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Chọn 01 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
01. A. pray

B. quay

C. payer

D. layer

02. A. transplant

B. spectacular

C. appliance

D. saliva

03. A. chimpanzee

B. chemotherapy

C. charcoal

D. charming

04. A. consumption

B. impulse

C. pursuit

D. pension

Chọn 01 lựa chọn có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
05. A. passionate

B. infamous

C. assertive

D. virtuous

06. A. acquire

B. obtain

C. indulge

D. deafen

07. A. habitat

B. reversal

C. amendment

D. invasion

08. A. nostalgic

B. skeptical

C. deceptive

D. initial

Chọn 01 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
09. My husband and I had a really tough time at first, but things are looking up.
A. improving

B. deteriorating

C. failing

D. flourishing

10. You can really trust the new employee since he always performs all his duties
A. ruthlessly

B. sluggishly

C. thoughtfully

D. thoroughly

11. Management’s insensitive handling of redundancies has left a bad taste in the mouths of

many long-serving employees.
A. put a tremendous strain on

B. given a large amount of bitter food to

C. created a negative impression on

D. aroused heated controversy among

Chọn 01 lựa chọn trái nghĩa nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
12. I put money aside monthly so that I could afford my summer holiday.
A. waste

B. save

C. lend

D. raise

13. John’s contribution to the discussion received his peers’ approval.
A. argument

B. objection

C. support

D. praise

14. Words failed to express how euphoric his parents were about the news of his engagement.

A. elated

B. ecstatic

C. gutted

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.

D. desperate

15. It is highly recommended that the machines ________ checked on an annual basis.
A. be

B. are

C. were

D. will be

16. The Minister of Foreign Affairs would rather ________ an official visit to China, but he
had to cancel it due to the pandemic.
A. pay

B. paid

C. have paid

D. paying

17. The new manager was given the cold _____ because of his new dress code policy.
A. head

B. eye

C. leg

D. shoulder

18. Despite all the _____, all the staff members eventually agreed to the plan of the venture.
A. pluses and minuses

B. bits and pieces

C. ups and downs

D. ifs and buts

19. Upon her arrival in the new city, she felt a bit _____ as she had few friends there.
A. on top of the world

B. down in the dumps

C. under the weather

D. on the ball

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn.

Settlers are people who intend to live permanently in a new country. Most (20) _____ for
just a few main countries, for example, the USA.
Some will be able to (21) _____ their aims and gain status as legal residents of the
country they have moved to. These people are technically called (22) _____ although this
term is most commonly used by people from English-speaking nations to describe people
from more developed nations living permanently abroad.
Migrants who (23) _____ their native countries to escape danger or persecution may also
be looking for a permanent new home. Until they have (24) _____ asylumand their claims
have been accepted, they will be classified as refugees. In some cases of mass flight, when
thousands of people escape across a border, they are immediately granted this status.
Looking for a job, a better income or perhaps just an experience, other migrants are
admitted to countries as contract workersThey are allowed to stay in their destination country
on the (25) _____ that it is for a specific period. Some are seasonal employees. Others will
stay in the new country for a year or more. These include employees of multinational
corporations who are moved around from country to country. These people are often
professionalswith expertise in their (26) _____.
Some migrants overstay their visas or work whilst in the country on tourist visas. When
this (27) _____, they become illegal immigrants in the eyes of the officials. They may also try
to enter an 'immigration country', often endangering their own lives, by being smuggled in by
people they have paid for this service.
(Adapted from Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced)

20. A. set

B. move

C. head

D. rally

21. A. fulfil

B. pursue

C. further

D. state

22. A. foreigners

B. diplomats

C. ambassadors

D. expatriates

23. A. withdraw

B. flee

C. vanish

D. desert

24. A. applied

B. searched

C. obtained

D. sought

25. A. understanding

B. perception

C. grasp

D. appreciation

26. A. scope

B. territory

C. field

27. A. raises

B. arises

C. exacerbates

D. pasture
D. confronts

Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 08 câu hỏi kèm theo.
In recent years, Americans living in parts of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico have had to
get acclimatized to ever more frequent summer days with temperatures in excess of 38°

