Meaning and Language
Part 1
• We will talk about two different types of meaning,
corresponding to two different types of objects:
– Lexical Semantics: Roughly, the meaning of individual words
– Compositional Semantics: How larger objects (clauses, sentences)
come to mean what they do. Relatedly, how formal logic can be used
as a tool to study language
• However: These two fit together, as discussed in the
reading (Partee)
That is, aspects of what we want to say about what words mean will interact with what we
say about larger structures
• Today:
– Some distinctions
– Basic sets and truth conditions
– Working towards logic for language
Some Initial Points
Remember that for (content) words like cat, tree, horse, etc.
there is an arbitrary connection between sound form and
Sound and Meaning
• This pairing of sound and meaning is one
component of language
– “arbitrary” component: stressed by de Saussure
– “predictable” component: logic, etc.
• Rock bottom: basic connections in small units
(morphemes,words) between sound and meaning
• The full range of things that we associate with human
language is found only when such connections are
part of a generative system for creating larger units
from smaller ones, i.e. the syntax (remember last
• Traditional distinctions for sound/meaning
connections (homophony, polysemy)
• Words and sets (as in set theory)
• Basic cases (nouns and adjectives)
• Wednesday: Using formal logic to model
meaning relations in language
Some Distinctions
• First: cases in which the “one to one”
mapping between sound forms and meanings
is not so direct.
– Homophony: A cases in which two words have the same
sound form, but distinct and unrelated meanings
• Bank-1 ‘side of a river’
• Bank-2 ‘financial institution’
• In any case, with homophony we are dealing
with distinct words; that is:
– Bank-1 is to Bank-2 as cat is to dog or bank-1is to
• This is equivalent to saying that in such
cases, the identity in sound form is an
• In other cases of the same sound form but
differing meaning, this is not the case
• We speak of polysemy ‘many meanings’ in
cases in which we have the same word but
with distinct yet related senses; one case:
– Pool: water on the ground
– Pool: swimming pool
• In this case, there is no need to say that there
are different words; perhaps really different
senses of the same word
Polysemy, cont.
• Sometimes with polysemy the intuition is that the word is basically
‘vague’, and that its fuller meanings are supplied by context
• Something similar is found with verbs, where the context comes
from the syntactic structure:
– The whistle sirened lunch time.
– The police car sirened the speeder to a stop.
• Cases like this indicate that the basic meaning of words can be
augmented with information from the syntactic structure
– John shinned the ball.
– Mary shinned the ball to John.
– Etc.
• The “core”meaning of the word shin or siren exists, but is
augmented by what happens in the syntactic structure
Words and Sets
• Let’s take an example of how we think of word
• More interesting: how meanings of combinations
of words are derived
• We can think of the meaning of some words as
relating to a system of categories, some more
general, some more specific
• This lends itself to representation in terms of sets
• A set is, for our purposes, an abstract collection
• Consider the relationship between dog and
– All dogs are mammals. (true)
Examples, cont.
• The set relationship is one of inclusion; the
set denoted by dog is a subset of the set
denoted by mammal
• Other relationships are possible as well, both
in terms of ‘some’ and ‘no’
• We will formalize an extension to this in the
next lecture
‘Some’ and overlapping
• It is not true that all snakes are poisonous:
– All snakes are poisonous. (false)
• But some are:
– Some snakes are poisonous. (true)
• In cases like this, the set denoted by snake and the
set denoted by poisonous overlap:
Non-overlapping: ‘No’
• It can also be the case that sets do not
overlap, in addition to overlapping in very
small ways
• Consider the following:
– No mammals are poisonous.
• Ok, we want to know what no means, but is
this a good example (is it true)?
As far as I know…
As far as I know, the statement ‘No mammals are poisonous’ is
• The duck-billed platypus has a kind of poisonous thing on its leg
• So we need another example of sets that
don’t overlap
– No dogs are reptiles. (true)
Truth Conditions
• One way of approaching meanings is to look
at the truth conditions of sentences
• The truth conditions specify in precise terms
the circumstances that obtain in order for a
sentence to be true (or false)
• Specifying the truth conditions is a necessary
component of the study of meaning; if we can
show that two sentences are true under
different conditions, then we would like to say
that they have different meanings
Some examples
• Sometimes it seems like the specification of
truth conditions is trivial:
– The cat is on the mat.
– The dog is on the mat.
– Different truth conditions
• But what about more complex cases?
– The glass is half full.
– The glass is half empty.
The ‘Glass’ Example
• On the face of it, ‘half full’ and ‘half empty’ seem
to have the same truth conditions.
• But: Consider the following examples:
– The glass is almost half full. (e.g. 48%)
– The glass is almost half empty. (e.g. 53%)
• These have different truth conditions
– Assuming that ‘almost’ is the same in the two
sentences, it must be the case that ‘half full’ and ‘half
empty’ actually have different meanings
– If these two phrases were not different in meaning,
where else could the difference come from??
Other fractions
• As a further point, consider what happens
when we replace ‘half’ by other fractions:
– The glass is three eighths full.
– The glass is three eighths empty.
• These do not mean the same thing
• It looks as if ‘half full’ and ‘half empty’ mean
different things, but sometimes can be true
under the same circumstances
More on Adjectives
• Some further cases from the study of
adjectives illustrate
– The relevance of our use of sets above
– The interaction of lexical meaning with compositional
• Let’s take another simple example:
– poisonous snake
Interpreting poisonous snake
• One way of thinking of the adjective meaning
with respect to the noun follows on what we
were doing above
• What we would like are some general rules
that tell us how to interpret certain syntactic
objects in terms of the semantics we are
• Rule (informal): When an adjective A
modifies a noun N ([A N]), the interpretation of
this object is the set defined by the
intersection of A’s meaning with N’s meaning
On the interpretation, cont.
• This is just like the rule we saw above:
•With poisonous snake, we are indicating a member
of the overlap between two sets
•This can be indicated in a logical notation as well
Some notation
• We need a notation for sets and their
– || X || = the set of things denoted by property X
• Example: || red || = the set of red things
• This can also be written as {x| x is red}, read as ‘the set
of all things x such that x is red’
– What about how adjectives and nouns combine by
the reasoning above?
• We need notation for ‘and’; why? Because the things that
are poisonous snakes are the set of things that are (1)
poisonous AND (2) snakes
Putting the pieces together
• So, for poisonous snake:
– || poisonous || = {x|x is poisonous}
– || snake || = {x|x is a snake}
– || poisonous snake || = {x| x is poisonous AND x is a snake}
• We can also use set notation for this, e.g.:
– || poisonous || ∩ || snake ||