TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 43: Internet of Things
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
A. REVIEW AND EVALUATE ABOUT IOT ASPECTS................................................................................................................ 4
EXPLORE VARIOUS FORMS OF IOT FUNCTIONALITY (P1)............................................................................................ 4
Definition of IoT ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Features of IoT ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
How IoT Works......................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Various Forms of IoT ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Applications of IoT ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Some examples of real-world applications of IoT ................................................................................................. 11
DEVELOPMENT(P2) ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
IoT Architecture ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
IoT Frameworks ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
IoT Tools – Techniques .......................................................................................................................................... 17
IoT Hardware ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
IoT APIs .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
THE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE(M1). ............................................................................................................. 24
IOT SECURITY(M2) ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
PLAN AN APPROPRIATE IOT APPLICATION ................................................................................................................... 29
APIS) THAT HAS BEEN CHOSEN TO DEVELOP AN IOT SYSTEM (P3) .................................................................................. 29
DISCUSS AND GIVE OUT THE REASON FOR YOUR IOT PLATFORM CHOSEN(M3). .................................................... 35
IoT Demo System ................................................................................................................................................... 37
IoT architecture...................................................................................................................................................... 37
How It Works ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
List Of Figures
Figure 1: IOT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: How IoT Works ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: IoNT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Internet of Underwater things ................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5: Internet of Underground things .............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 6: Internet of battlefields things.................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7: Smart Parking ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 8: Smart Greenhouse................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 9: Three Layer ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 10:IoT architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11: Perception Layer .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 12: Network Layer ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 13: Application Layer ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 14: IoT framework ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 18: Tessel2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 19: Adruino Uno ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 20: Sensors ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 21: IoT APIs ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
1. Definition of IoT
The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital
machinery, items, animals, and people with unique identities (UIDs) and the capacity to transfer data without
needing human-to-human or human-to-computer contact (Gillis, 2022).
Figure 1: IOT
A person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile with built-in
sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low, or any other natural or man-made object that can be
assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and can transfer data over a network are all examples of things in
the internet of things.
2. Features of IoT
Connectivity: Connectivity refers to the process of connecting all IoT devices to an IoT platform, which
might be a server or a cloud. After connecting the IoT devices, it is necessary to allow reliable, secure, and
bi-directional communication between the devices and the cloud.
Analyzing: After connecting all of the important pieces, it's time to analyze the data in real-time and apply
it to create useful business insight. If we have a strong understanding of the data obtained from all of these
sources, we call our system smart.
Integrating: IoT is also merging several models to improve the user experience.
Artificial Intelligence: IoT uses data to make things smarter and improve people's lives. For example, if a
coffee machine's beans are about to run out, the coffee machine will place an order with the merchant for
the coffee beans of your choosing.
Sensing: Sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure environmental changes and report
on their status. The Internet of Things transforms passive networks into active networks. There could be
no functional or real IoT ecosystem without sensors (Gillis, 2022).
Active Engagement: IoT allows for active interaction between linked technology, products, and services.
Endpoint Management: It is critical to have endpoint management for all IoT systems; else, the system
would fail completely. For example, if a coffee machine purchases coffee beans when the timer runs out,
but what happens if it orders the beans from a shop and we are not at home for a few days, the IoT system
would fail. As a result, endpoint management must be required.
3. How IoT Works
Sensors are integrated into IoT devices. These sensors have the ability to detect their environment. The data
is stored in some form by the devices. Mobile phones, coffee makers, microwaves, geysers, fire alarms, air
conditioners, and automobiles are examples of these gadgets.
The sensors in these gadgets continuously output data about their surroundings as well as information about
how they perform. The Internet of Things (IoT) acts as a platform for dumping all of the data generated by
these devices (TechVidvan, n.d.).
Figure 2: How IoT Works
Cloud servers and huge databases are part of the IoT platform. The data is acted upon by the IoT platform. It
brings together and processes data. Furthermore, the platform extensively analyzes the data to acquire critical
facts. Following that, the platform sends back instructions depending on the information supplied.
Finally, the data aggregation is shared with other devices in order to improve future performance. It's also
done to make the user experience better.