Celsius; and most years now, long hot dry summers are leading to the destruction by fire of
millions of acres of Western forests. Slowly, but noticeably, the West is already returning to
desert; it is a trend that seems liable to continue.
No one should really be very surprised about this, even without the additional problems
due to global warming. Back to 1878, John Wesley Powell, one of the early explorers of the
deserts of the Southwest, warned of the dangers of settling the new lands to the west of the
100th meridian. Powell submitted a warning to Congress to this effect ten years later, but as
often happens, short-term economic interests meant that Powell's warning was not heeded.
In those days, the area now known as the "Great Plains" was more commonly referred to
as the Great Desert. From the Rio Grande to the Canadian border, large parts of this region
were almost uninhabited and uninhabitable. Moving sand dunes were a common feature of
the landscape, particularly in years of low rainfall. Yet despite the inhospitality of the terrain,
from the mid nineteenth century onwards, the area was progressively colonized by settlers
who made use of any water course possible, to establish farms and homesteads, using
irrigation and groundwater to make up for the dryness of the land, or growing plants which
did not require too much rainfall.
Gradually, the taming of the desert began. In the twentieth century, a massive dam
building programme was set in motion. In many cases, the dam building was on an enormous
scale: on the Columbia River alone, 55 dams were built, including the Grand Coulee dam.
Although a few early environmentalists pointed to the sheer folly of many of these projects,
theirs were literally voices in the wilderness. Many powerful businessmen and speculators,
often with friends in Congress, who had much to gain from the dam projects and the generous
federal subsidies that often accompanied them, made sure that opposition to their projects
was stifled.

Thanks to the dams and the irrigation, agriculture began to flourish, and millions of
settlers moved into the region, establishing towns and cities that put further pressure on the
area's scarce water resources.
Now serious problems are occurring; the level of the region's main underground water

table, the Ogallala Aquifer, is falling, and the salinity of it is increasing; tens of thousands
of acres of land have already been taken out of agriculture, and the deserts are once again
spreading out.
(Adapted from />28. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. Dams and Irrigation System

B. Problems Confronting Americans

C. Deserts of the United States

D. Solutions to Global Warming

29. What does the writer say about Americans in paragraph 1?
A. They’ve grown accustomed to harsh weather conditions.
B. They find critical weather conditions unbearable.
C. They are doing considerable damage to the forests.
D. They are filled with nostalgia for Western forests.
30. What could best replace the word “liable” in paragraph 1?
A. impossible

B. likely

C. susceptible

31. What is mentioned about Powell’s warning?
A. It failed to mention the dangers of global warming.
B. It attracted a lot of attention from the public.
C. It sparked a blazing row among Congress.
D. It didn’t receive approval from Congress.
32. What can be inferred about early settlers in the Great Desert?

A. They failed to grow plants which absorbed a little amount of water
B. They were unable to adapt to the new environment.
C. They made an effort to compensate for water scarcity.
D. They resided there for a short period of time.
33. What can be inferred about environmentalists’ ideas of the dams?
A. They were acclaimed by ordinary people.
B. They were firmly rejected by Congress.
C. They were not taken into account by Congress.
D. They coincided with businessmen’s desires.

D. inevitable

34. What could best replace the word “flourish” in paragraph 5?
A. deteriorate

B. thrive

C. expand

D. lessen

35. What does the word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A. the land

B. the desert

C. the agriculture

D. the Ogallala Aquifer

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.
36. Jane: I missed the last train home.
Mary: __________

A. Mind your own business!

B. You can say that again.

C. Sure, go ahead.

D. Bad luck!

37. Jean: I can’t thank you enough for your support.
John: __________

A. I’d rather not.

B. It’s my pleasure.

C. I accept it.

D. I don’t mind.

38. Nam: When is the assignment due?
Harry: _________
A. You have to hand it in tomorrow.

B. You have to show up tomorrow.

C. It may be handed out tomorrow.

D. It may come up one day.

39. Edison: Why are you quarrelling with your brother, Van?
Van: You know, he never _________ his fair share of the housework.
A. makes

B. takes

C. does

D. owes

40. Mary: “Oh my god, the projector doesn’t work. How can I give the presentation now?”
Peter: __________
A. You’re always putting your foot in it.
B. You’re forever putting all your eggs in one basket.
C. You should keep your ear to the ground.
D. Don’t count the chickens before they’re hatched.

Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng nhất của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
a. No, let’s not. I’ve seen that film twice.
b. Yes, let’s. I like it much better.
c. What about going to the theatre for a change?

d. Shall we go to the cinema and see the film “Shrek”?
A. c-b-d-a

B. c-a-d-b

C. d-b-c-a

D. d-a-c-b

a. Is this the nearest station?
b. Go straight, take the second turning on the right, and it’s on your left-hand side.
c. Excuse me, could you please direct me to the station?
d. There is a nearer one, but the train has already left, I am afraid.
A. a-d-c-b

B. c-d-a-b

C. c-b-a-d

D. a-b-c-d

a. Could I speak to Mr. Howey, please?
b. No problem!
c. I’m sorry, he can’t take your call at the moment.
d. Hold the line please while I put you through.
e. I’m not sure. But if you leave your number, he’ll get back to you.
f. So, when can I talk to him?
A. d-a-f-c-b-e

B. a-d-f-e-b-c

C. f-e-a-d-b-c

D. a-d-b-c-f-e

a. Neither did I. Working all hours for next to nothing was hard, and some of the time I
wasn’t really sure I was up to it.
b. No, you are right. He stood by me all those years, and I certainly have him to thank
him because now I am fully qualified.
c. I remember old Wilson giving you a hard time when you got behind with work. But
you wouldn’t have made it without him, would you?
d. When you started your apprenticeship, I didn’t think you’d get through it.
A. a-b-d-c

B. d-a-c-b

C. d-c-a-b

D. c-b-a-d

a. Well, never mind. We’ll be back home tonight, and we can have a lie-in tomorrow if
you want.
b. I spent most of the time tossing and turning, and I am really tired now.
c. I had a similar problem the night before last. I was wide awake for ages because I was
worried sick about work.
d. Did you sleep well last night?

e. I had a really good night, thanks. I fell asleep immediately. How about you?

A. d-b-e-a-c

B. e-d-b-c-a

C. d-e-b-c-a

D. b-e-c-a-d

Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
46. I think Maria is likely to win the competition.
A. In my opinion, there is little likelihood of Maria’s winning the competition.
B. If you ask me, Maria is in with a chance of winning the competition.
C. I’m not sure whether Maria stands a chance of winning the competition.
D. I believe that Maria has an outside chance of winning the competition.
47. I didn’t like my boss from the very first moment I met her.
A. My boss and I have been on good terms since we first met.
B. In fact, I resent my boss being openly hostile to me.
C. My boss was not complimentary about my work when I met her.
D. When I met my boss, I took an instantaneous dislike to her.
48. George is better than everyone else at creating believable characters.
A. Everyone else is superior to George in terms of creating believable characters.
B. George’s no match for everyone else regarding creating believable characters.
C. He is second to none when it comes to creating believable characters.
D. As far as creating believable characters is concerned, George is a respectable expert.
49. Jack got really hungry while he was training in the gym.
A. Jack worked up an appetite during his training session in the gym.

B. After the gym time, Jack felt so hungry that he could eat a horse.
C. Having worked out relentlessly in the gym, Jack was starving.
D. Due to his hunger during the gym time, Jack stopped training for a while.
50. Monica said she’d bought the item without thinking carefully about it.
A. Monica thought twice before her decision to buy the item.
B. Monica didn’t regret her impetuous decision to buy the item.
C. Monica took the item into adequate consideration before buying it.
D. Monica admitted to having made the purchase on impulse.
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. The crisis affected our business significantly. We had to close down the company.
A. Such was the impact of the crisis on our business that our company was closed down.

