example: The following board of letters is the illustration for game.


Some games to consolidate English sentence patterns can be carried on as

a. Magic pencil
Objective: Help students to recognize and remember words and phrases
they have studied
Teaching aids: Pictures and the rolling pencil
Form: Pair work
Time: 5 minutes
Rule: Put students into pairs and call them to roll the pencil which show
the picture. Then students ask and answer in pairs while other students listen and
give comments. Teacher may design some special items such as “Miss turn” or
“Challenge” to make this game more interesting.
Example: Grade 5 – Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
I have sticked on the board pictures relating to Hoi An Ancient Town,
HCM city, Hue Imperial City, Phu Quoc Island, train, plane, underground,
motorbike, … Students will roll the pencil and using the sentence patterns
“Where did you go on holiday?” and “How did you get (to) …?” to ask and
b. Picture guessing
Objective: Help students to practice Yes – No questions
Teaching aids: Pictures and stickers
Form: Individually
Time: 5 minutes
Rule: Call out one student to choose the picture. Other students have to
guess the picture by making Yes-No questions. The student holding the picture
will choose 3 friends in each turn to guess. The one who guess the right picture
will be given stickers as a gift.
Example: Grade 5 – Unit 4: Did you go to the party?
I called out one student in each turn to choose a picture when other
students have to make questions relating to phrases they have learnt. Questions
have to start with “Did you….?” and be answered with Yes, I did or No, I didn’t.
2.3.2. Consolidating English knowledge through worksheets

Using worksheet is a useful teaching aid in way it promotes students'
positive learning creativeness. It is a tool that allows the personalization of
learning and at the same time it is an effective tool in collecting and processing


students’ learning information. It is definitely a good way for teachers to
consolidate English knowledge.
Students themselves can also evaluate how much they absorb what they
have been taught through dealing with tasks given in worksheets. Worksheets
can be delivered as individual, pair or group work basing on the aims of the
lessons. They can also be assigned in class right after students are provided with
any new knowledge. Time limit is necessary to reinforce students to keep trying
in order to make better learning progress.
To my own experience, there are some criteria that teachers need to pay
attention when designing any kinds of worksheets.
- Firstly, they must cover knowledge students have been taught.
- Secondly, they have to be well-designed with illustrations or drawings.
Students at primary age seem to be addicted to these points.
- Thirdly, the length of tasks in the worksheet needs to be suitable for the
consolidation time at class or at home.
To give more details, here are some kinds of worksheets that I have
designed and applied in my classes to consolidate English knowledge.
a. Worksheets
These are kinds of worksheets which includes tasks relating to vocabulary
and sentence patterns students have studied. Teacher can design short and quick
handouts which can be delivered to students to finish. This kind of approach can
be carried out after students are provided with any new knowledge or after they
have completed one unit. Teacher should give students chances to have peer

check to not only save time but also to create a competitive perspective among
Here are some illustrations of quick handouts that I myself designed and
applied into my own classes.
Look, read and circle the best option
A. He has an earache.
B. He has a toothache
C. He has a fever.
A. She should go to the dentist.
B. She should listen to
C. She should take a rest.

A. He has a stomach ache.
B. He has a sore throat.
C. He has a headache.
A. He shouldn’t climb the
B. He shouldn’t carry heavy
C. He shouldn’t eat sweets.

A. She has a cough.
B. She has a sore throat.
C. She has a fever.

He has a sore eye.
A. He shouldn’t watch TV.
B. He shouldn’t eat sweets.

C. He shouldn’t carry heavy



1. The theatre is ___________ thethings.
2. The cinema is ___________ the theatre and the supermarket.
3. The stadium is ___________ of the street.
4. Bus stop 1 is ___________ Bus stop 2.
5. The post office is ___________ Bus stop 1.





Look, read and complete using between, opposite, next to, on the corner
b. Word search
Objective: Help students to recognize and remember words and phrases
they have studied
Form: Individually
Time: 5 minutes

Example: Grade 5 – Unit 5: Where will you be this weekend?
I have designed a word search in which students have to find words
relating to the topic Weekend (countryside, beach, sea, mountains, island,
explore, picnic, train, motorbike) in 3 minutes. Then check students’ paper and
give feedback as well as compliments.


