INTERNSHIP REPORT................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction and description of the company...........................................................4
1.2 Information of internship department......................................................................8
CHAPTER 2: INTERNSHIP PROCESS AT THE COMPANY...................................10
2.1 Job description.......................................................................................................10
2.2 Difficulties during the internship and my experience.............................................11
..................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Current situation of using English at the company.................................................14
3.2 Recommending solutions for improving English...................................................14
Hanoi, December 19, 2020
To teachers in Thuong Mai University!
To Director and all staff in Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company!
First of all, I would like to express my deepest thankfulness to all the teachers of
Thuong Mai University. Especially the teachers of English faculty who have been
taking care of me for four years. I am grateful to you for your help and transfer of
precious experience, which will help me gain my knowledge to get to the life.
Also, I would like to take this oppotunity to say thanks to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Que
- General Director of Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company and Mr. Nguyen
Hoang Nam - my supervisor. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation during
my internship.
During the internship, as well as the reporting process, no matter how careful did
I try, it is hard to avoid mistakes. I hope you sympathize with me and I look forward to
reveiving your comments so I can improve my knowledge.
Hanoi, December 19 , 2020
Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company
My full name: BÙI THỊ HẠNH
Student code: 16D170224
Class: K52N4
My cell phone: 0985008575
My email:
Internship department: Learning Content and Teaching Support Department
Internship place: Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company
Nowadays, in the context of globalization, Vietnam is increasingly opening and
integrating to have many opportunities for culture exchange and expanding knowledge
with developed and developing countries.
Clearly, the first difficulty for each country in integration step is language barrier.
English is considered to be the most popular language in the world, with nearly 60
countries using it as the official language. Besides, more than 100 countries using
English as a second language. It is easy to see the important role of English nowadays.
Understanding the importance of foreign language for all generations, especially
future generations, Edmicro education for students is always dedicated to bringing
English to every kids and creating a good foundation for their development in the
future. With more than 30 years of experience working in the leading technology and
education enterprises in Vietnam and the region, Edmicro's founders said that it is a
ripe time to create products to serve. personalize learning, not only in Vietnam but also
throughout Southeast Asia. The dramatic shift in home and school perceptions of
technology's role in education has become one of the factors that helped them shape
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Que - founder of Edmicro Education Limited Liability
Company - directly manages and creates online teaching methods. He has lived and
worked relating to technology field in many countries around the world. And now he
returns to Vietnam with the desire to create an advanced learning environment for
Vietnamese children. Along with that, Edmicro found that self-study and competency
assessment were a bottleneck in the educational program. The current system of tests
and assessments in schools is difficult to properly reflect students' abilities. In fact,
students face many obstacles in the learning process if they study the same curriculum.
Therefore, it is very important that each student is learning the content that best suits
his or her abilities. That is the reason why learning and evaluation
platform was born, personalized, compatible and effective for each student. When
students use this platform, machine-learning system will store learning
data and create a chart of each student's competency, suggesting a learning path for
each student. Students can also get answers to the same online class with the right
schedule and tutoring. Teachers and parents can better understand their child's
competency through performance charts and performance reports.
As a student of Thuong Mai University, I have an opportunity to study and work
at True Colors Company for my internship course. This is a valuable opportunity for
me to practice my English knowledge, my communication skills and get so many
experiences. I myself think that the company is an ideal organization that student of
English commerce faculty can collect information and get valuable experiences of
1.1 Introduction and description of the company
a. General information
- Company’s name: Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company
- Website: />- Phone: 024.3858.8555
- Head office: Floor 2, Tay Ha Tower, 19 To Huu, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi
- Representative: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Que
Established in January, 2018 by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Que, Edmicro Education
Limited Liability Company has been developing and knowing by a lot of customers
through 3 years of operation. Currently has hundreds of thousands of
students registered nationwide since the product launch date in early 2018. According
to the plan, next time, will launch new features, promote learning. practice
and build more effective learning pathways.
The company is building a learning ecosystem called that adapts to
the needs of every learner. solves the challenges of scaling personalized
learning. automates resource generation, automatically aligns content to
learning objectives or competencies and adapts to the learning profile and knowledge
gaps of every learner with one click.
