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 Describe an area of science that interests you.
Honestly speaking, I am not really love science, especially
physics and chemistry, but if I have to choose one, I think I’ll
say I like to learn biotechnology.
It is an exciting subject. It is not only about the human body,
but also provide information about plants and animals.
I started taking an interest in that subject when I was in high
school. I used the internet along with books and notes, which
were provided by my class teachers.
I like biotechnology because with the help of this subject, I
know very well how to maintain the body physically and
mentally fit. I am fond of planting, and I plant a variety of
flowers and trees in my home.
=> I take care of these very well because I have excellent
knowledge about the environment, and it is possible with the
help of biotechnology. So, these are the things which I like
about science.
 Describe a product you bought and felt happy
I’d like to talk about the thing that I bought felt happy about
Actually, from the lockdown, all of my classes being
conducted online due to which I was facing a lot of problem in
listening to the lecture.
My friend recommended to me Air Pods. At first, I was so
surprised because its price is quite high compared to normal
headphones, but in the end, I still took the risk and decided to
buy it.
After using it, I think it is one of the best products I have used
till now. For example, at the time of my presentation, if there
happens to be any unwanted voices, it will be canceled and

people will only hear my voice. Moreover, the design of the
Air Pods is very comfortable; So, they don't fall off and fit the

ear perfectly. It also has a long-lasting battery backup. For
these reasons, I am delighted to own these Air Pods.
 Describe a polluted place.
Pollution is the biggest problem in the world. I think there is
no place in this world where there is no pollution.
Here I will talk about Binh Duong we live in, which is very
polluted. Humans are suffering from many health-related
problems because of air pollution, water pollution and noise.
I have lived here for many years. Here, the amount of traffic
is very crowded, not only increasing air pollution but also
creating noise pollution that affects children's learning and
health. I see people just cleaning their houses, shops and
dumping their waste in the street or open area, which
increases pollution.
There are more than 50 industries cause pollutes the water,
air, noise. affecting people's health. I think the city
government and the people should pay more attention to this
 Describe a job that you consider highly important.
I’d to talk about a job that I consider highly important.
That's the teacher. Everyone should admit that the
teacher's role is undeniable in society.
The reasons they can be respected by everyone is their
patience, ability to control and communicate with students.
A teacher is a person who provides knowledge to students
and trains human personality. knowledge is the first task

to build a nation.
In fact, this is an extremely important work for the
betterment of society. Students will learn and in future,
they will develop a nation based on their learning.
For these reasons, I think that teaching is a very important
job and should be respected by society.

 Describe one of your typical days when you are not
working or studying.
As a second years student in college, my daily routine
mostly around my class, my friends, and my studies. I
spend most of my days following this routine except on
Sundays when I don't have a school schedule.
If I don't have to study, I spend most of my day having fun
and doing what I enjoy. In contrast to waking up early
around 6:30 am, I will sleep comfortably. On that day, I
want to cook something delicious for myself. I usually go to
the market near my house to buy fresh food and some
snacks for the afternoon.
In the afternoon, I can spend time reading some good
novels while enjoying my cookies and snacks. It's peace
and liberation, isn't it? I call it’s “a big good day”. And
sometimes I'll go out with my friends at 7 pm.
I really enjoy days like that. Sometimes a little indulgence
isn't a bad idea, right?
 Describe an advertisement that you remember.
Well, I will talk about a memorable advertisement that I
remember very well, it was broadcast few years ago. The
ad is about Comfort, a brand of fabric softener run by a

company called Unilever.
The most interesting thing about this ad is its meaningful
message. While other ads at the time tended to be short
and focused on humor to attract customers, Unilever paid
attention to the content and built the story around Lily, a
caring housewife and Andy, a famous rock star. Despite his
popularity and success, Andy never forgets his family,
because deep down he always feels his partner's love just
from the lasting scent of Comfort. The company even
created a series of this ads. I think this is an expensive but
effective strategy, as Comfort soon became a household
name after these ads. I really like the advertisement like
that, it really brings meaningful message for everyone.

