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Advanced Operating Systems: Lecture 27 - Mr. Farhan Zaidi

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CS703 ­ Advanced 
Operating Systems
By Mr. Farhan Zaidi



Lecture No. 

Overview of today’s lecture

Page replacement
Working set model
Page fault frequency
Copy on write
Memory mapped files

Page replacement : Global or local?

So far, we’ve implicitly assumed memory comes from a single global
pool (“Global replacement”)

when process P faults and needs a page, take oldest page on
entire system
Good: adaptable memory sharing. Example if P1 needs 20% of
memory and P2 70%, then they will be happy.



Bad: too adaptable. Little protection
 What happens to P1 if P2 sequentially reads array about the
size of memory?

Per­process page replacement


each process has a separate pool of pages

a page fault in one process can only replace one of this
process’s frames
isolates process and therefore relieves interference from other
pool barrier        
but, isolates process and therefore prevents process from using
other’s (comparatively) idle resources
efficient memory usage requires a mechanism for (slowly)
changing the allocations to each pool
Qs: What is “slowly”? How big a pool? When to migrate?


Thrashing is when the system spends most
of its time servicing page faults, little time

doing useful work

could be that there is enough memory but a bad
replacement algorithm (one incompatible with
program behavior)
could be that memory is over-committed

too many active processes

Thrashing: exposing the lie of VM

Thrashing: processes on system require more memory than it has.




Real mem

Each time one page is brought in, another page, whose contents
will soon be referenced, is thrown out.
Processes will spend all of their time blocked, waiting for pages
to be fetched from disk
I/O devs at 100% utilization but system not getting much useful
work done

What we wanted: virtual memory the size of disk with access time
of of physical memory
What we have: memory with access time = disk access

Making the best of a bad situation

Single process thrashing?

System thrashing?

If process does not fit or does not reuse memory, OS can do
nothing except contain damage.
If thrashing arises because of the sum of several processes then
 figure out how much memory each process needs
 change scheduling priorities to run processes in groups
whose memory needs can be satisfied (shedding load)
 if new processes try to start, can refuse (admission control)

Careful: example of technical vs social.

OS not only way to solve this problem (and others).
solution: go and buy more memory.

The working set model of program behavior

The working set of a process is used to model the dynamic locality of
its memory usage

working set = set of pages process currently “needs”
formally defined by Peter Denning in the 1960’s


a page is in the working set (WS) only if it was referenced in
the last w references
obviously the working set (the particular pages) varies over the
life of the program
so does the working set size (the number of pages in the WS)

Working set size

The working set size changes with program locality

during periods of poor locality, more pages are referenced
 within that period of time, the working set size is larger
Intuitively, the working set must be in memory, otherwise you’ll
experience heavy faulting (thrashing)
 when people ask “How much memory does Internet
Explorer need?”, really they’re asking “what is IE’s average
(or worst case) working set size?”

Hypothetical Working Set algorithm

Estimate for a process
Allow that process to start only if you can allocate it that many
page frames
Use a local replacement algorithm (e.g. LRU Clock) make sure
that “the right pages” (the working set) are occupying the
process’s frames
Track each process’s working set size, and re-allocate page
frames among processes dynamically
How do we choose w?

How to implement working set?

Associate an idle time with each page frame

idle time = amount of CPU time received by process since last
access to page
page’s idle time > T? page not part of working set

How to calculate?

Scan all resident pages of a process
 reference bit on? clear page’s idle time, clear use bit
 reference bit off? add process CPU time (since last scan) to
idle time
 scan happens every few seconds
 T on order of a minute or more

Scheduling details: The balance set

Sum of working sets of all run-able processes fits in memory?
Scheduling same as before.
If they do not fit, then refuse to run some: divide into two groups

Long term scheduler:

active: working set loaded
inactive: working set intentionally not loaded
balance set: sum of working sets of all active processes
Keep moving processes from active -> inactive until balance set
less than memory size.
Must allow inactive to become active. (if changes too frequently?)

As working set changes, must update balance set…

Some problems

T is magic

what if T too small? Too large?

 How did we pick it? Usually “try and see”
 Fortunately, system’s aren’t too sensitive
What processes should be in the balance set?
 Large ones so that they exit faster?
 Small ones since more can run at once?
How do we compute working set for shared pages?

Working sets of real programs

Working set size
transition, stable

Typical programs have phases:

Working set less important

The concept is a good perspective on system behavior.

As optimization trick, it’s less important: Early systems thrashed a
lot, current systems not so much.

Have OS designers gotten smarter? No. It’s the hardware (cf. Moore’s

Obvious: Memory much larger (more available for processes)
Less obvious: CPU faster so jobs exit quicker, return memory to
free-list faster.
Some app can eat as much as you give, the percentage of them
that have “enough” seems to be increasing.
Very important OS research topic in 80-90s, less so now

Page Fault Frequency (PFF)

PFF is a variable-space algorithm that uses a more ad hoc
Attempt to equalize the fault rate among all processes, and to
have a “tolerable” system-wide fault rate

monitor the fault rate for each process
if fault rate is above a given threshold, give it more memory
 so that it faults less
if the fault rate is below threshold, take away memory
 should fault more, allowing someone else to fault less

Fault resumption. lets us lie about many 

Emulate reference bits:

Emulate non-existent instructions:

Set page permissions to “invalid”.
On any access will get a fault: Mark as referenced
Give inst an illegal opcode. When executed will cause “illegal
instruction” fault. Handler checks opcode: if for fake inst, do,
otherwise kill.

Run OS on top of another OS!

Make OS into normal process
When it does something “privileged”
the real OS will get woken up with a fault.
If op allowed, do it, otherwise kill.
User-mode Linux, vmware.com





Virtual memory
Page faults
Demand paging

don’t try to anticipate
Page replacement
 local, global, hybrid
 temporal, spatial
Working set