2.3.3. Consolidating English knowledge through educational applications
and websites
a. PowerPoint
It is undeniable that PowerPoint plays an important role in giving teacher
a lot of considerable assistance in teaching. This is the most popular and useful
that teachers can use in any lessons to help provide students with any new
knowledge. Moreover, it also can be an effective means of consolidating English
knowledge in way it can be transferred into games or quizzes thanks to
PowerPoint. The learning atmosphere will definitely become more active and
exciting. The students will also get more engaged in the lessons because they
can take part in the activities in a visual and interesting way. In the scope of this
paper, I would like to introduce two ways of using PowerPoint to consolidate
English knowledge by designing games and quizzes as follows.
Example: Unit 11: What’s the matter with you?
Name of the game: Can you guess?
Objective: Help students to make sentences using words and phrases they
have learnt.
Form: Boys versus Girls
Time: 5 minutes
Rule: Divide class into 2 teams, boys and girls. On each slide, students
look at the two pictures and read the question. Then they play rocks, scissors,

paper to decide the team who get the chance to answer the question first. Then, a
picture disappears in which the team with the existing picture will be the winner.
Here are some slides to illustrate this game.


b. Live worksheets
This is an useful website that can help to consolidate students’ English
knowledge after the direct approach in class. It is an advantage that students in
Grade 5 at Quang Tien 2 primary school have had chances to learn IT from
Grade 3. Consequently, they somehow do not have challenges accessing the
application through a smart phone or computer.
All they have to do is to log on the link that is assigned by teachers and
finish all the taks. They can be multiple choices, gap-filling or tick and the time
will be set basing on how difficult the question is. Although students do not
directly finish the question in class, the teacher can still access how they master
the knowledge basing on the how well they do the quiz. This method is truly
helpful when students have to be off from school because of Covid-19
pandemic. It only helps students to keep track to the knowledge they have learnt
but also give them a chance to apply IT techniques.
Some worksheets can be easily found in the website or they can be
designed by the teacher and then uploaded into it.


Here is an example of the tasks from www.liveworksheets.com that helps
students to consolidate the knowledge of Unit 17: What would you like to eat?

2.4. The effects of the thesis to teaching activities, individual, colleagues
and schools
A lot of encouraging effectiveness have been achieved after I have applied
some active activities as mentioned above into my teaching at Grade 5 at Quang
Tien 2 primary school.


First of all, it can be considered as the most efficient way to help teachers
evaluate students’ understanding of vocabulary and sentence patterns.
Accordingly, teachers can give more emphasis or produce effective changes in
their teaching process which help improve the quality of teaching in the future.
Secondly, students have chances to show their own ability of mastering
English vocabulary and sentence patterns. They then have better vision of their
own learning process. Students have become more active in learning and
contributing after participating in consolidation activities. The class atmosphere
then became more relaxed and friendly.
The most important result is the way students improved basing on the rechecking test. They got better marks that showed their better learning ability. It
was summarized through the following table.
The results are as follows:
Survey results
Total students
of Grade 5

















It also shows the positive change in learning English at Quang Tien 2
primary school in general. Teaching aids such as projectors and flashcards have
been supplied more by the school to assist teachers in their teaching career.

3. Conclusions and recommendations
3.1. Conclusion
To meet the requirement of teaching innovation, there lives a need of
changing the way of consolidating English vocabulary and sentence patterns into
an interesting and active way. Kinds of games, worksheets or educational
applications will be the vital solutions to the problems.
In this case, it is necessary for teachers to be creative enough to turn the
knowledge in each unit into a true active activity for students to take part in.
Moreover, teacher have to spend time designing activities which really need to
be patient and enthusiastic.
With a lot of encouraging results, I myself will continue applying these
approaches in my teaching process generally and in consolidating activities
particularly to help students improve in learning English.
3.2. Recommendations
In order to maximize the results of teaching and learning English in
elementary school, I have some suggestions as follows:
It would be a good idea that Sam Son city Division of Education and
Training give teachers of English in primary school more chances to attend
training programmes with the instructions of experts of English and teaching


Modern tools such as projector, TV, speakers and laptops should be
installed more in each English lesson in order to get the better results. It would
be greater if there are a media room which is used only for learning English.
Parents are advised to give more consideration to their students’ learning
as well as have more cooperation in helping students have better improvement in
learning generally and learning English particularly

These are only issues that I subjectively recommend in the scope of the
paper. It definitely contains a lot of limitations that need to be perfected by
superiors for better enhancement. I look forward to receiving any suggestions
and comments in the time coming.
Hiệu trưởng

Sầm Sơn, ngày 15 tháng 04 năm 2022
Tôi xin cam đoan đây là SKKN của
mình viết, khơng sao chép nội dung
của người khác.

Lê Văn Hưng

Nguyễn Quỳnh Lê


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NXB Giáo dục, 1978
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