It helps more than 30 thousand students practice and master what they’re
learning each month.
b. Organization of the company
Organization diagram of the company:
General Director:
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Que
Account Department:
Ms. Nguyen Anh Thu
Ms. Luu Thu Phuong
Mr. Nguyen Anh Tu
Content and Teaching
Support Department:
Mr. Nguyen Hoang Nam
By the end of 2019, - a comprehensive platform for personalization
of learning and competency assessment for high school students, built by Edmicro,
received a pre-series around capital investment from the venture capital fund. Insignia
Ventures Partners. In which, account department has two members, marketing
department has three members, content and teaching support department has six
members. Besides, there are seven English teachers and fourteen teaching assistants
who are in operation team. All of them are well-educated as well as friendly and
enthusiastic. They always try their best to complete assigned tasks and help me in my
Duties of each department:
General Director Department: General Director as well as co-founder of
Edmicro Education Limited Liability Company for kids. He is both in charge of
training the teachers and cooperating with marketing director and consulting
technology to run online teaching network to devise quarterly and annually marketing
strategies for the whole company.
Accounting Department: advising the Director in managing finance and
accounting; promoting financial mobilization and managing financial investment;
accounting salaries and bonuses for employees in the company; payment of operating
expenses, advertising expenses and other expenses.
Marketing Department: designing marketing ideas, implementing and
monitoring the company’s marketing activities; setting up events planning and
organizing them; researching and supervising weekly and quarterly business activities.
Content and Teaching Support Department: be responsible for creating
learning content in online class, including all subjects...especially english and ensuring
the recruitment of sufficient personnel and the most effective service personnel;
ensuring that individuals and departments in the company perform their right function
and duties, achieve high efficiency in their work.
c. The company’s objective
- Building an effective English learning environment for Vietnamese children.
- Create a playground for stimulating children’s love of learning English.
- Contributing to the young generation’s development of Vietnam, helping them
easily integrate internationally.
- Our platform gives facility to simultaneously assess students learning as he is
studying a topic. Assessment questions can be easily added to micro learning slides.
This gives teacher understanding whether student has understood the topic or not.
- Digital library offers a rich collection of micro lessons and tracks created by the
teacher. Edmicro's micro learning platform can be used as flipped learning where
teachers can provide micro lessons to students which they can study at home and class
room time can be utilized for the practice of concepts.
- In traditional system, it’s not easy for a teacher to keep track of students study
and practice. This problem is solved by the micro learning strategy in which teacher
can see how a student is learning and practicing a topic.
-Edmicro Education is an English network for children working with the mission
of creating the perfect space for children to study and cultivate their love of English
with real experiences. The center chooses to apply the international learning online
program for children from junior high school to upper to develop themselves in the
global language.
-Edmicro Education is one of the first English online class to bring online
program to the children. is an English program which is founded by
Vietnamese people. It is used to teach the kids and it mainly focuses on English
speaking and listening. The program is designed based on the child’s natural language
acquisition process. From scientific research and proven results, Edmicro Education
has been helping children in 16 countries around the world to master English at an
early age.
d. General comments (about business activities of the company)
- The company’s website design is quite harmonious, easy to read and easy to
find information. Reasonable catalogue make it easy for customers to choose the items
they want to read. The images of the company’s website are always updated and have
great introductory pictures of class activities.
- Edmicro personalized learning solution fulfills your student's need to get
individual instruction and support through its Onluyen Mastery and Onluyen Growth
series. It empowers teachers to have a better understanding of students learning style,
strength and weaknesses and thus uniquely address each student’s issues.
- Onluyen Mastery is a personalized learning tool that creates optimized learning
lists from Onluyen Growth. Onluyen Mastery focuses on individual competency in a
skill or learning objective.
- Onluyen Growth is a psychometric adaptive test to measure your student’s
growth. At the end of the test, Growth recommends areas or skills the student has
achieved mastery and the areas he needs to focus upon.
