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Work Smart, Get Rich

Making $100s a day with just hours of work

Written by Jim Regan

Copyright 2008

Welcome to Work Smart, Get Rich

This is Jim, author and owner of the popular stock market and make
money online blog The Net Fool Dot Com, here to talk to you about one
of the most popular methods that internet marketers will use to make
money on the internet.

This method is the fastest and easiest way to turn an insane profit with
little to no experience in the field, and I am going to show you step by
step how you can be earnings upwards of $100 every day with just a
few hours of work.

Before we start, I would love for all of you to swing by my blogging
website for FREE tips and tricks to make money online. This is a great
resource for all of you who don’t want to shell out $10 every time you
want to learn a new method of making money through an eBook. So

get on over to and subscribe to my RSS.

Enough introductions, let’s get right down and dirty. I have personally
used this method to generate hundreds, and have friends doing the
same. The secret of internet marketing is realizing that people out
there on the internet are suckers, waiting to be exploited by you to turn
some fast profits. No, I’m not talking about making blog websites
(although mine now does pull quite a steady income), and no I’m not
talking about making some over-your-head product or landing page
filled with Google AdSense advertisements to try and solicit some clicks
here and there.

Nope. This method is even easier…

I’m talking about the power of eBooks!
You heard me correctly; this eBook is all about how selling eBooks, just
like this one, can make you rich.

There’s a reason there are thousands of these little beauties floating
around on the internet. No matter how repeated the information might
be, there are going to be interested buyers. By making eBooks on
various subjects, and marketing them effectively, it is very easy to
achieve sales anywhere from $100-$1000 every day… the sky is the
limit for your earnings potential!

Table of Contents:

1. You Are A Sucker!

2. Finding A Niche Topic

3. Writing the eBook

4. Creating Your First Sales Pitch

5. Selling Your Book on Forums and Message Boards

6. Registering A “Winner” Domain Name

7. Setting Up Your Own Niche/Targeted Sales Website

8. Command and Conquer

9. Conclusion & Final Words

1. You Are a Sucker!

Admit it, you bought this eBook… and that makes you a sucker doesn’t
it? I’m not trying to rub in the fact that you paid $10 for information
that anyone knowledgeable would give you for free, although this is
sadly true, I’m trying to reiterate the notion that there are people on
the internet that will buy what you put out if it is marketed effectively.

People have often asked me how selling eBooks (internet-books) could
possibly be an effective source of revenue… I say, why not?

Let’s take my friend Tony for an example.

Tony is the owner of an oddly popular eBook and landing website
“secretsofskateboarding.com”. This is basically a book that he wrote
over the summer about skateboarding. Nothing special that you
couldn’t learn on WikiPedia, just skateboarding tricks like jumping and
flipping. In fact, I’m not even so sure that he knows how to skateboard
at all.

His results? One afternoon, I was working with Tony and stopped by his
room after class. He showed me his ClickBank account (popular website
for marketing that we will discuss) where he was earnings $100+ every
day, on a bad day. All he was doing at that point was sitting back and
watching the suckers buy his book over and over again.

Lesson learned, once you market, the fun comes to you.

What’s more, is that writing an eBook is just a function of finding a
topic that is well-targeted that interests you, and spending an hour (or
more depending on length) to write up a winner. Then, just rinse and
repeat all you want and market like crazy, making easy money.

2. Finding a Niche Topic

Okay, so now that you see how many people are interested in buying
your totally worthless product, you need a topic to write about. Know
in the back of your mind that you need to write well, this can’t be a
sloppy mess or word will get around that you are not a reputable seller.
People want to feel that they are getting something, so despite the fact
that you may think what you are writing is complete garbage, keep in

mind that somebody out there wants the information to be able to
know what you know.

Finding a topic can be one of the harder things at this point, so
definitely stick to your guns… but only if those guns are profitable.

I am interested in the stock market, internet marketing, blogging and
guitars (example). So let’s figure out what I can write about that will be
well received. An eBook about whoosits or whatsees may be profitable,
but remember that if you don’t know what you are talking about… you
shouldn’t be writing about it.

There’s a difference between exploiting someone and ripping them off.

The key in choosing a good topic, is choosing a topic that ranks well in
Google. Basically, what we want is the highest amount of searches in
Google as possible, with the lowest amount of results. In effect, we
want a topic that is both heavily-trafficked, and something that we
actually have the opportunity of ranking #1 in. This can take some time,
but it will be time well spent in the end.