4. The Various Forms of IoT
a. Internet of Nano things
The Internet of Nano Things (IoNT) is a network of microscopic devices used to communicate information
throughout an enterprise; it is a nano-scale version of the Internet of Things. There are also a variety of
nanotechnologies included in the IoNT framework that may be used for specific purposes. For example, a
smart processing facility will use IoNT devices to monitor temperature, humidity, smoke, and even fossil
fuel waste from the exhaust system (Boyini, 2020).
Figure 3: IoNT
Vehicles are even connected to sensors that are smaller than expected in order to exchange information
such as ecological or geographical data and improve the security and precision of vehicle assistance
frameworks. With the current connection of nanosensors and nanodevices to the Internet, nano also
provides advanced and productive responses for a wide range of applications in biomedical, mechanical,
rural, and military applications. inspired the development of the "Web of Nano Things," a cutting-edge IoTbased standard (IoNT).
The various elements of the IoNT architecture are communicated in two ways: through electromagnetic
wave transmission (and subsequent collecting) and by subatomic correspondence using data stored and
encoded inside the phones. Furthermore, the underlying sensor focuses are difficult to transmit
information to the extent that other IoT frameworks, such as numerous more modest focuses while
gathering information should be close, due to their small size. However, there are larger portions that can
transmit data over long distances.
b. Internet of Underwater things
The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is defined as a network of intelligent submerged objects and
various media such as sound, remote, and wired that play an important role in the advancement of
submerged communications. Natural observation, underwater research, military, catastrophe the board,
and other application zones are also relevant IoUT applications. Simultaneously, the submerged remote
sensor organization (UWSN) is an IoUT-enabled technology to support its applications, with the elements
of UWSN and Wireless Terrestrial Sensor Network (TWSN) differing like idleness. transmission, medium,
baud rate, range of transmission, and adaptability.
Figure 4: Internet of Underwater things
The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) aims to create a global network of linked smart submerged
objects that carefully connects our oceans, streams, and lakes. We're experiencing the loss of a buried
association, thanks to enthusiastic earthbound efforts like Google's Project Loon and Facebook's Aquila
drones, which are attempting to meticulously associate each rustic and far-flung piece of the core area.
c. Internet of Underground things
The use of data innovation arrangements in the sectors
of development has been pushed by the increase in total
population as well as the desire for food, as suggested
by the exactness horticulture approach. Furthermore,
the Internet of Underground Things (IOUT), which
consists of sensors and specialized devices that are
partially covered or buried for continuous soil detection
and observation, arises from this necessity. Indeed, this
new paradigm allows for a continuous blend of sensors,
Figure 5: Internet of Underground things
machines, and subsurface water system frameworks with the unpredictably unpredictable informal
communities of growers, agronomists, and yield specialists. As a result, the most extraordinary
correspondence structures should be considered, as well as the sensor technology and vital
correspondence component for IOUT.
d. Internet of Battlefield things
The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is a creative idea that combines sensors, wearables, and IoT
devices to create a long-lasting combat drive and improve the tactical framework's functional competency.
For example, champions may be associated with clever innovation in the defensive layer, radios,
weaponry, and other items by utilizing cloud and edge figuring. The emerging fact of war is a perceptive
warfare network of things (Kott, 2018). Machine knowledge and educated correspondence arranging are
two convincing specific examples to fuel the Internet of Things (Kott, Swami, and West, 2016). Similarly,
present military operations are accompanied by complicated, one-of-a-kind technology that may be linked
to reducing reliance on human warriors on several levels.
In addition, the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) connects persons, companies, and interfaces for a
broad range of purposes, in any case, providing game-changing capabilities to the security sector. In any
case, IoBT has fantastic applications, such as connecting ships, planes, drones, even warriors and working
bases in a solid organization to improve situational awareness, assess risk, and reduce reaction time.
Figure 6: Internet of battlefields things
IoBT will also promote computerized security technologies such as autonomous innovation (AUV and
UUV), network-centred combat, quantum innovation, and AR/VR-based training during the next several
years. In most cautious actions, even the front line, it will get the upper hand.