- All the staffs and interns are always on duty at the office and the campuses to
help customers. The customers can call hotline or go to the office for the best answers,
which create the trust and comfort for customers.
- The company monthly has surveys on customer satisfaction about the center
The survey results of student’s satisfaction level on teaching methods of
teachers at Edmicro Education in online classes
Satisfaction level
percentage (%)
extremely satisfied
not satisfied
extremely not satisfied
Through the above survey, we see that the lowest rating is “normal” accounting
for the smallest rate of 4%. 64% of customers rated “satisfied” and 32% of customers
rated “very satisfied” with the teaching method of Edmicro Education teacher. This is
completely reasonable because the teachers at Edmicro Education are highly qualified
and have great teaching experiences.
- The company’s website design is harmonious. However, the content quality is
not high. The advertising content is not much and information of the courses is not
updated regularly on the website.
- The network’s material facilities are not very good at this time. This will cause
difficulties for matching between students and teachers and will create discomfort for
the students. So the center needs to make them better.
- The employees are still late at work, which will affect the work
1.2 Information of internship department
a. Organization diagram of content and teaching support department
Learning Content
b. Mission of learning content staffs
Each position has different tasks and must finish them on time to ensure that the
department is operating well.
Director: the director of learning content and teaching support department is
responsible for synthesis of learning content and setting up learning content planning.
In addition, he has to assign tasks to staffs evenly and ensure that these tasks are
completed on time.
Learning content department: managing content; receiving and implementing
plans that the director made, besides preparing learning content with each subject per
week, depending on English program
( such as listening, reading, writing, speaking..), in order to be suitable for plans
each month; assign jobs to interns and direct them to work
Teaching supporting: receiving assigned tasks; supporting in managing social
networking; receiving phone calls and give advice, answer customer’s question about
the course; planning and supporting in decorating online class. Working as supporter
for main teachers.
c. Workflow of learning content department
Starting learning content online class: learning content staffs will conduct
content activities to attract target customers. These customers will be allocated to each
interns staff. In the process of looking after these customers, the staff will verify if this
customer provides an opportunity for the company or not.
When confirming an opportunity from the target customers, the interns staffs
will store and update information about the customers, record feedback if any
In the process of using products, the staff must take care of customers like
answering customer questions, organizing meetings to record suggestions and mistakes
from customers. Then finding the ways to make good these shortcomings.
Besides, marketing team will prepare things for extra activities every week; set
up the plan and support in organizing them well.
2.1 Job description
My job is a creative learning content in Edmicro Education Limited Liability
Company. Content creator is not simple as I thought. As a content creator interns, I
need to be good not only at professional competence but also at soft skills. It is an
expectation of most organizations that the creator maintains a good foundation,
enthusiastic and professional demeanor when working. Therefore, I think that the
content field is an enjoyable job and a challenge for me. In short, content creator
interns will do the things related to building and promoting learning plans in order to
bring effective for student’s learning aims, and make attention to customers taking part
in Edmicro Education.
Firstly, the duty of a content creator may include learning content management
and social networking management. As for social networking management, in order
to help the director create the content every day, I need to learn how to design learning
program, such as a test for a week…or a final test for a month…etc and how to make
effective for a lesson as well. Besides, answering the phone calls of customers and
replying to messages on social networking are in my duty. This job requires me to be
good at basic information technology. I think it has brought a lot of experiences and
skills to myself.
Secondly, content creator will support the online class in organizing events and
extra activities. In order to promote the online class’s image as well as create useful
playgrounds for students, Edmicro Education always has extra activities both indoors
everyweek. These activities will help students both be more active and improve their
English skills. The main tasks of learning content department will be creating ideas,
decorating and preparing things for the events and extra activities. Particularly for
extra activities, the assistants have to prepare appliances and support foreign teachers
very well. These tasks do not require high qualification, but they help me practice my
carefulness. Moreover, working with foreigners help me improve my English skills,
Thirdly, learning content department will create ideas in decorating the online
class. Decorating the online class will not only make a good impression on students
and their parents but also raise their morale. Edmicro Education often chooses the
topics according to holidays such as Tet holiday, mid-autumn festival, Chrismas, etc.