Best tool out there for doing this with minimal effort? The SEO Book
Keyword Suggestion Tool from Aaron Wall’s popular search engine
optimization website.

Let’s talk about just how to use the SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool.
Below is a snapshot of the keyword suggestion interface, a simple
search box where you can type in what your interest’s are.

Essentially, this ingenious tool is a combination of different things, on
each term you enter, it will tell you how it performs in Google, Yahoo
and MSN… the big three search engines. I want you to focus on Google,
since it is obviously the most important of the three.

Say I am interested in guitars, so I use the tool to search “guitar” in the
designated search area and see what the results are:

We really don’t care too much about the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) that
Google estimates, because we aren’t going to be placing ads on this
website, it is simply going to be used to sell our eBook.

Out of the term listed for “guitar”, I’m liking “free guitar tabs” because
it is something I can write about, it has a good amount of traffic… but
not too many results, so I can get competitively ranked.

Okay, so we have our effective keywords all worked out. Preferably,
again, you want a topic to write about that will be able to sell well once
you move to your own sales page, register your own domain name, etc.

My example eBook is going to be made about guitars, but I will focus on
tablature (sheet music) and write about how you can learn from tab
music, play tab music, and get tab music… marketing it with the “free
guitar tabs” keyword so that I can get some great traffic to my book
with interested people.

3. Writing the eBook

Sitting down and writing a book can be a daunting task. In reality, it is
nothing more than writing an email… so long as you have some decent
writing skills in hand. I am going to assume that you took all of the
English (or comparable language) classes that you need, and can write
confidently, but without making many grammatical mistakes.

Rule One: It doesn’t have to be long!

My friend Jason from TheUniversityKid.com recently made an eBook
titled “lazy-riches” that he was able to pump out in 45 minutes.
Basically, it was an easy 15 page book about a simple, already
discovered, method of building up campaigns and “flipping” them for
profits. Nothing new, but it sold fast. Eventually, he made a sales page
and sold it away for $4,000. So the man made upwards of 4 thousand
dollars with less than an hours’ work. This is what we want.

Some people feel like you need a special eBook writer or whatnot to
actually write the thing… while some people do use a special editor, the
rest of the world and myself use Microsoft Word. Have Microsoft
Word? Then you already own the best eBook writing tool in the
business. Congratulations.

So sit yourself down at your computer, load up a new Microsoft Word
document, and create your eBook. Make sure there is a somewhat
convincing front page, preferably with an image, to sell your product as
legitimate from the get-go. Save it in a .pdf (Adobe Reader) format and
you are ready to go.

Note: If you cannot save as a .pdf, there is a readily available free plugin
from the Microsoft website, just follow this link for more information.

You’ve got your targeted phrase, and now you’ve got your eBook. I
would recommend no less than 15 pages, and no more than 125. If you
are going for something more extravagant and time consuming, feel
free to create a dictionary. But otherwise, it is just as easy (as we saw in
the example with Jason) to create a well-selling eBook that is less than
twenty pages. Nothing but the good stuff!

4. Creating Your First Sales Pitch

We are going to do a two-step process here. First, we are going to
market the eBook in some forums and databases in order to gain
credibility on the market place, and get some good reviews to post.
Then, we are going to set up the targeted website to really bring in the
bacon. But before we can start in with any of that, we need to create a
sort of salesman pitch to make the thing appealing.

Let’s worry about placement later, for now… I am going to focus on the
text you are going to post in the forums where you plan to sell your
new eBook. Below is an example from a sales page on DigitalPoint.

Basically, we need something short, sweet and to the point.

I want you to just sit down and write up a mock-post of a forum-based
sales page. This should tell people a few things:
- Intro

- What You Are Getting
- How You Have Used The Methods
- What it “Should Be Worth”
- What You Are Selling It For

Other than this, it is really up to your discretion. Some things you will
want to do are emphasize how amazing and revolutionary this eBook is.
Despite that fact that everyone knows it is more than likely repeated
and boring information, people want to feel that they are getting
something amazing.