 Describe a language other than English that you
would like to learn.
I have always wanted to learn the other language apart
from English, and Chinese is another language I wish to
To me, it's an interesting language with a lot of culture
behind it. Also, Vietnam has a close relationship with
Chinese, so I believe it will really help my future.
A second language is obligatory in my college so I guess I
will be learning Chinese at university. I think it would be
really challenging for me to learn Chinese because it is not
a Latin language, which is totally different from my mother
language. It uses own characters in its writing, so I would
have to get familiar with its own alphabetical system.
Learning a language is a difficult mission for me. I spent

many years to master my English, and I know it will take no
less to have a relatively good command of Chinese. But I
think I’m ready for this challenge.
 Describe a memorable event in your life.
In life, we have experienced all kinds of ups and downs. But
now I'd like to talk about a memorable event that I
remembered well.
Few years ago, when I just was a child, I loved swimming
very much. One day, I went to do swimming in a lake which
I like most. Many people, like me, enjoy swimming in this
lake with their family members. Of course, all the children
all use floating tires to protect them.
Suddenly, I noticed a kid about 3 years old with no floating
tires around him, and he was trying to keep himself afloat
while without his parent by him side. Fortunately, I
understood the danger and immediately rushed to help
him. As soon as I got to the baby's place, I could only use
my hands to hug him to the ground while he couldn't stop
crying. In the end, the child was saved and his mother
thanked me in a very emotional voice.

Anyway, the event was a memorable one for me because
at that time, I had never really rescued anyone from
dangerous like that.
 Describe a volunteering experience you have had.
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to try a new field,
it's a good way to get new experience. So, I want to talk
about a time when I volunteered.
I had this opportunity to do volunteer work last year. The

Corona pandemic started in Vietnam, and to protect
everyone, our city government has ordered the complete
lockdown the city. Lock down is bad for some poor people
because they don't have enough money to provide food
and shelter for their families.
And some people where I live decided to help them, and
they announced that they needed volunteers to help them
distribute food, water, and necessary medical supplies. I
have been doing this job for a month and have very good
experiences and memories.
I think everyone should have a volunteer experience once
in their life because it really means a lot.
 Describe a couple you know who have a happy
I want to talk about my parents. They have been married
for 20 years now and are the perfect couple in my eyes. My
mom and dad are over 40 now and they are still really busy
with their work. During living together, my parents went
through many difficulties but never lost their love for each
other. They always honest with each other and shared their
true feelings.
Their understanding is so much that sometimes they just
need a look to know what the other wants. And yes,
sometimes small controversies still happen in our house.
However, Dad was always the first to give in. I think that
small act was really the key to my parents' long-term

relationship. For me, mom and dad are a perfect couple
and I admire their love so much.

 Describe a person who has been an important influence in
your life.
Today I want to share with you about a person who has
influenced me a lot. That is my mom.
Now she is over forty but she looks quite young for her
age. Everyone said she was a little woman with a bright
smile. My mother set some good examples of behavior for
me to learn.
The first thing she showed me was kindness. Since I was
little, I have seen her do small things but have a warm
heart towards people around.
Besides that, I was also influenced by her strong. From an
early age, I had to learn to be independent because my
parents were very busy with their jobs. I had to take care of
almost everything: my young brother, the housework, and
From these reasons, I think he could easily become a
"model" for many people like me.
 Describe a foreign culture that you like.
Different countries have different cultures. A culture is
passed on from person to person, unchanged over time.
Christmas and Thanksgiving abroad special attract my
I know about it from books, movies and web. American
sitcoms in general description how wonderfully they
celebrate these two occasions.
Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus. But they celebrate
Christmas in a royal way. They bake cakes, decorate
Christmas trees, visit churches, and even give each other
presents. Our country celebrates it but not big like that.

However, our country also has very interesting cultures to
explore. Thanksgiving is celebrated in the Americas as a

tribute to the crops and other blessings of the past year. I
think it's an interesting culture to follow.

 Describe a healthy lifestyle.
I think people who live healthy always have one thing in
common: they manage to balance between work and life,
between exercise and diet.
Even when you’re too busy, try to do some exercise or
have some entertainment. You don’t need to spend much
hours to do physical activity. Maybe just a small break from
work and some stretching exercise is enough to keep you
fit and healthy.
Diet is also very important. I know food can be very
tempting but try to eat healthy food, just eat the food that
you know is safe and carefully prepared. Of course,
sometime, we can give ourselves a delicious meal.
Drink a lot of water too, water accounts for 60% of the
human body and is key to have a healthy life.
 Describe A Change That Can Improve Your
Local Area.
Honestly to speaking, in Binh Duong where we live where
the heat of the sun never stops.
Further, this area is heavily polluted by emissions from a
large number of vehicles. However, the number of trees
planted here is quite low, and the green space has not
been focused on by the government’s city. This has given

rise to all sorts of health conditions and even deaths
This is a measure that can solve all current problems. It
allows people enjoy outdoor activities or encourages them
to walk more instead of using automobiles. The second
benefit of this is to help the air become fresher, then
people could breathe with better air.
I think have more trees, our lives will be better. And we will
once again enjoy the true beauty of nature.