B. Although the crisis took a heavy toll on our business, our company performed its
C. The crisis failed to disrupt our company from carrying out our business.
D. Without the great impact of the crisis on our business, we wouldn’t close down the
52. The profits are down. The corporation doesn’t intend to dismiss any employees.
A. A substantial reduction in profits has led to several employees being made redundant.
B. The chances are several employers will get the sack on account of the modest profits.
C. As long as there is a sharp rise in the profits, all employees will sign long-term
D. The corporation has no intention of making any redundancies though the profits are
53. The coral may die. We need to take immediate action to protect it from pollution.
A. Pollution was the primary reason for the disappearance of the coral despite our efforts
to save it.
B. Prompt measures to protect the coral need to be taken; otherwise, it will be killed off

by pollution.
C. Even though we are going to great lengths to protect the coral from pollution, it will
D. Try as we might, we couldn’t come up with a solution to protect the coral from
54. Students should show their student cards. They will get a 10% discount.
A. Students gain a wide range of benefits when they show their student cards.
B. Under no circumstances will students obtain any benefits, including discounts.
C. Students will be entitled to a discount should they present their student cards.
D. Some students indulge in going shopping as they are offered a lot of discounts.
55. Tom is the teacher’s blue-eyed boy. She ignores all his mistakes.
A. The teacher often has a go at Tom for the mistakes he makes though he is her golden
B. Tom is in the teacher’s black books due to the number of mistakes he’s made.
C. Tom decided to make a clean breast of it and tell the teachers about his mistakes.
D. The teacher is in favour of Tom, so she turns a blind eye to all his mistakes.
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a car was a luxury that many could not afford,
but since then, the number of vehicles on the streets of industrialized countries has soared.
The simple fact is that most urban areas were never designed to cope with such high levels of
traffic. It seems ironic that as car ownership has increased, (56) ______________. Traffic
congestion creates stress, pollution and many types of problems. It is an issue that
governments must address.
One approach that policy-makers could take is to (57) ______________. In certain
countries, (58) ______________, drivers are required to pay a toll once they cross the
boundary of the city centre. In some cases, car drivers are also restricted to using one lane
only, leaving the other lanes for buses or taxis. Unfortunately, there is evidence that neither of

these measures has reduced traffic to any significant extent. An alternative approach would
be to make public transport more attractive to potential passengers. According to a recent
online poll, it is inconvenience rather than cost which deters people from using buses. (59)
(60) ______________. But in the long term, it might be a cheaper option than borrowing
money to fund new road-building projects. This is the strategy that I would recommend
governments adopt.
(Adapted from Ready for Advanced)
56. A. the quality of city dwellers has, in some ways, diminished
B. there has been a sharp decline in the number of other vehicles
C. governments have taken no action to tackle the issue
D. the quality of city dwellers has been improved
57. A. move all the companies and hospitals out of the city centers
B. stimulate the use of public transport rather than private vehicles
C. raise taxes on car and private transport ownership
D. introduce more legislation regulating the use of private vehicles
58. A. therefore

B. conversely

C. for instance

D. furthermore

59. A. Local authorities would need to take into serious consideration lowering bus fares.
B. Local authorities should provide certain kinds of commuters with reduced prices.
C. Local authorities should offer a wider range of bus routes and run more frequent
D. Local authorities would need to educate drivers and conductors to behave properly.
60. A. To sum up, despite all the efforts made by governments, the above-mentioned

measures are proved inefficient.
B. In conclusion, an improved public transport system would certainly require
financial investment.

C. All things considered, it is crucial that money should be invested in building and
widening separate lanes for buses and taxis.
D. By and large, it may cost people an arm and a leg to purchase a new car or motorbike.
Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau
The development of tourism has contributed to an increased prominence of the English
language over the other languages. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the
only language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having
one language in the world?