5. Applications of IoT
a) Smart Home and OfficeSmart: Utilizing smart sensors are becoming increasingly popular. Any smart device
may be set up, connected to the internet, and controlled using a simple smartphone app.
b) Wearable Devices: Wearable smart gadgets first appeared as smartwatches around a decade ago, and
since then, many additional features have been added (Rajiv, 2021 ).
c) Healthcare: The healthcare industry has been exploiting the Internet of Things' capabilities for life-saving
applications. The entire system of patient care may be enhanced with IoT adoption, from gathering
essential data from bedside devices to real-time diagnosis and accessing medical records and patient
information across many departments.
d) Autonomous Driving: With the application of artificial intelligence and smart sensor technologies in the
Internet of Things, autonomous driving has progressed. The first generation of autonomous vehicles
(partial automation) will aid drivers with driving safely, avoiding crashes, and warning about road and
vehicle conditions.
e) Agriculture and Smart farming: The agricultural and farming industries have several obstacles in producing
more crops and vegetables to satisfy an ever-increasing human population. Farmers and academics in this
field may use the Internet of Things to uncover more efficient and cost-effective ways to enhance
f) Industrial IoT for manufacturing: The manufacturing industry was one of the first to embrace the Internet
of Things, which has completely transformed various stages of the product creation process.
g) Disaster management: Engineers may create a more effective emergency response system for industries,
schools, hospitals, airports, and other public gathering areas using the Internet of Things and a variety of
smart sensors. Any emergency conditions, such as a fire or flood, will be recognized immediately by sensors
and relayed in real-time with appropriate workgroups (Rajiv, 2021 ).
h) Logistic and fleet management: Because the commodities must be handled with greater care and
efficiency, smart logistics is a difficult undertaking. Apart from travelling from one area to another, service
providers must ensure that the transportation is in flawless shape.
i) Smart Grids and energy management: The smart grid idea involves the addition of sensors to existing
electrical infrastructure, such as transmission lines and individual consumer outlets. These sensors aid in
the detection of any failures or abnormalities in the line, as well as the comprehension of the nature of
usage and behaviour patterns over time.
6. Some examples of real-world applications of IoT
Smart Parking Solutions
Smart sensors deployed in the parking area collect information about parking space availability
and update the database in real time. When the space is filled, it will be updated immediately.
Figure 7: Smart Parking
Smart parking solutions allow service providers and customers to anticipate and manage parking
Smart Greenhouse using sensors
Greenhouse farming is one of the most effective agricultural technologies for manipulating the
environment artificially to improve vegetable and fruit production.
Figure 8: Smart Greenhouse
Inside the greenhouse, critical factors like CO2 levels, temperature, and moisture levels are
continuously monitored, and an IoT system will be used to trigger automatic precipitation, light,
and moisture management.
1. IoT Architecture
Despite the fact that each Internet of Things system is unique, the base for each design, as well as the
fundamental data flow, is the same. To begin with, it comprises Things, which are Internet-connected
objects that can sense the world around them and gather the information that is subsequently sent on
to IoT gateways via integrated sensors and actuators. IoT data acquisition systems and gateways are
used in the following step to gather large amounts of unprocessed data, convert it to digital streams,
filter it, and pre-process it so that it is available for analysis (AVSystem, 2020).
According to the majority of researchers, traditional IoT architecture is divided into three layers:
Perception Layer
Network Layer
Application Layer
Figure 9: Three Layer
In other aspects, several researchers looked at a support layer that sits between the application layer
and the network layer, which is also incorporated in IoT's current architecture. Fog computing and
cloud computing make up the support layer. Cloud computing is also a prominent issue in academia
right now.
Perception Layer
The perception layer is the foundation of the traditional IoT architecture. The major role of this layer
is to receive relevant information/data from items or the environment (such as WSN, heterogeneous
devices, sensors of real-world objects, humidity, and temperature, for example) and convert it into a
digital arrangement. The primary function of items is to identify unique addresses and communicate
using short-range technologies such as RFID, Bluetooth, Near-Field Communication (NFC), and
6LoWPAN (Low Power Personal Area Network) (Bilal, 2016).
The brain of traditional IoT architecture is this layer. The primary function of this layer is to aid and
Figure 10:IoT architecture
secure data transfer between the application
and perception layers in an IoT architecture.
This layer primarily collects data and sends it to
the perception layer, which in turn sends it to
other apps and services. This layer is essentially
a merger of internet and communicationbased networks. Researchers determined that
the network layer is the most developed layer
Figure 11: Perception Layer
of traditional IoT architecture after conducting a recent study on different communication-based
technologies. It is the IoT's fundamental layer (network layer) that is capable of forwarding data for
essential operations. IoT administration was handled by the data processing necessary duties.
