Needs Analysis
The Lesson
Needs Analysis
Current Training Review
Assessment and Needs Analysis
What do you need as a competitor?
*look at stage pics and judge feedback
• More overall size
• Weak body parts
• Smaller waist
What is your training level?
• Beginner: Brand new to training
• Novice: Still able to progress most training loads week to week
• Intermediate: Able to progress most training loads month to month.
• Advanced: Progression in loads over months or mesocycles
Assessment and Needs Analysis
Sustainable and Enjoyable Verse Optimal
How many days per week can you train?
How many hours can you spend training per day?
What is your gym access like?
Any injuries or limitations to training?
Exercises you connect well with and enjoy?
Exercise you don’t connect well with and dislike?
Is there flexibility in your training?
Assessment and Needs Analysis
Current Program
Are you progressing in strength and performance?
Assess the quality of tension stimulus:
What is your current training set volume per muscle group?
What is the quality (execution, cadence) of that set?
Is there junk volume?
Is the exercise order and selection match the needs?
What is your Perceived Recovery Status Score 1-10 on this current
Example Case
John Jewett
-needs more back size, strong leg development
-advanced level
-Can train 5 day per week for 2 hours
-Fully equipped gym
-torn rectus femoris avoids lunges, lacks shoulder mobility no OHP.
- Currently Push, Pull, off, legs, off. 8-12 sets per muscle group per
- Enjoys Hammer Strength pressing machines and Leg press, etc
- Per set stimulus high
- Progressing month to month, PRS 8-10
Does the current plan meet the needs?
Lesson Review
Assess the needs and goals of the athlete
Make the plan sustainable and enjoyable
Review the current limitations for the athlete
Review the current training plan
Next Lets program volume, intensity and frequency for hypertrophy