IELTS Speaking
September December 2020
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As far as you know, IELTS candidates will have only 11-14 minutes for IELTS Speaking and it
comprises of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you invest
time in practicing the real IELTS Speaking questions.
Beside Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests series published by Oxford University Press, IELTS
Speaking Recent Actual Tests with Suggested Answers aims to develop speaking and testtaking skills along with language proficiency to help you achieve a high IELTS Speaking
score. It contains IELTS Speaking questions that were asked and would be asked in IELTS
Speaking tests in 2020. The questions are divided into part 1, part 2 and part 3. Each of
the questions have answers provided by our certified IELTS trainer along with the
vocabulary that is specifically used for that question/topic. When using this e-book, you
can be aware of the kinds of questions that you would face in a real exam, and how the
answers are framed accordingly. Moreover, these tests are extracted from an authentic
IELTS bank source; therefore, you are in all probability to encounter these questions in
your real examinations.
The authors are convinced that you will find IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests with
Suggested Answers extremely helpful on your path to success with the International
English Language Testing System.
the key is practice!
IELTS Material
The Speaking test comprises of 3 parts and is conducted by an examiner for 11-14 minutes. This test
is similar to an interview and thus the emotions attached to the test is also similar jitters, scary,
anxiety. This is where IELTS Speaking e-book comes in.
This e-book helps you to know the unfamiliar.
Part 1
Most of the part one questions are personal questions that the examiner will ask you to bring you
into a comfort zone. These questions are sorted in terms of different topics.
Part 2 & 3
Part 2 consists of a cue card for which you will be given 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.
The questions in the cue card are addressed and a sample answer is given for the cue-card.
Following the cue-card are part 3 questions. Part 3 of the speaking e-book consists of questions
related to the cue card you will receive. And so, these questions are found with sample answers
below the related cue-cards.
Lexical resources is a factor of assessment during the speaking tests. So, below each of these topics,
you will find a vocabulary section that contains words related to that particular topic along with
Happy practicing!
Table of Contents
Part 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
1. PLANTS ............................................................................................................................................ 9
2. THE COUNTRYSIDE ........................................................................................................................ 10
3. PHOTOS ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4. PUBLIC TRANSPORT ...................................................................................................................... 12
5. STAYING UP LATE .......................................................................................................................... 13
6. CELEBRITIES AND STARS................................................................................................................ 13
7. WATER........................................................................................................................................... 14
8. COOKING AND BAKING ................................................................................................................ 15
9. COLOURS ....................................................................................................................................... 16
10. TIDINESS ...................................................................................................................................... 17
11. MOVIES ....................................................................................................................................... 17
12. PLANS .......................................................................................................................................... 18
13. RUNNING..................................................................................................................................... 19
14. PARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 20
15. NEIGHBOURHOOD / LOCAL AREA ............................................................................................... 21
16. WALKING ..................................................................................................................................... 22
17. LANGUAGES ................................................................................................................................ 22
18. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS........................................................................................................................ 23
19. MUSIC.......................................................................................................................................... 24
20. AGE .............................................................................................................................................. 25
21. TRAVEL ........................................................................................................................................ 26
22. BREAKS ........................................................................................................................................ 27
23.PENS AND PENCILS....................................................................................................................... 28
24. SPENDING TIME BY YOURSELF .................................................................................................... 29
25. WILD ANIMALS ............................................................................................................................ 30
26. LAUGHTER ................................................................................................................................... 30
27. CAKES AND DESSERTS ................................................................................................................. 31
28. CONCENTRATION ........................................................................................................................ 32
29. BEAUTIFUL SCENERY ................................................................................................................... 33
30. HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................... 34
31. COFFEE OR TEA ........................................................................................................................... 35
32. SLEEP ........................................................................................................................................... 35
33. FRIENDS ....................................................................................................................................... 36
34. HOME/ ACCOMMODATION ........................................................................................................ 37
35. STUDY ......................................................................................................................................... 40
36. WORK ......................................................................................................................................... 42
37. HOMETOWN ............................................................................................................................... 44
38. JEANS........................................................................................................................................... 45
39. CONCENTRATION ........................................................................................................................ 47
40.VOICE ........................................................................................................................................... 48
41.WALKING ...................................................................................................................................... 50
42. MOVIES ....................................................................................................................................... 51
43. LANGUAGES ................................................................................................................................ 53
44. FRIENDS ....................................................................................................................................... 54
45. RUBBISH ...................................................................................................................................... 56
46. PERFUME..................................................................................................................................... 57
47. SOCIAL NETWORK ....................................................................................................................... 58
48. MATH .......................................................................................................................................... 60
49. TRAVELLING ................................................................................................................................ 61
50. BORROWING/LENDING ............................................................................................................... 63