 Talk about something that you have learned outside of
school or college.
People can learn many things out side school and college.
And now I'd like to talk about one skill that I learned when i
was just a child.
One day, my father advised me to learn swimming and told
me the benefits of swimming. There was one swimming
pool near to my home. I learnt swimming there. Our
swimming teacher was very polite and hard working. I took
one month to learn it. My coach trained me very well.
Every day I spent two hours learning swimming. It was
tough but I did not give up. My father was very happy at
that time. I think it was the best skill that I have learned
outside school at that time.
After that, I also recommend all my friends to learn it. I
think I will never forget that memory.

 Describe a time when you had some medicine
In fact, I hardly take any medicine because I rarely get sick. In

a year, sometimes I only get sick once or twice. However, I
want to talk about a time when I was sick and had no choice
but to take medicine.
3 years ago, I had malaria and high fever for nearly 7
consecutive days. I remember very well that I was
hospitalized for 5 days until I fully recovered. These days,
nurses give medicine every 6 hours. In addition to this
injection, she also gave me a few more pills after meals. All of
these drugs, I think, are useful for treating malaria, because
they are all well trained to help patients get over their illness.
I started to see signs of healing when I took the medicine and
my fever level dropped to normal in two days. I will never
forget how horrible those days were.

 Describe an adventurous person who you know.
I want to share with you about a very adventurous person I
know, that is my uncle.
He is a person who loves to travel and go to new places and
visit all the great places. He used to climb mountains, surf the
sea, and almost all extreme sports. But, what excites me
more about him, beyond these extreme sports, is the fact
that he has instilled in me a sense of adventure. He believes
the adventure is just getting out of his comfort zone a little.
And it is in this way that you can truly live your life to the
fullest. So when people went to the pool to swim, he went to
the ocean. When people were busy watching movies, he was
creating stories. For him, it was never an adventure and, in a
way, he made me realize it too, it was about giving
everything to this moment.

 Describe something you make by yourself.
Now, I will talk about the cake that I made for my mother's
birthday, to be honest, it didn't work out very well. I first
learned how to bake 2 years ago after buying a cookbook
from a bookstore.
The cake that I made is called Tiramisu. I first tried this cake
quite a while ago at a local eatery and I decided it would be
the perfect gift to surprise my mom for her birthday. On the
day of baking, I get up quite early to buy the necessary
ingredients from a supermarket. Everything seemed fine until
I reviewed it. The kitchen has turned into a huge mess. Soon
after, my mother came home and noticed what I was doing.
You know, I thought she was going to yell at me for the mess I
made, but she laughed and said she was so happy when she
saw me trying to make her own birthday present.
We really enjoyed the birthday party and, in the future, I hope
that I will be able to successfully make more of those cakes
for her.

 Describe an open-air or street market which you
enjoyed visiting
The street market is a typical beautiful scene in our country,
Vietnam. In Binh Duong we don't have a flea market but I will
tell you about a flea market in Ho Chi Minh City that I know,
Ben Thanh market.
It is conveniently located in the city center, open daily. I first
visited this market 2 years ago and loved the packaging and
the variety of items on display. You can buy a lot of things

here along with delicious food.
Vehicles are banned during market hours, people have to
walk. The market gave me the opportunity to discover the
beauty of this city and the way of life of the locals.
I believe it is a fun gathering place that you should visit, enjoy
the vibrant atmosphere and get to know the locals and
foreign tourists.
 Describe







Not everyone has creative talent, very few people who work
hard can show their creativity in front of others. But today I
want to talk about my very creative and talented neighbor.
She lives next to my house. Her name is Mai, she works at
home sewing. She learned these skills from her mother, she
didn't take any classes for it. In fact, she learned new things
about sewing from the internet.
She can create a lot of designs by looking at pictures or

following ideas from clients. She also participated in many
competitions and won many awards. I think the outstanding
reason behind her creative talent is her patience and hard
work. Her stitching is very neat so customers have no
complaints about her products.
That's why I've always admired her creativity.
