Risks and Monitoring Tools
Lesson Overview
Health Risks of Bodybuilding and PED usage
Lab Work Monitoring
Cardiovascular Work up
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Glucose Monitoring
Bodybuilding and Health
This has become an oxymoron in modern body buildng, but we must
keep health in the forefront along with our goals.
Natural or Enhanced carrying large body weights for years increases
health risks
Large bodies put more strain on all body systems, especially the
cardiovascular system. In recent years many large bodybuilders have
passed away form Myocardial Infarctions.
Its not down to only body weight but also what we use to push up
bodyweight; excess food and excess PEDs.
Health Risk of Body Building and PED usage
Lipid alterations
Enlarged Heart
Cardiac Damage
Blood Clots and Polycythemia
Elevated Homocysteine
Decreased Immune Function
Kidney Failure and water retention
Liver toxicity
Insulin Resistance
Acne and Hair loss
Tendon Injury
Loss of Menses and virilization (females)
Monitoring and Intervention
Awareness is key to prevention of future health issues.
If you want to be great bodybuilder you need to be able to do this for
the long term.
Monitoring Tools:
Lab work
Chest CT Calcium Score
Blood Pressure Self Monitoring
Blood Glucose Self Monitoring
Lab Work
Natural Athletes every 6 months (peak offseason, post show)
Enhanced Athletes every 3 months (prior to prep, post prep, pre blast
phases, post blast phases)
Obtain via Primary Care Doctor or Online Lab Services
8-10 hour fast prior
No exercise 48 hour prior to testing
Get hydrated, 40-60oz fluid prior to test
Lab Work to Assess
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
(electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, Glucose, albumin, total protein and bilirubin, ALT, AST,
ALP, Calcium).
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
(hemoglobin, RBC, Hematocrit, WBC and differential, Platelet Count)
Lipid Profile:
(LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, Triglycerides)
Thyroid Panel: TSH, FT4, FT3, Reverse T3
Hormone Panel:
Testosterone total, Estradiol, SHBG Female: DHEA-S, Progesterone
Additional Add on:
Serum 25 OH Vitamin D
Fasting Serum Insulin
Hemoglobin A1C
C-Reactive Protein
Prostate Specific Antigen
Cardiovascular Testing
Cardiac CT Calcium Score
X ray of chest to determine level of calcified plaque in coronary
Calcium score is generated and is prognostic tool for cardiovascular
event risk
Benefit: convenient and noninvasive evaluation of heart attack risk
Young individuals might still be at risk even with a low calcium score
Ultrasound to map shape and function of heart
Can check cardiac size, wall thickness, pumping ability, proper valve
Blood Pressure Self Monitoring
High blood pressure is a silent killer for bodybuilders.
High body weights and increased PED usage drive up blood pressure
Increased risk of Heart attack/stoke, heart failure, kidney failure
Normal Blood Pressure: below 120/80mmHg
Elevated Blood Pressure: systolic 120 to 129mmHg, diastolic
Stage 1 Hypertension: systolic 130-139 mmHg, diastolic 80-89 mmHg
Stage 2 Hypertension: systolic >140mmHg, diastolic >90mmHg
Monitor every other week
LifeSource Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Extra Large Cuff
Blood Glucose Self Monitoring
Natural athletes monitor glucose and A1c on lab work 1-2 per year
Might be useful if suspect of adrenal issues
Enhanced athletes using HGH and insulin need to monitor weekly
Chronically elevated blood glucose can lead to insulin resistance and
Blood glucose trending upward leads to inflammation, poor gut health
and nutrient uptake, increased visceral fat gain, poor nutrient
Fasting Blood Glucose
Taken first thing AM after 20-30oz water, ensure good sleep prior
Normal: 70-99mg/dl
Diabetes: >126mg/dl
Optimal: <90mg/dl
Glucometer and testing strips available at any pharmacy
To become excellent at bodybuilding we must stay healthy for the long
Lab work can give early insight into disease risk and monitoring of
disease progression.
We can use more advanced cardiovascular monitor such as ECG and CT
scans for more comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment.
Monitoring blood pressure and blood glucose at home is easy and
gives early insight into heart and metabolic issues.
Next, we dive into interpreting the data and what to do with it.
Llewellyn W. Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition LLC; 2017.
Mastenbjork M., Meloni S. Lab Values 2nd edition. David Anderson;