51. READING...................................................................................................................................... 64
52. SMILE........................................................................................................................................... 65
53. PLAN ............................................................................................................................................ 67
54. VISIT RELATIVES.......................................................................................................................... 68
55. STREET MARKET ......................................................................................................................... 70
56. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................. 70
57. WEATHER .................................................................................................................................... 72
58. PATIENCE..................................................................................................................................... 73
59. ANIMAL ....................................................................................................................................... 74
60. TEA OR COFFEE ........................................................................................................................... 76
61. SLEEP ........................................................................................................................................... 77
62.SKY................................................................................................................................................ 79
63. SHARING...................................................................................................................................... 81
64. HANDWRITING ............................................................................................................................ 82
65. PHOTOS/PICTURES ...................................................................................................................... 82
66. MUSIC.......................................................................................................................................... 83
67. TEACHER...................................................................................................................................... 85
68. TRANSPORTATION ...................................................................................................................... 87
69. THE AREA YOU LIVE IN ................................................................................................................ 89
70. HOLIDAY ...................................................................................................................................... 89
71. NUMBERS .................................................................................................................................... 90
72. PEN OR PENCIL ............................................................................................................................ 91
73. SWEETS ....................................................................................................................................... 92
74. SCENERY ...................................................................................................................................... 94
75. MUSEUMS ................................................................................................................................... 95
76. ART .............................................................................................................................................. 96
77. CAKE ............................................................................................................................................ 97
78. LAUGH ......................................................................................................................................... 99
79. WATER SPORTS ......................................................................................................................... 100
80. RUNNING................................................................................................................................... 101
81. SCIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 102
82. OPINIONS/IDEAS ....................................................................................................................... 102
83. ALONE ....................................................................................................................................... 103
PART 2 & 3........................................................................................................................................... 104
1. Describe a programme or an app that you think is useful.......................................................... 104
2. Describe a recent goal you set yourself ...................................................................................... 106
3. Describe a large company that you are interested in ................................................................ 108
4. Describe an article you read about healthy living ...................................................................... 110
5. Describe an interesting animal you have seen ........................................................................... 111
6. Describe a (school or company) uniform you have worn. .......................................................... 113
7. Describe an important text message you received .................................................................... 115
8. Describe a successful small company ......................................................................................... 117
9. Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to live in ................................................ 119
10. Describe a job you would not like to do in the future .............................................................. 121
11. Describe a practical skill you learned ........................................................................................ 123
12. Describe a road trip you went on ............................................................................................. 125
13. Describe a city you have visited and want to go back to in the future..................................... 127
14. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution. ........................................... 129
15. Describe a crowded place you have been to. ........................................................................... 130
16. Describe a school you went to in your childhood ..................................................................... 132
17. Describe a place where you read and write(not your home). .................................................. 134
18. Describe an interesting place you remember well that was full of colours. ............................ 136
19. Describe a historical building you have visited ......................................................................... 138
20. Describe a friend who is a good leader ..................................................................................... 140
21. Describe the person you spend the most time with................................................................. 142
22. Describe a person who taught you something important ........................................................ 144
23. Describe a person who is good at his or her job ....................................................................... 146
24.Describe a performance you watched recently ......................................................................... 148
25 .Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first ..................................................... 151
26.Describe a difficult challenge you met....................................................................................... 153
27.Describe an interesting animal you have ever seen .................................................................. 156
28. Describe a family member who you spend the most time with ............................................... 159
29. Describe a crowded place you have been to ............................................................................ 162
30. Describe a time when someone apologized to you .................................................................. 164
31. Describe an important journey that has been delayed ............................................................ 167
32. Describe a change that can improve your local area ................................................................ 170
33. Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity .................................................. 173
................................................................ 175
35. Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to live in the future ............................. 178
36. Describe a successful small company that you know ............................................................... 180
37. Describe a place you remember well that full of colour........................................................... 182
38. Describe a time you do not tell your friend the truth .............................................................. 184
39. Describe a leisure activity you do with your family .................................................................. 186
40. Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake ......................................................... 189
41. Describe clothes you wear on special occasions ...................................................................... 191
Part 1
Do you know anything about growing plants?