Network Layer
All of the data gathered by these devices must be transferred and analyzed. The network layer is in
charge of this. It allows these gadgets to communicate with other smart items, servers, and network
devices. It is also in charge of all data transfers.
Figure 12: Network Layer
The brain of the Internet of Things is the cloud. A data center or cloud-based system, in contrast to
edge solutions, is designed to store, process, and analyze huge amounts of data for deeper insights
utilizing sophisticated data analytics engines and machine learning processes that edge systems could
never handle.
Application Layer
In traditional IoT design, the application layer is the top layer. This layer delivers customised services
depending on the user's specific demands. The fundamental responsibility of this layer is to bridge the
substantial gap between users and apps.
Figure 13: Application Layer
This IoT layer brings together the industry to provide high-level intelligent application solutions such
as disaster monitoring, health monitoring, translation, fortune, medical, and environmental
monitoring, as well as worldwide management for all intelligent applications. Indeed, the application
layer is divided into two sections: one is the general Internet of Things stage, which includes the cloud,
as well as certain thinking terms such as IAAS/PASS/SAAS. Many organizations, including Root Internet,
Tencent QQ IoT Intelligent Hardware Open Platform, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud
IoT Core, have launched IoT stages. The remainder of the team is working on Internet of Things
applications that are similar to cell phone apps. Because these applications are directly managing how
these devices collect data and control things.
2. IoT Frameworks
When huge amounts of data are created and communicated across several devices, there must
typically be a place where everything is collected and consolidated. This particular point is critical in a
network since it unifies all data, making it easy to comprehend the data generated. Data transmission
and generation, on the other hand, do not just happen. Rather, the Internet of Things Framework
typically makes it feasible (IoT framework)
Figure 14: IoT framework
The Internet of Things (IoT) Framework may be characterized as a network of interconnected devices
that communicate with one another through the Internet. These linked gadgets often send and
perceive data over the Internet with little or no human interaction.
The Internet of Things foundation is what allows linked devices to communicate smoothly over the
Internet. It's no surprise that it's known as the 'Internet of Things' framework, or, in other words, the
framework that allows 'Things' (devices) to interact through the Internet.
The Internet of Things (IoT) Framework may be characterized as a network of interconnected devices
that communicate with one another through the Internet. These linked gadgets often send and
perceive data over the Internet with little or no human interaction.
The Internet of Things foundation is what allows linked devices to communicate smoothly over the
It's no surprise that it's known as the 'Internet of Things' framework, or, in other words, the framework
that allows 'Things' (devices) to interact through the Internet.
Main Components of the Internet of Things Framework:
The IoT framework's device hardware component necessitates a fundamental
understanding of architecture. The user must also have a basic understanding of how the
various microcontrollers and sensors function.
Sensors, microcontrollers, and controllers are examples of hardware components that are
part of this IoT framework component.
The bundled writing programs are necessary to configure the controller and then run them
remotely in order for the IoT framework's device software to function effectively. A
fundamental grasp of how an API works inside microcontrollers, as well as how libraries are
often created for programming, is required of the user.
Communication and Cloud Platform:
One of the most important components of the IoT architecture is the cloud platform. It
necessitates a fundamental understanding of all forms of communication, whether wireless
or wired. The user must also have a thorough grasp of IoT integration as well as how cloud
technology works.
To summarize, the IoT Framework's communication and Cloud Platform is where all
conversations take place.
Cloud Application:
One of the most important components of the IoT architecture is the cloud platform. It
necessitates a fundamental understanding of all forms of communication, whether wireless
or wired. The user must also have a thorough grasp of IoT integration as well as how cloud
technology works.
IoT platform is a cloud software/platform that connects to sensors, gateways, end-user apps,
or any other physical device having network connectivity, and is a critical component of the
Internet of Things framework. An IoT platform provides developers with a collection of
ready-to-use capabilities that greatly accelerate the creation of connected device apps while
also ensuring cross-device interoperability. Furthermore, IoT solutions offer sensitive data
security through encryption, complete identity management, end-to-end data flow
encryption, device authentication, user access rights management, and private cloud
To summarize, the IoT Framework's communication and Cloud Platform is where all
conversations take place.