Edmicro Education then will set up decoration plan, buy things appropriately for
decoration and support the campuses in decorating nicely. This job requires me to be
creative and aesthetic. This is one of the jobs that I would love to do because I love
beauty and I like decorating beautiful rooms.
I spent 1 month of my internship in Edmicro Education Limited Liability
Company. I went to the company six days a week. And my working time table is
dependent on the working time table of the company.
Office time: - In the morning: from 8:00a.m to 11:30a.m
- In the afternoon: from 16:00p.m to 20:00p.m
In summary, this is a job that requires good skills such as IT skills and English
skills. Especially, content creator must have good management skills so that they can
deal with the job perfectly. Maybe this is the chance for me to improve my knowledge
and change my bad habits. Hence, I love this job, it gave me professionally working
2.2 Difficulties during the internship and my experience
a. Difficulties during the internship
Internships help students be familiar with the professional working environment
and learn practical experiences. During the internship, the students will surely face
many difficulties. However, we should not ignore them, we should find the ways to
solve them. Through 1 months of training process at Edmicro Education Limited
Liability Company, I got a lot of difficulties.
The first difficulty that I have to face is the difference between actual working
environment and theory I learnt at school. I have been stressed during my internship
because I got so many things to learn and the actual working environment is not the
same as theory. In fact, we do not follow the theory that much, we must be flexible
when working. So I had to spend a lot of time studying and finding solutions for
myself. I asked my supervisor to give me a lot of work so that I myself can learn many
things. Luckily, my supervisor is always ready to direct me everything of my work.
Therefore, I can easily solve all of my problems.
This job requires me to be good at computer software such as MS Office skills,
photo editing and website administration, etc, but my knowledge is almost zero. I
have to try my best to learn these things, not only communication skills but also online
marketing in a very short time for my work.
In working environment, the work pressure of each individual is very high, and I
am no exception. Because I am getting used to comfortable environment at the
university, I felt quite shocked when entering working environment. In the first few
weeks, I could not fit in. However, with the help of my supervisor and all staff in the
company, I was gradually familiar with the environment and now I can work at my
Although there are lots of difficulties at work, I am still glad when receiving
helpful advices from all staffs at the company. I think this is a friendly, comfortable
and dynamic environment both for me and everyone to confidently promote the
creativity and ability. I was trained so many things about online marketing and
communication skills. Above all, I can have the opportunity to apply the knowledge
that I had learned at school for work.
In short, difficulties during the internship and at work are inevitable. We should
think it positively, know how to cope with it and find a way to solve those problems.
Hence, we can get more experiences and our work will always be perfect.
b. My experiences from the internship
I had a lot of valuable working experiences and soft skills in 4 weeks of
internship. In my opinion, these experiences will help me for my future job so much.
They help me get used to working environment at first. It was a good time for me
because I have learned a lot of things there. Here are some of experiences which I
gained during this training course.
The internship brought to me the opportunity to improve and use my English
knowledge through communicating and working with foreigners in extra activities. I
realized that my English is improved so much through communicating with native
speakers. I have learned a lot of vocabulary, information and knowledge. I used to be
very shy when talking to foreigners, but now I can confidently talk to them. So if we
want to improve our English, I recommend that we apply for the job related to
communicating with foreigners.
The next thing that I had the opportunity to get is learning how to use the tools
to administer the network. That was the amazing chance for me when they trust me
and let me manage the fanpage and website because I almost know nothing about IT.
Every business needs to get a fanpage or a website so I think my IT knowledge will
help me so much in the future.
Especially, I also learned so many important skills in dealing with customers
and working with staffs. Through the phone call and conversations with customers. I
admit that my communication skills have been enhanced. Moreover, I must be
recognized that I have to understand the company’s product first and apply the
communication skills that I had learned if I want to give advice to customers.
Through working process, I can improve my planning and time management
skills. After receiving tasks assigned, I used computer software such as: Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excel to plan details for each specific job. This has helped me
complete my job on time and effectively.