Do you keep plants at home?
Did you grow any plants when you were young?
1. Do you know anything about growing plants?
Well, people call me green-fingered. My granny maintained a big garden in her backyard, and I had a
whale of time there during my holidays. I learnt the art of gardening from her. From planting
seedlings, watering, and nurturing them with organic manure to pruning them, I learnt a great deal
2. Do you keep plants at home?
ing plant I grow indoors is the Desert cacti.
Though many abhor it, I decided to try my hands on. It required some research and little effort. I
grew it in a pot and watered it whenever the soil began to dry. It did pay me off by blooming after
three years. It was such a pleasure!
3. Did you grow any plants when you were young?
Yes. I helped my mum raise a bougainvillea. I enjoyed watering it, and we celebrated when it was in
full bloom.
Green fingered (adj) - Having a seemingly natural gardening ability
Eg: Your Ixora is doing good. You must be green fingered.
Whale of time (noun phrase) - A very enjoyable experience
Eg: We had a whale of time in Mauritius.
Pruning (verb) - trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or
stems, especially to encourage growth.
Eg: It is time to prune the roses.
Abhor (verb) - regard with disgust and hatred
Eg: He abhorred killing of animals.
What do you usually do in the countryside?
Have you ever lived in the countryside?
Would you enjoy living in the countryside?
Will you live in the countryside in the future?
1. What do you usually do in the countryside?
I often go to Shimoga, which is a 6-hour drive from Bangalore, where I live. Well, I have got
plenty of things to do there. I go to the Jog falls, which is such stunning scenery. I take long
walks, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the tranquility.
2. Have you ever lived in the countryside?
I have not lived in one, but I did spend a good deal of time in Tanjore, where my aunt lived. We
used to visit her during summer vacations. She owned some acres of growing rice fields, and we
enjoyed getting drenched in the water pump on the farm. I miss those days!
3. Would you enjoy living in the countryside?
I work for an IT company, and many companies have plans to move to the countryside to escape
the traffic. That way, I might get a chance to live in the countryside. I would thoroughly enjoy it.
4. Will you live in the countryside in the future?
I would, when I retire. I think it is the right time. So, I might end up spending my old age in the
countryside. I would be able to enjoy the lovely, friendly, and beautiful countryside to the
Tranquility (noun) - the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.
Eg: I enjoy the tranquility of rural areas.
Drenched (verb) - wet thoroughly; soak
Eg: Since it rained in the park, I got drenched.
Acres (noun) - a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare).
Eg: He owns some acres of land, in the northern part of the village
Retirement (noun) - the action or fact of leaving one's job and ceasing to work.
Eg: The retirement age in India is 58.
10 | P a g e
Do you like to take photos?
In which situation do you take photos?
How do you store your photos?
Do you prefer to take photos of yourself or have other people take photos?
1. Do you like to take photos?
Yes, I love it. I started by taking photos on my mobile camera at weddings and parties. Slowly, I
became interested in nature. I started taking snaps of birds and flowers. Then I bought a digital cam.
Photography is my hobby now!
2. In which situation do you take photos?
I carry my camera with me wherever I go. You never know when a special moment occurs. It could
just be rain in the hillside, the laughter of your kid, a monkey jumping with its newborn, a roaring
lion in the wild. It could be any small moment of awe that you would want to treasure for the future.
3. How do you store your photos?
I store them in the cloud, and it could be anything from a dropbox, google photos, or google drive. I
hesitate to make an album out of them.