3. IoT Tools – Techniques
Here are the top-class IoT development tools:
Tessel 2
This is a hardware supplier that may be used to create simple Internet of Things
(IoT) solutions and prototypes. With its multiple sensors and modules,
Tessel 2 gives a hand. The RFID, camera, GPS, and accelerometer are
all on one board, which can contain up to a dozen modules.
It has two processors: a 580MHz Mediatek MT7620n and a 48MHz
Atmel SAMD21 coprocessor in the Tessel hardware. One may be used
to execute your firmware programs at a high speed, while the other
can be utilized to improve input/output control and power management.
Figure 15: Tessel2
Eclipse IoT
The user can use this tool or instrument to create, adopt, and promote open source IoT technology.
It's ideal for creating IoT devices, Cloud platforms, and gateways. Eclipse supports a number of IoTrelated initiatives. Open-source implementations of IoT protocols, application frameworks and
services, and tools for leveraging the Lua programming language, which is marketed as the best-suited
programming language for IoT, are among these initiatives (Pedamkar, 2019).
Arduino is a technology business established in Italy that creates
interactive items and microcontroller boards. It's an open-source
prototyping platform that includes both hardware and software
for the Internet of Things. Interactive electronics can use hardware
standards, and software includes the Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). In all IoT development tools, it is the most
preferred IDE. This platform is simple and straightforward to use.
It's a Marvell prototyping platform for semiconductor hardware. It
allows three separate projects to be implemented. Two items are
available to help with these endeavours. Create and Element Board by
Kinoma Kinoma Create is a prototype hardware kit for electrical and IoT
devices. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), integrated Wi-Fi, speaker,
microphone, and touch screen are all included in the kit. The smallest
JavaScript-powered IoT product platform is Element Board.
This IDE was built specifically for the Raspberry Pi hardware. It offers around 35000 packages and
enables quick installation thanks to precompiled applications. It was established by IoT tech
enthusiasts, not by the parent business. This is the most appropriate IDE for working with Raspberry
Pi (Pedamkar, 2019).
IBM Watson
IBM Watson's multiple offerings assist in the unveiling of chatbots that can interpret natural language,
simplifying the responsibilities of IoT developers. These chatbots may then be launched on messaging
systems and websites that are accessible from a variety of devices. IoT developers may use IBM
Watson to construct cognitive search and content analytics engines quickly and successfully.
4. IoT Hardware
a. IoT Boards
Adruino Uno
The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board that uses the
ATmega328P microprocessor. There are 14 digital input/output
pins (six of which may be used as PWM outputs), six analogue
inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power
connector, and an ICSP header, and a reset button on the board.
It comes with everything you'll need to get started with the
microcontroller; simply plug it into a computer with a USB
connection or power it with an AC-to-DC converter or battery.
Figure 16: Adruino Uno
Raspberry Pi 2
There is also an IoT stage that isn't mentioned, which is the Raspberry Pi 2, which is considered as a
little PC with a reasonable cost that can also condense an entire web worker. It's commonly referred
to as "RasPi" since it has the processing power and memory to run Windows 10 with IoT Core.
Furthermore, RasPi has exceptional preparation abilities, particularly when using the Python
programming language.
BeagleBoard is a low-power open-source single-board computer
developed by Texas Instruments in collaboration with Digi-Key and
Newark element14, with a Linux-based operating system, an ARM
CPU, and computing capabilities that exceed those of the Raspberry
Pi. BeagleBoard was also created with open source software
development in mind, as well as to demonstrate the Texas
Instrument OMAP3530 system on a chip. In addition, his Galileo and
Edison boards are alternative possibilities, and both provide advantages for larger-scale production.
Qualcomm has also developed a variety of enterprise-grade IoT solutions for autos and healthcare
b. IoT Hardware devices
Chips: This is a more comprehensive classification that includes all electrical and electronic devices
such as microcontrollers, chips, coordinated circuits, radio recurrence systems, and so on.
Sensors: Sensors are seen as the most important piece of equipment in IoT applications, mostly for
gathering data from the general climate. Force, RF, power the executive's modules and sensor
modules are also included in these frameworks. An RF module manages the communication
between Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, the smartphone, the BAW, and the duplexer (Elizalde, 2017).
