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Midterm test Comment Video

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Nguyễn Thanh Trúc
I believe that relationships, business or otherwise, are about trust. And in order
to gain trust, you must be honest; you must be transparent, clear. Don’t promise
what you can’t deliver. There is nothing worse in a relationship than being let
down. It is also about being clear, being explicit - people present their products
in brochures, pamphlets, flyers, e-mail, videos. All of those media –they’re all
very effective, but it must be clear. The customer must understand very quickly,
what you are selling, what price you’re selling at. The speed of that
information, the speed of the response - it must consistently be fast. The
restless customer of the 21st century does not have time on his or her hands and
there are a million other providers, all ready and eager to sell to that customer.
In order to continue that relationship, maintaining the relationship, consistently
answer their queries, respond quickly in a simple format.
(1) transparent
(2) let down
(3) being explicit
(4) the response
(5) restless customer
(6) other providers
(7) answer their queries
(8) simple format
1. team leader
2. customer services
3. May 3
4. communication

1T 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T

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