4.Do you like posing for pictures?
could be anything from a picnic with friends, trekking in the wild, or simply loving moments with my
snap (noun) - An informal photograph that is not very skillful or artistic
Eg: I took some snaps of a monkey in the zoo.
Camera (noun) - a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video
Eg: The little girl did not like to face the camera.
Awe (noun) - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Eg: She gazed in awe at the golden bangles.
Selfies (noun) - a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a
smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.
Eg : She posted her selfie on Facebook.
11 | P a g e
Do you travel by public transport?
When was the last time you travelled by public transport?
Would you prefer to use public transport in the future?
1. Do you travel by public transport?
Yes, I do. Every morning I take a bus to my office. There are air-conditioned and non-air
conditioned buses plying in the city. I prefer to take the air-conditioned bus, though it is
2. When was the last time you travelled by public transport?
It was last Friday when I had to go to the office. Like I said before, I took the air-conditioned
bus, and the ride was comfortable.
3. W
The AC buses are less frequent. If you miss one, you have to wait nearly 10 minutes for the
next one to arrive. In the evenings, when you are worn out and want to go home soon, it tests
your temper.
4. Would you prefer to use public transport in the future?
No. I want to use my vehicle. Considering the traffic in the city, I would prefer a two-wheeler
rather than a four-wheeler.
Ply (verb) - travel regularly over a route, typically for commercial purposes.
Eg: These buses ply across the bridge.
Ride (noun) - a journey made on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle, or in a vehicle.
Eg: Her uncle took her for a ride on the bike.
Worn out (adj) - extremely tired; exhausted.
Eg: She looked worn out.
temper (noun) - tendency to become angry very
Eg: She has a real temper.
12 | P a g e
Do you sometimes go to bed late?
What do you do when you stay up late?
How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?
1. Do you sometimes go to bed late?
Well, it depends on whether I have met my deadlines at work. If not, I stay late to finish it and go to
bed around 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM.
2. What do you do when you stay up late?
I would do many things. I would finish pending office work, read a book that I find irresistible, or talk
to a friend over the phone.
3. How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?
and wake up early. I get a headache, the next morning and it spoils
my whole day.
Meet a deadline (noun phrase) - to finish work on time, by the agreed date.
Eg: We are hoping to meet the July deadline
Irresistible(adj) - too attractive and tempting to be resisted.
Eg: The chocolates were irresistible.
Over the phone (noun phrase) - hat something is done using the phone as a way to do it.
Eg: She conveyed the news over the phone
Spoil (verb) - diminish or destroy the value or quality of.
Eg: D
Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?
Who is your favourite movie star?
Are international superstars popular in your country?
1. Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?
Yes. I have seen Amitabh B
autograph from him. Sometimes I happen to sit next to film stars when I travel by air when
they take the economy class. But I have not volunteered to talk to them.
2. Who is your favourite movie star?
‘ “
movie. She is worth the Miss Universe title. My admiration increased after I watched her
13 | P a g e
3. Are international superstars popular in your country?
Yes, they are. The youth of our country adore them. International superstars like Chris
Hemsworth, Chris Evan, Robert Downey Jr, Gal Gadot are extremely popular in our country.
From the music world the superstars Taylor Swift, Alan Walker, Selena Gomes, Ed Sheeran,
Justin Bieber, and many more have their tracks on trending.
Autograph (noun) - a signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an
Eg: The actor was surrounded by fans asking for an autograph
Versatile (adj) - able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
Eg: Sarah was a versatile poetess of her times.
Adore (verb) - love and respect (someone) deeply.
Eg: Children adore their mothers.
Superstar (noun) - an extremely famous and successful performer or sports player.
Eg: She became a superstar without much effort.
Do you ever drink bottled water? Why?
What kind of water do you like to drink?
How often do you drink water?
Do you think water is an important resource?
1. Do you ever drink bottled water? Why?
Yes, I do. I prefer bottled water when going on a long drive to new places because there is no
guarantee for the purity of water in the new place. So bottled water is the convenient and best
source of water at such times.
2. What kind of water do you like to drink?
I am happy with the water that I get out of my aqua water purifier. I believe it is pure and has
all the essential minerals to keep me healthy.