Figure 17: Sensors
Microcontroller: A microcontroller is a device in a single integrated circuit that performs a single
task and executes an application. It has programmable peripherals, a memory unit, and a CPU,
among other things. Furthermore, microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications and
are commonly found in remote-controlled electronic devices such as mobile phones, laundry
dryers, microwaves, and cameras.
Others: IoT equipment includes smart wearables such as savvy memory, glasses, rings, and shoes.
Smart devices may let us access more of the content and assets we care about, as well as provide
another approach to deal with coordinated efforts as part of an IoT organization. The usual war
room and a basic element of an IoT application are workspaces and mobile phones. Other
organization conveyance devices, including switches, centres, and switches, can serve as critical
connections in IoT applications.
5. IoT APIs
The Internet of Things is making our homes, communities, automobiles, companies, and workplaces
smarter (IoT). Developers looking to build IoT apps and link them with IoT-enabled devices may use
ProgrammableWeb to identify hundreds of appropriate Application Programming Interfaces or APIs.
Figure 18: IoT APIs
IoT APIs enable apps to read sensors and analyze data from smart cities and campuses, automate
household appliances, use voice commands, manage proximity beacons, automate smart cars, control
edge computing, manage manufacturing and industrial equipment, and much more (Panchal, 2021).
It guarantees safe device connectivity in both the mobile and IoT environments. SQL injection, DoS
assaults, and other online threats are considerably easier to discover and neutralize when using a platform.
The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is arguably what connects the "internet of
things'" linked "things" together. The points of interface between an IoT device and the internet and/or
other network elements are known as IoT APIs.
Different API Types in IoT:
SOAP: It is the protocol that defines the way of communication between the server and the client.
The data is sent in XML format. The machine-readable document contains the interface specification
for the web service that uses a definition language.
JSON and XML: When compared to SOAP, JSON and XML are older approaches. These techniques
employ a much simpler strategy for phoning and require less bandwidth than those that need a
specialized data transmission protocol.
REST: Representation State Transfer aids in the connection of your electronic gadgets to the rest of
the world. REST APIs are more than simply a protocol; they represent architectural concepts.
Interfaces must be simple, and resources must be identified in the request, among other
requirements for REST services. It can also change the appearance of the interface.
Here are some APIs for IoT:
Garmin Health
The Garmin Health application programming interface allows mobile app developers to access
health-related data from Garmin wearables. Steps, calories, sleep, heart rate, stress, intensity, and
more are all included in the statistics. The API can track about thirty different sorts of activities.
Withings API
The company Withings focuses on IoT app development for measuring devices like monitors of
blood pressure, and scales and can send the health-related information to the internet. The API
allows third parties to access the activity data of users (Culbertson, 2020).
Apple HomeKit
Apple's HomeKit framework serves as a hub for apps, devices, and services.
Users may simply operate their gadgets with their voices utilizing Siri.
Unofficial Tesla Model S API
This API is not an official Tesla API; rather, it is based on the Tesla Model S and offers documentation
that is utilized by the iOS and Android apps. Because logged-in users may add several vehicles at
once, this API can assist developers in the auto sector move beyond controlling just one
automobile. The unofficial Tesla Model S API functions like a mobile phone remote control, with
vehicle controls to charge the car, flash the lights, blast the horn, and obtain battery charge and
door status information.
Ubidots provides a framework for developers to effortlessly take sensor data and transform it into
actionable information. Any Internet-enabled gadget may transfer data to the cloud using the
Ubidots platform. Developers may then set real-time data and visual tools to create actions and
warnings. Users may read and write data to the resources accessible using the Ubidots REST API,
which includes methods for data sources, variables, statistics, events, and insights.
Wink API
Wink is a home automation software that allows you to
control lights, window blinds, HVAC, key locks, and more.
The Wink HUB is a hardware component that receives
communications from devices that use Bluetooth LE, Wi-Fi,
ZigBee, Z-Wave, Lutron ClearConnect, and Kidde protocols.
Wink devices may connect with users, other applications,
and the web in general via the RESTful Wink APITrack this
API is hosted by Apiary and allows Wink devices to
communicate with users, other apps, and the online in
Safety must be a high priority criterion in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) of IoT devices in
order to create products with safe designs. In the product development life cycle, there are four key stages
to consider:
Sensing Layer
Network Layer
Data Layer
Application Layer
Our products will remain safe in the face of continual attacks if we apply these four processes to them.