Don’t worry, a little seller’s talk is referred to in law as “puffery” and is
not illegal, so long as you are not promising something there is no way
they can get.
Here are some effective marketing tools to consider in your pitch:
- Tell them you are only selling 20 or so copies, make them feel
that things are running out of supply and they need to buy.
- Stress how much you can make off of your product, or how
much the knowledge is worth. Basically, make them feel like
the knowledge they will get form reading will outweigh the
cost of the book.
- Give away a cheaper “review” copy if you wish. This will usually
entice a few buyers to do this and give you a positive review
which you can then turn around and slap on all of your sales
pages as “evidence” of the method working.

5. Selling Your Book on Forums and Message Boards

I want to recommend selling your eBook on some forums and message
boards before setting up your sales page altogether. You’ll want to

build a user base and make sure that it will sell before you go on and
spend some time creating a website to house it. By this point, you
should have the formatted text that you want to use on the forums to
advertise, now is just a matter of choosing where to do your business.

Please keep in mind, that you should make sells through PayPal, so if
you don’t already have an account (you should by now)… sign up at
The important thing about marketing through a forum, in my opinion, is
having a reputation there. People simply aren’t going to trust a user
with 2 posts offering them a “revolutionary” book. So make sure that
you spend a week at each of these forums if you aren’t already a
member to go around and post often… I recommend at LEAST 25 posts
to make the sale. This will be time well spent.

The #1 Place You Need To Advertise: DigitalPoint Forums

DigitalPoint is one of the most respected communities on the internet,
and you can make thousands here selling your stuff, so this is really all
that you need. Get on over to their “Buy, Sell & Trade” section and
make your post to sell that eBook like lightening!

If you already have a listing at
DigitalPoint, there are a few other
places to consider. Remember, DP is
the best place to go… so the rest are
completely optional.
- US FreeAds

- Bizz Wizz
- On Your Web
- Squidoo
- HubPages

Again, these are really just some random places I have seen people
make a few sales. I haven’t used them myself, and would really just
rather use DigitalPoint and be done with it.

6. Registering A “Winner” Domain Name

Alright, so your eBook sold like hotcakes… didn’t it?! All you really need
is 10 sales… then you have enough money to buy the domain name,
web hosting and have money left over to have a profit if things go
south. Just a rule of thumb. I feel that if you have made 10 sales, then
you have a product that is good enough to continue and really bring in
the money.

A good domain name is everything to a
website. Not only should it serve as a
brand, so that people get some name
recognition, but it should perform well in
Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Don’t
let the word SEO scare you. Basically you
want the following in a domain name:
1. Short, memorable keywords

a. e.g: namename.com , not
2. Short domain name
a. e.g: namename.com , not
3. Simple name, no craziness
a. Okay, you can have hyphens. Name-name.com is a LOT
better than nametext23s.com. My point is that you
should first look for something that is just a combination
of two words or one word and a number. If you can’t get
it, try with hyphens. Never resort to crazy misspellings
and such.
4. “.com” ONLY!
a. I’m sorry, you can make the case for “.net”, “.org” or
what have you, but “.com” is and will be the best

So now that you know what the limitations are on the domain you’ll be
getting, how do you come up with a catchy name? There are tons of
searchers and whatnot out there… but most of it is going to be a matter
of you plugging combinations until you find something you like.

If you’d like a hand, I’d suggest using some thesauruses and dictionaries
to find terms you’ll like. You can also use a “recently deleted” searcher
to find names that were just recently re-released to the public for
registration. I would take a look at all of the tools used on this great
blog post: “How To Find A Great Domain Name”

This shouldn’t be so hard, for a registrar… you got to
consider GoDaddy, the number one domain name seller.
Other reliable names are NameCheap, DotEasy, 1and1

and Register.com. One thing you’ll want to consider
buying is “WhoIs” protection. Every domain name you
register needs your mailing address and similar information, which will
become public unless you pay an additional $5 or so for a WhoIs guard.
If you want to be anonymous, you’ll want this extra. Many domain
name registrars will get you this for free, you just need to look around.

7. Setting Up Your Own Niche/Targeted Sales Website

Creating a sales page is a delicate skill that would really require an
entire separate book to produce effectively. If you already have web
design skills, or can hire someone, all you will need is a vision.

I know that the typical sales pages seem really corny. Have a look at
some of the good ones for an example:

So now you can see what things are supposed to look like. You want to
set up your webpage to mirror this cheesy salesman look. It’s corny, but
it really does work. There is a reason that pages continue to look like
this, sales come in by making things “exaggeratedly good-looking.”

