A. Pollution
1. Environmental deterioration : tình trạng mơi trường xấu đi
a) Eg : Environmental deterioration has become one of the most
severe threats to the survival of mankind
2. Environmental degradation : tình trạng mơi trường xuống cấp
a) Eg : dependence on fossil fuel for worldwide energy supply
would cause environmental degradation
3. wreak devastation on our environment : tàn phá môi trường
a) Eg : a throwaway culture which wreaks devastation on our
4. Air quality : chất lượng khơng khí
a) Eg : adopting this new technology would be a more effective
strategy for optimizing air quality, especially in big cities.
5. taking a heavy toll on the environment: tàn phá môi trường nặng nề
a) Eg : the automobile, mining and steel industry, are without
doubt taking a heavy toll on the environment
6. being exposed to chemicals : bị tiếp xúc với chất hóa học
a) Eg : Many incidents where large schools of fish are killed have
happened in consequence of being exposed to chemicals
7. harmful to the surroundings : có hại cho mơi trường
a) Eg : other means of transport that are harmful to the
surroundings but more convenient for their lives.
B. Sources of Energy
1. sustainable sources of energy : các dạng năng lượng bền vững
a) Eg : Governments across continents have turned their attention
to more sustainable sources of energy
2. Energy scarcity : khan hiếm năng lượng
a) Eg : This is a safe solution to the fear of energy scarcity and
ensures the future development of the human race.
3. combustion of fossil fuels : sự đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch
a) Eg : The combustion of fossil fuels is the culprit of greenhouse
gas emission and other air pollutants
4. exploit its natural resources : khai thác tài nguyên thiên nhiên