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SCHOOL OF Western Sydney University Vietnam

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Lê Hoàng Ân


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Gabriel Ryan


Success Factors of Delivery Service


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Lê Hoàng Ân

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ARO 00380 08/15

Nowadays, when e-commerce is being widely developed, it leads to many essential services
emerging. Especially delivery service since shopping online becomes a dispensable thing in
everyone’s life. Because of high demands and laziness, humans gradually depend on technology.
They turn into being lazy to go shopping outside. Delivery service is a helpful tool because it
supports the customers needs . Delivery service helps buyers save a lot of time to go directly to
the store or buying items from abroad.

According to Indeed (2021), a delivery service is a business groundwork that provides supplies to

the customers. It includes the continual engagement between the two parties at the time when the
provider is providing the service and the customer is paying for it. In essence, a service company
gives a consumer objects they could not develop on their own. From another newspaper, IBM
(2022) defines that “Delivery Services are billable services that are directly associated with a
product in a sales order or a return order. Stand-alone delivery service lines can also be created,
and if required, associated with a product at a later time”.

At this time, due to Covid-19, the stressful pandemic situation leads to humans going out. Buying
goods gradually becomes difficult so delivery services are strongly developed. This service helps
to directly deliver goods to clients without going out. The limitation of close connections between
people makes the pandemic decrease constantly. Delivery service plays an important role in the
Covid-19 pandemic situation. Mitchell (2021) shows that “The rising popularity of delivery services
is not exactly a new trend. Even before COVID-19 started making headlines, Americans were
falling in love with the convenience of delivery services”. He also proves that before the Covid-19,
especially from 2015 to 2020, the delivery services industry in the United States grew by an
average of 4.7 percent every year.

Since courier delivery service has become a necessity, the importance of delivery service cannot
be denied. Nowadays, almost every single family uses a courier service, they buy everything from
small items such as household appliances to high-end luxury stuff. People depend on the delivery
service because of its convenience. According to Reyhle (2019), when it comes to obtaining the
things they purchase online, customers today have a number of options. The author also says
that “Next day deliveries aren’t just a perk anymore, they’re actually expected”. After Covid-19, a
courier service has shown its importance during quarantine, thanks to it, people can buy
essentials and stock up when they have to comply with social distancing.

Because delivery service becomes a convenience for humans, the success factors of that service
cannot be ignored. The courier services are growing into a network that prioritizes efficiency and
speed. Everyone currently relies on these services in some capacity, whether it is a corporate

delivery or an online purchase. There are five success factors of delivery service which are listed
by Esquire Express (2018). The first main factor is price. When customers are online shopping,
the first thing they focus on is actually prices, the money they have to pay for their goods. When
choosing a courier service, one should consider their budget. The user always selects the
budget-friendly. If the price is out of control, customers can think twice before choosing. Next, the
author says that availability is the second factor but is less important than the four factors left.
This factor shows that the consumers should reconsider their choice unless the service company
delivers the package on time. The next and also the most important factor of all is speed.
Because “fast delivery matters are the most and the best factor of any courier service”, the
essential success is how long the courier company keeps its consumers waiting. An effective way
to attract customers is communication. According to Esquire Express (2018), the focus of a
competent delivery service firm should be on keeping excellent client relationships. Having clear
communication is good enough to retain the customers. The last factor is honesty with the
customers, which must have in the courier business. Customers do not want to spend a large
amount of money to buy fake and poor-quality goods. It will severely harm the company's
reputation. Honesty is the best factor that makes the delivery service become more widely

developed. Because of many factors, the delivery service has grown into a very popular service
for every single family.

The delivery service is successful because it brings a lot of benefits to the consumers. First,
convenience is the greatest benefit that customers want to have when they are shopping online.
Because clients do not want to hand-carry many things when shopping. They just use a phone
and wifi strong enough for shopping online. Delivery service just delivers goods for an hour. If the
customers order some things such as food or appliances, their items can be delivered within an
hour. Zahair (2021) demonstrates that “Not only is same-day delivery service convenient for the
consumer, but it benefits the online retailer too. Almost immediate product access improves their
position against stationary retailers, increasing competitiveness within the market”. The second is
time-saving. In the Industrial Internet of Things, it is very important to save time, customers just

stay home and shop online without going to the store or when they are starving but they do not
want to go out to get their meals, the delivery service will do it for the clients. Third, the delivery
service is flexible and easy to use. According to Sutevski (2022), in case the shoppers are in a
rush because of forgetting to buy a birth gift for their best friend; instead of spending many hours
in the shopping malls, others go online and complete tasks with just a few mouse clicks or screen
taps. Fourth, the service company will offer their customers a lot of offers such as discount codes
for shipping, buy one get one free, etc. Last one is reducing fuel costs. During this time, when
Russia and Ukraine are tense, the fuel costs are increasing rapidly, the customers do not want to
spend a large amount of money on petrol. Delivery service can limit that cost because the courier
company will deliver the goods to customers without having to spend money on filling fuel.

While people are in the Industrial Internet of Things, everything is significantly developed. The
delivery service becomes a dispensable service, the convenience, and helpfulness of courier
service are what brings it closer to people. During Covid-19, this service shows the world how
important it is. Without delivery service, people will find it difficult in terms of purchasing goods.
Because of high demand, the courier service brings to the customer many benefits to respond to
them. The success factors also support the service company in bringing success to the delivery

industry. Everyone enjoys this service and it has become an important part of life where
e-commerce is thriving.

Esquire Express (2018, July 14). 5 Factors That Makes A Courier Service Best. Esquire Express.

IBM. (2022). Product services: delivery services, provided services and special services. IBM
Sterling Order Management.

Indeed. (n.d.) What Is Service Delivery in Business? Indeed Career Guide.

Mitchell, M. (2021, March 25). How COVID-19 Has Changed the Delivery Industry. Delivery
Service Manhattan | NYC Delivery Service | Mitchell’sNY Logistics.
Reyhle, N. L. (2019, August 7). The Importance of Delivery Service in E-commerce. Retail
Sutevski, D. (2022, April 7). Why is Delivery Services Important for eCommerce Win.
Entrepreneurs Box.

Zahair, A. (2021, September 30). Increasing Convenience - Are Delivery Solutions Changing
Convenience Models? Corporate Vision Magazine.