To succeed in making an effective sales page in your eBook, take a
quick glance over these guides:
- How to Write an Effective Sales Letter for your eBook

In a nutshell, you want the following:

Attention (headline to grab attention)
Interest (Stimulate curiosity)
Detail (Include details about eBook)
Action (Provide a convincing call for action)

I’m not here to tell you exactly what to do, because these things tend
to be very product-specific. Essentially, you want people to read the
page and feel like they need your product and that it is cost effective.
Make sure that you have plenty of client testimonials for people to look
back on. In my experience, having testimonials (and plenty of them) is
one of the best ways to convince potential clients to buy your eBook or
whatever you happen to be selling.
Once you have your page made, all you need to do is upload the files to
your webhost, and have the domain name direct to your hosting
account. If you need help with this, look for your webhost’s FAQ
section… they are sure to have information to help you through this

8. Command and Conquer

Congratulations. You now have a marketable eBook, have made a few
sales, and are ready to see the money really roll in with your own
website. This is where the money flow really starts, and you should
have some high morale behind you after a few quick bucks.

If you have ever seen a sales page, you’ll
probably notice affiliate programs. Affiliate
programs are essentially programs that allow

people to sign up under you and direct new
customers to your website, taking a portion
of the sales along the way.

But how can you set up your own affiliate program? I’d recommend
using the services of Pay Dot Com ( Basically,
this website will make it very easy for you to designate an entire
affiliate structure for your website, denoting what percentage of sales
you want going back to the referrer, and what percentage of sales you
want to retain. There are other scripts and programs out there, sure,
but this is simply one of the better ones I have come across.

Other than affiliate pages, it is important that you SEO-optimize your
website and market it. Basically, you want everything easily indexed by
Google and easy to view. In this way, you will place higher up in search
rankings and get more sales… more sales, more money… more money,
more happiness! 
Never optimized a website before? Follow this
article to make sure that everything is ship-
shape on your end.

Optimizing a website has more to do with
linking than anything else. So you will want to
spend some of your earnings made thus far to
get your website address spread around the internet. This includes
social media websites like Digg, Technorati, StumbleUpon… blog
directories like DMOZ… and article submission services like
eZineArticles and Mixx.

This might take a little time, but you will NEVER have to pay anyone.

Anyone claiming to be a “master” of SEO is just trying to scam you. Do
it yourself, it will be just as good and will get you the sales you want.

9. Conclusion & Final Words

I hope that you have enjoyed this eBook on selling eBooks. I feel that by
using the technique in making and marketing eBooks, you have the
ultimate tool in your hands to bring in sales like a professional.

It remains true in my mind that selling eBooks is
the easiest and most time-effective method of
making profit on the internet. There is nothing
as efficient as writing a book for an hour and
selling the heck out of it in existence, and you
can easily make $5,000/book if you work well.

This book is subtitled $100s a day with hours of work. This is a lie, you
should be making much more. One of my friends wrote just one book,
ever, and came in with no experience. He is making $100/day
consistently from that one book, so if you have multiple sellers you
should be well on your way to success in internet marketing.

Don’t let people, especially the so-called “experts” out there hold you
back and tell you that you can’t do it. This market is becoming flooded
with content in their opinion, and they certainly don’t want any more
players in this game. I, however, want you in it to win it. You can make
your money just like anybody else!

This eBook is a testament to the methods success. You bought it, and
by doing so are proving the effectiveness of good marketing. I feel that

this book is total garbage, because you could learn what I have told you
elsewhere for free if you know
where to look. Such is the case
for 99.9% of all eBooks out
there… so remember that you
don’t necessarily need anything
special to make it rich online.

The eventual goal of this method
is to have you making books,
selling it a few times on forums,
creating a sales website that has
some immediate success, and
selling off the right to everything
on SitePoint.com to some other fool who wants all your work and is
willing to pony up a few thousand to get it. If you want, you could take
a chance by holding on to things and milking the method to get the
steady revenue every month. Me? I’d rather have the money up front,
the guaranteed success story.

If you liked this book and want to learn more about making money
online or the stock market, I want to encourage you to subscribe to my
RSS feed at my blog The Net Fool Dot Com
(). This is just one of the many great free
resources that you should look toward for making money on the
internet without using those expensive methods recommended to you
by “professionals.” Information is free, you just have to know where to
look. I sincerely hope that you have learned something new today, and
hope for your success in selling and marketing eBooks online for profit.

Stay Bullish on the Net!

Written by Jim Regan

Copyright 2008
