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Advanced Operating Systems: Lecture 33 - Mr. Farhan Zaidi

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CS703 ­ Advanced 
Operating Systems
By Mr. Farhan Zaidi

Lecture No. 

Disk Interaction

Specifying disk requests requires a lot of info:

Cylinder #, surface #, track #, sector #, transfer size, . . .

Current disks provide a higher-level interface (SCSI)

The disk exports its data as a logical array of blocks [0 … N]

Disk maps logical blocks to cylinder/ surface/ track/ sector.

Some useful facts

Disk reads/writes in terms of sectors, not bytes
 read/write single sector or adjacent groups

How to write a single byte? “Read-modify-write”
 read in sector containing the byte
 modify that byte
 write entire sector back to disk
 key: if cached, don’t need to read in
Sector = unit of atomicity.
 sector write done completely, even if crash in middle
 (disk saves up enough momentum to complete)
 larger atomic units have to be synthesized by OS

Disk Scheduling

Because seeks are so expensive (milliseconds!), the
OS tries to schedule disk requests that are queued
waiting for the disk

FCFS (do nothing)

SSTF (shortest seek time first)

Minimize arm movement (seek time), maximize request rate
Favors middle blocks

SCAN (elevator)

Reasonable when load is low
Long waiting times for long request queues

Service requests in one direction until done, then reverse


Like SCAN, but only go in one direction (typewriter)

Some useful trends

Disk bandwidth and cost/bit improving exponentially

Seek time and rotational delay improving *very* slowly

similar to CPU speed, memory size, etc.
why? require moving physical object (disk arm)

Some implications:

disk accesses a huge system bottleneck & getting worse
bandwidth increase lets system (pre-)fetch large chunks for
about the same cost as small chunk.
 Result? Can improve performance if you can read lots of
related stuff.
 How to get related stuff? Cluster together on disk
Memory size increasing faster than typical workload size
 More and more of workload fits in file cache
 disk traffic changes: mostly writes and new data

BSD 4.4 Fast File system (FFS)

Used a minimum of 4096 size disk block
Records the block size in superblock
Multiple file systems with different block sizes can coreside
Improves performance in several ways
Superblock is replicated to provide fault tolerance

FFS Allocation Policies
Allocate file inodes close to their containing


For mkdir, select a cylinder group with a more-than-average
number of free inodes.
For creat, place inode in the same group as the parent.

Concentrate related file data blocks in cylinder


Most files are read and written sequentially.
Place initial blocks of a file in the same group as its inode.

How should we handle directory blocks?

Place adjacent logical blocks in the same cylinder group.

Logical block n+1 goes in the same group as block n.
Switch to a different group for each indirect block.

Representing Small Files

Internal fragmentation in the file system blocks can
waste significant space for small files.

FFS solution: optimize small files for space

Subdivide blocks into 2/ 4/ 8 fragments (or just frags).

Clustering in FFS

Clustering improves bandwidth utilization for large
files read and written sequentially.

FFS can allocate contiguous runs of blocks “most of
the time” on disks with sufficient free space.

FFS consistency and recovery 

Reconstructs free list and reference counts on reboot
Enforces two invariants:

directory names always reference valid inodes

 no block claimed by more than one inode
Does this with three ordering rules:
 write newly allocated inode to disk before name entered in
 remove directory name before inode deallocated
 write deallocated inode to disk before its blocks are
placed on free list
File creation and deletion take 2 synchronous writes
Why does FFS need third rule? Inode recovery

FFS: inode recovery

Files can be lost if directory destroyed or crash happens
before link can be set

New twist: FFS can find lost inodes
 FFS pre-allocates inodes in known locations on disk
 Free inodes are initialized to all 0s.
 Fact 1 lets FFS find all inodes (whether or not there are
any pointers to them)

 Fact 2 tells FFS that any inode with non-zero contents is
(probably) still in use.
 fsck places unreferenced inodes with non-zero contents
in the lost+found directory