Finally, I realized that to work effectively, our attitude toward work is extremely
important. If we work superficially, we cannot do it well. Otherwise, if we try to
improve knowledge for supporting our work, we can be easily successful. After this
practice, I feel grown-up with so many experiences and skills to solve difficulties. I am
sure that although I will face many difficulties in the future, I can overcome all of them
with my knowledge.
3.1 Current situation of using English at the company
* Advantage:
- Creating a space with 100% using English in the class in order to help the
children practice English in the best environment. Teachers and teaching assistants
need to communicate with students in English and no speaking Vietnamese in the class
- Organizing extra activities once a week to help children understand the cultures
in Vietnam and around the world. The marketing assistant and teaching assistant need
to help foreigner to operate them, and the foreigner will be the host of these activities
- All staffs can use English skills at basic level
* Limitation:
- The proficiency in English of some teaching assistants is still not high, so it
makes them difficult to communicate with students and teachers entirely in English. In
class, the teaching assistants need interaction with teachers and students. If they cannot
speak English, it will be hard to work in the class. Therefore, teaching assistants need
to improve their English skills.
- English skills of employees in marketing, administration and accounting
departments is almost not very good. So the company needs to create a good condition
for employees in these department to improve their English in order to develop more
in the future.
3.2 Recommending solutions for improving English
- Improving all staff’s English skills: Continue to improve English skills of
English teachers and teaching assistants. Besides, employees of all departments also
need to improve their English proficiency to meet the job goals and the context of
integrated economy nowadays
- Strengthen facilities equipment and essential equipment for English teaching
and learning. The online class needs to review teaching equipment. Then conducting
procurement and equipping the classrooms suitably
- Strengthening international cooperation: Edmicro has received many
delegations and the company is getting a lot of trust from them. Therefore, the
company needs to create favorable conditions and be ready to welcome highly
qualified experts to visit and participate in training. Send employees to attend training
courses on English teaching at home and abroad.
- Create good conditions for employees in the company to participate in
training and improving their English skills: the company needs to help employees in
taking exams for English certificates such as TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL, etc. This is not
only raises the English level of employees but also builds the image of professional
After 1 month of internship, I find it very important for all the students in
learning English, especially English major students. Listening and speaking skills are
basic skills in the journey of mastering English. First-year students and second-year
students haven’t found out the right methods or strategies to improve their speaking
and listening skills when entering university environment. And if they can make good
these skills, they will get the opportunity to take part in exchange programs or English
competitions. Therefore, I got two topics for graduation thesis in order to help them
learn English speaking and listening well. Here are my two topics:
1. Difficulties and factors affecting motivation in learning English speaking
skill of English major students at Thuong Mai university.
2. Difficulties and factors affecting motivation in learning English listening
skill of English major students at Thuong Mai university.
Today, in the context of competitive market, as online class through
are increasing, customer’s choices are also more and more. To create a strong brand
positioning in the market, businesses in general and Edmicro Education Limited
Liability Company in particular need to constantly innovate to improve quality. The
first thing that the company needs to do is taking good care of current customers. Then
strengthening marketing activities and building good relationships with new
customers. They will not only help the company develop but also enhance its
In the past years, Edmicro Education has always strived for building the strong
brand, achieving revenue to improve business efficiency, including significant
contributions from marketing department. In order to do the business effectively and
create competitive advantages over the competition, Edmicro Education needs to
develop its strengths and make good the existing problems in the coming time. Since
then the center can retain current customers and attract more potential customers to get
the business efficiency.
After 1 month of intership at Edmicro Education, with my knowledges and my
own efforts, I have finished my internship report. In the course of studying and
working there, I have gotten a lot of knowledges and skills. Moreover, I have
acquainted with the practical of a marketing staff. They are very useful for my future
work and they can help me so much.
However, I still made some mistakes sometimes, but I have been kindly taught by
all staffs at the company. So I have done the best job. After finishing the internship, I
will constantly practice and develop the skills that I have learned at Edmicro
Education Limited Liability Company. Besides, I will make good my weaknesses to
improve myself more and more.