3. How often do you drink water?
I drink a glass of water every hour. That makes 12-15 glasses of water per day. It helps me to
keep myself hydrated and stay fit.
4. Do you think water is a vital resource?
Yes, of course. Water is an elixir of life. Since ancient times, civilizations were created near
sources of water. It plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth.
Guarantee (noun) - a formal assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be
fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality.
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Eg: The shop offered a guarantee against rusting
Hydrated (verb) - cause to absorb water.
Eg: The skin doctor prescribed a moisturizer that would keep the skin hydrated
Fit (adj) - in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise.
Eg: You must learn to keep yourself fit
Sustaining (verb) - strengthen or support physically or mentally.
Eg: You must use protein drinks to sustain your energy.
Do you like to cook?
Have you ever baked a cake?
Would you like to learn how to bake ?
What kinds of things are baked in your country?
1. Do you like to cook?
I love cooking. I like to prepare interesting delicacies and share it with friends and relatives. My
day begins with the aroma of the spices. I feel heavenly when chopping the sweet-smelling
coriander and on hearing the mustard seeds splutter. After a hard day's work, cooking
rejuvenates my mind.
2. Have you ever baked a cake?
Yes. I have tried it on a stove, though. All you have to do is preheat a vessel. In the meanwhile,
you can prepare the batter. You can either use powdered chocolate biscuits or cocoa. Grease a
tray with butter, pour the batter onto it and place it in the preheated vessel for about 45
minutes to 1 hour and your cake will be ready.
3. Would you like to learn how to bake?
Yes. Though I know how to make a cake and have watched a lot of YouTube videos, I would be
interested in learning it in person from a Chef.
4. What kinds of things are baked in your country?
Well, a lot of things are baked in our country from cakes to cookies and bread to pies. Plum
cakes are my favourite. They are made of either dried fruits like grapes, currants, raisins or
prunes, orange peels or with fresh fruits.
Delicacies (noun) - something delightful or pleasing, especially a choice food considered with
regard to its rarity, costliness, or the like
Eg: Chocolate lava cake is a true delicacy
Batter (noun) - mixture of flour and liquid with other ingredients
15 | P a g e
Eg: She got the dosa batter from store
Chef (noun) - a professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel.
Eg: She worked as a Chef in a five-star hotel
Prunes (noun) - a plum preserved by drying and having a black, wrinkled appearance.
Eg: Prunes are high in fiber and are very good for health.
Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colours?
Are there any colours you dislike?
Do you like dark colours or light colours?
1. W
If it is for house decor, I will choose shades of pink as it radiates a warm and cosy feeling into
the minds.
2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colours?
Yes. My mum says my wardrobe looks green. I have all shades of green from lime, olive,
emerald to sea green and parrot green.
3. Are there any colours you dislike?
No. It is not that I dislike, but I avoid colours like black when it comes to painting my house. It
makes sense when the painter says you have to choose colours that reflect light.
4. Do you like dark colours or light colours?
I go for dull shades.
Radiates (verb) - emit (energy, especially light or heat) in the form of rays or waves.
Eg: The sun radiates energy
Cozy (verb) - make (someone) feel comfortable or complacent.
Eg: She felt cozy curled up on the velvet sofa
Wardrobe (noun) - a large, tall cupboard or recess in which clothes may be hung or stored.
Eg: Her wardrobe is very expensive
Olive (adj) - greyish green
Eg: She wore a olive gown for the party
16 | P a g e
Are you a tidy person?
Do you think people should be tidy all the time?
Are you tidier at work or at home?
1. Are you a tidy person?
can even call it my hobby.
surroundings very clean. I love tidying my house, and you
2. Do you think people should be tidy all the time?
hands after they use the restroom, covering their face with a handkerchief when they sneeze,
or cough.
3. Are you tidier at work or home?
ace at my home.
Surroundings (noun) - the things and conditions around a person or thing.
Eg: She hated her surroundings.
Tidy (verb) - bring order to; arrange neatly.
Eg: The maid tidied the house
Hobby (noun) - an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
Eg: Reading was her hobby
Hygiene (noun) - conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing
disease, especially through cleanliness.
Eg: Personal hygiene is very important
Do your friends like this movie?
What kind of movies do young people like?
Would you like to be a movie star?
I love the movie Interstellar. It is a science fiction film. It describes a group of astronauts who are in
search of a new home for humanity.
2. Do your friends like this movie?
Yes. They like it too. It was one of my friends who recommended this movie to me. Some of them
were so amused that they began telling me that we better get prepared to live on planets like Mars.
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3. What kind of movies do young people like?
In my opinion, young people are fond of superhuman characters like spiderman. Also, they like
fantasies like Harry Potter.
4. Would you like to be a movie star?
No, not at all. I hate to sacrifice my privacy. I hate to be surrounded by paparazzi all the time.
Fiction (noun) - literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary
events and people.
Eg: Things which were once created in fiction are becoming a reality
Astronaut (noun) - a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.
Eg: A group of astronauts travelled to Mercury, last week.
Amused (adj) - finding something funny or entertaining.
Eg: Children were so amused by the magician.
Paparazzis (noun) - a freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get photographs of
Eg: She drove the car fast, to escape from the paparazzis.
What is the hardest part about making plans?
What is the most recent plan you made?
Do you make plans every day?
Are you good at managing your time?
1. What is the hardest part of making plans?
It'sIt's about prioritizing. It isn't easy to decide the order in which you have to take up the
tasks. I often keep wondering whether I should do yoga first or prepare breakfast.
2. What is the most recent plan you made?
I made a travel plan to Bylaguppe, which is on the way to Madikeri. We were a group of four.
We planned to travel in my car, and I made the hotel arrangements too. Since it is a Tibetan
settlement, we were on the lookout for authentic Indian food. I was successful in booking a
lodging near an Indian restaurant. It was a walkable distance to the restaurant, and my friends
appreciated me for it.
3. Do you make plans every day?
Well, it's not that I make a plan, but things seem to work out in order. I would say I got used to
the routine. I rarely do anything out of the ordinary, so you can call me well-planned too.
4. Are you good at managing your time?
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I don't make any effort towards it. I follow my routine, and if anything is a priority, be it at
work or home, I do that first. Time gets managed automatically.
Priority (noun) - the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than
Eg: She was given work to be done on priority.
Well-planned (adj) - carefully arranged or designed.
Eg: The wedding was well planned.
Automatic (adj) - (with reference to a device or process) by itself with little or no direct human
Eg: The vehicle had an automatic gear.
Routine (noun) - a sequence of actions regularly followed.
Eg: She always stuck to the routine
Do you like running?
Have you ever run a long-distance?
Would you prefer to watch a running competition live or on TV?
Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?
1. Do you like running?
Not much. I have vague memories of participating in running races when I was in school.
Nowadays, I run only when my friends call me. It was just last week when we chose to run
around a hill. We completed a full circle. We also took in some medicinal air because the hill
was full of herbs.
2. Have you ever run a long-distance?
Well, my Company organizes marathons once in a while. My friends forced me to participate
in it. So, I have run some marathons. It feels nice when you run across places of scenic beauty
with friends around. We also do barefoot running occasionally.
3. Would you prefer to watch a running competition live or on TV?
I prefer to watch it on television. It is interesting to find out who the fastest runner is. I do tune
in to watch the Olympics and find out where my country stands.
4. Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?
Undoubtedly, yes. Most importantly, it helps in improving cardiovascular fitness. But,
unfortunately, most people have restricted themselves to treadmills now.
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race(noun) - a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest
in covering a set course.
Eg: He won in the bike race.
Marathon (noun) - a long-distance running race, strictly one of 26 miles 385 yards (42.195 km)
Eg: She won a gold medal in the marathon for girls.
Barefoot running (adj phrase) - the act of running without footwear.
Eg: Barefoot running helps in strengthening the muscles.
Treadmills (noun) - a device used for exercise, consisting of a continuous moving belt on which
to walk or run.
Eg: Treadmill test is conducted to check the functioning of the heart.
Are there many parks near where you live?
Do you like going to the parks?
Do you think there are enough parks or gardens in your hometown?
What did you use to do in parks as a child?
1. Are there many parks near where you live?
Yes, there are quite a few of them. The national government has issued a mandate to all the
local governments to build parks to develop community building. So, there are many projects
on parks coming up. They have planned to establish two new parks near our area. I read it in
the newspapers.
2. Do you like going to the parks?
near my house. It has a small pond as well. I go there on
weekends to relax and enjoy the fresh air.
3. Do you think there are enough parks or gardens in your hometown?
We have one large garden in the centre of the city, but there are also several parks in the
suburbs. So, I think we have just the right number of parks in our town.
4. What did you use to do in parks as a child?
I had loads of fun in the park nearby. It had a see-saw, and I enjoyed going up and down on it.
We had other children from the neighbourhood who joined me in playing. We had a miniature
version of the merry-go-round which we thoroughly enjoyed.
Garden (noun) - a piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers, and shrubs may
be grown.
Eg: There was a garden near his house
Pond (noun) - a small body of still water formed naturally or by artificial means.
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Eg: There was a lotus pond in the middle of the village.
Relax (verb) - make or become less tense or anxious.
Eg: The hair spa was very relaxing.
Seesaw (noun) - a long plank balanced in the middle on a fixed support, on each end of which
children sit and swing up and down by pushing the ground alternately with their feet.
Eg: Kids enjoy going up and down in the seesaw.
Do you like the area that you live in?
Do you know any famous people in your local area?
Where do you like to go, in that area?
What are some recent changes in your local area?
1. Do you like the area that you live in currently?
I have recently moved to Indira Nagar in Adyar. I purchased an apartment here after I got a
hike in my Company. It is covered by trees on both sides of the road. It is quite sedate. I take
pride in myself for buying an apartment here.
2. Do you know any famous people in your local area?
activities like planting saplings and join the rotary club in its service-oriented activities.
3. Where do you like to go, in that area?
Adyar is quite big. I want to go to Lattice Bridge road where there are merchants of different
types. It is a bustling road, but I love to take an evening stroll. It is intriguing to see people
roaming busily across the street.
4. What are some recent changes in your local area?
There are lots of boutiques coming up. Also, I saw a new beauty parlour on my way home last
night. Some residents have sold their houses, and flats are being constructed in those places.
Apartment (noun) - is a room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located
in a building occupied by more than one household.
Eg: She lived in a prestigious apartment.
Sedate (adjective) - quiet
Eg: It was a sedate suburban society.
Club (noun) - an association dedicated to a particular interest or activity.
Eg: I
Residents (noun) - a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
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Eg: It is a beautiful place with just 40 residents.
Do you often walk?
Where do you walk?
Do you think you walk enough?
Do you think people will walk more in the future?
1. Do you often walk?
2. Where do you walk?
I walk inside my office. After parking the vehicle, I have to walk some distance to reach my building
in the office. In the evenings, I walk back to the car parking area. This is my walking schedule every
3. Do you think you walk enough?
To be honest, I work out on the treadmill, half-an-hour every day and believe that it helps. Other
than that, I walk in the nearby parks on weekends.
4. Do you think people will walk more in the future?
With the advent of devices like treadmills, walking has ceased among the urbane community. The
rural community is also progressing rapidly. People are keen to modernize their lives. So, it is quite
doubtful that people will want to walk in the future.
Exercise (noun) - activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and
Eg: Exercise improves blood circulation.
Schedule (noun) - a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended
events and times.
Eg: He has a hectic morning schedule
Ceased (verb) - come or bring to an end.
Eg: The pandemic ceased and lockdowns were lifted.
Modernize (verb) - adapt (something) to modern needs or habits, typically by installing
modern equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods.
Eg: They modernized the school.
Which languages do you speak?
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What are the common languages in your country?
Would you like to learn a new language?
Is it important to speak a foreign language?
1. Which languages do you speak?
Apart from English and my native language, I know French. In high school, I had the option to
choose any foreign language as a major. I chose French and also enrolled in Alliance Francaise.
ll every time I talk in
2. What are the common languages in your country?
I take pride in saying we speak around 22 official languages in our country. There are 29 states
in India, and each state has its own language. But you need not know all of them. You can
survive with Hindi and English which you can also call as common languages.
3. Would you like to learn a new language?
“ I
so that I can impress my clients. Also, Japanese and Spanish translators are paid well in
corporate companies.
4. Is it important to speak a foreign language?
It will give you an edge over others in terms of career. Your connectivity improves. You not
only learn the language but the culture of that particular nation. The fact that you will be able
to gel well with a new community will be extremely beneficial in your career.
Native language (adj phrase) - the language of the country that someone is born in or native
Eg: French was his native language.
Official language (adj phrase) - a language given a special status in a particular country, state,
or other jurisdiction
Eg: Tamil is an official language in India.
Translators (noun) - a person who translates from one language into another, especially as a
Eg: Japanese translators are paid well.
Foreign language (adj phrase) - a language originally from another country than the speaker.
Eg: Indians speak good English, though it is a foreign language for them.
How many public holidays do you have in your country?
Which public holiday is your favourite?
What do you usually do on a public holiday?
Do you think people need more public holidays?
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1. How many public holidays do you have in your country?
Well, I cannot be accurate but can give a try. The festival season starts with Ganesh Chaturthi in
August. From then on, we have an array of festivals till Christmas in December. Then we have the
national holidays like Republic day in January and Independence Day in August. So, there's a fairly
good number of holidays for us.
2. Which public holiday is your favourite?
Diwali, without a doubt. I enjoy the fireworks and sound of the crackers and burst them too. I love to
light the flower pots and rockets. Also, I cannot forget the number of delicacies that are prepared on
that day. It is lovely to see the smiling faces of people and the love and affection with which they
wish "Happy Diwali" to each other.
3. What do you usually do on a public holiday?
It depends on the nature of the holiday. If it is a festival, we thoroughly enjoy the day. If it is a day of
national importance like Independence Day, we revere the sacrifices of our ancestors.
4. Do you think people need more public holidays?
Yes, I do think so! Corporate companies are so smart that they have introduced a concept called
optional holidays. So, we don't get to enjoy all the holidays in a year. This concept should be
abolished, and everyone should get to enjoy all the holidays.
Festivals (noun) - a day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons.
Eg: She celebrates festivals in a grand manner
Firecrackers (noun) - A firecracker (cracker, noise maker, banger,) is a small explosive device
primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang,
usually for celebration or entertainment.
Eg: People enjoy bursting firecrackers on Diwali.
National holiday (adj phrase) -a nationally recognized day when most businesses and other
institutions are closed.
Eg: All shops are closed on national holidays
Optional holiday (adj phrase) - The holiday which is optional for each individual employee and
each employee can decide whether he/she wants to take a leave on that day or not.
Eg: Ramzan was an optional holiday for Hindus in ABC Company.
When do you listen to music?
How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
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What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
Have you ever been to a concert before?
1. When do you listen to music?
I listen to music, whenever and wherever I can. I usually enjoy listening to my playlists when
going on a long drive in my car. Listening to music at such moments will raise your spirits.
2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
Almost eve
hard day at work, it is very relaxing and refreshing to listen to music. It replenishes your
3. What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to?
I like to listen to a variety of music from Carnatic music to film songs. I like the fusion kind of
music where you have both classical and western renderings. I also like Ghazals.
4. Have you ever been to a concert before?
Sadly, No. But given a chance, I would like to attend the Bryan Adams concert. I want to see
him performing live. I have just moved to the UK for work, and I look forward to attending one,
very soon.
Carnatic music (adj phrase) - form of music that is associated with the southern part of India
with its area roughly confined to five states of India i.e. Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Eg: Saritha visited the carnatic vocal concerts in December.
Renderings (noun) - a performance of a piece of music or drama.
Eg: It was an e
Concert (noun) - a musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of
several compositions.
Eg: A pop concert was being organised in Oregon.
Ghazals (noun) - (in Middle Eastern and Indian literature and music) a lyric poem with a fixed
number of verses and a repeated rhyme, typically on the theme of love, and normally set to
Eg: She attended classes for Ghazals which is why she is able to sing them well.
20. AGE
Do you like your current age?
What do you like about it?
At what age do you think people are the happiest?
What was the most important decision you have made?
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